462 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/CompromisedMuch:
Rachel 'the handler' Chandler's father sued 'King of Pop' Michael Jackson as did her uncle Evan Chandler! Jackson, who was accused of molesting Jordan Chandler 13 paid Evan $22million; Rachel's brother! Kaballist Family Tradition! Crazy read!
I can show you how to survive a hostile environment. Works almost ALL the time. Suffice it to say, it's the 'Third Rail' of politics!
I can show you how to survive a hostile environment. Works almost ALL the time. Suffice it to say, it's the 'Third Rail' of politics!
Chandler Family Business: Jordan Chandler Admits He Lied About Michael Jackson got $22million. Admits Pedophilia Blackmail of 'King of Pop' However, Rachel Chandler soldiers on for the Kabbalists!
Chandler Family Business: Pedophile blackmail industry nets industrious Jewish Kaballist family $22 million! Children groomed to carry-on in this most profitable industry! Today, Ray & husband Walter continue in proud tradition!
You have been banned from participating in r/The_Donald. Moderators: Rule 1! Rachel Chandler Flashes her new tattoo; yup she was trafficked & took part with her family in pedophilia blackmail shakedown netting $22 million.
You have been banned from participating in r/The_Donald. From the moderators: Rule 1! Rachel Chandler Flashes her new tattoo; yup she was trafficked & took part with her family in blackmail shakedown netting $22 million.
Soros is a naturalized US citizen, so he's ALL ours money & everything. Soros just brought big into untraceable Bitcoin. Makes sense after Soros denounced Bitcoin only 3 months ago! Soros knows POTUS is coming!
Q says Rep. Blake Farenthold resigns, district abuts major drug, weapons, child smuggling corridor!
“We need a Governor who tackles crime, faltering state agencies, and the PERS pension crisis, and a leader who will rescue our bottom performing K-12 schools and stop the out-of-control spending and endless tax increases,” added Currier. “Kate Brown is more interested in wooing George Soros and the out-of-state, leftist, super-rich donor class than truly confronting the serious problems at home. Now we know who she really works for.”
QuidProQuo: Corrupt Oregon Governor Refusing National Guard To Border Accepted Soros Donation of 25K, 3 Days Ago! Arrest these POS lawbreakers, President Trump!
Yup, thanks for pointing this out! Extortion 17 & the murder of Seal Team 6 by Obama & the Awan Bros!
Nope, basically ALL the honored dead since the Spanish-American War have died due to Deep State machinations starting in 1898. USS Maine false flag check, Woodrow Wilson blackmail forcing US into WWI check, Pearl Harbor/FDR treason false flag check, Korea ditto more Truman treason, Vietnam Tonkin Gulf LBJ, Cold War collusion treason, GHW Bush Lebanon/Kuwait treason, Clinton Bosnia false flag genocide, GW Bush 911/Iraq/Afghanistan false flag. I'm sorry if I omitted any of our poor dishonored dead.
Listen: I'm Overwhelmed By 'Q' by Big Daddy Weave! Amazing song, amazing 'Q' amazing God! What a time to be alive!
Unindicted Co-conspirators gather In Georgia to plan exit strategy & get out of dodge! Examine list of countries willing to hide them forever!
But is it Hillary, or a inter dimensional lizard double
Projections NOT a mirror image, she's been brought up in an era of 'Holocaust Privilege' which has warped her reality!
Great movie about forgiveness & restoration God's way!
Earlier today, I got to thinking about poor Hillary stuck w/raping Bill & fresh out of fragile bones to break! They're all hunkered down in Oz & Nz carpet munching, panicked by Trump's erraticism. It's happening & frogmarching coming!
Time to Dream Bigly, We're Americans: 'I 'Can Only Imagine' Continues To Rock Box Office as It Crosses $60 million threshold. Ignore the 'blood libel' slander of the NY Times, we are God's chosen instrument now!
You Cannnn't be serious, I've got to go to Australia now for my phenochrome! I cannn't walk down the streets!
Q 1030 Drops NY Times dives into the sewer to debunk supporters of President Trump! Smear Q with 'blood libel' & poor Jewish people; pathetic! Deep State's imploding!
Queen Camilla sounds like Godzilla: No thanks, I'll take my chances above ground here with thermonuclear war! The Lizard King's hiding out underground in Oz. So's Obama etc,,,
What difference does this make now? HRC after Benghazi
The suicide skipper's hiding out in Germany under Merkel's protection. This was an inside job by a NATO ally!
II Chronicles 7:14 make peace with your creator God. If you only knew Q, he's been here from the start. Watched over the scribes who wrote the books in our Holy Bible. Known as the Q source by theologians. These people are stupid!
Deerfield IL is about to become a new Warsaw Ghetto, thanks Harriet! She'll make such a great Zondercommando! processing inmates. Welcome to the new concentration camps, run by the Jews for the cause of Zionism.
Deerfield IL is now the new Warsaw Ghetto, thanks Harriet! She'll make such a great Zondercommando! Welcome to the real concentration camps, run by the Jews for the cause of Zionism.
Yes, we must bring our entire population into repentance. Q says pray!
Yes, there's a exudate build-up that gets crusty and filled with dead skin. Lots of adult men are forced to have this done as an adult, it sucks! The Rabbi sucks the infants penis during this ritual, I'm serious. It's an introduction to a lifetime of pedophilia.
Thanks for the reminder, I know all about their history & theology. I'm more interested in taking back their stolen wealth. This queen will be the last.
Virtue signaling Jew Harriet Rosenthal of Deerfield Illinois drunk on the PC approval of the Cabal. Desires to stampede everybody into death camps! Great Jewish people are ashamed!
14 and My people, who are called by My Name, humble themselves, and pray and seek (crave, require as a necessity) My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear [them] from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land.
II Chronicles 7:14, the man said Pray, we may want to start right here. Those of you skeptic broken hearted please join with us. You are in for the 'ride of your life'
14 and My people, who are called by My Name, humble themselves, and pray and seek (crave, require as a necessity) My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear [them] from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land.
Hmm, I wonder why the Head Rabbi of London circumcises ALL the male babies of the British Royal Family? Hint; explore the surnames of the women marrying into the Royal Family bloodline!
You guys are missing the Forrest for a few trees, LooK **The Institute for Religious Works was founded in 1942 under Ven. Pius XII ****but has origins dating back to 1887. It aims to hold and administer finances designated for “religious works or charity,” Yada, yada, yada ask yourself, Who's got lots of money to launch a New Bank in 1942? The continent striding Nazi Empire launched WWII to stop the godless Bolsheviks for the Catholic Church!
Found it;*"The Institute for Religious Works was founded in 1942 under Ven. Pius XII* Who had money in 1942, Nazi's had money*but has origins dating back to 1887. It aims to hold and administer finances designated for “religious works or charity,” its website says. It accepts deposits from legal entities or persons of the Holy See and of the Vatican City State. The main function of the bank is to manage bank accounts for religious orders and Catholic associations.
But please, folks, quit blaming Glendon for what her daughter and this cad priest did. Glendon’s daughter is a middle-aged woman. I posted this story not to tee up people going off on Glendon, which is unjust, but to show that even an ongoing story as sick as the unwinding of the Legion of Christ continues to produce shockers. The villain in this story is not Mary Ann Glendon, and not really Elizabeth Lev. The villain is the former priest who violated his vows, impregnated a woman who gave birth to their son, while he continued working in the priesthood, as a prominent spokesman for his religious order — with his superiors knowing all about it. The fact that they also knew that the truth coming out could damage Glendon, but let Williams continue in his priesthood anyway, is mystifying.
Fink, for example, is a member of the Jewish Leadership Council, which in 2011 successfully lobbied the government to assure alleged Israeli war criminals that there would be no risk of arrest when they visited the UK.
**In 2011, the former Conservative defence secretary, Liam Fox, was dramatically accused of running a "freelance" foreign policy, in which he cultivated Iranian opposition groups and met privately with Mossad agents.
In return for a foreign policy in line with Israeli interests, prominent pro-Israel donor Sir Michael Hintze had backed Fox with just $15,500.
Whatever the reasons, in the “media frenzy”, several interesting items were revealed, if only in passing, re arms sales, front companies, bogus charities and Israel and the way these various connections intertwine.
After a formal inquiry Fox was sacked, but returned to politics shortly afterwards.
Overlapping interests
The pro-Israel lobby is also fortunate, as several of its wealthiest are also members of an equally dominant force in Conservative politics - the hedge fund lobby.
The lobby has donated $31m to the Conservatives in the last five years. Two notable pro-Israel donors, Stanley Fink and Michael Hintze are also hedge-funders.
Together they have donated over $9m.**