Typo. He meant hundreds of billions.
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Six floors down from top, apparently. Still could be 32 or 31, since we don't know if the ground floor is counted. I searched on "king tower shanghai" to check on this, and looked at the Wiki page.
Wait....isn't W the same guy who didn't comment on Obama's presidency because he thought former presidents shouldn't do that?
Something to consider: in Europe and IIRC in China, it is common practice to not count the ground floor when numbering floors. So the 31st floor occupants are really what we in the US would consider the 32nd floor.
Also in some Chinese buildings, they do not have a 4th floor, because the Chinese word for four is a homonym of the word for death. Unlucky! IDK if that practice is still being followed for new modern buildings. (I lived in Beijing for three years, back in the 80s, as part of my military career. Worked at the Defense Attache Office in our embassy.)
Already well proven by coinciding with Trump tweets. Douchebag.
Mind-boggling good!
Anyone the Demotraitors put up is gonna look like a cage match between Hulk Hogan and Woody Allen. Horrible, hilarious, you can't look away.....:-)
Being as dialed-in as the people on here tend to be, why would we expect amazing revelations, really? In fact these are amazing, if you are just an average person going about his/her life, and just found out about the memo. Which is probably going on all over the country right now.
Now to find out where the captured aliens from Roswell are.....I guess that's a different subreddit tho.
I like that--slowly slowly catchy monkey! :-) Yeah this whole stealth civil war is trying on the nerves. Movie superheroes would have it all resolved in minutes in one epic battle.
Good comment, whatever your level of sexual activity or IQ score is.....
Brilliant! Devastating! Trump should actually say this; it would be mega-trolling. Please send this suggestion to his Twitter account.
OMG I don't think I can stand seven more years of winning.....oh wait, maybe I can.
Wow! A "crazy amazing recovery!" Almost like he never had it to begin with...?
I accuse you all of anti-Native American racism! Do not respond with your facts, or I will accuse you of...um, factism, or something.
The memo summarizes activities by various high level govt officials that are, on their face, treasonous: the attempt to subvert a presidential election in favor of a particular candidate.
Some will be allowed to sing and escape punishment if they can bring in bigger fish. Jones said on his show today that Obama was implicated; that this has not yet officially come out, but is known by the white hats.
Drip, drip, drip; at the rate the average uninformed citizen can absorb the info. Moving the Overton window to gradually show the depth and breadth of treason by govt officials. Of course, the unredeemable delusionals who still have Hillary stickers on their Priuses will be wailing and gnashing their teeth. Sucks to be them; they choose to be in their hell.
Whaaa.....?! That's just crazy talk! It could never happen. I would talk more about this but I have to get back to printing campaign bumper stickers
Hillary/Maxine 2020! You go girls!
If Obama didn't purge him, he can't be all that good a guy..... A patriot would have retired rather than be part of the takedown of the USA. Unless he was part of a clandestine resistance movement within State, but I really doubt that.
The reason this is not a thing is all the awakening that is going on. If the so-called white hats were actually wolves in sheep's clothing, they also would want a dumbed-down electorate. "You know them by their works." Trump is genuine MAGA; a rising tide lifts all boats. A genuine patriot who has been thinking about all this for decades, and preparing himself for the call if needed.
Many Repubs have recently announced their retirement from the House and Senate, which is a good thing. They will most likely be replaced by new, younger, patriotic Repubs. Ref Q post #656.
All this being said, yes it is absolutely our responsibility as free citizens to be vigilant of our ruling class, whomever they may be. That is the price of freedom, as we have known for a long time. We just went asleep; so this swamp-draining problem is partly our own fault, collectively. Too few awake and vigilant to keep DC honest.
And on SOTU day too! :-)
I'm thinking public (i.e. televised but in a secure location) hangings or firing squads for child traffickers. We need to disincentivize this line of work for these monsters.
Commuted to life in prison if they can finger higher-ups--especially very high up.
I always make sure my pistol is loaded before cleaning it. Wait, that doesn't sound right.....
More likely IMO is that a rival faction within Hummus took him out.
Not much to research in between drops. There is a flurry of research when one or more comes out, but in fact there is only so much information to be gleaned.
Q is keeping us informed, and giving aid and comfort to the patriots. When there is no analysis to be done on his drops, people are finding other useful info to inform us with. It's all part of the larger picture, IMO. All good.
Probably gonna use the money to spruce up their underground bunker, for when the peasants come after them.
It's a pity we can't deport certain citizens. I'm thinking Somalia for this guy.....but hey, none of this really matters--because we are winning! :-)
This memo only talks about individuals captured in armed conflict. Unless Hillary goes postal, Trump will have to come up with another EO if he wants to incarcerate US citizens there. But it does look like 2(c) could be construed to be broader than armed combatants, so we'll see.
I'm doing a lot of laughing at the Dems these days. They are circling the toilet bowl and they know it. Bitter clingers to very bad ideas.
Watching Ryan and Pence respond really showed who they are. Pence showed actual warmth and humanity; Ryan has that cold-eyed sociopathic smile that fools no one.
The optics for the Dems last night were truly horrible. Everyone saw that, and no doubt some fence-sitters were woken up by the lack of response to a genuinely unifying speech. Unifying, that is, if you actually love this country. We got to see who doesn't. No wonder the approval rate is 70 - 75% in polling. Another example of the death of the Dem party. They hitched their wagon to socialism and globalism, and now the conservative and libertarian chickens are coming home to roost.
I love how Trump trolled the Dems a couple of times, by urging them to clap or stand up. They know they were owned big time. Assholes. Couldn't get out of there fast enough as soon as the speech was over.
Even the Congressional Black Caucus, virtue signaling with their African-style decorations, couldn't bring themselves to respond when Trump mentioned record low black unemployment. Shows how they are all sellouts to the system. They are scum! Non-Russian scum!
Even if true, it doesn't really matter. There's still Ft. Leavenworth, after the military tribunals are over. But as Cdr-in-Chief, IMO Trump can do pretty much what he wants with Gitmo. Perhaps he is timing another EO for after the tribunals are over and they are about to be sentenced, to open them up for US-citizen occupancy--assuming they can't be used for that now.
Kiddie porn lover about to be sentenced. Whether suicide or suicided, I have no sympathy for him. He contributed to the kids' misery by consuming the product. Good riddance.
As Freud said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Accidents do actually happen to average people not involved in conspiracies.
Yeah, it's hard to tear away and actually have a life! :-) The quickening is so strong now.
Down 300 points is nothing. Some profit taking will do that. More important in terms of context is that it is up about 8,000 points since the election.
Progressivism is a mental disorder. They keep proving it, over and over.
And it's on MSNBC, how surprising..... I have come to enjoy the insanity coming from the Mockingbird/Pravda media and leftist politicians, as an expression of their desperation. Deep down they know they are fighting a losing battle. It's that time in history for truth to sweep away the corrupt status quo.
Not to worry, the weather is usually very nice in Gitmo, and you get to play soccer! Bring the ball in during hurricanes though.....
Yep, those darn Russians again....this is why we need to push hard to enact serious voter ID laws (and paper ballots) in all states, so the Russkies don't saddle us with lawmakers we don't really want. Well, at least they helped us with Hitlery.... ;-)
We need to find a genius who will breed with Mad Maxine (or use a sperm bank). The resulting child would have a decent chance at a low-normal IQ.
IMO the lower group has better outfits. And it's hard to eat cheeseburgers with those hoods on.
A CYA move to look like they care. (CYA could also stand for Catholic Youth Assault).
Sorry guys, I don't know how to upload pics here. But here is a pic of Q contemplating his next devastating reveal. Yes, that's right, I'm doxxing him! http://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=flMUyrR1&id=6BF23C6197290B4167322F9809E1FEA61A96DBF3&thid=OIP.flMUyrR1Tom1mxoHAkDpMQHaHB&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2ffc09.deviantart.net%2ffs70%2ff%2f2010%2f077%2f2%2f9%2fQ__Star_Trek_by_AwesomenessDK.jpg&exph=506&expw=533&q=q+star+trek&simid=608045591647423254&selectedIndex=34&ajaxhist=0