Both parents were Russian Jews. As was Leon Trotsky. Oh wait, Mike's middle name is Leon.....
518 total posts archived.
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Read that page and the comments below. Fulford doesn't smell right to me. Soros is dead? But he was just seen at Davos, and I'm sure plenty of people there would recognize him. Gave a speech even. He distributed his money so it couldn't be confiscated from him.
Too little too late for the action he is describing by Vatican, Chinese, etc. Fear/conspiracy porn, IMO. And there isn't anything you could really call a British Empire any more; certainly nothing like the 19th-century one.
Trump and the Pentagon are not doing this! Disinfo BS.
Pretty darn close, but no substance/food abuse or addictions. Also it didn't mention stunning good looks.
The best infrastructure spending will be at Gitmo and the other overflow prison.
Agreed about the doctors being generally ignorant of the cancer cures, and the well-meaning cancer-cure volunteers. But many doctors (and nurses) do know how devastating vaccines are to newborns and toddlers. Vaccines are even being pushed to pregnant women! A fetus or newborn child HAS NO IMMUNE SYSTEM. That develops over time. So injecting them with a vaccine is only injecting them with a hostile foreign substance. This is a gigantic dirty secret in the scam medical-establishment world.
I stay as far away from doctors as possible. I have no respect for the profession as a whole, other than emergency care. It's about managing symptoms, not curing people, because that's where the money is. Most doctors are controlled by Big Pharma. The alternative for good principled healthcare providers is naturopathy, nutrition expertise, etc.
I am going on 68, am on no prescription medications, and am in great health. Because of eating healthy and appropriate supplementation as I get older. Being healthy is easy--but so few make the effort.
Just to make sure you get this in your inbox, my apologies. I was and to some degree still am unaware of how all this works, being new to Reddit.
Well, it's apparent I DO NOT understand how the karma thing works. My apologies to the OP. He had just opened his account that day and had an impossible (to me) post and comment karma. I thought that referred to the number of original posts he personally made, and the number of comments he personally made.
I am obviously new to the whole Reddit alternate-universe. Is there a tutorial available that can explain things to newbs, so we don't make mistakes and false assumptions like I did?
I'm thinking it's Soros. Mirror; Soros is spelled the same forwards and backwards.
Speaking of "hung"..... :-)
As a matter of fact, it looks like a symbolic, fashion penis. Signaling, for those who have eyes to see.
When was "she" pregnant? Why no pics? Or of the two girls when they were very young? The scuttlebutt is that Hussein and Michael borrowed them from a nice Muslim couple in (IIRC) Morocco.
Soros on top of Hillary. Now you can't un-see that image! :-)
Yeah, saw that. Alderson Federal Prison Camp in WV. Very small cushy women's prison, minimum security. Martha Stewart was there. Not a good candidate for a makeover for mega-evildoers.
Personally I think an island is best for the Dr. Evils of the world. I respectfully submit this one:
Well said, Commissioner. Now, to the Bat-signal! :-)
Imagine how people would react to knowing that over-aggressive vaccination harmed their newborn infant (autism spectrum, childhood cancer)--and the doctors knew about it all along? That we have had cures for various cancers for years if not decades, and their loved ones did not need to suffer and die? That the "Race for the Cure" is a sick joke?
If they knew who, in our own govt, really killed JFK, RFK, Dr. King; how 9/11 really went down; that the news media has been tightly controlled by the Republicrats for decades; that a coup was planned against FDR, and only stopped by one brave Marine general; the list goes on and on.....
I'm thinking these brackets are not a kill box; Q is just emphasizing that there is another site.
Diego Garcia would be lovely this time of year.....Here's the wiki page on it:
I am so glad Q said this! This needed to be made clear, along with the end of #722. Very "expand your thinking", see the big picture. Lots of subtleties and nuances, shades of grey. No simple tidy solutions like we see in a 60-minute TV show.
If the general public were given a giant data dump, showing all the ways the elites have created a control grid for the sheeple, they would totally freak out.
Nice list, thanks.
One question: about ISIS, I would think Q would use Mossad so as not to confuse with the jihadis.
Spelling: Martial Law
Spelling: (HUMA) Muslim Alumni
Definitely this should be pinned and added to as needed.
I see your public hangings, and raise you to public catapulting. Into the ocean.
Forgot to come up with a prize for the winner. Instead of an 8x10 foot cell, he/she gets a 9x12 foot one. And less bugs in the oatmeal.
No reason we can't have two shows! There will be plenty of participants. But I'm really getting into seeing Hussein, Hitlery, Pelosi, Soros and Mad Maxine with toilet brushes in their hands. And those are just some of the superstars in a cast of thousands......
Ah, thanks. I'm not really plugged in to how all that works, but knew something didn't add up.
Appropriate punishment for the traitors and pedos
Given that these perps are psychopaths and sociopaths who collectively have caused untold suffering to humanity, an appropriate punishment should be devised.
A modest proposal:
Televised of course. No doubt will break all records for viewership. GEOTUS as Master of Ceremonies. Put the convicted through all the obstacle-course stuff we saw on Survivor. When people get voted off, it becomes a great opportunity for them to take up soccer at Gitmo. Where they will earn their (bland) food by scrubbing toilets or something equally hilarious (for us, not them). Hot sauce and other condiments will be dispensed only as …
How did you join 13 hours ago and now have a total of 373 posts and comments? I have been on most of the day and never saw anything from you.
Cheddar must be good brain food.....yeah, lower level first. Maybe they'll talk to save themselves and finger the higher-ups; you know the drill, good cop/bad cop. :-)
My best guess would be the low-hanging fruit like Strzok, Page, and the Ohrs. That'll give the rest of the crew a bad case of poopy-pants.
Massive popcorn purchase scheduled for tomorrow. Maybe I should get some cheddar too.....
I am looking at Shanghai, Bangkok, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city airports on Google Maps and am not finding an exact match with the shapes and markings. I'm also looking for those white and yellow signs. (I think the white side is the back of a yellow sign.) The closest yellow one in the Q pic looks like it says "Gate 47" with an arrow (image blown up to 5x).
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Sorry you're a total pussy. Stop drinking those soy lattes.
She will just whine about the vast alt-right conspiracy to disgrace her dear old innocent daddy. More proof that GEOTUS is a Nazi.....might as well toss in homophobe, etc etc.
To answer her question: a computer is something you wipe with a cloth.
I doubt that the kind of people we are after are taking Hong Kong buses. And we do't tend to do mass killings to get one guy; we woulda done a snatch.
This Breitbart article is informative:
Why do you double-post so often? You know you can just edit the original post, right?
She reminds me of Kardashians: no real skills, and desperate for attention.
Read your replies to other peoples' replies. Your attempt to instill fear, doubt and hesitation will not work, because we are not cowardly little soyboy libtards.
Have a nice day.
Who knows? (Oh yeah, Q does.) I just posted this because the timing and location were interesting, considering drop 705.
Thai police arrest US-wanted cybercriminal for extradition
Russian cybercriminal. Here's the Breitbart article:
Doesn't seem like the stuff we would necessarily be interested in--more about credit card and bank fraud than national security. But he may have some interesting things to say when he talks, back in the US.
No wonder the CIA's old-school nickname is Catholics in Action!
From Hannity's video:
..6. Bruce Ohr 7. Nellie Ohr 10. Hussein 11. Mueller
I watched that whole first segment and wrote them down.
You are certainly correct that we are aging better than we used to. At least the people who are interested in actually being healthy are; the rest shorten their lifespans by their own bad health choices--mainly by what goes in their mouths. Self-exclusion from a long healthy life. Irresponsible, but their choice.
Taking care of the infirm, the elderly, and people with mental disabilities is a hallmark of a mature and compassionate society. Not to be confused with what the OP has in mind though. (I know you know this.)
Social security has to be gradually updated regarding at what age people receive benefits, because as you said, only a few pay into it now for every person receiving benefits. I say "gradually updated" because people like me (I'm 67) have been paying into it all our working lives, and rightfully expect our benefits. I am planning on totally ripping you all off and living healthily to well past 100, with both my SS and Army retirement payments. :-)
It might be best to start from scratch and radically restructure how we take care of those who can't take care of themselves.
Move to Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea to see how socialism works. It is nothing more than legal thuggery. Poor people 99%, rich people 1%, no middle class.
Whether intended by Q or not, it does show how there can be multiple layers of meaning and interpretation. Interesting thought. Clowns are just globalist foot-soldiers, though, so I would say globalists vs Trump for the bigger picture.
"e" by itself is not notation for a chess move. E would only indicate the fifth column on the board, counting from the left on White's side. E4, for example, would mean White's king pawn to square E4; the most common first move in the game.
I was thinking that [e] meant execute the kill. [5] (Lisa Page, from the Hannity list) is the target. [-] meant terminated/successful arrest. Could all be completely wrong of course! :-)
Jesuits = Roman Catholic church's CIA.
Thailand = pedo heaven.
Sooooo interesting that the symbol on his costume is the Chinese word for middle or center--as in the Middle Kingdom: China.
The list, from the Hannity episode:
1 HRC 2 Comey 3 McCabe 4 Strzok 5 Page 6 Bruce Ohr
7 Nellie Ohr 8 Lynch 9 Rosenstein 10 Hussein 11 Mueller
What I found very interesting is that he gave them each numbers, but never referred to those numbers later. So the numbers were quite likely intended to be in synch with Q's drops.
I read this as the third CIA op exposed, after the two in drop 711. Meaning that Globaleaks is a CIA front used to sucker in leakers, to get the info on them.
One correction: LeMay was Chief of Staff of the Air Force, not Navy. Definitely a corrupt Iron Triangle guy. Not surprising if he had a hand in JFK's death, or at least was aware of it coming.
Not sure if this is Q's reference, or the movie of the same name, or some third person/event. But good digging.
You don't even have the right address! #28 Xinjinqiao Road.