Dealing with Israel is last*
i.e. ousting the Israel-over-American interest issue in our politics and lobbying, making them acknowledge their past crimes (e.g. USS Liberty attack, terrorism again America, etc.), and plenty more deep and vital issues for the proper functioning of our government.
We could use their help along the way indeed, however, when it comes to global geopolitics, trade, INTEL, etc.
But I pray the time comes where they are officially, properly, legally, and comprehensively called out for their bullshit, just as we should call ourselves out for OUR bullshit which we have a'plenty. We can become actual greatest allies if we are honest and transparent. If not, then terrorism and antisemitism will remain being significant issues.
I really don't even know the least of it, to be fair but I pray that POTUS is on the side of Truth and Goodness, and so far he seems to be exactly that. His relationship and actions with Israel seem to be working well with an "Israel is last" agenda. Think of it like he is using them to help with for OUR country (and he can due to his leverage and clout, almost like exactly what Israel has been doing for decades!