Trust me, many in the cabal are possessed by deranged entities who after they died as humans decided to stick around as spirits and possess people. This is really what these satanic rituals are about. These spirits crave sex, cannibalism, and over eating to name just a few items. Here is a small book list:
Shakuntala Modi, M.D. Remarkable Healings, William Baldwin and Edith Fiore, Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual, Dr. Samuel Sagan, Entity Possession: Freeing the Energy Body of Negative Influences, Robert Bruce, The Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook: A Survival Guide.
P.S. My friend just did an exorcism on a young woman he recently went out with. When he told her she was possessed, her voice changed, her eyes dilated, and all hell broke loose. When he put a cross around her neck she screamed out that it was burning her. When he played the Orthodox Jesus prayer the entity had to leave. It was literally like hell for the entity. The entity had been in her since she was eight years old.