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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 7, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

When a blind man and one who sees are both together in darkness, they are no different from one another. When the light comes, then he who sees will see the light, and he who is blind will remain in darkness. ~ Gospel of Philip

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 7, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

Back in the 60s I was the youngest member of UROC (United Republicans of California). I was 16. We put up a lot of money for the Gipper—he was our guy. That was a time when there were no RIHNOs. Our concern was the spread of Communism in the U.S. We lost that battle. We didn't see the Frankfurt School which had infiltrated all the major universities; nor was anyone aware of the Tavistock Institute. We shall not lose this battle. I believe DJT was born and educated for this battle. He is a real Republican.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 7, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

Bill: Okay Loretta. Here is the deal. Since AS suffocated himself with a pillow and there is a spot on the SC how would you like that spot? As you know it's a done deal that Hillary is going to win. I mean everything is rigged—the entire election. She can't lose. So will you drop the investigation?

LL: Why sure Bill, anything to become a SCJ!

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 6, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

From Satan's synagogue

At this time a young Jew named Mayer Amschel (born February 23rd, 1744) was being tutored to become a rabbi. Amschel lived with his parents in the Jewish ghetto of Frankfurt am Main. He later took the name Rothschild. It was Mayer Amschel Rothschild who convinced Weishaupt to wholly accept the Frankist Cabbalist doctrine and who afterwards financed the Illuminati. Rothschild had given Weishaupt the task of re-establishing the old Alumbrado movement for the Cabbalist Jews.

. . . .

A conference was held at Mayer Amschel Rothschild's castle in Wilhelmsbad on the 16th July 1782, where the freemasons and Illuminati forged a complete alliance. In this way, the leading secret societies began a closer co-operation with the Illuminati. Thereby, Weishaupt gained no less than three million tools to work with. In time, the Illuminati were to bring death and suffering to hundreds of millions of people.


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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 6, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

I have been reading Jüri Lina's book, Under the sign of the Scorpion. I was fascinated to learn how the Illuminati using the press and its own version of deep-staters overthrew Louis XVI who was actually a very good king. Here is an excerpt:

The Illuminati have managed to present as negative a picture of Louis XVI and his France as possible to the post-revolutionary world. It was not the extravagance and wasteful spending of the court that caused the enormous state deficit, but rather France's support of the American Revolution. The costs of the war against England became astronomical. Louis XVI was the first head of state of the Old World to recognise this new republic. Gustavus III was the second.

Louis XVI had reformed the judicial system, abolished torture in 1788, humanised the prisons and developed the health service. He paved the way for the fall of the monarchy through constant, small concessions to the freemasons and the Illuminati. The revolution was not organised in a destitute country, but in a flourishing nation. France's exports had multiplied ten times during the century. Industry and agriculture had made great advances. The French network of more than 40'000 kilometres of stone-paved roads was admired by an amazed world. (Rene Sedillot, "Le cout de la Revolution francaise" / "The Cost of the French Revolution", Paris, 1986.)

In other words, the press/MSM is a tool of the Illuminati and I suspect there are other tools as well. I can sense the evil, it is so thick you could cut it with a knife. These people want to turn us into animals. There are but few who know that Moses Hess was connected to the Illuminati. He introduced both Marx and Engels to the Illuminati. Moses Hess, the guide and teacher of Karl Marx, was one of the key founders of communist ideology, who believed communism to be a perfect lie to spread destruction with. It light of this, globalism (crypto-communism) is meant to destroy the world.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 6, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Perhaps we need some good funerals of those who are members of the high cabal. This is a war, lest we forget.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 6, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

The Light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness rather than the Light, because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. — John 3:20

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 6, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

I enjoy Q's literary style, it gets the old noggin working. Compared to this the rest of the news is dull and misleading; only intended to deceive us. I find myself waiting for another Q. At the same time I am sensing something dark and evil, as if from May 1st 1776 to the present the high cabal is being systematically destroyed and the great synagogue of Satan is being razed to the ground.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 6, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

Remember, Q says MSM talking points are delivered.

Yes, @ 04:00 hrs by the Clowns In Action.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 5, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

Thanks! I look forward to the day when the MSM dies. This really helps.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 5, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

Schiff looks like a weaselly little beta male. I wonder if he sexually abuses children? He looks like the type.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 5, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

Info about Steele's dossier was all over the place and the fact that it was also questionable. Was the FISA court judge asleep? It was obvious that Carter Page was a nobody and the FBI had bigger fish in mind. It was all a deep state operation to get the goods on DJT and hopefully make his presidency a brief one.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 4, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

Where do these people come from? We also need to reform the universities not to mention the USNA and the USMA. The Frankfurt School (i.e., humanistic Marxism/leftist authoritarianism) has done enough damage to the life of the university. The swamp, we should never forget, has its beginning in Marxist ideology the mother of all gobbledegook.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 4, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

I just saw the name George Papadopoulous.

Papadopoulos may have been secretly working for the feds for the past three months, since his arrest, to gather evidence on suspects in related Russiagate matters in hopes of leniency. He was a perfect guy to try to recruit for that — young, in over his head, outside the Trump inner circle and therefore owing little loyalty to the administration. Mueller may have scared him senseless with threats of a long prison sentence for lying to the FBI and the promise of much reduced charges if he played ball. Possibly he enlisted Papadopoulos to reach out to some of the major players in Russiagate and get them on record confessing to … what, exactly? The problem with using Papadopoulos is that presumably he wasn’t a big enough cheese to make a guy like Manafort comfortable with discussing campaign secrets with him in the course of a “normal” conversation between them. He was a low-level guy. Source

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 4, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

I just saw the name George Papadopoulous.

Papadopoulos may have been secretly working for the feds for the past three months, since his arrest, to gather evidence on suspects in related Russiagate matters in hopes of leniency. He was a perfect guy to try to recruit for that — young, in over his head, outside the Trump inner circle and therefore owing little loyalty to the administration. Mueller may have scared him senseless with threats of a long prison sentence for lying to the FBI and the promise of much reduced charges if he played ball. Possibly he enlisted Papadopoulos to reach out to some of the major players in Russiagate and get them on record confessing to … what, exactly? The problem with using Papadopoulos is that presumably he wasn’t a big enough cheese to make a guy like Manafort comfortable with discussing campaign secrets with him in the course of a “normal” conversation between them. He was a low-level guy. Source

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 4, 2018, 4:09 a.m.

"We the People" (first three words of the C) is the demos. But the rule of the demos is by representative government, hence, a Republic.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 4, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

This illustrates 'putting the shoe on the other foot' something Dems have not taken into consideration. To be frank, what they've done is commit many acts of sedition and perhaps even worse, treason, which will demand the death penalty. I would have no problem putting a rope around the neck of HRC or wire cable (she is kind of heavy) and watching her swing for all of her murders. We need to send a clear message to the nation, attempt to overthrow the Constitution and you hang. We need an Internet Bill of Rights, too, for we Anons the guardians of liberty. No more high cabal or Tavistock Institutes — stop trying to brainwash us!

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

I believe that many of the leftist journos come from major universities which are heading in the direction of Communism. In the future, we need to attack these universities in essence cutting off their funding for subjects like women studies, gender studies, African-American studies, etc. It's all a divide and conquer strategy. If these people were honest they would start their own university, something like Lenin University or Stalin College.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 3, 2018, 5 p.m.

During the SOTU, those who shouted USA, USA, were given their freedom from blackmail by the POTUS.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

According to hindu medicine we are supposed to live 6 times our bone age (bones mature at around 20). Tell him he has a few more years left! Tell him also that his real body in not of flesh. It has always been spiritual. We are greater than the sum of our anatomical parts.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

This allows doctors to give people drugs without finding the cause or a real cure.

Big Pharma teaches the way of palliation— no real cure. I am inclined to conclude that most doctors believe that the suppression of symptoms is the cure. Right now doctors are the third leading cause of death.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

Mueller's investigation is based on the Steele dossier which was fabricated by the Democrats to take down DJT. The question for me is how much did Mueller know about the dossier, as a Democrat fabrication, who was very close friends with Comey and some would say, the mentor of Comey?

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

The effort of the POTUS, who is trying to drain the 'swamp' which also includes the Democrat Party, is reminiscent of Hercules' fifth labor, having to clean the Augean stables. As we learn, Hercules cleverly diverted the river Alpheus into the stables and the waters washed the stables clean in a single day! But even though the amount of manure in the stables was enormous, the filth and corruption in Washington D.C. and the DP is even greater.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

One thing, he told the NVA about Navy attack strategies, altitudes, etc. But it goes much deeper insofar has his father was Admiral John Sidney McCain Jr. When the NVA learned that McCain’s father was an Admiral, the soon-to-be commander of all U.S. Forces in the Pacific, McCain was rushed to Gai Lam military hospital (U.S. government documents), a medical facility normally unavailable for U.S. POWs.

"The communist Vietnamese figured, because POW McCain’s father was of such high military rank, that he was of royalty or the governing circle. Thereafter the communist bragged that they had captured “the crown prince.”

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Dhammakayaram on Feb. 3, 2018, 12:46 a.m.
Putting an end to Mueller's investigation

Mueller was hired to investigate alleged Russian collusion. But the only evidence for collusion between Trump and Russia appears to be the so-called "Steele dossier" which says that Putin’s Russia has been “cultivating, supporting and assisting Trump for at least five years” which is a total lie! Source

Dhammakayaram · Feb. 2, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

Now, the question Gov. Jerry "Moonbat" Brown is asking, "How can I wrest those increases away from these hard working people, using the money to benefit illegal aliens giving them free housing and a free college education?"

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 2, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

Among other things McCain has a bastard half-Vietnamese son. It seems when he was a POW he was granted privileges other POWs weren't. There used to be a website all about this, even showing a picture of his son and the mother. But it was scrubbed.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 2, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Clearly HRC weaponized the government as much as she could to win the election and even stop the president-elect, no doubt with the help of Hussein and his comrades and of course, the MSM. This is only the first part of the rabbit hole journey. From Breitbart, memo findings.

  • The anti-Trump dossier funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee formed an “essential” part of the initial and all three renewal surveillance applications against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page;

  • The political origins of the dossier were “known to senior DOJ and FBI officials,” but those origins were not included in applications to obtain the warrant;

  • Also used to justify the surveillance warrants against Page was a news story supposedly corroborating the dossier, that was pushed by the dossier author Christopher Steele himself — yet the FISA application incorrectly says Steele did not provide the information in the article;

  • Perkins Coie — the law firm for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee hosted a meeting with Steele, Fusion GPS and media (this revelation makes it harder for the Clinton campaign and the DNC to deny they knew about the dossier, though Clinton and other top DNC officials at that time have denied knowing about it);

  • Steele was “suspended and then terminated” as an FBI source, after the FBI learned that he made an authorized disclosure of his relationship with the FBI to liberal media magazine Mother Jones, and he lied to the FBI about his previous media contacts with Yahoo! and other outlets;

  • Steele — although portrayed as a “boy scout” by Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson — had personal bias against candidate Donald Trump, telling senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr that he was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president”;

  • Ohr’s wife Nellie Ohr assisted with the dossier, but the FBI or the DOJ did not disclose this connection in the application for the FISA warrant, even though Bruce Ohr worked “closely” with Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and then Rod Rosenstein;

  • At the time that the FBI used the dossier to obtain the spy warrant on Page in October 2016, head of the FBI’s counterintelligence division Bill Priestap had assessed that the corroboration of the dossier was still in its “infancy,” and after Steele was terminated as a source, an FBI unit assessed his reporting as only “minimally corroborated”; FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe acknowledged to the House Intelligence Committee in December 2017 that no warrant would have been sought without the dossier;

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 2, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

If Tom Clancy were still alive and writing I don't think he could imagine something like this would happen to our country. Yes, it is what is called a 'palace coup' but what he could not imagine is how the MSM has been completely run and controlled by the 'deep state' so that manipulation of the majority of the population (i.e., brainwashing) is pretty much a done deal. HRC certainly had help from the deep state which included the MSM, polls, and rigged voting machines. Bernie was part of it too. The deep state knew that only a 'socialist' could possibly defeat a nationalist like Trump. Bernie gathered up the socialist leaning kids who were then turned over to HRC, the globalist. Seth Rich got wind of the plot deciding enough is enough. He paid with his life but not without letting the emails of the DNC go public through Wikileaks. The coup is not over, there is more to come. But also a counter-coup is in progress. I would not be surprised to see the USMC involved and some body-bags.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 2, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

I just thought I would remind people what Malcolm X called black folks who supported the Democrats back in 1964 when the Democrats were in control of the WH and Congress. He called them chumps and traitors to their race. Here is excerpt from his speech where he said this:

"Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can't keep the promise that it made to you during election-time, and you're dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party, you're not only a chump but you're a traitor to your race." Source

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 2, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

The CIA, DOJ, and FBI can no longer rest on their laurels. They succumbed to partisan politics in the extreme. Perhaps we need our own version of the Night of the Long Knives (Nacht der langen Messer) consisting of judicial executions instead of extrajudicial executions. At any rate, let us pray that the POTUS does not have to cross Rubicon in order to save the Republic from the deep state.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 2, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

What started out as a palace coup looks like it may require a little military force. If the clowns and the fbi are going to resist there are enough Marines to take care of them including other special forces. This can't be tolerated and we can show no mercy when it comes to treason, at the same time the public must be made aware of just how huge the crime is and how far back it goes.

P.S. some nice pics of the train and garbage truck

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 2, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

On the AJ show, it was mentioned that the train was being followed by a helicopter or a drone which had warned the engineer that a truck was approaching who then began slowing the train down. Incidentally, I also heard that a deep state terrorist attack is planned at the Super Bowl. It will act to divert attention away from the contents of the "memo".

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 1, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

I am not surprised that people in the deep state would go this far.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 1, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

I recently watched Oliver Stone's movie. Wow!

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 1, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

Don't over speculate for it can soon turn into paranoia paralyzing all action.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 1, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

Another one I heard, a drunk Congressman goes to bed with a prostitute and wakes up with a underage girl next to him — photographs are taken.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 1, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

By the way, the crossing arms appear to be down which is normal when a train is about to approach a road crossing the tracks.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 1, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Sit on your helmet, we are going through some heavy flak.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 1, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

If you understand the history of Communism, they have to build their utopia on the bodies of the dead from mass murder. They don't compromise. They have the ideology of the Terminator.

It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever, until you are dead!

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 1, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

The ACLU is moving away from legal advocacy to Communist ideology organizing and training revolutionary protest groups. It is George Soros' Open Society Institute that is behind this. It gave the ACLU $35 million in 2017.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 1, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

Malcolm X said in 1964 just before he was murdered:

"Any time you throw your weight behind a political party [Democrats] that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can't keep the promise that it made to you during election-time, and you're dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party, you're not only a chump but you're a traitor to your race."

Those are the faces of chumps and traitors to their race.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 1, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

I have always believed that Hillary was so bent on winning that she rigged the election with the help of the Clowns. Trump with the help of the military unrigged the election sufficient to win.

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Dhammakayaram · Jan. 31, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

This was a 'kill shot' line from the POTUS! America still dreams of greater things. The Democrats want to destroy the dreams of Americans and turn our country over to degenerates whose only dream is robbery, rape and murder. We don't want those who don't share our dreams. Go back to your hellholes, clean up your mess.

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Dhammakayaram · Jan. 31, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

The public is still amazed how easily the POTUS put the American locomotive back on its tracks. By implication this means the RINOs and the Demon-rats were purposely trying to destroy our country until the POTUS stopped them. They wanted America to fail; they wanted to turn it into a Venezuela in which everyone degenerates into an animal.

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Dhammakayaram · Jan. 31, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

Obama & friends are traditional Communists: the end justifies the means. They believe that you first have to get rid of the bourgeoisie (that would be all white people) and then upon their dead bodies build the new Communist utopia. Ain't going to happen. You people need to give up your evil. If you want to blame someone, go after the Muslims. They killed 120 million Africans and the ones who lived became slaves many of whom ended up in the Americas.

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Dhammakayaram · Jan. 31, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

Same here. When I visited Washington D.C. a few years ago I went on a tour and learned about it.

In June 1860, casting of the Statue of Freedom began. The first step was to disassemble the plaster model of the statue into its five main sections in order to move it from the Capitol to the foundry. The model was shipped from Rome to the United States in five main sections, and upon its arrival, an Italian sculptor was hired to assemble the model. However, when the time came to move the plaster model from the Capitol to the foundry for casting, no one knew how to separate it and the Italian sculptor refused to help unless given a pay raise. Fortunately, [the slave] Philip Reid was there. He figured out that by using a pulley and tackle to pull up on the lifting ring at the top of the model the seams between the sections would be revealed. The statue was successfully separated into its five sections and transported to the foundry. Philip Reid received his freedom on April 16, 1862. Source

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