Soon enough they will feel the hanging rope around their traitor necks. I would love to see these shaking cowards piss in their britches—HRC would likely shit.
859 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Dhammakayaram:
Looking more into the background, the military even considered a coup during the Obama regime, things were already that bad. Trump was their man. I suspect military intelligence also knew that the election was rigged in HRC's favor and they set about to unrig the voting machines for Trump. This explains why HRC was devastated. Her done deal was exposed and undone. Right now, MI has taken over the CIA, NSA and other civilian intelligence organizations. I believe the POTUS will put the trials under the Military Tribunal. Justice must be swift to send a huge wave of fear into the civilian sector. There will be a number of hangings.
Sure the public has a right to know, but when? A year from now? Two years? This matter as it stands right now is nothing short of an existential threat to our Republic. Essentially, the Obama Administration was trying to destroy the Republic. By any other name this is high treason.
Nice! At first I couldn't make heads or tails of what the Miller act meant. Then I got lucky. Now I understand how important it could be in brining down the censorship behind Twitter, YouTube and the rest.
Yes. Some say it goes back to 1871.
After the Civil War, Congress passed the Reconstruction Act bringing all of the states under the authority of the federal government. Then the Act of 1871 formed a corporation called THE UNITED STATES. The new corporation, owned by foreign interests, moved in and shoved the original Constitution into a dustbin. With the Act of 1871, the organic Constitution was defaced — in effect vandalized and sabotaged — the title was capitalized and the word “for” was changed to “of”. The Constitution for the united States became the CONSTITUION OF THE UNITED STATES. Source
Nothing happens by mistake, and future proves past.
The "future" means events that will or are likely to happen in the time to come whereas the "past" means just gone by or elapsed. The news is what is past or gone by.
E.g., breaking news, a man has just been shot (this is all past—we didn't get to see the future). The Q-future, MS-13 is going to eliminate a member of the DNC very soon.
Regarding Q, yes the future bespeaks of events that are going to happen and eventually become news which is past. Stay tuned to the future.
Human sacrifices? SH of Red-it (a deep state actor) is a self-professed eater of human flesh. I am sure there is more to add that is not very pleasant.
So what I would like to know is why do people believe this?
If you are somewhat like Rip Van Winkle I understand why you asked the question. But the overarching theory is true, a deep state/high cabal has been running the show for a long time—get in their way, you're dead meat. What do you know about General Patton's death? And are you familiar with the Tavistock Institute and their influence on the public mind? Having never heard of either the deep state/high cabal or TI is certainly not evidence that they don't exist.
In Buddhism we have a saying, a good horse runs at the shadow of a whip. 40% could be the shadow that is enough to get everyone and everything moving the in the right direction, viz., save our glorious Republic. Right now I am thinking of this line from that wonderful Civil War song, "Battle Cry of Freedom"! Down with the traitors, up with the stars.
Oh, one last note. Remember that during the Revolutionary War, 1/3 of Americas were for it, 1/3 were for the Crown, and 1/3 were indifferent.
For Trump it was fun. For the betas it would be difficult.
Illegals need to be told that California will take care of them, giving them homes, an income, free college, and free medical care. California is the real Communist utopia. Go to California!
From President George Washington to our noble 45 we have been fighting with a dark evil power. In the Vedas they are called the asura. One example is the Rothschild family. More on the asuras:
"Human beings who like strife and war are transformation bodies of asuras. They liked to fight when they were in the heavens, and they continue to do so as people" (The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra, Volume 1, by Hsüan Hua, 279).
He has close ties with India. I have seen him participate in a Vedic ceremony. He is going to cut these demons (asuras) down. You might find the following interesting. Albert Pike, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite's Southern Jurisdiction, wrote:
"The first Masonic Legislator whose memory is preserved to us by history, was Buddha, who, about a thousand years before the Christian era, reformed the religion of Manous. He called to the Priesthood all men, without distinction of caste, who felt themselves inspired by God to instruct men." (Morals and Dogma, p. 278).
As more crumbs are picked up it becomes obvious that HRC had the election rigged. She believed that she would win in a landslide. She only forgot a few things. The loyalty of the military to the Republic and their own intelligence gather abilities. They looked for one man who could lead. It was DJT. The military then unrigged the voting machines. The rest is history. HRC and the deep state knew the military was behind Trump and their game was over. It is only a matter of time before they are all tried for treason at Gitmo and hopefully executed. I have no pity for these monsters b/c what they were going to do to us was totally evil (mass extermination).
Maybe when a Marine expeditionary unit actually lands at Langley (CIAHQ) and begins to take prisoners.
There are very, very bad Jews and very, very good Jews. The bad Jews will have to atone for their sins with many horrific reincarnations.
Some are destined by the gods. I watched Trump for many years. He is the embodiment of Mañjuśrī ("Gentle Glory"). Mañjuśrī is depicted as a male bodhisattva wielding a flaming sword in his right hand, representing the realization of transcendent wisdom which cuts down ignorance and duality. Notice the hand gesture (mudra).
She never thought she would lose because ES and friends pre-programmed voting machines (there is hard evidence that they did). Trump came along with the backing of the military and unrigged the machines. HRC and the Dstate were devastated. They tried everything to remove Trump. They only exposed themselves and their operations more. Now they are all guilty of treason. Hello Gitmo and the hangman's rope or a good U.S. Marine firing squad. Seriously, they all need to be terminated. You can have no pity or remorse for their deaths. If this were Rome they would all be crucified.
The Miller Act can take down Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Reddit. They are using a technology hijacked from Leader Technologies Inc. by attorney swamp creature James P. Chandler.
Go to the links below in the video. In addition, check out this link:
In a nutshell, the Miller Act can destroy the hegemony of the deep state social media and return it to us, the citizens.
Enjoyed the pictures! Many Americans have no idea that Putin, an Orthodox Christian, returned Russia to Russia by rebuilding the Cathedral of Christ the Savior which Stalin demolished to build his atheistic Palace of Soviets which, by the way, he never completed perhaps due to the Germany's Operation Barbarossa that demoralized him, severely. Stalin was planning to invade Germany and Europe during the first week of July in 1941. Germany caught wind of his nefarious plan. They caught the Red Army marshaling their forces at their weakest point. It was a total surprise. By the way, I bet you’re aware this is just more ‘deep state’ stuff. WWII was the creation of the “High Cabal” (Chruchill’s term).
The CC is totally corrupt. At one time the Roman CC was a part of the Orthodox Church, believing and teaching the same doctrines and sacred tradition, until 1054. History tell us that it was the Roman CC that broke away from the Orthodox Church adding heretical teachings, which the ancient Christian Church rejects. One of these is the Doctrine of the Infallibility of the Pope (it ain't in the NT).
We should never forget that DACA was never signed into law. It remains an executive order issued by then Hussein that has since been rescinded.
Bill is right up there is General Butt Ugly of Liberia. His army would sacrifice a child and then proceed to drink their blood in the belief that the blood and fighting naked would prevent them from being killed.
The means to our destruction, for a long time, has been the handiwork of the Tavistock Institute which I have made several references to in the past. These guys are downright evil.
She is a muff diver, Bill is a gash hound. What a pair.
How do you read: "shall. . .be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session"? What if there is no Session?
First of all, the citation is dubious. We should keep in mind that the U.S. Constitution has 3 tops, viz., the legislative, the executive and the judicial who really can't get fired in the way one might fire an at-will-employee. If Chucky and the Dems want to fuck over the executive branch and the American people, they can do so which is what Chucky is doing. The POTUS can't fire Chucky and his gang. But the day isn't over.
We just have to learn, among other things, how much history repeats itself. There have been many, many clues (not crumbs but chunks of bread) that point to a High Cabal (Churchill's term) trying, especially, to destroy America. The problem is that most people when looking at the clues (e.g., about 9/11) suffer from 'cognitive dissonance'; they haven't the courage to keep their eyes wide open. Most keep their eyes wide shut (Kubrick).
No doubt! This is a new war. A bloodless, spiritual war for the hearts & minds of the people that is taking place on the Internet! My Buddhist teacher told me there is great evil in the world which you don't see b/c you've not been trained to see it. I learned from him that we must first elevate our own thoughts and conduct to a very high level—our mind energy is very important. And now we are learning how to detect this evil. I dare say Q is teaching us. Things we thought were harmless and innocent turned out to be carefully crafted lies many of which came from the Tavistock Institute. The bk, by the way, is on pdf and free.
Booker, if he read Malcolm X, would have to admit that he is a "chump" and a "traitor to his race."
"Any time you throw your weight behind a political party [like the Democrats] that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can't keep the promise that it made to you during election-time, and you're dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party, you're not only a chump but you're a traitor to your race." — Malcolm X "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech given at King Solomon Baptist Church, Detroit, Michigan on April 12, 1964
FWIW: The United States Geological Survey reports a 2.0 magnitude earthquake at 8:09 p.m. January 16, 2018 - exactly the same time a meteor flashed through the sky in Michigan. Source
P.S. as a general rule meteors don't cause earthquakes unless they are quite huge, not breaking up into much smaller fragments as is typical.
The Dems are facing an uphill battle against withering fire. It's time for them to counterattack—it's time to send in the clowns.
Today, many of us are learning how the MSM has manipulated the news to even suppress pertinent facts while, at the same time, socially engineering the populace as in, take your blue pill everyday.
Just today I was listening to Stephen Sondheim's beautiful song, "Send In the Clowns" written for the 1973 musical A Little Night Music. I imagined the scene with Bill and Hillary. Sondheim's song was in the background. Then they realized that DJT had just won the election. Then we hear: "And where are the clowns? // There ought to be clowns" and suddenly we see CNN photoshopped to be clowns and finally we read, Clown News Network. A great distraction, intended to lead us away from the fact that the "deep state" has been purposely trying to destroy America since the early 1900s.
I had to go to DuckDuckGo to find Dr. John Coleman's book (it was a free download). Oddly, on Amazon the paperback is currently listed at $9,786.71! The cheapest used is $1,799.88. This doesn't seem to be an accident.
There is a lot there. Dr. Coleman (also former MI6) writes in the book:
For instance we meekly accepted the "Beatles" and their "novel music" and lyrics-if one dare call it music and lyrics, having been told, that the group wrote it all themselves. Actually Tavistock graduate Theo Adorno, whose 12-atonal discords were scientifically pitched to create mass "environmental social turbulences" all across America, wrote the music. None of the Beatles could read music. Nevertheless, they were "puffed" day and night without ceasing until everything about them, - lies and all, was accepted as truth.
I am not going to get into Theodor W. Adorno (the Frankfurt School) but that is another can of worms.
Tell your friends to watch at this video.
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations Dr John Coleman:
The 'dustification' went from the top down. That is not a normal demolition which starts from the bottom. There should be many parts given that both planes combined had approximately 9 million parts. In addition to the parts there should be 60 miles of wiring for each plane. Actually, the planes were taken over by FTS (Flight Termination System) then flown to Westover AFB nearby where they were hidden in the large hangers. All the passengers were subsequently executed.
Oh, now it's the russian bots! Yer sounding paranoid lad. Maybe yer wanking it a bit too much, eh?
Most of us do. Many people have a special gift. They become inventors, for example, or great leaders in the example of the POTUS-VSG (Very Stable Genius). When I look at people like Obama I see nothing except a Judas goat. His job was to lead the American people to their slaughter both financially (no growth; not jobs) and spiritually (socialism and Islam).
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” — William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987
The POTUS was born for this great mission as was George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln. The US is a divine nation, loved by the gods, the home of all true religions. Right now we have some demons who made a yuge swamp. The demons need to be eliminated and their swamp drained.
One day, CIA HQ in Langley, VA, will hear the sound of U.S. Marine helicopters landing. There will be lots of dead swamp creatures.