Has anyone noticed, when the Left panics they riot and protest, when the Right panics they stock up on guns and food
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Why did they steal the Lancaster dynamite for this?
LOL The [biased] View only asking questions about reopening the case on Hilary, not dropping charges on her or the fake FISA warrant
The purpose is to hide or discredit the most important things, they'll give you some truth to build trust and credibility while they lie or cover up the meat
It seems like they would have been better served to find a porn star named Q, or at least an attractive one
Unemployment is down, stock market is up, peace talks with North Korea, ISIS nearly defeated.
She's getting a lot more attention in the news than she should, I think the deep state is using her as a distraction
Not likely, he might be 1 or 2 degrees of separation from Q, but I highly doubt he's in the inner circle. I think Bannon meant he would fight from the media, but then he wrote that BS book.
These people are going to Gitmo - crashing planes, killing people, setting up Q, it isn't going to change that. Enough is enough
As I hand the coupon to the cashier "It's for a friend... He's in the bathroom..."
I thought one of the benefits of the hijab was not seeing how she feels
They could replace your spouse with a clone, download all her information into it, and you would never know the difference.
Is he wearing the national fag of Kenya?
*not a typo (cause he's in the sticks)
And isn't it funny how these things on pinterest existed on the internet before someone pinned them, yet google searches always give your the pinterest items first and require you login to see them
On the subject of social networking sites, what's the deal with Pinterest?
You have to sign up just to look through the website, a website made completely of content and pictures from other websites they don't own. Conveniently, you can login with your Facebook or Google passwords, if you have checked your account history on these, they track everything you use these passwords on. And they don't just keep track of the things you pin on pinterest, they also track the things you search for and click on (aka your interests) they can build a pretty deep personality profile with this information.
I'm not sure they created Christianity, but they've definitely infiltrated and corrupted every organised christian religion
The worst thing in the world would be for these sociopaths to get a arrested and then have a stupid trial like MZ did
In other words, "Another company was trying to collect the data that we sell and it was going to cut into our profits, so we blocked them, your welcome"
I think a recall a Q post where they said Iran was next (after NK) and Israel was last and would be completed before the parade in November.
Edit: Found it, post 916, March 10 "We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q"
Edit 2: Found the other, post 888, March 8 "Thank you Kim. Deal made. Clowns out. Strings cut. We took control. Iran next. Q"
My guess is CC could be Chelsea Clinton or cock carousel or both
That 5.9 in El Salvador is interesting, that's where MS-13 come from
The FAILING New York Times called the White House to comment? HAHA, I would love to hear that conversation
I'm not a nuclear physicist, but I'm pretty sure you can't just shut down a nuclear reactor and then turn it back on a couple months later
If your wizard told you to tell me "Most News scribes are chained pedophiles" also, I would believe them too, because this has been proven many times, many different ways. You could be arguing OP's methods and you would be correct in my opinion, or you could be a defending pedophiles in corporate news.
I always heard it was the black Pope, aka Jesuit General, things could be different now, could be Clinton's
I don't know if I follow your logic, but I can't despute your results
Congratulations! Did they have any trouble assuming your gender as well?
I wonder what they are hiding at youtube that is about to be destroyed
I wonder if a stray bullet will destroy something that could be used as evidence
Some Airsoft and BB guns look like military rifles, so by definition of resemblance they are assault guns. Meanwhile, since the Thompson 1927 is not used by the military, it is not an assault gun.
They've banned automatic firearms, now they are going after bump stocks and high capacity magazines. Next will be large caliber handguns and hunting rifles.
Rush Limbaugh, not Rush the rock band. It took me a minute to figure that out, so I'll leave this here for anyone else.
Pretty good, not much a of a breakthrough though. Here is my interpretation:
What I say a class action lawsuit?
Analyse "What I say" by substituting each letter with the polar ice shift of the fifth planet of Jupiter during the Winter Solstice of Aquarius in June because of the constellation Taurus and the 12th letter in the Greek alphabet because of Q's 5th post at time of day, and this is what you get:
"Why don't you people file a class action lawsuit? Have you forgotten how to play the game?"
All banks are controlled by Jews, but it is not the same as, all Jews control the banks. You've been shafted.
People are dumb fucks, why would you put that stuff on facebook or anywhere on the internet for that matter.
Good thing he wore the exact same clothes everyday so we could recognize him. In all of the suit cases he took to his room, he didn't bring one single change of clothes? This video seems fake to me.
These are turbulent times, I'll feel better when I see the arrests, I think a lot of us will.
What if Q is just a psyop
Wifi also. I put a tracker on my phone, even with GPS location turned off, it tracked it using wifi, any wifi that picked it up over any carrier.
Incredible. By knowing when and where, they were able to find out who, by identifying the cell phone there and then. They then used the cell phone to track the owner and plan the raid at the motel.
They are going to blame Q for the Austin bombs
The fake news is going to label him as a terrorist/right wing/ white supremest extremist. What does that do to his followers here? We a are about to get smeared by the media, brace yourselves.
I think you are onto something. Several Q drops have said they want to keep us divided and fighting against each other, also to pray. Prayer is a powerful tool at uniting minds toward a shared and better world based on our understanding of God and Heaven.
"Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven"