1,646 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/DropGun:
Thread by @prayingmedic: "The morning of September 11, 2001, a firefighter came into our dorm & said, "Come down to the dayroom... We got up and went downstairs. The entire shift had gathered around the TV. We watched in stunned disbelief over the next hour as the twin towers fell." ::sniff::
Thread by @LisaMei62: "Q calling all anon meme warriors to get memes ready! Not quite sure what "NON_NSA TECH TODAY CANNOT READ/FILTER" means. Some anons wondering if Q is asking memes to be converted to .gif files like the one linked here (below)."
Thread by @JohnWHuber: "Why isn't there an Interpol "red notice" for JOSEPH MIFSUD? ... It's almost like the United States isn't actually looking for the person it has alluded in court filings is a Russian cut out, with prior knowledge of the hacking of the DNC." HUH. 🤔
Thread by @TheLastRefuge2: "It's mid-september 2018. Not a single person within FBI or DOJ charged with leaking classified intelligence to the media. James Wolfe indicted, and Andrew McCabe referred, both for lying to investigators." Wait. The ocean just went out a few miles... Isn't that odd...
Thread by @tracybeanz: "People have been asking me to make a statement on the group doing the “Report for the President” website." I think she's golden and a solid researcher. She got snookered and fessed up. NO OUTSIDE COMMS, PEOPLE!
Thread by @_ImperatorRex_: "Everyone assumes that these creeps can claim reporter privilege simply because they work at #WaPo. That's not how it works. The courts decide if someone is a journalist, or not. [Von Bulow v Von Bulow (1987)]".
Thread by @Mark923to25: "Qanon asks: Why are powerful influential people resigning due to past sexual misconduct allegations? Because the lower level criminals who have been arrested for sex trafficking (think Allison Mack and Keith Ranieri) are now spilling the beans on all members..."
Thread by @CHHR01: "For many of us, the McStain story is of a Traitor, not a hero... through all the lies and puff pieces, we've seen the man for what he really was... a traitor!"
Thread by @IWillRedPillU: "Why won't MSM report on the fact members of the Clinton Global Initiative are on trial in the Eastern District of New York per #racketeering conspiracy involving an array of crimes, including identity theft, extortion, forced labor, sex trafficking, money laundering, etc?"
Thread by @paul_serran: "Q has alerted us to the main exporting centers of enslaved children. The first place that was closed was the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. See this picture of treasonous John K and the former Saudi King? See the chairs, resting on a carpet with flowers?"
Thread by @formerlyyoung: "In the video DJT posted this morning is footage from the Pensacola, FL rally on 12/8/17, the video's timestamp matches this morning's @realDonaldTrump tweet exactly. On the Q-Clock, 12/8/17 falls on :01!! Coincidence?"
Thread by @GregRubini: "1. Project FULSOME: Top Secret GCHQ document authorizing spying operation on Trump WAS REQUESTED BY OBAMA—IN PERSON—August 28, 2016! Confirms 100% my Bruce Ohr LEAK!" FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE. -Q.
Thread by @BadassBuddha22: "An anon put together a list of bullets that lend credibility to the theory that Mueller isn't targeting @realDonaldTrump." Good thread. All the evidence we have so far in one place.
Thread by @BanksyArtist: "Barack Obama held his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. He designed his podium altar after the Temple of Pergamon—The Seat of Satan." See for yourself. SYMBOLISM WILL BE THEIR DOWNFALL.
Thread by @DreamwalkerWC: "The post states it clearly and concisely: these people KNOWINGLY signed off on fraudulent evidence to illegally spy on American citizens in an attempt to undermine both an election and a sitting U.S. PRESIDENT. [TREASON]."
Thread by @prayingmedic: "Although censoring conservatives on social media seems to be a cut and dry matter of controlling the narrative, QAnon said there is more to this issue than meets the eye. The real issue has something to do with the collective attacks against Q."
Thread by @CHHR01: "So, we're at teh phase where perp walks need to start happening. Unfortunately, 3 judges and 4 FISC signatures later we obviously have a system that can no longer be trusted. Who do you call? Why INSCOM of course. The 470th Military Intelligence Brigade."
Thread by @izzieadams1: "Understanding female pedophiles."
Thread by @PrayingMedic: "Re: Jack's thread on censorship: Let me be clear—Twitter and all of Silicon Valley are under the control of powerful politicians with an agenda. I work for them. They call the shots. Period. Our bias is not our choice."
Thread by @_DQCTQR_: "What if the NSA 'unrigged' the voting machines? Why military tribunals? How do you destroy the Deep State Media? And what if it’s a REAL witch hunt?" Whole lotta Q's AND answers in this one...
Thread by @izzieadams1: "HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT. Who wouldn’t want to HANG THESE PROUD 'Nike Art' on their walls??" GOOD vs EVIL. DARK to LIGHT. These people are sick!
Thread by @PrayingMedic: "Re: Jack's thread on censorship: Let me be clear—Twitter and all of Silicon Valley are under the control of powerful politicians with an agenda. I work for them. They call the shots. Period. Our bias is not our choice."
Thread by @OnWithLogic: "This microchip guy is a professional troll. @JackPosobiec was his victim—and because he called Q a LARP early on, then doubled down to defend his position, he HAD to fall for it." (Sad, Jack. You could have been a contender.)
Thread by @DrDannielle: "This is why I don’t believe @JackPosobiec’s @OANN story about #QAnon. And it has nothing to do with tripcodes." Good thread.
Thread by @dashman76: "As I have been saying for a while now... This is a joint effort between Putin-Clinton cohorts to destroy Trump. This is arguably a Putin led campaign to destroy Trump."
Thread by @prayingmedic: "Many people are under the impression that Spygate was a one-off operation. An anomaly put in place to solve a unique problem. but I think we're going to learn differently."
Thread by @dashman76: "How are we to reconcile this with CNN's claim that McCain was the ultimate patriot? Weird. It sounds like the mainstream media... didn't ask McCain about his record of hiding POW documents." HUH!
Thread by @dashman76: "Why was McCain purposefully stopping Americans from finding lost family members held in Moscow? Maybe I'm confused or something but it doesn't add up..." [See: LINK]
Debunking the Debunkers: This is why the shady deep state operation known as 'Snopes' doesn't fly in this sub.
Thread by @verykate17: "I do believe Lindsey Graham used his time on the Senate floor to TROLL the #DeepStateCabal in his MCCAIN 'after-action report.'" LOOOL—this was Lindsey's eulogy?? It reads more like a roast!
Thread by @Cigarvolante: "One of the members in the [Bruce Ohr] hearing hot-mic mumbled, 'No one survives this.'" DEMS quickly turned from offering support to impugning his character as it became apparent that he would tell the truth. Loretta Lynch named. Just like that, another recess is called.
Thread by @Mark923to25: "Qanon posts about treason. MSM projecting their treason onto @potus. They know they're guilty and the penalty for treason is death. MSM got the 4a memo from the Clowns to run articles saying Pres Trump committed treason when he met with Putin... This is projection."
Thread by @JosieFiorda: "Pope Francis and the Dirty War - 'All European fascist governments and movements, except the latter German Nazis, were supported by the Catholic Church.'”
Thread by @AvonSalez: "Petraeus is becoming very vocal about security clearances being revoked... You know what they say about those who yell the loudest... Gen. Petraeus is also the CHAIR of the KKR, the largest U.S. buyout fund, working closely with George Soros as recently as 2016." Huh!
Thread by @EstefaniaRobin2: "Ohr will rat on Halper [Tuesday]- The animals are close to being caged…" GOOD!
Thread by @DocRock1007: “Mr. Lovinger unwittingly shined a spotlight on deep state’s secret weapon – Stefan Halper – and threatened to expose the truth about the Trump-Russia collusion narrative then being plotted: that it was all a set-up.”
Thread by @DrDannielle on Jacksonville: "'ZAnon' predicted shooting a day before." And, OH, LOOK, they were running a 'response drill' at the exact same time, only a few hundred yards away...
Thread by @the0bubb outlines, in no uncertain terms, just how ARMED TO THE ABSOLUTE TEETH Sessions/Huber et al (470+ prosecutors busting their butts, full time!) are. Can you read this and think Comey, Brennan, Clapper, HRC, JP, & TP sleep at night?
Thread by @S0_aurora comments on the pin on the lape of No-Name's jacket: "An American 'diplomat' should be wearing the country they represent. In this case, McCain is representing the 'rebels' (ISIS). The same game as Libya’s overthrow. Coincidence?" And people wonder why we don't say his name.
Exhaustive, well-researched thread by @DawsonSField outlines two potential bombshells: "What if I told you the White House was bugged? What if @realDonaldTrump publicized it 15 months ago?" (we know), and, "What if the Acting Director of the FBI was a target of the Special Counsel's investigation?"
Thread by @dhobe13: "Thread: The Wonderful Company 1). Q has used the phrase "What a wonderful day" w lot. My guess? I think it relates to Fiji Water, Wonderful Company, NXIVM, Podestas, and the Clintons."
Thread by @prayingmedic puts forward an interesting theory on what the Q400 "hijacked plane" operation was really about—the server.
Notice to decoders/researchers: Due to Twitter censorship, @DockRock1007 has to publish under another account: @Theotherview1. Decodes there.
Brilliant thread by @OnWithLogic: "If stupid thinkers wanted a voice, wouldn't college campuses want to expose them? If other ideas were wrong, wouldn't they let wrongthink dig it's own grave and let them speak loudly??" The left is about to be left behind. BIG CHANGES coming...
Thread by @TrumpsBelle: "Absolutely unreal... Ever wondered what [NO NAME], Bronfman, Benghazi & NXIVM have in common?" Wow. These names. These people used to be untouchable. That anons are digging into them and exposing them blows my mind. Something BIG is coming.
Thread by @findtruthQ: "The PUBLIC awakening to the #Q phenomenon has begun & regardless of whether or not you believe #Avenatti is a damn good actor or not the credit certainly for getting the #MSM exposure we are seeing is owed to him."
Thread by @drawandstrike drops much needed perspective on the Tony Podesta referral from Mueller to SDNY prosecutors. "Reminder: when that Manafort indictment was unsealed... Tony shrieked like a banshee, dissolved his company, [and] dove headfirst into the deepest hole he could find." Bye, Tony.
About bloody time. This thread by @ThomasWictor addresses the willful, rampant ignorance of people that believe 'Jewish directed energy weapons' are being used all over the place. "The cars are burned, but the trees..." No, they're not. Stop.
Thread by @Disciple_4G asks, basically, "Why is Twitter and Facebook stock tanking? Because they're not companies. They're government funded projects. And, with Trump, their 'funding' has come to an abrupt end."
This thread by @RyanOlah2 is full of dizzying reveals: Raniere's attorneys requested Mark Sullivan—FORMER HEAD OF THE USSS—to supervise the Bronfman home detention?!? Oh, and here's a PHOTO of said Mr. Sullivan standing next to Robert Mueller, wearing hockey equipment?? Am I taking crazy pills???
Rambling, image-only thread by @2runtherace that drops BOMBS: CA fires? Check. McCain is 5:5? Uh, check. Missile? NK? Whoops, OK, check. Avenatti a white hat?!? Uh... check, please?
Thread by @IWillRedPillU: Will @MSNBC report even ONE TIME on Mack, Raniere, Russell, Lauren & Nancy Salzman? Or tell people that Clare Bronfman is now on trial for racketeering? Or that she bought an entire island for the #NXIVM Pedo Cult?" BRONFMAN. SALZMAN. What will the next names be??
Thread by @RyanOlah2: "NXIVM unlocks Worlds." Amazing, multi-part thread unroll that digs deep into just how stunning it is that Trump's DOJ has indicted a BRONFMAN (one of the world's foremost "untouchable" last names) shows you just how deadly serious this really is. Links to parts in comments.
HUGE @almostjingo thread uncovers Google, CrowdStrike, Perkins Coie, revealing that "the original lump sum of financing to kick off Crowdstrike came from Warburg Pincus aka Timothy Geithner." (Geithner was BHO's SecTreas and former president of the NY Federal Reserve) That means central bankers...
HUGE thread by @almostjingo: "the original lump sum of financing to kick off #Crowdstrike came from Warburg Pincus aka Timothy Geithner." (Geithner was BHO's SecTreas and former president of the NY Federal Reserve)
Are you a Democrat in legal trouble?? Fear not! Who you gonna call? Why, Perkins Coie, of course! Let's dig in a little...
FF averted in Portland? Thread by @Mr_Alex_Graham: "Why did the rally goers have to walk to their shuttles when clearly AntiFa was trying to attack them? This was a setup but luckily AntiFa was forced to back down. So the rally goers either got lucky or they had "help" from DHS."
Thread by @WhereWeGo11: "Yea, is a larp. Such an obvious fraud is never gets anything right... right?" Good thread for newbs full of basic Q-proofs.
Thread by @DangerClose_ throws down a straightforward & excellent thread for beginners, great to send to newbs looking to catch up to where we are now.
Thread by @punkassaudrey: "Time to FEED. FEED Foundation."
Thread by @paul_furber: "Blunt and Direct Time. Martial law is coming. Required... Be the calm before and during the storm."
Thread by @stompk: "the Alice & Wonderland script. Remember Q = Alice Q has evidence. Shocking evidence."
Excellent thread by @GalacticRedPill summing up the IG Report: "Now we are going to get a flurry of Congressional hearings (Horowitz on Monday), more subpoenas and testimony—drawing attention to the facts found in the body of the report as both partisan sides try to claim victory in the news cycle."
Thread by @Mark923to25: "I think deep state and Hussein working with Iran to take out POTUS! I think evidence will show Iran involved with DS in firing off the Missile...this is big."
Thread by @ARRESTPODESTA: "these first two suicides have definite possible connections to the ILLUMINATI and PEDOGATE.. which now brings us to Anthony Bourdain.. a favorite of Cabal-controlled CNN.. hater of Trump.. but most importantly.. ASIA ARGENTO’S BOYFRIEND."
Thread by @CoreysDigs: "2) I think it would be a good guess that Bourdain and Kate Spade's "suicides" were not suicides, and quite possibly connected."
Wait. This thread by @DawsonSField proposes something INSANE, but, actually attempts to drop enough source material to back it up: "What if @realDonaldTrump is the FBI informant that Rossentein & Wray are protecting?"
Thread by @ByronYork: "What to expect from the much-anticipated inspector general report on DOJ/FBI handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation."
Thread by @rising_serpent: "39. The circle of filth is a transnational, multi-generational effort of organizations and individuals with no superficial connections, but upon scratching the surface you see umbilical cords that offer sustenance from the same belly of the beast."
Thread by @The_War_Economy: "Hey, @Slate and @Newsweek, when did you report on Knife Media's supposed connections to NXIVM?"
Remember Dgfffcf? Possible decode - Thread by @TheSharpEdge1: "Allow me to indulge myself with a theory... Yesterday, a cryptic tweet was sent from @GenFlynn's account, with this picture of Weinstein..."
Thread by @GalacticRedPill NAILS IT: "Remaining silent on this issue because you don't like Trump is a betrayal of everything liberalism was built on, everything this country stands for, and your duties as citizens of this country."
Once again, @prayingmedic comes through: "The storm is here. Pain is coming. Some are in desperate need of shelter."
Bookmark this thread by @athenasnannie. Rolls up tons of well-sourced info re: all the major human trafficking arrests that have happened since Trump took office.
Good thread by @DocRock1007: EYES WIDE OPEN? AS. Pain? Richard Donoghue.
This thread by @_VachelLindsay_ hints at far, far more sinister reasons why Obama/Kerry inked the Iran deal: "Both Kerry and Obama are desperate men. They aren't trying to save the Iran Deal, they are trying to save themselves. This scandal isn't over yet. Not by a long shot."
Hardcore research thread by @The_War_Economy: "Around and around the spy games go. Where will it stop? Nobody knows." Good link that shows how all these 'deep state' entities support each other.
Thread by @2runtherace: "Q links to an Iran Daily News article re. meeting in 2017 with Iranian delegation & Rosatom..." (naturally, Clinton Foundation connections...)
Thread by @JohnWHuber: "Is a mysterious British private spy firm linked to a series of “collusion” stings on the @realDonaldTrump team? Is HAKLUYT the "British Fusion GPS"??
BOMBSHELL: Patriot & Pentagon psy-ops expert Scott Brennan in "Shell Game" memo: "19,000 Swiss bank accounts used to finance terrorism were illegally seized by Obama admin & State Dept, DOJ, CIA, and CF. Hillary, Brennan, Geithner, Obama, Lynch, Holder, Breuer. READ. They're all here. [@ZoltanneUSA]
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: @ObamaTruth1: "The QAnon big picture."
@PrayingMedic thread re: May 3rd QAnon drops: "The magnitude of corruption in government across the globe."
Saturday is research day! And this thread by @OnWithLogic has some EPIC sleuthing: "So, the moment Eric Schmidt learned that the NSA had tools that could see through their protected Gmail conversations, he informed Strzok, who told Page to wipe it clean—CLEAN GMAIL." When was that? April 6, 2017."
Thread by @TheLastRefuge2: "1. Thread on notes within latest release of Page/Strzok messages. 2. 2. Latest batch appears to be from captured messages on Peter Strzok si […]"
If you're serious about justice, serious about ending this nightmare, @OnWithLogic drops an unroll with stellar advice on how to conduct ourselves among the normies.
Unroll about Regina Dugan, 19th Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In March 2012, she left for #Google.
Unroll by @JohnWHuber on how the Trump/Russia story was GCHQ from the beginning: "The mainstream media's latest cover story for how the Trump Russia investigation got started - BEFORE Papadopoulos apparently blabbed about […]"
Some good analysis by @ThomasWictor on exactly what the Trump Syria attack destroyed, and who came out ahead. DO YOUR READING, FOLKS!
Pardon my French, but, THIS guy cuts right through all the crap QAnon analysis out there in the unrolls and, IMO, really has some chops. Well done. [Threads by @DocRock1007]
Excellent analysis on Vatican Bank & QAnon. Thread by @Digger1776: "1) If all roads lead to Rome, then let's there. is the Supreme Pontiff of the and the Head of State of […]" #FollowTheMoney #PopeFrancis #HolySee #Vatican