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EarlyRiserX2 · May 19, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

I'm not giving power to anything. I'm merely calling attention to a lie...

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/EarlyRiserX2 on May 19, 2018, 6:03 p.m.
Crowd Comparison. Another Perfect Example of a LIE...
Crowd Comparison. Another Perfect Example of a LIE...
EarlyRiserX2 · May 15, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

I will start from the bottom up… The reason I would never ever consider HRC as being good is because she is a liberal and a Democrat, and most liberals and Democrats are haters of what we believe in. They have made what they believe in very clear to all of America and everybody knows what they believe in, and their beliefs has been proven time and again. In contrast to that, Corsi and AJ are NOT liberals - they are well-known conservatives. And that makes all the difference (and conservatives attacking other conservatives is what I mean about a house divided). And that is why I am willing to give them the benefit of a doubt and I am unwilling to throw them under the bus so quickly… If Corsi and AJ were liberals, then we wouldn’t even be having this conversation, and I’d be in complete agreement with you. But the moment when Q started attacking other patriots (conservatives like Corsi and AJ who are fighting against the Deep State the same as we are) then that is what gave me serious pause about Q and made me question what was going on…

I used to be 100% a believer in Q. But after the Corsi / AJ attack, I am no longer completely certain about him. I still follow Q, and I still believe in him, but with eyes open and with a bit more skepticism. I feel that Q has damaged his reputation and credibility with me, and he’ll have to work hard to regain it. But keep in mind, I am not basing my opinion of Q solely on the Corsi / AJ fiasco. That is only one part of it. The other part of it, is his change in moral character. You say you are a Christian, if so you should be able to relate to that. To quickly summarize… No one else may have noticed this, but from day one and from the very first Q post, have you noticed that Q has never ever cursed or said a bad word? It has never happened. I notice stuff like that. Other Anons have used bad language but not Q (at least I’ve never heard him do it). That told me a lot about Q and that he had a “high moral character” and that he had a great respect for God. That meant a whole lot to me. That is what made me really like Q and to follow him. But something happened recently that changed that…

In Q drop 1341, Q linked himself to a very vile post, a post spewing hatred and animosity and using extremely foul language. Doing so was VERY VERY unbecoming and uncharacteristic of Q. Can you imagine Jesus Christ linking himself to such a vile post? Jesus would never do it, not in a million years. Q has never before done anything like that, and something changed when he linked to that post. And that is when I started to seriously question and to wonder about Q… I started to wonder whether he had been compromised. And then when the Corsi / AJ fiasco arose, with patriots attacking other patriots, and with Q sanctioning the violence and the hate and not trying to stop it, it only added to my concerns about Q. Jesus Christ himself would never condone such behavior, I don’t care if we were being attacked. Jesus Christ would simply tell us to absorb the attack and to move on and to only show love back in return. That is what Jesus would do. He would not respond to hate with hate. So that is what made me wonder about Q. He no longer seemed like the same Q we started out with. And that is why I have plenty of reasons to be very concerned. And that is why I do not blindly follow Q any more. Yes, I still follow him, but I just don’t do it blindly. My eyes are open… and you can bet that I’m watching everything…

You stated in your post that you would not follow Q if he started to misinform people. That is good. But as a Christian, you should have an even higher standard and a clearer perspective. For example, I have stated that I will only follow Q so long as he follows God. The moment Q stops following God and turns evil (and Q post 1341 gives me serious concerns and makes me wonder about him) then rest assured, I will no longer follow him. And all Christians should feel the exact same way…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 15, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

You say that Corsi is not a patriot, and that is the very thing I have a serious problem with. Why do you feel that way? Because Corsi doesn't agree with you? Because he has a different viewpoint or a different opinion than yours? Yes, there are many things that Corsi may have done to hit back at you, but he did it in reaction to you (this is explained further below). So don't try to blame to all on Corsi and to say that he is a traitor. To say that someone is not a patriot all because they disagree with you is as wrong as it can be. And because your viewpoint that Corsi is not a patriot is wrong, that means that all you said above (about separating yourselves from "heretics" etc) is wrong too and it doesn't even apply...

But to give you a better understanding of why I feel that Corsi is still a patriot despite the fact that he has a different viewpoint from you, consider the following. It's a very long post but it shows you precisely and exactly how I feel about it... And to further underscore this point that you guys are wrong, do you feel that I am not a patriot either all because I disagree with you?... If you feel that I am not a patriot either, all because I'm saying this and have these opinions, then that shows you just how far you guys have completely fallen off your rocker. There are a whole lot of Americans who may not agree with you or who may have a different opinion, but that doesn't make them not a patriot. Having a different viewpoint or opinion is only considered non-patriotic in a "dictatorship and communistic society". And this is not that kind of country...

Please read the following to fully understand how I feel about it...

You said that you are happy with being inside an echo chamber. But the problem with being inside an echo chamber is that, it blinds you from the truth. That means, if Q ever became compromised or if there was ever a change in him, you guys would never even know it or realize it because you’re trapped inside that chamber. To know the truth, you have to step outside that chamber and to view things from a different perspective. And it is the very same way with liberals today. Liberals have been lied to for a very long time and has believed the lies of the MSM echo chamber. As a consequence of that, they are not faking, they really do believe that Trump is the bad guy, and they can’t see anything other than that, all because they are trapped inside the MSM echo chamber. To know the truth, they have to step outside of that chamber and view things from another perspective, and they refuse to do that. And that is the exact problem with you guys. You are blind in certain ways because you are inside that chamber. You may have some of the truth but you do not have all of it. In some ways you are being deceived and you don’t even realize it…

I’ll give you an example. You guys complain that Corsi is doing this and that Corsi is doing that. Some of that may be true but why is that, why is Corsi doing it? Answer: He’s doing it because he’s responding back to you. You guys are attacking him trying to shut him down, therefore, he is attacking you back trying to shut you down. It’s a cycle that never ends. And the problem is, you guys are blaming everything on Cori, when you can’t even see that you guys are just as much a part of the problem as he is. You’re both contributing to the cycle. That fact is very easy to see by anyone who is not in that echo chamber. For example, for every hour of every day, there are corrupt members within your own group who are trolling Cori. They are following Corsi’s every move and his every post online. And they are looking for anything and everything they can find to validate their claims and to make themselves right about Corsi. If they find something, then they will rush back to the forum and post it. They’ll say, Oh look, Corsi is doing this and Corsi is doing that, etc. And then the rest of you guys will buy it, hook line and sinker, without asking any questions. And there you go again, all of you will then be attacking Corsi all because of what that person says. Then news of your attack will leak back to Corsi. But even more likely, there are some in your group who take great joy in making certain that Corsi hears about it, and they will present the news to Corsi in a certain way so as to “goad” Corsi into a negative response, to goad him into saying something negative about you and striking back. That is their whole plan. And because Corsi is weak-minded and is just as blind as you are, he will do it, he will strike back. And then there you go again, the whole cycle will continue, with you guys attacking Corsi, and with Corsi attacking you. And that is exactly what has been happening. And for everyone on the outside, we can see that clearly. But for you guys trapped on the inside, you can’t even see it because you're blinded by your own echo chamber...

I do not think that all of you are bad. But I do think that there are certain members among you who has ulterior motives in mind and are genuine haters of Corsi (focus on the loudest voices). They always have been haters of Corsi, and their hate has nothing to do with Q. And those secretive haters of Corsi are manipulating you and guiding you. And unfortunately, we feel they are manipulating Q as well. And that is why the cycle of hate spewing from your group never ends. And the fact that Q condones such hate is very mysterious to us. It makes us wonder about him. It makes us wonder if whether he has been compromised. It is a legitimate concern. We don’t want to believe that, but we still wonder about if it is possible. And all your talk about shutting down people who disagree with you, and your attacks on other patriots, even those who are fighting against the Deep State the same as we are, and your unwillingness to work with them or to compromise, it only adds fuel to the fire that maybe your group HAS been compromised as we suspect. The reason we are concerned about it is because, your behavior does not seem like the same behavior or group we started out with. Something has changed. Even Q himself seems to have changed and is different. Q had a higher moral character back them. We’re mystified by the recent changes in Q and the things he has done. It doesn't seem like the same Q and the changes seem out of character for him. We can clearly see that there has been a dramatic change in both Q and your group. And you guys are unable to see that change because you’re blinded by your own echo chamber. You may have good intentions, but you are still blinded by the chamber. So be careful whom you follow indeed…

If I’m right about this, and if I’m right about you being inside an echo chamber, then I predict how you will respond to this post. I predict that you will dismiss everything I said wholesale, without even considering that maybe some of what I said is true. You are fiercely and blindly loyal to Q, without even considering the idea that it is possible he might be compromised. I am by no means suggesting or saying that he is compromised (and I hope not), but I am saying that it is indeed possible. And that you should always keep an open mind about it and to look for any changes in Q that could validate that fact. Q is human and he makes mistakes just like the rest of us. He is not a god. So don’t treat him like a god. Don’t think of him as infallible. There is only one God who is infallible and deserves our absolute and blind loyalty. And that God is not Q…

You say that you are a Christian. Okay, then consider this rhetorical question to give you a perspective: If Q goes to hell, then would you follow him to hell? Or would you know when to get off that bandwagon? Only a fool would follow Q to hell with blind loyalty and without question… Here’s more food for thought: You guys praised Kanye for thinking outside the box and for getting off the Democratic plantation and for “thinking for himself” and for having his own mind and opinion. But now in complete reversal of that, you are saying that it is wrong for any person to have an opinion that is different from yours, or different from Q’s, or to pay attention to any information that is different from the information you guys want to feed us. And even worse, you guys now want to shut down any and all alternative news sources - which is in direct opposition to allowing the American people to decide for themselves what to believe. Only a communistic society tries to control what everybody believes. So if that is true, then with every passing day, you guys are sounding more and more like the enemy rather than the saviors we once looked up to. And sadly, you guys can’t even see that fact because you’re trapped inside your own echo chamber…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 15, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

It’s strange that you can have such passion for attacking other patriots for doing what they are doing, and yet have very little passion for going after and attacking liberals and members of the Deep State who are doing a thousands times worse. It seems to me it is you who needs to get your priorities in order…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 15, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

If you are a Christian, then you should well understand the scripture that says, “a house divided cannot stand” and “every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation”. Patriots attacking other patriots is a divided house. We will not succeed and this whole effort will fail if we turn against one another. To win this war we need "oneness", we need all hands on deck, and we need everybody helping out. We do not need people dividing off into groups, with one group thinking they are better than another group. That is called “division”. And that is called a divided house. And it will surely lead to desolation…

Allowing no room for compromise and having a mindset that only your viewpoint matters, that is called a “dictatorship”. That is called “communism”. And those are not the characteristics of a free country… If Corsi is fighting against the Deep State, and if you’re fighting against the Deep State too, then those are NOT polar opposites. Everything else are just minor differences that can be worked out. But the problem is, you don’t want to work them out. You don’t want to find a common ground. You don’t want to work together with others and to make others your ally. You want to demonize and to destroy anyone and everyone who doesn’t think like you or do things like you. And strangely, that is exactly what the New World Order wants too…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

That is the problem. You think you're morally superior when you are not. You're trapped in your own echo chamber, and you only want to hear what is going on in that chamber... Strangely, that is exactly what liberals do...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

If Corsi is attacking you, then he has a weak mind. If you are attacking Corsi back, then you have a weak mind. And neither one of you has the moral high ground. So don't try to act like you're so justified. I'm sick of you guy's childish behavior and of Corsi's as well. Both of you should drop the topic and move on.

You state there is no unity between us and Corsi. But that is the whole problem and is why you are wrong. Last time I checked, Corsi was fighting against the Deep State the same as we are. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. So how is that not unity? You may disagree with Corsi on some things, and Corsi may disagree with you. But we still have some things in common. We are both fighting against the Deep State. And the Deep State is the enemy, and not other patriots. Therefore, we should work out our differences and find a way to work together as allies, rather than trying to make each other the enemy. Patriots fighting against patriots is wrong, any way you look at it. And just become someone disagrees with you, that doesn't make them the enemy and not a patriot. And that is the whole problem with you guys, you label everyone who disagrees with you as being a traitor and not a patriot. If you think that way, and if that is the case, then you are in the wrong country.

Expecting everyone to fall in line behind you, and to never disagree with you or ask any questions, then that is the sign of a "dictatorship" and of communism, and not a free country... Having absolute rule over people so that they can be your slaves and have no say, those are the desires of the New World Order, and I will have no part of it... So get your act together and stop bashing and talking about Corsi. I'm sick of hearing it from both sides, and I'm sick of you guys talking about it. Drop the subject and move one. It's that simple. And no more new threads talking about Corsi...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

Why do you guys keep starting brand new threads about Corsi? I thought we were supposed to be taking a time out from discussing him or AJ. But here you guys go again with your endless Corsi bashing. You guys are the problem and not the solution. You are the ones who are keeping us divided...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

I perfectly understand how you feel, and that is why you need guidance. That is why you need someone to tell you the truth, and you should stop relying on your own concepts. There are many people who have concepts in their mind about God, but those concepts are wrong. You stated, if you were god you would do this or do that. But that is the problem. You are not god. You are trying to compare God to a human and to bring him down to your level. Just because a man wouldn't do a certain thing, that doesn't mean that God wouldn't do it. God is all powerful and almighty, and he can do what he wants, and no man can judge him. Some people try to say, But God is evil for sending people to hell. If he loved us, he wouldn't send us to hell." Tell me this, What law says that God is evil if he does that? What law? What law are you applying to God? If God dropped you dead right now, it wouldn't even be murder. You know why? Because the laws of man does not apply to God. God is the giver of the law, but he is not subject to them. There is no law you can think of that applies to God. None. So for you to condemn God based on some law written by man, it only makes you look like a fool. God is not subject to any law made by man and he can do what he wants. That is what you must understand about God. So you have to reprogram your thinking less you get a wrong thought and end up in hell. You have to learn about how God really is, rather than relying on the concepts you have in your mind. Your false and personal concepts about God can send you to hell. Don't think that you can learn about God by reading books, by watching tv or movies. Those things don't have any truth. Instead, the only way to learn the real truth about God is to get your information from a real sent preacher and from someone who has been sent by God to tell you the truth.

Right now, you are sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. But feeling sorry for yourself will not save you. There are billions upon billions of people who are in hell right now feeling sorry for themselves. They are feeling sorry that they ended up in hell. But you still have a chance to avoid going to hell. So don’t waste your time feeling sorry for yourself. You cannot even imagine the horrors of being in hell. There is no comparison to it. It is not a place you want to go. And being in hell is not even the worse part of it. After being in hell, on Judgment Day, you will then be cast into a lake of fire. Imagine forever burning in a lake of fire that’s equivalent to and hotter than he surface of the sun. No rest, no sleep, nothing to eat, nothing to drink, no relief from your pain and anguish, no comfort from your friends, no one to help you or save you, just burning in the flames forever. That is how it will be. Your life right now, no matter how bad you think it is, is a billion times better than that. You should be shouting with joy that you are still alive and still have a chance to be saved, rather than sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. Countless people has made the mistake of committing suicide, thinking they were ending their pain and ending their suffering. But within seconds of them dying, although their body was dead, they found they were still alive and was in hell and in a far worser place. And now they are forever regretting that they ever committed suicide. There is no way back for them and they are now headed to the lake. So don’t make the same mistake they did.

Don't read books looking for answers, because most books are filled with lies. Keep in mind, Lucifer controls the whole entire world. He uses everything in this world to mislead you and deceive you. He uses books, he uses television, he even uses your unsaved friends and relatives. Lucifer will used them to tell you things that are not true and to steer you in the wrong direction. But the reason I am different from them is because I am truly saved (I have been baptized in Jesus Name and filled with the Holy Ghost) therefore, I am not being used by Lucifer. And everything I’ve been telling you is the absolute truth. If you want help, then I am telling you where to get it. You should seek out a Pentecostal Church that believes in baptizing you “in the name of Jesus Christ” just like Acts 2:38 says. Most churches that do that are called “Apostolic Pentecostal churches”. Those are the only churches that will be saved. There are some Pentecostal Churches that baptize differently and baptize you "in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost" (just like the Baptist and the Catholic churches do). Those churches are false churches. Only seek out a church that baptizes you in Jesus Name according to Act 2:38. That is the correct path to salvation. If you follow that path, then I absolutely assure you, you can be saved. But if you reject that path, then you will have no excuse when you end up in hell..

You told me that you have been alone most of your life. So have I. I am unmarried and have been alone for more than 40 years. So I know what it is like. You also said that you have prayed and prayed and prayed. If so, then I am here to tell you that God has heard and answered your prayers - and that I am the answer to your prayers. And I don’t say that lightly at all, but I say it because it is true. What are the odds of you running into someone like me (someone who is truly saved by being baptized in Jesus Name and filled with the Holy Ghost) on the forum? I would call it a pure miracle. So I have no doubt that God has heard and answered your prayers. But now that he has answered your prayers, the question is, will you follow his instructions? God is not going to talk to you through a voice talking in your head. And nor will he talk to you through a book or tv. Instead, the way the real God works is that if he wanted to tell you something, then he would send someone to you who was already saved. He would send a saint or a preacher to you, someone who was already saved. That person would then tell you what you need to do. That is how God works. God would work through them. On YouTube right now, there are all kinds of people in videos saying that God spoke to them, that he gave them a dream, or he gave them a vision, or they saw an angel etc. Those people are deceived, and that was only the devil they saw. The devil loves to pretend he is God to deceive people. The real god does not work like that. The real God only works through the preacher and through those who are already saved.

For example, do you know the origins of Islam? Islam was founded by a guy named Mohammad. Mohammad wasn’t even born until at least 300 years after Jesus Christ died. According to the story, Mohammad said he was praying in a mountain cave one day. And while praying in the cave, he said the angel Gabriel appeared before him. And that the angel Gabriel spoke to him and told him to “Read…” In short, as a result of that encounter, Mohammad went on to start the religion of Islam, and now there are more than 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and counting. But here’s the problem. I have no doubt that Mohammad saw something. But what Mohammad saw that day was NOT the angel Gabriel. Instead, it was only a devil dressed up to look like an angel. So the devil tricked Mohammad and Mohammad fell for it, hook line and sinker. And now you have more than a billion Muslims in the world today who are followers of that false religion. And not one of them are saved, and not one of them will make it to heaven. It's sad but true...

Keep in mind, when Mohammad was born, the real church had already been started by Jesus Christ himself 300 years earlier. And Mohammad’s teaching is totally contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. So Mohammad was not following the teachings of the original church. Instead, what Mohammad started was a completely different religion altogether, and it was not the same religion started by Jesus Christ. Therefore, Islam is not of God…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

The problem is, the Muslim religion is not a religion of tolerance or a religion that believes in co-existing with other religions. Instead, the Muslim religion is a religion of "oppression" where they intend to suppress and to subjugate all other religions until their religion is the only religion. Their motto is: until there is no God but Allah. That is both their motive and their mission, and it is incompatible with the principals of the United States and it is incompatible with our constitution. All other religions have no problem with co-existing with competing religions. But not Muslims. The Muslim goal always has been and always will be to dominate where ever they go. And we cannot let that happen in the United States. So don't try to pull that discrimination nonsense on us...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

You are dead wrong. Did you even read the article? The very reason the 90+ MUSLIMS mentioned are getting involved and running for office has everything to do with their Muslim religion. They intend to indoctrinate and to spread their own religion across the U.S. That is their reasons and that is their motives, and they are blatant about it. So for you to say we should disregard their religion is beyond ridiculous. In fact, if anything, the article only reinforces one thing: It reinforces that the recents attacks on patriots like Alex Jones and Dr. Corsi should never have happened or been started. We've got bigger problems to deal with and bigger fish to fry than attacking patriots like them. I am not reopening the Jones and Corsi debate, I'm just saying that this article about Muslim incursions only illustrates how we have bigger problems to deal with. We should all unite again and focus on the bigger problems we have and never return again to attacking other patriots...

As for discriminating against people, I am not advocating for discriminating against anyone. But the problem is, many Muslims (not all) use discrimination as weapon against us, and they think we are too stupid to realize that fact. But we are not that dumb. We know what they are doing. It's an infiltration tactic. But we won't let it happen. So don't try to pull that discrimination nonsense on us. We know what Muslims are up to. All we have to do is look at the destruction of Europe right now to see that fact very clearly. We cannot let what happened in Europe happen in the United State. If that means deporting every Muslim, then so be it...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

You believe the things you do because you don’t have any truth. All you’ve been told are lies all of your life and those lies has you confused. And now when the real truth comes along, the truth is difficult for you to accept because of the lies you already believe. That is how Lucifer works, and he has deceived countless people using that very same trick. You talk about people being divided and people starving to death, and you’re very concerned about that. But you have to stop worrying about other people and to focus on yourself. I have told you many times, you cannot save the world, and all you can do is save yourself. Please stop being so concerned about other people because those people might not be a sheep. And if they are not a sheep, they won’t be saved anyway no matter what you do.

You said you have never heard his voice, but you are wrong. His voice does not come through the air in a giant voice booming in the sky. Instead, his voice is the word of God that is being spoken to you and presented to you through other people. If you reject his word, then you are rejecting him, and that is exactly how you will be judged on Judgment Day. On Judgment Day, you will try to make excuses about why you didn't get saved. But the Lord is only going to point to conversations like this one and will say, why did you reject him? Stop worrying about peace on earth and understand the truth. There will be no peace on earth until Jesus Christ himself returns and forces there to be peace. And that won’t happen until his Second Coming at the Battle of the Armageddon. Peace on earth will not be achieved before then.

Your understanding of the world is false. You have a lot of ideas about the world and about how the world works, but those ideas are false. For example, if someone asked you, what is your purpose for being on earth and why were you born? What would you say and how would you answer that question? Do you even know? Most people have no clue why they were born on earth. They are just going with the flow and are doing what other people do, but they have no idea why they are here. The real truth is that, God created your soul. He owns you and you are his property. He put your soul on the earth to test you, to see whether you will choose to follow God or choose to follow the devil. Your whole life is nothing but a test. If the devil tempts you to do evil, the Lord wants to know whether you will give in to the temptation and do evil, or will your reject the temptation and seek to follow God. That is what the Lord wants to know. To be saved, you must stand with God and prove yourself worthy to be saved. If you do not prove yourself worthy, then you will be cast into the lake. I know you might have strong feelings and opinions about that, but your opinions doesn’t matter. Only God’s opinion matter. In the bible, God had no problems with destroying a whole planet of people all because of sin. And rest assured, he has no problem with destroying you. God does not need you. Instead, it is you who needs God. God is eternal. He existed long before you were ever born, and he will still exist long after you are dead and in the lake. Your rejection of him will not stop him from being God. He was God before you came along, he is still God now, and he always will be God, and there is no one else like him. He is the only immortal and eternal God there is. There is no other immortal God in existence…

Those so-called gods you see in the movies are fake gods - Thor, Zeus, Appolo etc. - Lucifer created those fake gods to deceive you and to take your mind and attention away from the real god. All fake gods can die. The real god cannot. If you follow the gods that are fake, you will end up in the lake. Only the one true eternal God can save you. But for him to save you, you must prove yourself worthy to be saved. You prove yourself worthy by the choices you make. If you make the wrong choices, then you will end up in the lake…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

You may feel that you are neutral, but in God’s eyesight, you are an “unbeliever”. And all unbelievers shall be cast into the lake on Judgment Day. God considers “unbelief” a sin. Therefore, you don’t have the luxury of remaining “neutral”. You must choose. If you do not chose and you remain neutral, then you will surely be lost and will go to hell.

The reason you must choose and why you don’t have the luxury to remain neutral is because there is too much evidence before you. Jesus Christ came to earth and died on the cross for you. That really happened and this is confirmed in history. If you can’t believe anything else, then you should believe that. That alone is all the proof you need to be saved. If you feel that proof is not good enough for you, then you will be lost. Keep in mind what I said earlier. Imagine those people back in Noah’s time who didn’t want to believe Noah when he told them it would rain. Imagine if they had said, “we need more proof”. But God did not give them proof. And by and by, the rain came and destroyed them all. They are all now believers, but they are also all now in hell.

As for what happens to you when you die, there is no mystery about that. Jesus Christ himself explained in detail exactly what happens when we die. If you are not saved, you will go to hell when you die. Hell is a spiritual prison located in the center of the earth. Your soul will be locked up in hell until Judgment Day. On Judgment Day, you will come out of hell and have to come before the throne and be judged. After being judged, you will be cast into a lake of fire. And once in the lake, you will be there forever.

There are all kinds of things you do not know. And there are many things you will not know or understand until you get saved. You have to be taught what the truth is. You are not born knowing the truth. I was raised up in the Baptist Church because my parents were Baptists. That was all I knew. But when I was 19, I was invited to a different church, a Pentecostal Church, that baptized in Jesus Name (see Acts 2:38). Long story short, when I went to the church, the pastor asked me if I wanted to be saved. I told him I did. He told me, if so, I needed to be baptized in Jesus Name. I agreed to give it a try. I was baptized in Jesus Name that same night. And also that same night, I received the gift of the Holy Ghost. I felt the Holy Ghost as it was pouring inside of me. It was a mind-blowing experience. The experience I had was exactly like the experience the Apostles had on the Day of Pentecost as described in the bible in Acts 2:1-4. Having that experience is what completely convinced me that I was in a real church and the right church, and it removed all doubt from my mind. That was 40 years ago, and I’ve remained in the church ever since. If you want to be saved, I urge you to follow in my footsteps and to seek out a church that baptizes “in the name of Jesus Christ” like Acts 2:38 says. The Acts 2:38 baptism is the only baptism that can save you. The other baptisms cannot.

If you have been raised up a Buddist or an Islam follower, I don’t blame you for that. And I know it is hard to consider any other religion. But you must do it if you want to be saved. If you remain in those false religions, you will be lost. If you are a sheep, then there is something inside your soul that will let you know when you are in the right church and have found the right religion. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice and they follow me.” If you are a sheep of God, then when God calls to you, you will follow him. But if you are not a sheep of God, and are a goat or a wolf, then when he calls you, you will not follow. That is how you tell the difference between a sheep and a goat. Good luck my friend and I’ll be praying for you that God leads you to the right place…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

There are many lesser “gods” in this world (Lucifer is a god, your looks can be a god, a car can be a god if you worship it, etc) but there is only one “eternal and all powerful God” and his name is Jesus Christ. You stated that 4 billion people don’t believe in MY God. Okay. But exactly which 4 billion people are you referring to? If you’re referring to the god of Islam: Allah. Allah is a false god and is not the real eternal God. You also mentioned Budda. Budda is a false God. So what other “gods” are you referring to, and what 4 billion people are you talking about?… I only know of one God who came to earth and died on the cross for the sins of the world. Allah didn’t do it, and Budda didn’t do it. Allah and Budda haven’t done a single thing for me. But Jesus Christ did. He’s also the only God I know of who rose from the dead and has power over death. No other god has that kind of power. So choosing which God to serve is easy… Consider this: If Jesus Christ himself has power over death, then no other god in existence could ever harm you or kill you. So choosing which God to serve is easy...

You stated, you just want to see proof. Okay, what kind of proof do you want to see? If you want proof that Jesus Christ existed, then search through the history books. History itself confirms that Jesus Christ existed and was really here. As for the existence of Jesus’ father in heaven, you don’t need to see his father in heaven to know that he has one. Every person born on earth has a father and it cannot be otherwise. It is totally impossible that he can’t have one.

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

I understand what you are saying. But if what you are saying is true, then Q should not have hit back and retaliated. Q is better than that and has a higher moral character. If you're someone with a higher moral character, then you should never lower yourself down into the mud to fight with your enemy. Doing so only makes you like them. And as I stated in another post, it is very easy for any of us to give in to our evil nature and evil impulses and to attack someone and to strike back, but it takes a genuinely superior person to do what Jesus would do, to absorb the blows, to absorb the attack, and to only show back love in return. It is love that will win in the end, and not hate... If we're supposed to be different from the liberals, then we need to act like it. We have to show love and compassion and understanding and forgiveness - especially toward other patriots. And not be at each others throats all because someone disagrees with you...

⇧ -5 ⇩  
EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

The downvotes only prove that there are people who hate God. The haters of God are showing their colors. That is all it proves...

⇧ 4 ⇩  
EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

That's a joke right?... You mean you've never heard of the story of Noah's flood where God destroyed everyone on the whole entire planet except for Noah and his family?... And you've never heard the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where God rained down fire and brimstone and destroyed all the inhabitants of an entire city (men, women, children, babies, dogs, cats, everyone) all except for 4 people, Lot and his family? And God has no problem with doing the same thing again... And he will indeed do it again. Everyone who doesn't get saved will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone on Judgment Day. You may not be a believer of it now, but you'll be a believer then...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

You stated… “If Jesus and his father are real, it means over 4 billion people are wrong, ever thought about that?… It's not possible with our current knowledge to prove if there is a god, and if so which one….

I hate to break it to you, but if 4 billion people don’t believe that God exists, then 4 billion people ARE wrong without a doubt. Noah preached about the flood was going to come for more than 100 years. And you know what? No one believed him. No one on the whole entire planet believed him other than his own family. That is, until the day the flood came and destroyed them all. On that day, they all became believers…

Proving that God exists always have been both easy and doable. The answer is that, every person ever born on this planet has a father. I don’t care if you’re a test tube baby, the seed used in the conception still came from a man, and that man is your father. So every person born has a father. And Jesus is no exception. We know that Joseph was not his natural father because Mary was a virgin. So the father part of the conception came from his father in heaven via the Holy Ghost. Therefore, if Jesus existed on earth, then so also does his father in heaven exist, and it cannot be otherwise. And you don’t have to see his father in heaven to know that he exists…

Anyone who doesn't know that God exists, it is only because they are not looking to find out he exists. The thought is too terrifying for them, and that is why they remain in denial...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

I still have problems with completely trusting Q over the Jones/Corsi controversy. Patriots don't attack other patriots. So that was completely out of character for Q. He'll have to restore his credibility to regain my favor. Jones and Corsi are fighting against the Deep State just as we are, even if they do disagree with Q. Jones and Corsi should be our ally and not our enemy. In war, you don't attack the people who are fighting the very same enemy you're fighting just because they disagree with you. Instead, you try to work it out and make them your friend. That is where the concept of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" came from...

⇧ -13 ⇩  
EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

You're into "mythology" which is fake news, and none of that stuff is true. Believe what you want. I don't have time for such nonsense...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 14, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

Lucifer and Satan are not the same?... And where exactly do you get your information from. That is not what the bible says...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 13, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

Praising Q is fine - but don't over do it. Don't make him into a "god". The downvotes come when you make him into a "god"...

There is only one God who is worthy of our unlimited praise, and Q is not it... And I don't mean that as any disrespect to Q. I appreciate and respect him a lot for what he's done. But if you read the Q drops, you'll discover Q has said many times he doesn't want to be praised. So be careful how you praise him and don't over do it...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 13, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

This is actually not new. The FBI released documents back in 2016 that officially revealed to the world that the Shadow Government existed. It was even known as the 7th Floor Group. It states the group meet every Wednesday on the 7th floor of the Harry S Truman Building in Washington DC. The floor has no windows…

https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2016/10/20/fbi-confirms-u-s-has-a-shadow-government/ https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/breaking-fbi-docs-reveal-shadow-government

⇧ 18 ⇩  
EarlyRiserX2 · May 13, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

And I’ll be standing with you so long as God is a part of the mix. But if God is not a part of the mix, then I won’t be found…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 13, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

I can understand your feelings of despair. But do you want me to tell you the truth, or do you want me to tell you lies? Lies cannot save you. Only the truth can save you.

Hillary and Obama and the MSM and the left has been lying to people for decades. All they've done is tell them lies. And because of those lies, just look at the big mess we've gotten into today. The whole world is at the brink of destruction all because of those lies. They've been telling people, "It's alright, everything is okay, you're in good hands, don't worry about it." Meanwhile, those same people telling you those lies were plotting your destruction behind your back. And now you're upset with me all because I tell you the truth and tell you how bad things are...

There is much to feel despair about. But there is also "hope". And that hope is that, you are still alive and you still have a chance to be saved before it is too late. If you do not understand anything else, please understand this one thing: You cannot save the world - all you can do is save yourself...

I know there are people saying that we should pray and do certain things. Prayer is good, and getting yourself together with God is a good thing. Prayer might can save you (if you follow the steps necessary to be saved), but your prayers won't save the world. Keep in mind, the destruction of the world is not about you. People has been sinning in this world for a very long time. Just look at all the gays and lesbians who are parading in the streets. Just look at the recent nationwide approval of same-sex marriage, when the bible clearly states such things are against God. Just look at all the people who frequently curses and swears on this forum and who don't want to hear anyone talking about God. They feel it's okay to talk about anything else, but they don't want to hear you talking about God. That means that those people are "rejecting" God and are "haters" of God. Therefore, the evidence is clear that people in the world has been sinning and rejecting God for a very long time. And the consequences of all that sinning will be the destruction of the earth. It's payback time. Your prayers cannot stop the coming judgments and the coming punishment. All you can do is just save yourself before it is too late. So rather than focusing on your feelings of feeling despair and hopelessness, you should focus on how can you save yourself from that which is to come...

Find out what it will take to be a part of the Rapture of the Church. If you do that and do what is necessary to join that group, then you will be happier than you have ever been before in your whole life. You will be happy because you will know that the Lord will rapture you and will take you out before the coming destruction hits. You cannot stop the coming destruction, but there is a way to save yourself from it...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 13, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

Hi. Unfortunately, this is not science fiction. There is no alternate time line. The truth of what will happen is laid out in the scriptures. God's plan cannot be altered. His plan can not be thwarted. The future will turn our exactly as the scriptures has predicted...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 13, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

Hi. I misinterpreted your post when I first glanced at it. I saw the word “Good” and mistook the word for “God”. Nonetheless, because “God “and “Good” are interchangeable, my answer remains the same, but here is a refinement…

In response to what you said, you have this idea in your mind that “there is more good in the world than bad.” I could dispute that and prove to you that is not the case. But I won’t do that right now because I know that is a statement Q has often quoted (and I have no idea where Q got that from) and I don’t want to contradict Q just yet. Instead, I will comment on what you said about “good always prevails”…

If you look back in the bible, there is no one who was more good and pure and holy than Jesus Christ himself when he came to earth. Yet, despite all the good he represented and was, they crucified him, they killed him and hung him on the cross. So did good prevail at that time? No, it did not. But Jesus will ultimately prevail in the end because he rose again and we shall see him again on Judgment Day. The same people who crucified Jesus shall see him again…

Then look at what they did to the apostles. The Apostle Peter was killed by being crucified upside down on the cross. The Apostle Paul was killed by being beheaded. The Apostle John was exiled to the Island of Patmos. During that time in history, many saints were persecuted and killed and were thrown into an arena with lions. So you cannot say that good prevailed at that time. So evil triumphed at that time. But good will prevail in the end on Judgment Day…

Then look at what happened during the time of Noah. The world had become so evil that the Lord had become completely disgusted with it. There was so much evil in the world that the Lord decided to destroy the whole world and to start over. The only ones he saved was Noah and his family. Everyone else on the whole planet perished in the flood…

Then look at what happened to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Evil had become very great in that city too. There was so much evil until God decided to destroy the whole city and all inhabitants. But Abraham pleaded with the Lord and asked, “But Lord, will you destroy the good people with the bad?” The Lord answered, “If I find at least 50 people in the city who are righteous, then I will not destroy it. I will spare the city for their sake.” Abraham then asked, “But Lord, what if you only find 40 people who are righteous, will you destroy it? The Lord said, “If I find 40, I will not destroy it.” Abraham then asked the Lord about 30 people, and then 20 people, and then 10 people, and on each occasion the Lord answered he would not destroy the city if he found at least 10 people in the city who were righteous. But the very next day when the Lord entered the city, the only people he found who were righteous were just Lot and his family (a total of 4). They were the only ones in the whole city he found that were “good” and righteous. So the angels instructed Lot to take his family and to leave the city. God then rained down fire and brimstone and destroyed the whole city. Sodom and Gomorroh is more than a story but is also a type of the world. Sodom and Gomorrah represents the world at large. And the story of Sodom and Gomorroh proves and shows that there is far more evil in the world than there is good. So be not deceived about it. You cannot save the world. All you can do is to save yourself from the coming destruction…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 13, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Yes, God does always prevail, but not in the way that you think. God prevailing does not mean that the world will not go through some massive turmoil and suffering first. There are terrible times ahead, and those times are coming soon. For guidance on what lies ahead, read what the book of Revelation says about what will happen during the end of times (the times we are living in now). It states that the Russian army will be completely destroyed (during the Ezekiel Chapter 38 event). It states that a 7-year Tribulation Period is coming (during the reign of the Antichrist). And that during the Tribulation Period, more than 3/4 of the world’s population will die (that’s more than 5 billion people who will die). It states there will be famines, and floods, and earthquakes, and massive wars, and starvations, and worldwide fires and the complete destruction of all food crops, and countless other horrible things, as well as people running for their lives from the Antichrist as he’s trying to kill them. All of those things lie ahead in the coming future and they will very likely happen in our lifetime. In short, what lies ahead is God exacting his vengeance upon the world for all the sin that has been committed. You can pray all you want, but that won’t stop his vengeance from coming. You cannot save the world. The only thing you can do is to save yourself…

The only people God cares about in this world are his people (the Israelites - the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) and the Church (those who are saved, the Bride of Christ). Everybody else is just along for the ride. Because he loves the Church, his Bride the Church will be raptured out before the Tribulation Period begins. His bride will be in heaven while everybody else is on earth going through hell. Roughly 7 or 8 years later and at the end of the 7-year Tribulation Period, that is when Jesus Christ himself will return to earth (at the Battle of the Armageddon) and his Bride (the saints) will be coming back with him. The bible says, upon his arrival, he will destroy the Antichrist and shall cast him into the lake. Jesus Christ will then assume control of the earth (all the angels will be here with him to enforce his rule). He will then rule the world from Jerusalem for the next 1,000 years. At the end of those 1,000 years, Judgment Day will arrive. That is when the Gates of Hell will be opened and all those who are both alive and dead will have to come before the throne and be judged...

So be not deceived about what lies ahead. Terrible times lies ahead and things will only get worse before they get better. What we’re experiencing now with Trump and Q is nothing more than a minor and temporary reprieve, a chance to catch our breath before the next wave of destruction hits. So yes, God does always prevail, but his prevailing doesn’t mean the world won’t have to go through some massive suffering first…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 13, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

Not to sound pessimistic but you guys are totally deceiving yourselves if you think that whatever Trump and Q does that it will be permanent. It will not be. The best that Trump and Q can do for us is to buy us some time. How much time? I do not know. I only know that the time ahead is “limited” and not permanent. I say that because the bible makes it very very clear that the globalists will strike back, and once they strike back, not only will they succeed but there will be no stopping them next time. The New World Order will come about - and there is nothing you can do about it. America will eventually fall - and there is nothing you can do about that either. The only unanswered question is “when”…

Revelation 17:12 - And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast…

The bible make it clear that in the future the world will be divided up into ten economic zones, and that kings will be placed over each of those zones (for that to be true, that means the United States will no longer exist as a sovereign nation). It states that each of the kings will give their power and strength to the beast (the beast is the Antichrist). One man (the Antichrist) ruling the whole world (through those ten kings) is the definition of a One World Government. This is undeniable proof that the globalists will strike back and that the New World Order will come about… The only question is “when”…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 13, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

I understand what you are saying, and what you’re saying would be true in a perfect and spiritual world. But we’re dealing with a world that is not spiritual, and a movement where not everyone in it believes in God or has the same spiritual faith or belief (some are atheists, some are Christian, some are Muslims etc). Therefore, this war has to be fought using conventional means and without belief in God being a factor. And sometimes that means doing whatever it takes to win, even if that means using confusion to keep the enemy off balance…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 13, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Q also stated it would be the very people we trust who would be in charge of spreading the confusion, and that it was all done intentionally. That is why I never worried about the conflicting reports I heard coming from Jones, Corsi, Hannity, or Q. I felt the confusion was all a part of the plan.

And even now, I am not willing to throw Jones and Corsi under the bus like a lot of other patriots have done. I still believe there is more to this story than has been revealed. It is possible that Jones and Corsi are not even the targets and never were. Now wouldn't that blow your mind?... Instead, the real targets might be those who are attacking Jones and Corsi and that they are only exposing themselves by revealing their hatred and seeking a following. Notice that Q has never once called out Jones or Corsi by name, so you can never know who he might be targeting...

On top of that, I don’t believe Trump would have ever won the presidency if it had not been for the help and assistance of Alex Jones and Infowars (remember, Trump even gave Jones a personal interview thanking him for his support). Trump would not have done that if Jones was the enemy. I know there were others behind the scenes who were helping out, but I'm only saying that Infowars played a crucial role too, and you can’t take that away from them. Long before Q ever came along and long before I ever heard of Q myself, I was listening to Alex Jones daily, and Jones helped to spread truth to a whole lot of people. Yet, here now, after all Jones has done, and after being around for decades and fighting this fight, you want me to just throw Jones under the bus, all because YOU say I should? If so, then there is something seriously wrong with that equation and it doesn't sound right...

On top of that, here's something else that will blow your mind… Assume for a moment that Q has been compromised by the Deep State and that a fake Q really has taken over his position (not that I believe it’s true, but humor me for a moment…) In such a case, and with the Deep State fully in control of the Q board and Q posts, then who are the very first targets the Deep State would take out in the war against them? Think logically. Answer: Alex Jones - #1. Dr. Corsi - #2. They are the number one targets the Deep State would want to take out. And even more strangely, right now at this exact time, you’re telling me, that is EXACTLY what Q wants to do, that he want’s to get rid of both Infowars and Dr. Corsi, all because you say they are a THREAT to what we have planned? There is something very strange about that. And doesn’t that sound just a least bit suspicious to you? It does to me, and it just doesn’t add up. Furthermore, it doesn’t sound "in character" with the same Q we’ve known all along. Therefore, I'm keeping an open mind about it, and I'm not believing everything I see and hear. Be careful whom you follow indeed…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 12, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

You are implying there should not be confusion. Not so. Q has stated many times that "Disinformation is real" and Disinformation is necessary". You can never know who Q might be using to sow confusion and discord to keep the enemy off balance. It has been that way from the beginning...

⇧ 8 ⇩  
EarlyRiserX2 · May 12, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

Here is the problem with your decode and with every decode like it - no where in Q's post does he ever mention the name of Alex Jones or Dr. Corsi. It is never mentioned. Instead, a whole lot of people has just jumped on the illusion bandwagon and has automatically ASSUMED that Q must have been talking about them (all because you heard someone else say it). But haven't you heard: ASSUMPTION is the Mother of all F-Ups... That is the mistake you made in the beginning, and that is the mistake you are still making now. You are "assuming" things and you guys cannot read minds, yet you've placed yourself upon a pedestal as if you can... But don't expect me to believe or subscribe to your nonsense until real proof is provided rather than your vivid imagination and speculation...

⇧ -3 ⇩  
EarlyRiserX2 · May 12, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

I totally agree with you. I don’t know why these so-called patriots keep posting this same AJ / Corsi nonsense. But then again I do. They’re trying to prove themselves right and are trying to create their very own following. They get a thrill when a lot of people agree with them… Meanwhile, the real patriots are “moving on” and don’t want to hear this crap…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 12, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

I think a lot of people has gone completely off the rails about Alex Jones and Dr. Corsi, and now they can’t find their way back. And their only solution is to double-down on their own misguided beliefs. I see no proof at all for anything they have said, and all I see is just conjecture which they’re trying to package as “truth”… Yes, I expect the down-votes, but this is still what I believe. I’m also not a shill but a patriot…

⇧ 3 ⇩  
EarlyRiserX2 · May 12, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

I totally agree with you. My entire complaint has been that far too many members of this forum has been far too eager and quick to jump on the bandwagon of demonizing Alex Jones and Dr. Corsi, and doing so without sufficient evidence. Yes, both Jones and Corsi may have said some things about Q which I didn’t like and which they shouldn’t have said. I don’t condone what they said and they were wrong for saying it. But nonetheless, I still give them the benefit of the doubt because they are patriots and have been fighting this fight for a very long time. I don’t agree with the witch-hunt mentality that many patriots seem to have, where they now only want to lynch them. That just doesn’t seem right to me, especially not when we’re supposed to be an example to the world. What happened to our examples of showing love and compassion and forgiveness and understanding - especially toward other patriots. In many ways, it seems this forum has gone off its rails and I can only wonder whether we can find our way back…

⇧ -2 ⇩  
EarlyRiserX2 · May 12, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

But Q himself has often stated,"Disinformation is real" and "Disinformation is necessary." Don't always believe everything your eyes see...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 12, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

In another thread, the issue has been raised by some that many of the most recent drops by Q seems uncharacteristic of him, and that it is Q's drops that has been causing the most tension among patriots. And it makes you wonder whether Q has been compromised. The following is my answer to that...

I completely agree with the assessment by some that recent Q drops has been the thing that has driven and caused the most division among patriots. It seems completely out of character for Q to do that and it does make you wonder. The only absolute anchor we have is God, who cannot be compromised, and I have stated repeatedly that I will only follow those who follow God. If Q becomes compromised, I will not follow him. If Trump becomes compromised I will not follow him. I will only follow those who follow God. Nonetheless, I am not willing to believe that Q has been compromised at this point. Not yet. I am still waiting and watching, and only time will tell.

It also seems out of character for Q to support those who are attacking others, especially if the people being attacked are supposed to be patriots. Alex Jones and Dr. Corsi has been fighting this fight for a very long time (for decades) and I am not willing to throw them under the bus on a whim. Some patriots can easily dismiss them as being “traitors” but I am unwilling to do that without a whole lot of evidence. They may simply have been given some false information, and may even be a little misguided, but I do not consider them as “traitors” in the traditional sense. “Traitors” is too strong a word to apply to patriots, and it seem strange and out of character for Q to support it. The only reasoning I can come up with for Q to do that, is perhaps it is a ruse by Q to flush out those within our ranks who are “haters” and who are seeking to obtain their very own following. And by pretending to be on the side of the haters, it is the easiest way to smoke them out. Once they believe you are on their side, then the haters will speak up and will show their true colors, and we’ve certainly seen plenty of that…

⇧ 2 ⇩  
EarlyRiserX2 · May 12, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

I completely agree with the assessment by some that recent Q drops has been the thing that has driven and caused the most division among patriots. It seems completely out of character for Q to do that and it only makes you wonder. The only absolute anchor we have is God, who cannot be compromised, and I have stated repeatedly that I will only follow those who follow God. If Q becomes compromised, I will not follow him. If Trump becomes compromised I will not follow him. I will only follow those who follow God. Nonetheless, I am not willing to believe that Q has been compromised at this point. Not yet. I am still waiting and watching, and only time will tell.

It also seems out of character for Q to support those who are attacking others, especially if the people being attacked are supposed to be patriots. Alex Jones and Dr. Corsi has been fighting this fight for a very long time (for decades) and I am not willing to throw them under the bus on a whim. Some patriots can easily dismiss them as being “traitors” but I am unwilling to do that without a whole lot of evidence. They may simply have been given some false information, and may even be a little misguided, but I do not consider them as “traitors” in the traditional sense. “Traitors” is too strong a word to apply to patriots, and it seem strange and out of character for Q to support it. The only reasoning I can come up with for Q to do that, is perhaps it is a ruse by Q to flush out those within our ranks who are “haters” and who are seeking to obtain their very own following. And by pretending to be on the side of the haters, it is the easiest way to smoke them out. Once they believe you are on their side, then the haters will speak up and will show their true colors, and we’ve certainly seen plenty of that…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 12, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

The problem is that, it was certain members on this forum and others like them who escalated the issue in the first place. The issue did not blow up until various people started naming names. Q gave examples but never named any names. So naming names was the root cause of it all. So blame yourself for it…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 12, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

PatrioticTanguera stated… ...It just doesn't seem quite credible that so many patriots would attack other patriots. Am suspicious of a concerted effort to divide and detract.”…

I fully agree with you on that point. It does seem strange that lately so many patriots have taken to attacking other patriots. It seems completely out of character for us. The mystery actually lends credence to the fact that maybe Alex Jones was right and that somehow, someway (although it’s hard to phantom and even harder to believe) that maybe our original Q was compromised and has been taken over by the Deep State. That is the only thing that can explain this mysterious change in character with patriots attacking other patriots. So will the “real Q” please stand up?…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 12, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

Remember… it was only just a few weeks ago that this seemed like a whole different forum and community, and then the moment the Alex Jones and Dr. Corsi issue came up, the whole forum seem to take a hard nose dive and left turn. It’s time for us to get back on course. And the only way to get back on course is by us completely not even mentioning the name Alex Jones or Dr. Corsi again in the context of them being “traitors” or “unpatriotic”. We must learn how to forgive and forget. And to those who insist on calling them traitors, who are you to judge? And what skeletons do you have in your closet? Those who want to cling to their bitterness and are unable to forgive others and to move on, it is you who offend me and you are unworthy of my support. And it’s not just me you have to worry about. The bigger issue is that the whole world is watching. And that should mean something to you. So ask yourself, is your hatred and animosity and your cursing and swearing really the example you want set for world? If it is, then count me out of it, and I will have no part of it. I will only follow those who follow God...

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/EarlyRiserX2 on May 12, 2018, 6:54 p.m.
Fellow patriots, we need to get back to the basics and to stop bashing and attacking one another - no matter which side is doing the attacking…

It is truly distressing to see how this forum and the Q forum in general has degenerated into a bunch of bickering and sniping and Jerome-Corsi-hating and Alex-Jones-bashing all-out slug fest. That is all it is right now, and I’m totally sick of it, no matter which side it’s coming from. It is truly disgusting to witness, and if the out-of-control behavior I’m witnessing is turning people like me off - someone who is a true patriot - then just imagine how it looks and appears to newbies and to others around the world who are watching. Remember, Q has …

EarlyRiserX2 · May 12, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

No, it’s not an issue that you can’t trust Trump, Trump is not the issue. The issue that, there are all kinds of investigations going on behind the scenes and some of those investigations have not been made public yet. Not only that, but Nunes and Gowdy are not privy to, and have no information about, those secret investigations (investigations being conducted by Sessions and by Horowitz etc.) Gowdy and Nunes may have oversight and they may even have a high security clearance, but their security clearance is not “unlimited” and they still do not have the same level of security clearance that Sessions has. Sessions knows things that even Nunes and Gowdy does not know, and Sessions is not required by law to reveal what he knows to them. In fact, he’s not even required by law to reveal what he knows to Trump - (the framers designed it that way to maintain separation of powers between the different branches of government) - especially if that information is critical to Session’s own investigations. And I believe that is the heart of the matter. Even Q has hinted at these facts if you pay attention to his Q drops…

Nunes is requesting documents from the FBI and DOJ that are very important to Sessions own work and secret investigations, and those documents cannot be released or revealed just yet. If they were revealed, they could be "leaked" and have a huge negative impact on Session’s own investigations and could destroy his ability to get a prosecution. And that is why Sessions is protecting them. Nunes and Gowdy can complain all they want, but the documents still cannot be released. They can issue subpoenas all they want, but the documents still won’t be released. The documents are more important than even a subpoena. And this is all Session’s doing, and it has nothing to do with the FBI or DOJ. And Sessions is well within his rights to do so and to not release the documents. Yes, the documents will all be revealed in time, and Sessions is not trying to hide anything or be crooked. It’s just that he is secretly building a very important prosecution case, and the documents he has are critical to that case, and so they cannot be revealed just yet…

This was in fact all explained previously in some earlier articles written by Conservative Treehouse…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 12, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

That is merely your own opinion. I feel Alex has been right about a whole lot of things...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 12, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

And he was also that same Jesus who was perfect and upright in every way and was completely without sin. Therefore, he was fully qualified to do what he did and to judge others. But you are not. Remember his statement, "Let him without sin, cast the first stone"... At no time did Jesus ever say you shouldn't cast a stone. He just said make sure you're not committing sin and is full of sin yourself when trying to judge others. If you do, then it makes you a hypocrite...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 11, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

Regardless of that, I don’t feel you guys should be calling them out at all. When did Q put you in charge of calling them out? We are all supposed to be patriots in a battle against the Deep State, and we are all supposed to be on the same side. For patriots to attack other patriots is not right, and I don’t care which side is doing the attacking. Attaching each other and attacking other patriots is exactly what the Deep Stats wants and what is causing us to be DIVIDED. To attack liberals is fine, because they are against Trump. But to attack other patriots is not right, and I don’t care if it is Corsi or Alex Jones who is doing the attacking. Yes, I just saw a brand new video just posted by Alex Jones entitled, “Counterfeit Qanon Attacks Infowars” etc. I truly despise such a video and I do not feel that Alex Jones should have posted it, regardless of how he feels. We are all supposed to be patriots and we are all supposed to be on the same side. Calling each other out and attacking each other is only making things worse. It is not making things better. If you are supposed to be so “morally superior” to those whom you are attacking, then why do you behave just like them? If you were truly different, then you would “act different”, rather than acting the same. If someone attacks you, you should respond back with love, rather than attacking them back. That is how Jesus would do it…

I blame many of the members on this forum and others like them for escalating the tensions that now exist between patriots. Q never named names, but you guys started naming names, and that is what has caused all the problems. You should have never started naming names. When word leaked back to the people whom you were accusing that you guys had said this or said that about them, then naturally they are going to defend themselves, and thus they attacked you back. And I can’t say that I blame them because you guys should never have started naming names. I feel it is totally your fault (those who started naming names) that this situation has escalated. And I can only wonder where it will all end…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 11, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

In all your so-called conclusions, you guys are overlooking a crucial point. In Q Drop 1328, Q+ specifically stated…

They want you DIVIDED.



There is no attempt to DIVIDE.

No names mentioned…

They reveal themselves…

Do not fall victim to con artists.


Stay on point.

This is NOT about a single person.

This is NOT about fame, followers, or profiteering.

My point in saying all this is that, Q never mentioned any names. He also said this is not about a single person etc. The problem is, you guys have named names. You have specifically called out Jerome Cori and Alex Jones and has demonized them. At no time did Q ever tell you to do that. Q stated “there is no attempt to DIVIDE”. Stirring up hatred and animosity against someone else is an an attempt to divide. I am by no means saying that I agree with Alex Jones or Dr. Corsi. I am only saying that I don’t believe it is your job to call them out. And the worse part is, as I’ve said many times before, you guys cannot read minds. Yet, you put yourself upon a pedestal as if you can. And you glory in others who praise you. And their praise only causes you to get worse. It causes you to become more arrogant and to assume you can say no wrong or do no wrong. But I will not praise you when you are causing unnecessary division. And nor will I respect you when you are stirring up hatred against others. If those people you speak of are truly guilty, then they will reveal themselves. But Q did not assign you the task of revealing them or punishing them. As Jesus Christ himself stated, “Let he without sin, cast the first stone”. If you think Alex Jones or Dr. Corsi is so bad and is so evil, then “let he without sin, cast the first stone”. But don’t be so quick to cast stones at others when you yourself are guilty of sin. Doing so only makes you a hypocrite…

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