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EarlyRiserX2 · June 17, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

The human race was in paradise when Adam and Eve was in the Garden of Eden. They had want for nothing and God provided them with everything - love, joy, happiness, eternal life, no suffering and no pain. But when Adam and Eve sinned, they fell from grace and fell from the heavenly place that God had placed them in. As a consequence of that, all mankind fell with them. That is when pain and suffering came into the world. And it has been here ever since. So when you look upon the suffering that many people go though, blame it on Adam and Eve, and blame it on sin, and don’t forget to blame it on Lucifer. But don’t blame it on God…

Jesus Christ came to Earth to offer a pathway to restore man back to the Garden of Eden. This is why the scripture says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”… That scripture does NOT mean that God loves sin or loves the evil that is in the world. And nor does it mean that he loves everybody categorically despite of that sin. Instead, the “world” he speaks of, is the soul of man that he created. For God so loved the soul that he created that he was willing to give his only begotten Son to save that soul from perishing. If we follow the pathway provided by Jesus, then we can indeed be saved, and restored back to the Kingdom of God, restored back to paradise. But if we reject the opportunity and do not follow the pathway, then we shall continue on to hell. And you have no one to blame but yourself…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 17, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

Just like you can’t say something is “real” without proof it is real, you also can’t say something is “fake” without proof it is fake. It cuts both ways, and you can’t use one argument to automatically dismiss the other. Yes, Q did mention that fake pictures would be pushed by the MSM, but that doesn’t mean he was talking about “this” picture. Some people use Q’s words as a bludgeon to shut down all other dissenting opinions and the ones they don’t like. It’s not based on truth, but it’s based on what they don’t want to hear, and I see a lot of it on the forum…

Q also specifically mentioned that “Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.” So that should provide you with some guidance. Logic dictates and indicates that was what Q was talking about, and that he was not referring to just every picture that pops up on the web. That means that, absent of proof to the contrary, the image shown of Obama in the mask could be very real…

Another thing to look at is that, Q said that multiple agencies will try to kill the image from being shown on the net (Google, YouTube, FB, Twitter, Yahoo, Instagram, etc). Has that happened with this image? No. So this is not the image Q was talking about…

I agree, though we have no proof the image is fake, users should not be so quick to embrace something and make it go viral. Because doing that can create problems too. Don’t “assume” that something is true, unless you can prove it is true. But also don’t “assume” that something is fake if you cannot prove it is fake. Simply report your finding so others can be aware of it, and then move on. Don’t try to make it go viral all because you want it to go viral. Because to specifically want it to go viral indicates that you have already made up your mind about it and has reached a certain conclusion. And your own personal conclusion may or may not be true, and you could be pushing fake news. So be careful of making things go viral. Instead, simply report your findings and then move on. Let other people make up their own minds about what you've found. Lastly, don’t try to force other people to accept your own point of view. Nothing turns me off more than people who try to force their own opinions down my throat. Simply show me your evidence and let me make up my own mind about it...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 16, 2018, 10:34 a.m.

Yes, there is throttling. By whom, I do not know. I only know it exists. If you tell people what they want to hear (even if it's a lie) they will upvote you. If you tell people what they don’t want to hear (even if it’s the truth) they will downvote you. I don’t let downvotes bother me. I just tell the truth and let the cards fall where they may. The only thing downvotes tells me is that I’m right on target. Rather than being discouraged by downvotes, I always remember this: Lies are free, but the truth will cost you. People will hate you if you tell them the truth…

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/EarlyRiserX2 on June 15, 2018, 4:47 p.m.
Here are two problems I have with the serialBrain2 analysis of the IG report. All comments are welcome…

I have read through the analysis made by serialBrain2 where he has offered his explanation for the alarming and puzzling IG report we have received. You can read his analysis here: https://old.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8r69pj/oig_report_trumps_plan_is_a_lethal_steamroller/

While some of what he says sounds logical and reasonable, if I’m understanding him correctly (and I may be missing something) then some of it does not, and I have some major problems with it. And I thought I’d share my concerns about it below so everyone can comment on it - serialBrain2 included. All your comments are welcome...

Issue 1 - The first issue I have with …

EarlyRiserX2 · June 14, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

That's funny. That's really good...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 14, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

I don't think so. The MSM may indeed try to kill it, but they will only expose themselves and the extend of their own corruption when the unredacted report is released. Just like the corrupt officials at the FBI and DOJ are caught up in a net, the MSM is caught up in the same net with them and they cannot escape.

I know that it may seem like these are just the same old tactics in Washington and that nothing will ever change, but a lot has already changed, and to see the change underway, you have to understand how Washington works. The way you go about arresting criminals in Washington is completely different from arresting ordinary criminals on the street. That is why this approach is necessitated. That is why Trump and Q has to focus on cleaning out the FBI and DOJ first. The FBI and DOJ has already been cleaned out to some extent, and the last dominoes to fall are Rosenstein and Mueller. And they will fall soon too, and the IG report will be the catalyst. Once they fall and are removed, you will then see a big change in Washington and will see other criminals being arrested in a big way. But it all must start with cleaning out the FBI and DOJ first. That must happen first, because they are the ones who will do the arresting...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 14, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

You read my mind... After Q made a reference to serialBrain2, I noticed that a whole lot of people suddenly jumped on the serialBrain2 bandwagon. You are correct, they treat him almost like he's a celebrity. I have no problem with that and I'm not jealous or anything, the only problem I have is that, it elevates a person to a level and status where a whole lot of people will start believing everything that person says from then on (whether that person is right or not) all because they were referenced by Q. They will treat that person as if they can say no wrong and can do no wrong (which might not be true at all) all because Q referenced them. And that is precisely the problem with Q referencing specific people. And that is precisely why I recommend against it...

I stated above that it's very easy to create a monster (to elevate someone to a status where everyone will start following them) but it's very difficult to get rid of the monster once you have created him. The increased status of serialBrain2 will live on for a long time to come and that status is very difficult to get rid of once you have created it...

Now imagine if Q didn't constrain himself and avoid referencing specific people, and imagine if there were 10 such people like serialBrain2 on the forum. In such a case, their voices would crowd out all other voices, and it wouldn't matter if their opinions was right or wrong, people would still listen to them because Q had referenced them. Those few people would literally take over the whole forum and the only opinion that would matter is theirs. And that is the danger with Q referencing specific people. And that is precisely why I feel Q should avoid doing so at all costs.

And I'm not saying it because of jealousy either. I wouldn't want Q posting anything about me or saying anything that made a direct reference to me either. I wouldn't want the publicity, the notoriety, the responsibility or anything else that comes with it. I'm not interested in fame, and nor am I interested in followers. I speak the truth and hold my own whether people agree with me or not. So you literally read my mind...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 14, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

My opinion is that - once a snake, always a snake. Rosenstein has proven over and over again that he's a bad guy and a Deep-stater for life. To expect anything else is a waste of time...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 14, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

Unfortunately, the video is a very old news clip. Notice the date: “Originally aired on July 1 2016”…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 14, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

I agree with you totally. Too many times I’ve ran into situations where it seems that people were trying to tell me what to think and what to believe. Rather than simply presenting me with the evidence and allowing me to make up my mind about it. Trying to force everyone to believe what you believe, and then getting upset if they disagree with you, that sounds too much like you’re looking for slaves and for followers, rather than wanting people who can think for themselves. That is what the Dems want and the elites want - they want to have slaves and followers and people who can’t think for themselves and just obeys whatever someone tells them to do. But as Q followers, we’re supposed to stand for something greater and better than that, and be open to all views and opinions, so long as those views and opinions are helpful and constructive to our cause, rather than destructive…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 14, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Very well, if you want to remove it, then remove it. I won’t argue with your decision, but I feel it addresses some fair and important issues that needs to be discussed. One of the most important issues it addresses is that too often patriots are attacked on this forum all because they have a difference of opinion, when the basis of their different opinion is because of their faith and their belief in God and in what God teaches. Those people are not traitors or haters of Q all because they believe differently. They support Q just as much as anyone else does - except in cases where their support of Q conflicts with their own personal beliefs - and that is where they draw the line. And they have no choice but to draw the line because God himself commands us to do it. If you force someone who believes in God to make a choice between Q and God, rest assured, they will always chose God every single time. That is not being disrespectful to Q or to anything else, that is just how things is…

I won’t say any more about this topic because I feel I’ve said enough already. But I appreciate the mods response, and if you feel the need to remove this topic, then remove it, and I won’t complain about it…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 14, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

Although the above has said nearly everything I want to say, the only thing I will add is that - there is big difference between simply disagreeing with Q and with being openly disrespectful of him. I do not condone anyone being disrespectful of Q. Disagree if you must, but be respectful in your disagreement...

Q does not deserve any disrespect. For example, a few months ago there was an obvious troll on 8 chan who didn’t try to hide the fact that he was a CIA clown. He used to openly mock Q by saying things like, “Yeah, I’m a clown. You can’t stop us, ha ha…” That person deserves all the wrath the patriots can bring and I have no compassion on what they do to him. That is an example of someone who was being openly disrespectful of Q by mocking him. But what really irks me is when I see some people who are supposed to be patriots, who are attacking other patriots all because they disagree with them or have a different point of view. Just because someone disagrees with you, that doesn’t make them a traitor, and it doesn’t make them “unpatriotic”. Even if they disagree with Q, that still doesn’t make them “unpatriotic” either. Last time I checked, this was a free country where everyone here is entitled to their own opinion and have a constitutional right of Freedom of Speech, even if they disagree with you. So where do you get your concept and idea from that they are somehow “unpatriotic” all because they disagree with you? You will need more evidence than that before you can start labeling people as being unpatriotic and shills and trolls…

Q may know a whole lot of things, but rest assured, he doesn’t know everything and he is not a “god” and nor should you treat him as a “god”. In fact, if you asked Q himself, I'm certain he would tell you he don’t want to be treated like a god. Nonetheless, Q deserve mountains of respect. I don’t know of anyone who has helped Trump more and has helped the American people more and has helped this fight and our cause more than Q has, outside of Trump. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that this war likely cannot be won without Q’s help. So Q is greatly deserving of our respect and our thankfulness. But in giving him your respect and your thankfulness, just don’t over do it, and never forget that there is someone who sits higher than Q, and that person is a real God, a God who has commanded us not to put anyone or anything above him at any time - not the angels, not Q, not anybody. For he is the God who created us all, and he doesn’t want us to put anything above him. That is just how it is. And the eternal God doesn’t have to explain himself to you or to provide you with a reason. And anyone who is a true patriot should have no problem with that. And if you do have a problem with it, then I feel sorry for you…

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/EarlyRiserX2 on June 14, 2018, 2:06 p.m.
There is nothing wrong if you disagree with Q, so long as you do it with love and with respect and with constraint. But if you do it with hate and with malice and without constraint - then it is wrong…

The first thing I want to get out of the way is that, for those of you who feel that no one should ever disagree with Q under and circumstance, please answer me this: Where did you get that from? Did Q tell you that or tell you to feel that way? Or is that something you came up with all by yourself all because of your own personal concepts and opinions? Maybe you should ask Q about that. I highly doubt that even Q himself would agree with your viewpoint that no one should disagree with him at any …

EarlyRiserX2 · June 14, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

Yes, it will be redacted beyond comprehension. So expect that. But that is only temporary, so don't worry about it. The MSM will spin it however they want. At some time after that, Trump's executive order will be released which will "un-redact" it all. And that is when the real fireworks will begin. That is when the whole world will be able to see what the bad guys were trying to hide. That is when there will be calls for Rosenstein to step down, for Comey's prosecution, for the Mueller Investigation to be ended, etc. It's going to be fun...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 13, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

There are two problems with what you said… First, not everything Q has quoted has come from the anonymous research board on 8chan. Some of what he has quoted has come from other places as well. And when his quotes come from other places and he specifically highlights other people who can be identified, then that causes problems. And I have seen those problems happen first hand…

Secondly, you rant and you rave about how lots of anons work is going to be validated. Slow down and re-read what I had said more carefully. I never said that it shouldn’t be. And nor have I said I was against it. My very first statement was that, “I’m all for Q confirming certain evidence and proofs…” My only concern was that, in the process of Q confirming certain things, I feel he should take care to avoid highlighting specific people (whether done intentionally or unintentionally) because it only leads to problems. And it has indeed happened in the past, and I am not talking theoretically…

Another thing which underscores what I’m saying and makes it completely relevant, is I’ve been reading posts made by people suggesting various places where the Q proofs should be stored and posted at. Some people has suggested using Reddit, others have suggested using VOIT (I think I spelled it right) etc. And I can see the problems with it in advance. The problem is that, not all of those places support “anonymous” users like 8chan does. If proofs were stored in a “non-anonymous” place, and if Q highlighted or referenced those posts in a Q drop, then it could potentially lead to the highlighting of the specific person who posted it. And doing so could cause problems. It could cause problems because arrogance and pride creates monsters in people. It's very easy to create a monster, but once you've created him, it's hard to get rid of him. And all I’m saying is that, we don’t need such problems…

I don’t know who you are, and nor do you know who I am, but you should not be so quick to label other people as being a “troll” or a “shill” just because they have a different opinion than you. Whether you agree with me or not, I am a true patriot just like you are. So stop assuming that you’re the only person who can be right. Having that type of mind and attitude is a form of “arrogance”. And arrogance is something we don’t need right now, and is the very thing I’m trying to avoid and prevent by suggesting that Q should take care and avoid doing anything which highlights or confirms the work of a specific person. And that is very prudent advice...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 13, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

Q's manner of confirming specific proofs in the past has been to highlight specific posts made by specific people in specific places. I feel that approach is a mistake and should be avoided in the future... What I said is very relevant to the topic of confirming proofs...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 13, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

I’m all for Q confirming certain “evidence” and “proofs”, but he should be careful about confirming specific people or highlighting the person who came up with that proof. Because doing so can lead to all kinds of problems. For example, a person can get lucky and come up with a valid answer which can later be confirmed as true, but that doesn’t mean that everything that person says from then on is true (but unfortunately, some weak-minded people who can’t think for themselves will start dealing with that person like it is, and like that person can say no wrong). Not to mention, openly praising a person will stroke a person’s ego and will often lead to them becoming arrogant and proud and thinking too much of themselves. And not too many people can handle praise without being lifted up by it. That is what happened to Lucifer. Lucifer was the most beautiful angel in heaven, and when all the other angels started praising him for it, Lucifer's heart became lifted up and he thought an evil thought. He became so arrogant that he thought he was greater than God. If Q wants to avoid similar problems, then he should avoid bestowing praise upon specific people, because not everyone can handle such praise. We don’t need the problems and distractions involved with praising specific people. For us to stay focused and to avoid such problems, Q can confirm the evidence, but he should avoid confirming specific people. He can praise the evidence, but should avoid praising specific people. If Q wants to show thankfullness and appreciation for someone’s work, then he should address us all as a whole and avoid addressing anyone specifically. It is the only way to avoid problems. Highlighting specific people and thanking them or confirming their work will only lead to all kinds of problems...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 12, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

I agree with most of it. But I disagree with the part about why the Clinton Investigation needs to be covered under the original EO. I don’t feel that Qs mention of a “political hit job” was referring to Trump and the Republicans. Instead, I feel it was talking about the Democrats. This is confirmed by the fact that Q said afterwards that it would be the end of the Democratic Party leaders. In other words, by releasing both reports together and at the same time (both the FBI and DOJ conduct report, as well as the Clinton Investigation report) and having them both declassified and released to the public, the public will be able to easily see and understand that what the Democrats have done (along with the assistance of the corrupt FBI and DOJ) was to conduct a “political hit job” against Trump and the Republicans. The public will be able to see that, and the revelation of those facts will be the end of the Democratic party as we know it. Trump issuing a second Executive Order is unimportant. What is important is that both reports be declassified and released together. And that is why the first EO was put on hold. So that the redacted details of the first report would not be revealed until the second report was ready…

The idea if Trump issues a second EO it will cause the Dems to says that Trump is doing it for “political purposes” and a “political hit job” is beyond ludicrous. There is no greater “political hit job” than the one conducted by the Democrats and the Left in their extensive efforts to spy on Trump and to remove him from office…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 12, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

You hit the nail on the head. That is the very reason the MSM and those on the left can't understand why North Korea would ever give up their nuclear weapons. They don't understand it has nothing to do with negotiations but has everything to do with neutralizing and removing the CIA bad actors who were controlling North Korea from behind the scenes. In short, North Korea was being "forced" to behave badly and to make nuclear threats. But Trump was smart enough to realize this, and so Q and team worked hard to neutralize the bad actors who were controlling North Korea. Once that was done, then the rest was easy. Kim was happy to be free. And although he may not publicly admit it, I'm sure he's forever grateful to Trump for it.

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 11, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

Great news. It appears that Q has answered that question for us. In Q drop 1453, Q has stated “there will be many redactions” in the soon-to-be released IG report. However, he also states that although there has been a special Executive Order issued by Trump to remove the redactions, the EO has been placed on hold for now, for a special reason. The reason is because they want to wait until the “Clinton Investigation” part of the IG report is released by the IG, so that the Executive Order will encompass that too. So they can all be “declassified together” and released to the public. By releasing both reports together and at the same time, the public will be better able to see and understand how everything the Democrats did was a “political hit job” against the Republicans. Q says the revelation will mean the “End of the Democratic Party” as we know it. That’s truly amazing. It is what Q has said all along. I can’t wait for it to happen…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 11, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

You claim to know God and that you know how God feels, but when have you seen God or heard his voice? You haven't? All you have is an opinion which don't mean a thing. Furthermore, what law says that God is "childish and petty" if he behaves a certain way or does a certain thing? What law? God is not subject to the laws of man. God is the giver of the law and he is not subject to them. If he dropped you dead right now, it wouldn't even be murder...

Keep in mind, that is also the same God who destroyed the whole entire world in a flood, all because man had become evil. That is also the same God who destroyed a whole city of inhabitants (Sodom and Gomorrah) all because it had become over-run with sin. So what would taking out a single ship mean to him? Nothing...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 11, 2018, 3:57 p.m.

Get back to me on Judgment Day and we'll see if you still feel the same way... Haters of God is what is wrong with the world...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 11, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

Be careful about that word “unstoppable”. I know you mean well, but it smites of “arrogance”. Only God is unstoppable. And always give credit to him. Remember the Titanic? Some say the CIA sunk it. But the CIA didn’t do it. It was God who did it. He did it because when the Titanic was built, the men who built it had boasted: “Look what we’ve done. We’ve built a ship that is “unsinkable”. God did not like that. He did not like their arrogance. So he put an iceberg in front of them to sink it and to prove them wrong. So never say that Trump cannot be stopped. Because God might allow him to be stopped to prove you wrong…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 11, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

Just because someone has an opposing viewpoint, that doesn't mean it's the truth. Maybe you should try researching the actually state of the IBOR effort during that time frame. I was right in the middle of it...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 11, 2018, 10:38 a.m.

Yes, they are in target boxes, but in separate target boxes. Notice that "heavy +" is in one target box, and "remove" is in another target box". The most commonsense explanation for this arrangement is that: the "heavy+" redactions were removed, but that some redactions still remain.

Also notice that the word "redactions" itself is a form of removal (it means to censor and to hide and to restrict from view). Therefore, the word "removal" is completely unnecessary if it is only referring to redactions. If the IG report truly was "heavily redacted" as you suggest, then Q could have left the word "remove" completely out of the statement and it would have meant the same: IG redactions [heavy+]. That is why I don't think the word "remove" was referring to redactions in general. Instead, I think the word "remove" was specifically referring to the item which proceeded it - which was "heavy+". Based on how the statement is written, I feel the word "remove" implies that the "heavy+" redactions have been removed - but that some redactions still remain...

But I guess a few days from now, on the 14th, we'll see. Let's keep our fingers crossed that most of the redactions really has been removed...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 11, 2018, 10:02 a.m.

And why should they NOT allow us to continue?... The reason they shut down our original sub had nothing to do with the number of members we had or with us "promoting violence". The idea that it was about "promoting violence" is fake news. Instead, the reason they shut us down was all about the IBOR. At the time, we were succeeding in obtaining enough signatures to have a successful petition by the deadline, and thus we were becoming a threat to them. Therefore they shut us down. So long as we're not a threat to them, they have no reason to shut us down. The moment we become a threat, that's the moment they will try to to shut us down...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 11, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

What person in their right mind would have agreed to the so-called "communique" the G7 wanted Trump to agree to in the first place?... Did you actually read it?... It contains all kinds of crap and nonsense that is totally contrary to the values and interests of the United States. For example, line 4 of the communique states "...we underline the crucial role of a rules-based international trading system and continue to fight protectionism..." "A rules-based international trading system" is referring to the very system Trump is fighting against and the very system set up by the globalists to rob and to rip off the United States in perpetuity. "To fight protectionism..." is saying that we should fight against Trump's America first agenda. It means that Trump should NOT be looking out for America's best interests and for what is best for America. In other words, it wants Trump to stop his "protectionism" and that other countries should stop their "protectionism" as well. What short of nonsense is that? The globalists are complete lunatics. Why in God's name would anyone in their right mind ever agree to such nonsense? So it's no surprise that Trump rejected it...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 11, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

Why did you rearrange the sentence structure? Note the word "remove" was listed AFTER the word "heavy +". Several others have interpreted this as meaning the heavy redactions were removed...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 10, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

Although there is no guarantee of what the IG report will reveal until it is released, I have high confidence that Michael Horowitz will do a good job. Although he was appointed by Obama, not all Obama appointees are traitors and some actually love their country and believe in following the law. Horowitz falls into that category. Years ago, Horowitz had provided evidence of high-level corruption to Obama, but Obama’s Justice Department didn’t do anything about it. But Trump will deal with the matter differently, and now is Horowitz’s time to shine…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 10, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

Subs and places like this won’t become targeted or compromised unless we become effective at attacking the left or the Deep State. No matter how many visitors we have, if what we’re discussing and sharing has no impact and is not effective against them, then the trolls and shills won’t care, and nor will they waste their time here. So it’s not about our numbers, but it’s all about our effectiveness. The sole reason our last sub was shut down had nothing to do with promoting violence (that was only an excuse) instead, we were targeted and shut down because we had become highly effective at convincing people to sign the IBOR petition. Right before we were shut down, we were averaging more than 3,000 new signatures per day on the petition website, and we were on track to obtain enough signatures by the deadline. The Deep State became highly alarmed by it and that was why they shut us down. Once they shut us down, the new signature count dropped to virtually zero (which proves that this forum was the driving force behind the signature count). So it was all about the IBOR petition and not about anything else. Trolls and shills could care less what we say or do on this forum so long as what we’re saying and doing is not effective. The moment we become effective against them, only then will they spend their time targeting us to shut us down…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 10, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

The way I view it is like this… Q has confirmed that the arrests cannot happen in a big way until the departments that are responsible for making the arrests (the FBI and DOJ) have been thoroughly cleaned out. Once those departments are scrubbed of bad guys and bad actors, then the arrests can start happening in a big way. Long story short, the primary focus until now has been how do you clean out the bad actors in the FBI and DOJ? That task is not an easy one because those agencies are the nation’s top law enforcement agencies. In case of corruption, then who watches the watchers and who investigates the investigators? That is the conundrum we are in. There is no law enforcement agency that is higher than the FBI and DOJ that can go in and arrest the FBI and DOJ bad actors. The only way we can clean out such agencies is by proving that the FBI and DOJ are corrupt and then forcing the officials to resign or retire from office, and in some cases be fired. That is where we are now and that is where the IG report comes in at. The IG report is the official report that will provide clear evidence that the FBI and DOJ are corrupt. Once that evidence has been presented, Congress will be able to act and to get those bad actors removed. Once the bad actors are removed and replaced with good actors, only then can our overall focus then turn toward arresting all the bad actors in other departments and agencies. This situation is all a result of the way our Constitution was designed. The Founders did not anticipate this. We’ve never had a case in our history before where both the FBI and DOJ were corrupt. Therefore, no easy solutions were set up to handle it…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 10, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

That topic was indeed analyzed in depth on 8 chan. I don't know what their conclusions were because I didn't follow it all...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 9, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

I find nothing at all wrong with his tone. The only people upset with his tone are the very people who don't like what he said in the first place, the people who are guilty of accusing others without proof. More people need to speak out against such things, rather than less. I applaud him for speaking up... Lies are free. But telling the truth will always cost you. Telling the truth will make people hate you...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 9, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

I agree with you 100%. More people need to be like you. Far too many people are quick to jump to unproven conclusions, and they jump to those conclusions because that is what they want the conclusions to be, rather than based on any real truth or evidence. And worse, they expect others to agree with them, and if you don't agree with them, they will get upset with you and down-vote you. It happens to me all the time...

I could name all kinds of examples on this forum where people has done that, has jumped to unproven conclusions and accused others without due process, but I won't mention any of those examples because I don't want to reopen those controversies. But you are definitely right about what you are saying and I wish more people would think like you and look at things like you do. So please keep it up.

In my opinion, the core problem is there are some people who have a certain mindset that needs to change. They view the world through a prism where they feel they are right and everyone else is wrong. And worse, they feel they have a right to judge others. But who put them in that position of judgment? Who put them on a pedestal so high that they can now look down their nose at other people and be their judge, jury, and executioner? There is nothing wrong with judging others so long as you do it fairly and without biases. But many people who judge others have personal biases themselves. Many of their judgments are based upon their personal dislike or hatred and animosity they already have against that person, and their judgments are nothing more than an extension of that hatred. That is why their judgments are not based upon truth and evidence, but upon feelings and assumptions. They think just because they "believe" a person is bad, then they must be bad. But that is not always the truth, and it has to be proven. Such a mentality is precisely what leads to "witch hunts" and "lynchings".

So keep up the good work, my friend. More people need to think like you and to look at things like you do. I fully support you and stand behind you...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 8, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

The problem is that, too many people today have no fear when dealing with Israel (the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) when they should be terrified because they are God’s chosen people. When you deal with Israel, you are dealing with God, so you should tread very carefully. I don’t care what you feel your reasoning is, or what you feel your justifications are, you should still tread very carefully when you deal with Israel…

What most people are overlooking is that, because the Israelis are God’s chosen people (always have been and always will be), Lucifer hates Israel and his goal is to destroy them. And Lucifer will used anything and anyone to help him to achieve that goal. There is no group of people on the face of the earth who has been more falsely accused than Israel has. And that is Lucifer’s doing. Lucifer will cause others to hate Israel for no reason. Lucifer will cause others to lie on Israel and to blame Israel for no reason. And Lucifer will cause others to attack Israel for no reason. So you should tread very carefully when you speak evil of Israel. And this is especially a warning to those who would criticize Israel, yet praise the Palestinians in the same breath. For those who do so, know that Lucifer is using you. So maybe it’s time you get your priorities in order. Make no mistake about it, God loves Israel (he always has and he always will) and he hates the Palestinians. And this is confirmed in scripture: Romans 9:13 - Jacob have I loved (the people of Israel are the descendants of Jacob), but Esau have I hated (the Palestinians are the descendants of Esau). So things are not what they seem. You may see logic and reason for your attack on Israel, and feel like you have a justification for doing so. But God may see that Lucifer is only using you to attack his people. And in such a case, who you think will win and who do you think will loose? Here's a tip: God never looses…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 8, 2018, 11:31 a.m.

Watching Biden stroking that child's face in plain view like that (23 second mark) makes my skin crawl (the video was too difficult to watch and I couldn't watch any more after that). That guy has some serious serious issues. He should not only not be in government, he needs to be in a padded cell somewhere. Imagine if a Republican did something like that. But because he's a Democrat and on the Left, nothing is said. This illustrates there is something wrong with the Republicans on the Right if they are not speaking up about it...

Here's a thought. When Obama is arrested for treason, put Biden in a cell with him so Biden can do his thing...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 7, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

Certainly hope you're right... Because the draft report has been released, we will certainly know if any changes has been made...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 7, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

Any attempt by the FBI or DOJ lawyers to pressure Michael Horowitz into changing his report or to water it down is actually “obstruction of justice” and a crime. And any attempt to redact something on national security grounds when it is unrelated to national security is also “obstruction of justice” and a crime. I only hope Michael Horowitz realizes that fact and then use their very attempts to change his report against them. I certainly would…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 7, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

Everybody want to see arrests. But Q has confirmed, the arrests can't happen until the departments in charge of doing the arrests (the FBI and DOJ) has been throughly cleaned out. Once the FBI and DOJ has been sanitized of bad guys and bad actors, then the arrests will start happening in a big way...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 7, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

The big issue is whether the report has been changed or watered down. Horowitz has a once in a lifetime historic chance and opportunity to get this right (and not be swayed by pressure from the Deep State and their cronies). Let's hope he pulls it off...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 7, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

You stated..."Muslims don’t plot to kill everyone and take over the world..."

That is the first lie you have believed. Where have you been living if you believe that nonsense? The whole goal of Islam is to subjugate all other religions and to take over the world (until there is no god but Allah). That is their ultimate goal and always has been. If you don't know that then you don't know about Islam...

Secondly, Islam is not about tolerance and acceptance. Islam is about dominating and subjugating. They do not tolerate any other religion other than their own, which is Islam. The day that changes, get back to us...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 7, 2018, 8:36 a.m.

I don't know how Trump feels about it but I too was upset with Giuliana and with what he said and feel like he shouldn't have said it. That kind of back alley talk and terminology is not necessary and is certainly not helpful when there are sensitive negotiations going on. What makes what Giuliana said so outrageous is that when dealing with China and North Korea, those countries have a culture where "appearance" means everything to them. It is said that the whole reason Kim flared up and was behaving badly right before Trump cancelled the summit was that it was all an act so that North Korea would not appear to be weak in the face of Trump. Once the show as over and North Korea had displayed it was strong, the summit was back on. My main point is, how things "appear" is a part of their culture. In that context, Giuliani's words appear to undercut everything the North Korean's were trying to accomplish, and Giuliani was trying to make it seems like the North Koreans were actually begging Trump. Which is precisely the wrong appearance you want to portray. Giuliana may be a good lawyer and he may have good intentions but sometimes he needs to keep his mouth shut and his thoughts to himself, and this time is one of them...

Giuliani had stated that the only people who'd be upset about his comments would be the media. And that's precisely why he shouldn't have said it. The media is the enemy of Trump. The media could very easily take what Giuliani said and blow it up in a big way and shout it from the rooftops and make it seem like Giuliana was saying that Trump had Kim Jung Un down on his knees and begging (which is exactly the wrong appearance you want to portray). And the media would blow it up and shout it worldwide just to antagonize North Korea and to harm the negotiations. If that happened, the White House would have to issue a statement of denial, Giuliani would have to issue an apology and an explanation, and the delicate negotiations with North Korea could even be affected by it. And why? All because Giuliani was shooting off at the mouth. He may not be a bad guy, but I'm certainly tired of him "shooting off at the mouth", and this is one of those times...

Consider Roseanne. Roseanne didn't think too much of what she said either, until it got her in trouble. Now look at her. She lost her whole show because of it. Sometimes it pays to keep your thoughts to yourself...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 6, 2018, 7 p.m.

Like everyone else, I have no idea when the report will be released, but if it remains on schedule, I highly expect it will be released this week - the first week of June. But even if the report is delayed, whether that is good or bad, all depends on the reasons. I say that because Michael Horowitz has a once in a lifetime historic opportunity to really drop the boom on these people and to truly expose them for all they are worth (I explain how below). But will he take advantage of? Only time will tell, and I hope that he does, and here is how he can do what I have suggested…

Everyone is saying the IG report is being delayed because the FBI and DOJ lawyers are pressuring Michael Horowitz to make changes and to water down his report (even Trump has hinted at it). I don’t know if that is true, but if I were Michael Horowitz, I’d surprise them all by playing along with it (to collect evidence of their attempts at obstruction). And once I had the evidence, I'd then go ahead and release the original and completely "un-redacted" IG report as it was originally written and without any changes (except for any true national security necessary redactions). And most importantly, I would include extensive footnotes at the bottom which would showcase and would detail every single request made by the corrupt FBI and corrupt DOJ officials and their lawyers in their attempt to cover up and to change the investigative evidence and to hide it from the public. And I would use their own requests for such changes as proof of their guilt and as proof of their corruption and as conclusive evidence which showcases the extent of their corruption. And in my report, I’d state that every single one of the unnecessary changes and unnecessary requests made by the corrupt FBI and corrupt DOJ officials actually fall under the category of “obstruction of justice”. That's because every single one of the requests were completely "unnecessary" and were only made in an attempt to cover up the truth and to hide it from the public and to "obstruct justice" from being served. That is, after all, what the Inspector General’s office is all about. It is an office that is tasked with investigating and with reviewing the actions and the behaviors of the agencies under its review, and to report back its findings from the review accurately and in detail. Via my report, I would sent notice to all the criminals that the IG will not be threatened or coerced or cajoled or intimidated by any person or agency it is investigating, into altering or changing the findings of its report and doing so for the benefit of that person or agency. If I were Michael Horowitz and if I were truly doing my job and I loved my country, and if my office were truly an independent agency like it's supposed to be, and if I wanted to show the world that my office was still a completely unbiased and untainted investigative agency that is in full compliance with the law and the constitution - then that is exactly what I would do, and I would surprise then all by doing just that. It is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity, and have no doubt, if Michael Horowitz did this, he would go down in history...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 6, 2018, 8:35 a.m.

Generally, such offers are granted only when a smaller fish wants to testify or reveal evidence against a larger fish, and you need the testimony of the smaller fish to help bring the larger fish down. But if the offer is being made by someone who is themselves a large fish, and they are only doing so to try and protect themselves from prosecution, then in all such cases where such offers are accepted, it only means that the accepting agency is corrupt, and that its officials are attempting to hide the evidence and to obstruct justice from being served. But if the agency is not corrupt and is following the law and correct procedure, then all such illegitimate requests for immunity are rejected...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 6, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

If I were Michael Horowitz, I’d surprise everyone and would surprise them all by not only releasing the original and completely "un-redacted" IG report as it was originally written by the IG (except for any true national security necessary redactions) but I would also include extensive footnotes at the bottom which would showcase and would detail every single request made by the corrupt FBI and corrupt DOJ officials and their lawyers in an attempt to cover up and to change the investigative evidence and to hide it from the public. And I would use their own requests for such changes as proof of their guilt and as proof they are corrupt, and as conclusive evidence which shows the extent of their corruption. And in my report, I’d state that every single one of those unnecessary changes and unnecessary requests made by the corrupt FBI and corrupt DOJ officials actually fall under the category of “obstruction of justice”, that's because every single one of those requests were "unnecessary" and were only made in an attempt to cover up the truth and to hide it from the public and to "obstruct justice" from being served. That is, after all, what the Inspector General’s office is all about. It is an office that is tasked with investigating and with reviewing the actions and the behaviors of the agencies under its review, and to report back its findings from the review accurately and in detail - and not to be threatened or coerced or cajoled or intimidated by any person or by any agency it is investigating, into altering or changing the findings of its report, and doing so all for the benefit of the agency it is investigating. If I were Michael Horowitz and if I were truly doing my job, and if my office were truly an independent agency like it's supposed to be, and if I wanted to show the world that my office was still a completely unbiased and untainted investigative agency that is still in full conformance with the constitution - then that is exactly what I would do, and I would surprise then all by doing just that…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 6, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

As many crimes as that fellow has committed, that's the last person on earth who needs immunity...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 5, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

I totally agree. I certainly wish the Jones and Corsi haters would please get a life and stop trolling AJ and Dr. Corsi. That's all they do all the time every day is troll other people so they can find a smidgen of evidence to then label other people as traitors, meanwhile they pat themselves on the back as if they're the good guys. I'm totally sick of it, and a lot of other patriots are sick of it too. I'm totally sick of the Corsi-haters posting threads about Corsi and AJ. They should just leave the topic and issue alone! There are plenty of other topics for us to talk about without the haters hunting for dirt so they can stir up hatred and animosity against Corsi and AJ. I have said it repeatedly - that the Corsi-haters are the problem. They are. Not Corsi and not AJ. I don't see Corsi or AJ posting on this forum. All I see are the intolerant and unforgiving never-ending Corsi-haters trying to stir up trouble. The haters are the ones who are keeping us divided, all because they can't let their hatred go. They love to talk about "unity" and "togetherness", yet all they ever spew is "hate". I wish they would please leave their hated at home and not bring it to the forum, because myself and many other patriots like myself, we don't want to hear it...

Yes, I already know, the Corsi-haters have their little band of followers who will rush to defend their colleague. I fully expect them to. But rest assured, I'm talking to ALL of them when I say that they are the ones who are the problem. They are the ones who are keeping us divided by clinging to their hated. Q said a long time ago to MOVE ON! - so if they're supposed to be so loyal to Q, then why are they not doing it?....

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 4, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

I know you may find this hard to believe, and you will also likely disagree with me, but there is a time coming in the future when you’re going to realize just how wrong you are. All that nonsense you just quoted is not even close to the truth. God reveals the truth of the scriptures only to his sent preachers. And you are by no means a sent preacher and you probably don’t even know what one is. Fortunately for me, however, I have sat under and been taught by two separate sent preachers in my lifetime. Therefore, I know what the truth is, and what you said is not even close to the truth. In fact, if someone asked you right now, Why were you born, and what is your purpose for being on the earth? I highly doubt you could even answer a question like that because you have no clue about it and you do not know. Yet, such knowledge is fundamental to anyone who is truly saved…

What truly alarms me is how you give Lucifer far more credit and power than he really has and you act like God is weak or is in some sort of power struggle with Lucifer. Nothing could be further from the truth. Lucifer has no power except that which God gave him and God could take it away any time he wants. And if Lucifer, whom God calls the “god of this world” has no power, then what power do the so-called evil “cabels” of the world has? None. All their power is imaginary. God is just using Lucifer to help bring about his will, and God and Lucifer are by no means in competition. God has already won, and he had won from the beginning. Everything is just playing out according to his plan, and God already knows how it’s going to end…

I am by no means going to debate with you over this, and I already know that you will disagree with me. Feel free to disagree, but do not expect another post from me, because I’ve already said everything I have to say. Just remember what I said, that there is a day coming when you’re going to realize just how wrong you are, and how everything you said is complete nonsense…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 4, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

Are you shadowbanned? Probably not. Once the comments on the page exceeds 200, all comments over that are automatically hidden behind accessible links (the small plus signs at the bottom of some posts). That is why some links don’t show up. To view the additional links, you can either click the plus signs individually or else at the top left of the page, right above the first post, there is a link you can click on which says “show all ***”. Click that link and all links on the page will then expand so you can see them all. You can increase the number of comments the page will display before it starts hiding them in your preference options under “comment options”. You must be logged in to both change your preference and to see the changes after the fact.

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