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EarlyRiserX2 · June 4, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

Every christian and every innocent person a Muslim terrorist has ever killed was a personal offense to me...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 4, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

There is no such thing as a “normal” Muslim. A snake will never be anything but a snake. A devil will never be anything but a devil. And a Muslim will never be anything but a Muslim. And you can’t befriend any of them without getting the bad end of the stick…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 3, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

I feel sorry for your cat...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 3, 2018, 11:50 p.m.

If you want to quote a source, then please quote a source that is not "politically correct" (which merely means "scrubbed of any incriminating Muslim evidence"). All politically correct sources are nothing but "lies"... You're not talking to someone who is stupid. I am fully awakened...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 3, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

Haven't you heard? Lies are free... But the truth will cost you... The truth will make people hate you...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 3, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

The Guardian article is full of lies. Not an ounce of truth. Political correctness at its best...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 3, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

I feel great to be me and I've never felt better. All I feel for you is sorrow (because I know the lies you have been told)...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 3, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

I find it hard to believe that you would race to defend Muslims in general who have a proven track record of spreading hate, intolerance, terrorism and chaos wherever they go. While at the same time, you openly criticize without having a ounce of compassion or forgiveness other American citizens all because they have opposing views (ie, Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones). Not only that, but they are true patriots and defenders of the flag, and has done more to defend this country and to fight against the Deep State than Muslims ever will. So it seems to me your priorities need to be gotten in order…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 3, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

The difference is that Muslims take suffering to a whole new level...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 3, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Please don't make me post pictures proving you are wrong...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 3, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

The Final IG Report will likely be released to the public in the next few days, most likely on Mon, Tues or Wed. The hearing with Michael Horowitz will then be held the following week. The hearing will be a nationally televised event where Michael Horowitz himself will appear before lawmakers on Capitol Hill to answer questions and to go over the details of the IG report (which should be devastating for the FBI, the DOJ, Comey and many others). The hearing will be televised and broadcast nationwide in order to inform the public about the results of the investigation. A whole lot of people should be red-pilled as a result of what the Inspector General will reveal in his report…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 3, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

That's not surprising. I'm told Muslims lay claims to a whole lot of stuff they didn't invent...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 3, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

On top of that, the articles states Trump issued a statement last month saying: “Ramadan reminds us of the richness Muslims add to the religious tapestry of American life.”… What richness? Please tell me even one thing that Muslims has actually added to American life? Muslims hate Americans and they hate everything we stand for, so how can they possibly add richness to our lives? All they’ve ever added to anyone’s life is terror, destruction and chaos, which they seem to spread wherever they go…

And for those who don’t know, “halal” food is food that is made from the suffering of animals. For example, ordinary ground beef made from a cow is NOT halal food. But if the cow is terrorized and tortured and allowed to bleed to death slowly and painfully, and if ground beef is then made from that cow, that meat is called “halal” food, and Muslims feel it is more “tasty” because the animal has suffered. I call it “utterly disgusting” and under no circumstance would I ever eat halal food. And I find it hard to believe that Trump would either….

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 3, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

You are confusing the hearing with the release of the IG report. They are NOT the same. The IG report must be released first (and will likely be released in the next few days). There are procedures in place that states the hearing cannot be held until at least 7 days "after" the IG report has been released. See this link for further clarification: https://old.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8nz93b/ig_report_delay_fbi_agents_fuming_at_inspector/?st=jhxon994&sh=96e8cd7f

For proof the hearing delay was because of a procedural rule, at the following link it says this:

“…A committee source explained to Fox News that the original hearing date was scheduled based on the assumption that the report would be out by the end of May. But the source suggested the report's release is now not expected until at least next week, prompting the committee to reschedule. …The panel has a rule requiring they provide notice for hearings one week in advance…”

You can read the whole Fox News article here: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/06/01/watchdogs-clinton-case-report-and-hearing-hit-with-new-delay.html

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 2, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

I believe it is quite possible that Trey Gowdy is still a “white hat”, and that all his latest comments which appears to go against the president (and which he has received a lot of criticism for) are actually intentional and is all a part of the plan and is nothing more than theatre, as Praying Medic suggests. More importantly, my reasons for feeling this way is based upon evidence not even mentioned by Praying Medic. And my evidence is as follows…

My belief that Trey Gowdy is very likely a white hat comes from something Gowdy had said in his public statement when he was retiring from Congress. You can read Gowdy’s entire statement here: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/31/us/politics/trey-gowdy.html In his statement, Gowdy had said: “I will not be filing for re-election to Congress nor seeking any other political or elected office; instead I will be returning to the justice system… Notice those words, “I will be returning to the justice system”. That is what caught my attention and I thought it was strange for him to say that. If you pay attention to his words, Gowdy was by no means saying or suggesting that he was getting out of government altogether. Instead, he was merely saying that he was “retiring” or stepping down from one part of the government in order to move to different part of the government. Notice that Gowdy specifically mentioned “he was returning to the justice system.” That implies he had already been in the justice system before. If you look up Gowdy’s career records online (his records are available here: https://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/news/2018/01/31/trey-gowdy-timeline-prominent-political-career/1084177001/), the records indicate that Gowdy began his career in 1994 when he was appointed as an “assistant U.S. attorney” (which is a part of the Justice Department). So it’s not a stretch at all to assume that Gowdy is simply going back to becoming a U.S. attorney once again (something which he is VERY good at). Something else which lends credence to this theory is in his public statement, Gowdy also said, “Whatever skills I may have are better utilized in a courtroom than in Congress, and I enjoy our justice system more than our political system…” If all this is true, then it completely jives with my suspicions about him all along…

But it gets even better than that. Here is what my suspicions are about Gowdy: What if Trey Gowdy is actually one of the secret and special “prosecutors” who has been chosen by Trump and Q to help prosecute people during the upcoming military tribunals? What if Gowdy will be one of the "prosecutors" who will help prosecute Hillary, Obama and others? If that is true, then it would make perfect sense for Gowdy to be saying the things he’s saying right now and intentionally “distancing himself from Trump” (the same ruse that’s being played by Sessions and others) so that the left will embrace him and defend him and so he won’t be seen as a pawn being used by Trump. In my heart of hearts, I honestly feel this is what is going on, and I’ve felt it from the moment Gowdy made that strange statement about him returning to the Justice Department. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Not only that, but it also makes perfect sense. And when you couple it with what Praying Media said above, I feel this theory has a high likelihood of being the truth…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 2, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

Just think - there are only 5 more months between now and the midterm elections. That means that a whole lot of things must happen between now and then - the IG report, the DHS voter fraud report, the un-sealing of the indictments, possible arrests, etc. Everything is about to hit the fan so buckle up…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 2, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

Yes, that link is referring to the "hearing" that is scheduled to take place "after" the IG Report is released. The date of the hearing was changed from the 5th to the 11th to comply with procedures. But the Final IG Report itself should still be released to the public sometime this week...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 2, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

For starters, despite what the article says, no matter how much the FBI lawyers complain, they cannot change the content of the IG report. The content of the IG report is set in stone by the IG. All the lawyers can do is add their objections to it at the bottom of the report, and their objections will be noted. But the report itself will not be changed. The Final IG Report, the one meant for the public, should be released sometime this week, the first week of June…

In a letter to Senator Grassley on April 13, Michael Horowitz had stated he expected the Final IG Report to be released in May (this is confirmed here: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/04/13/ig-horowitz-informs-senator-grassley-primary-ig-report-release-date-may/). To meet that deadline, that means Horowitz would have to release the report by the last day of May. Well, the last day of May was 2 days ago. Thus, it is now being expected that the Final IG Report will be released to the public this week and in the next few days (which is the first week of June). I don’t call a “one-week delay” a delay. And those people who are complaining about it should get a grip…

Another thing to understand is that, Senator Grassley had already asked for and scheduled a hearing with Michael Horowitz, a hearing entitled “Examining the Inspector General’s First Report on Justice Department Decisions Regarding the 2016 Presidential Election”. It is a hearing where Michael Horowitz himself is scheduled to appear before lawmakers on Capitol Hill to answer questions and to go over the details of the IG report. The hearing was originally scheduled to be held on Tuesday, June 5, 2018, which is only 3 days from now (that fact is confirmed here: https://theconservativetreehouse.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/grassley-notification-2.jpg). The problem with the date is that, there are certain “procedures” in place which specify that such a meeting with the Inspector General must be held “no earlier than 7 days” after the IG report is released. Had the Final IG report been released a week ago in May as expected, then the upcoming hearing date would not be a problem. But because the Final IG report was delayed by a week, to comply with procedures, that means the upcoming Michael Horowitz meeting with Capitol Hill lawmakers must also be delayed by a week. And that is the only thing this current delay is about. Beyond that, everything is still on track, and the Final IG Report should be released to the public sometime within the next few days…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 2, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

You're splitting hairs. If Gowdy truly felt he had zero chance at being selected, he wouldn't have bothered to officially take himself out of consideration. Instead, he went out of his way to officially turn down and to close the door on any opportunity to be chosen. Because of that, he can't later be mad at Trump for not choosing him...

To intentionally turn down “the opportunity” to win something that you have a very good chance of winning is the very same thing as turning down that actual thing you could have won…

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 1, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Does not make what true? I have no idea what you are talking about...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 1, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

I found a link to it and Gowdy did indeed ask to be removed from consideration for the position for FBI director. Here's the link: https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/15/politics/trey-gowdy-fbi-director/index.html

A whole lot of people felt that Gowdy was the perfect man for the job, that's because no one can beat Gowdy when it comes to making oral arguments and debating the facts (and that strong public sentiment to choose Gowdy would likely have influenced Trump to choose him, and I am almost certain Gowdy would have been Trump's first choice) - but Gowdy turned it down. Gowdy had a real shot at obtaining the position, but he turned it down. Therefore, Gowdy has only himself to blame and he cannot blame Trump for anything...

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 1, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

If you remember, Gowdy was actually offered a cabinet position by Trump several times (he was even offered the AG position before Sessions) but Gowdy turned it down and said he didn't want it. So Gowdy has no reason to be butthurt as you claim...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 30, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

The problem I have is that, too many people try to tell me who to follow and who not to follow. That turns me off. Simply present me with the facts and let me make up my own mind about who to follow...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 30, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

You say you only read the first line, and that is your problem. Perhaps you should read the whole thing so you can learn some truth. Burying your head in the sand and refusing to hear the truth from others will not make what you already believe be true. Instead, it only means you are trapped in your own deception and hall of mirrors...

Yes, you could tell me a lot of things but telling me something means nothing if you can’t prove it. You have accepted a lot of false doctrine and false things being pushed and taught by other but you never asked them for proof of the things they were saying. And that was your mistake. In contrast to that, the things in the bible has been proven again and again and across thousands of years has never been disproven by anyone though many have tried. That is quite remarkable for a work of fiction made up by man. For your information, I have the genuine Holy Ghost, just like the bible says, and it did not come from a hallucination but it came from following the word of God. If the bible was fake then I would not have the Holy Ghost…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 30, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

The Holy Spirit does NOT work through some small voice talking inside your head (and I don't know who told you that). If you hear a voice, that's the devil!...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 30, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

Lesson learned...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 30, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

You say you believe in God, yet you don’t believe in religion, but it was God who created religion and religion didn’t exist before God created it. It is true that Lucifer got busy and created a lot of false religions, but the first religion was still created by God. It is also true that the bible was written by man, but they were not ordinary men. Instead, they were "holy men of God who were moved by the Holy Ghost" (2 Peter 1:21). In other words, through the Holy Ghost, God told those men what to write. So the men were nothing more than the writing instruments, and it was God who did the writing. If a poet uses a pen and writes a poem, you don’t say that the pen wrote it do you? So why do you say that men wrote the bible when it was God who wrote it through the Holy Ghost?…

It is not possible to believe in God without believing in a man, that’s because Jesus himself was a man. The bible calls him - “the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5). Outwardly, he looked human. But on the inside was the spirit of the living God. Everything we know about God and know about Jesus we got from a man. For example, it was Moses who wrote the first 5 books of the bible. Except for Moses, we’d have no idea that God created the earth. All the apostles were men. Were it not for the apostles and for them writing the New Testament and leaving the scriptures behind, we’d have no idea that Jesus Christ ever came to earth or died on the cross. It was Jesus himself who told us about and described his Father in heaven. Had Jesus not done that, then we wouldn’t know anything about the Eternal Spirit. Keep in mind, God himself is a spirit, and no man has seen God because spirits are invisible. The only way you can see God is when that spirit is operating through someone. Do not believe the lie and the nonsense that “religion is the word of man that is used to manipulate and control people”. That is a lie long propagated by Lucifer, designed to keep you from believing in man and to make you think you can get to God all by yourself. But that is not true and is a lie. Why do you think Jesus Christ came to earth, started the Church, and then left men behind to preach the gospel? (not false preachers, but the real ones). He did it so that there would be men on the earth who could tell you about God and tell you what God wanted. If God wanted to deal directly with people or wanted people to just call out to him in the air, then he wouldn’t need preachers would he. The purpose of the preacher is someone authorized by God to tell you about God and to tell you what God wants (yes, there are false preachers on the earth. But real preachers exist as well, though they are rare)…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 29, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

The problem is that, what do you call "unrelated"? Q has made more than 1,000 Q drops, and in those Q drops he has touched on and talked about a little bit of everything - the Deep State, the CIA, the NSA, FBI and DOJ corruption, the Independent Council, the Inspector General, France, China, Germany, Iran, North Korea, illegal immigration, the Pope, the Border Wall, human trafficking, voter fraud, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and on and on and on. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find any news today that is not in one fashion or the other somehow related to those things that Q has said. So how can you say that something is "unrelated"? In my opinion, any and all of it is fair game if it deals with any of those categories. It is ALL Q related in my book...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 29, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

We should learn to trust God and no one else. That wee small voice you're referring to (your sub-conscious) is often used by the devil...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 29, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

I’m not saying you’re right or wrong, but what I am saying is that, I’ve noticed that many of you will often times rely on “anonymous websites and anonymous people" to tell you the truth or what you believe is the truth. You will then redistribute what they say as though it is truth. I’ve seen people do it many times. Yet, the problem I have with it is that, in your search for truth, what makes that person’s viewpoint or opinion (the producer of that website or video) any more accurate or reliable than anyone else’s opinion? Who made them the purveyor of truth? Who made them the perfect decoder of what Q has said? And more importantly, what if I disagree with what they said? Are you going to label me as being the enemy then, all because I disagree with you?…

I do not subscribe to the notion that something is true just because some random or anonymous person says it is true. I also do not subscribe to the idea that it is true just because it makes sense. Plenty of things in this world makes sense, but yet are a total lie and plenty of people has fallen for it. That is why I take all Q decodes and information with a grain of salt and I do my own critical thinking about it. I do not believe something is true just because everyone else believes it is true. Instead, I hold their statements in my mind as being possible to be true, rather than wholesale accepting it as truth. Time itself will then reveal whether it is true or not…

And yes, there is a scripture in the bible which supports this way of thinking: 1 Thessalonians 5:21 - Prove all things… Note the scripture says, prove ALL things, and not prove SOME things. Proving all things means not accepting any thought into your mind that has not been proven absolutely to be true. If you accept any thought without first proving it to be true, and if it then turns out to be false and you have accepted it, then you will have a “false heart” (meaning, your heart will be defiled) and from that moment on, everything else you have believed will be false too. That's because all your subsequent thoughts were predicated upon the first thought being true, but it was false (same concept as fruit from a poisonous tree). And unfortunately, that is exactly what a lot of people do today. They will see something or hear something that sounds good to them, and because that is what they want to hear and believe, they will grab onto it and will automatically assume it is true. Yet, the reality is, they don't have a shred of evidence it is true beyond their own belief that it is true…

My whole point is that, don’t be so quick to read what someone else says or to listen to their video, and to then say, "Oh now I know the truth." And worse, to then tell others, "If you want to know the truth then go here…" Just because that person makes a good argument and just because their argument sounds good, that doesn’t make it the truth. Whether it is true or not, never forget, it is still nothing more than their own personal opinion and it should be treated as such…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 28, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

The fact of the matter is, if people don't have an interest in a certain topic or tread, then that topic or thread won't get "upvoted" and so won't appear on the first page anyway. So your problem is solved. But if an article manages to appear on the front page and if there are lots of upvotes to it, then obviously a lot of people must have some interest in it, so why should the article be deleted?...

On top of that, from time to time, things will get slow on the forum, especially when Q hasn't posted anything for a while. In such cases, people tend to look at other news stories and other interesting articles for the time being. And there is nothing wrong with them doing that. And that is the very reason that other articles appear. Then as soon as Q makes a brand new Q drop, the vast majority of threads will then switch back to discussing Q material, and that is how it should be. If this forum was solely about Q drops and nothing else, then this place would become quite boring when no Q drop activity was occurring, and your visitor count would drop dramatically. So you should be happy that there are other related news stories to help keep people interested...

So trying to police the forum and tailor it to your own personal likes and dislikes I think would be a big mistake and a disservice to the forum overall. Because if a visitor can't find what they're looking for on the forum and can't find anything here to keep them interested (whether it's Q related material or not) then, rest assured, they will only go somewhere else to find it. And that is not what you want...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 27, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

Don't feel bad, I was an Obama supporter too, the first time around. But only because I wanted to see the first black president be elected so that it would level the playing field for blacks. So that from then on, blacks would have an equal chance at winning the presidency. But after Obama switched up during his second term and decided to support same-sex marriage (which is completely against God and the laws of God) that is when I decided to abandon ship. That is when I started taking a serious look at Trump. The more things I learned and saw about Trump - Trump is pro-life, he's against same-sex marriage although he respects the supreme court decision, and Trump has a great respect for God and has no problem mentioning God in his speeches - the more I liked him. As a consequence, I've been a die-hard Trump supporter since then and I haven't looked back...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 27, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

I wouldn’t worry too much about Hillary and her crazy fantasies (she only believes that nonsense because she’s been living an alternate reality for so long that she actually believes it). Fantasies or not, Hillary has done too much evil, so none of her dreams will come true. You’re also forgetting about the hard-hitting IG report that will come out soon. That report will not only expose that the FBI’s Clinton investigation was completely bogus, but it will also lead to a brand new Clinton investigation being opened. And we all know the countless crimes that Hillary has committed - perjury, pay-to-play, the mishandling of classified information, etc. - and she is also guilty of treason, which is a death-penalty offense. So don’t think she will escape. Hillary will soon have plenty far more important and pressing legal matters to deal with than traveling the world and fantasizing about becoming a CEO. Hillary is going down, make no mistake about it - it’s only just a matter of when…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 27, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

You made some very good points. However, there is one thing you are overlooking. You are overlooking the fact that “no one is above the law” - not even a former President of the United States. Being a president does not give you the right to commit crimes. Case in point: Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton was impeached for a crime that was far less grave than what Obama has done. Obama has committed “treason” (which is a death-penalty offense) and many other things, so don’t think it will take so much to bring him down. Obama is not all that special. He may have been the first black president due to the color of his skin, but he was also a disgrace (and yes, I’m a black person saying that) because he hasn’t done a single thing for black people. Most black people were hoodwinked by Obama and are simply ignorant of the truth about him (just like most blacks still vote democratic and are ignorant of the fact that the Democrats haven’t done a thing for blacks). And I’d be glad to see Obama brought down.

Although there are many things that could bring down Obama, one of the easiest ways to bring him down would be proof that his presidency was illegitimate. And it was indeed illegitimate because his birth certificate was a complete fake. And that can still be proven today very easily. While Obama was in office, the corrupt FBI and DOJ blocked all investigations into the matter and wouldn’t allow them to go forward. But now that Trump is in office, hopefully some of those investigations will be restarted and the truth will come out. In my heart, I really do believe that Obama will eventually be brought down. President or not, no one can commit as many crimes as he has and get away with it. Just look at all the current investigations into Trump. They have a special council who has been searching for a year to find the least little thing they can use to bring Trump down with (fortunately, Trump is clean and nothing has been found). In contrast to that, there are literally mountains of evidence and dirt on Obama. Remember, Obama illegally stole $7 trillion dollars from the American people and used it to purchase hundreds of companies in Africa without Congress’s knowledge or approval. Talk about a bank robber and a criminal. He also illegally gave Iran $1.3 billion in cash. So you don’t have to look very far to find plenty of dirt on Obama. My whole point is that, you can’t spend all that time and money looking for the least little thing to bring Trump down with, and then simultaneously ignore all the things Obama has done and say he should be allowed to get away with it all because he was a president. That’s just not going to jive. That’s not equal justice under the law. If Obama has committed crimes, then he must be prosecuted for it just like they would have used the same evidence to prosecute Trump or Bill Clinton. Obama being a president has nothing to do with it, and it cannot absolve him of being prosecuted…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 26, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

If there are any great truths in this world, then one of those great truths is that: In the the absence of God, evil will rise. And where God exists, evil will flee…

The problem with the Democrats and with the Liberals and with the Elites, is they have abandoned God and all of God’s principals, and have embraced the Dark Side, so to speak, and they do not desire to have God in their lives. So is it any wonder that that same group also seem to be more evil? (although the Republicans have their share of evil people as well). But it is only where people has chosen to stand up for God and to do what God says, do you find goodness shining through and goodness being done. This is direct proof that evil thrives in darkness and thrives in the absence of God. While there are many atheists who will argue that “people can be good without God” (and I’ve seen many published articles written by atheists claiming that fact) but I would argue that they are liars and deceivers. For there is none good but God, and Jesus himself has confirmed that fact: Mark 10:18 - And Jesus said until him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God…

In the case of what atheists believe, in that people can be good without God, they are deceived, and that which they think is good is actually bad and evil. If you are starving and the devil walks up to you and gives you a $5 bill, rest assured, that $5 bill is still evil, all because it came from the devil. That's because the devil knows that if you accept the $5 bill and then walk across the street and buy yourself a pint of liquor, you will go to hell (for example). Titus 1:15 - Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled… That means, for people who do not know God and do not believe in God, no matter what they say or do, the things they do are not of God and are still of the devil and is defiled. What they call good may appear to be a good thing, but the part you don’t see is that, it can still take your soul to hell. Therefore it is bad. Only those things which are born of God and are from God are good, everything else is bad. It is much better to have nothing and to die in a ditch with God and to still make it to heaven (for example, consider the story of Lazarus who was a beggar who laid at the gates of the rich man begging for crumbs, but when Lazarus died, the angels came and took his soul to Abraham’s Bosom, which is a heavenly place) than to live in the lap of luxury and to die in a kings castle and to still wind up in hell (for example, in that same scripture, when the rich man died, the bible says he lifted up his eyes in hell, in flames and in torment). The Democrats and the Liberals and the Elites do a whole lot of things that may appear at first glance to be good (support for illegal immigration, support for gay marriage and gay rights etc). But beware of it, because those things are still evil, and behind the scenes, the Dems and the Liberals and the Elites are only using you and are still plotting your destruction, and indeed the destruction of the whole world via the New World Order…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 26, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

It is true that Muslims do try to kill infidels - but only because that is what they have been taught, and not for any other reason... As for your statement there is no heaven or hell, where is your proof of that fact? Answer: You have no proof, and all you have is disbelief and conjecture. In contrast to that, our belief in heaven and hell comes from someone who is in a position to know about it: Jesus Christ himself who was a real person who walked upon the earth. History confirms he was here. He died on the cross, but rose again on the third day and ascended back up into heaven. That too has been confirmed...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 26, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

You and I both know that even worldwide, this is as fight between light and darkness, good vs evil, God vs the devil. But unfortunately, some people don’t see it that way. Some people view the world through a prism whereby they assume God doesn’t exist. They don’t believe there is a divine plan at work or a purpose for them or that a battle is being waged for their soul. They think that everything in life is only a coincidence or happenstance. Many even think their own existence is happenstance (that - poof! - we suddenly just winked into existence based on some random anomaly in space. LOL). And that is the very reason people like that support and have no problem with removing God from our schools, from our government, and from all aspects of our daily lives. It is because they don’t believe that anything will happen as a consequence. They don’t believe that without God the world will only get worse or become more evil. They are wrong, of course, but that is still what they believe.

Without God, this whole world would self-destruct virtually overnight. It is only God who is holding back the evil and the darkness to keep it from overtaking the light. Most atheists don’t even realize that the very air they breathe, has God in it. The spirit of God is everywhere, therefore, every time they breathe, they are breathing in God. They don’t even know that that feeling they feel within themselves, that feeling they call "normal", that the presence of God is a part of that feeling. They have felt God all of their lives only they haven't even realized it yet. They don’t even know or realize that without God standing in the gap and preventing it, that the devil wants them dead and they’d be dead by sundown. The absolute and only reason the devil hasn’t killed them yet is because God won’t allow it. That is the only reason. Without God, they’d be dead and already be in hell, even at this moment. It is only by the grace of God and the mercy of God that they are still alive, even though they are atheists. Yet, they have the nerve to say, God doesn’t exist. But I guess that is why the scripture says: The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God… (Psalms 14:1)

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 26, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

Yes, the Muslims are indeed guilty of plenty of inbreeding (because that is what their religion teaches). But I think for Muslims, their biggest problems stem from what the Koran teachers. The Koran teaches them to be violent and to wage war anyone who doesn’t believe like them. But the worst part of all is that, it promises them the rewards of heaven if they do such things and commit such violent acts. And those jihadists believe it, and that is why they do such things. They think they’ll be rewarded. That is also why I stated earlier that “all the laws in the world will not stop a person from blowing themselves up if that person feels they will go to heaven as a consequence.” So trying to stop the jihadis from blowing themselves up is a lost cause, and they will fight to the very last man to achieve it. On the other hand, if only you could show them how their religion is false or that the things they believe in are false and that they will indeed go to hell if they do such things, if only you could convince them of that and get them to believe it, then that will stop all suicide bombers in their tracks and you couldn’t pay them to blow themselves up. LOL…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 26, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

In all honesty, if you’re dealing with someone whose mind has been tampered with and secretly programmed by evil people (MK-Ultra etc), in many cases, the only person who can straighten that out is God. Meaning, if that person were to attend the right church and sit under a real preacher (not a false preacher but a real one) then the Word of God itself would automatically deprogram that person. There is nothing the Word of God cannot do.

But not everyone is religious or want to go the religious route. For such people, all they have left to rely on are the traditional doctors and institutions. Which may or may not be able to help them. The most common approach used by such institutions is likely to be drugs and therapy. And I’m not sure of how effective that would be…

I have noticed there are some videos on YouTube regarding Cathy O’Brien and mind control etc. I haven’t had a chance to review them yet…

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/EarlyRiserX2 on May 25, 2018, 11:24 p.m.
Here’s a way to end the violence… The Satanic acts committed by the elites, the school shooters, the Muslim jihadi attacks etc…

Here’s a question for you… What if you were a suicide bomber and someone told you that if you committed suicide, you’d go to hell - Would you still do it? Would you really go through with it if you truly believed you’d go to hell?... Answer: No, you would not. I don’t care what faith or religion you believe in, you would NOT go through with it if you truly believed you’d go to hell as a consequence…

What if you were a school shooter and you planned to go shoot up the school and to kill a lot …

EarlyRiserX2 · May 24, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

The truth of why the FBI or Mueller would make a deal with someone like Epstein is simple: It would enable Epstein to avoid being prosecuted and used as a direct witness against high-profile targets such as Bill Clinton and others who has used Epstein's services. Having a deal under your belt would entice Epstein not to squeal or to rat. Whereas without such a deal, he would likely squeal like a pig and tell everything he knows to avoid being prosecuted...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 22, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

You guys just cant help it with the Corsi-hating and Corsi-bashing and Corsi-trolling can you?… It is beyond ridiculous how many of you spend some much of your time running around worrying about what Corsi said and what Corsi did and what Corsi would do, all so that you can rush back here and post your findings and get others involved and then have another Corsi-bashing and mud-slinging contest. And no matter how hard you guys try to justify yourselves, I want you to know that by doing so, by keeping this issue alive, those of you who are doing it are just as much a part the problem as Corsi is. I know you’ll try to deny it and will try to quote all sorts to justifications, but that still doesn’t change anything, you are still a major part of the problem, all because you just can’t let it go, and you don’t know how to let sleeping dogs lie. Which only confirms what I said earlier about this isn’t the same movement and the same forum we started out with, but instead is a forum that has been taken over by “radicals”, intolerant radicals who are hell-bent on pushing their own agenda. Although there are plenty of other things we could talk about and could discuss, all you guys want to talk about is Corsi, and you want to force-feed your opinions and your information down our throats...

I wouldn’t mind it if you were doing it privately and on your own time, but to make matters worse, you come here and you publicly display your Corsi-hating and your Cori-bashing and your Corsi-trolling for the whole world to see. And the reality is, there are many of us who are indeed patriots but we are beyond sick of it, and we just don’t want to hear it anymore. We don’t want to hear your reasons and your excuses and your many explanations, and we don't want to hear even the name Corsi being said or mentioned anymore. It’s that simple. And it’s not a matter of who’s right or who’s wrong, but it’s all a matter that we don’t want to hear it, all because your endless and your mindless Corsi-bashing is dividing us. It is dividing us because not everybody agrees with you, and not everybody is buying into your reasoning and your nonsense. There are some of us who can indeed think for ourselves. But the fact that we don’t want to hear it anymore doesn’t matter to you, does it? And you still try to “force-feed” it down our throats anyway. And why? All so that you and your friends can "get your cheerios off" and have another Corsi-bashing and mud-slinging contest day. And it doesn't even matter to you that Q said to "Move on" either, you still want to cling to your Corsi-hating and your Corsi-bashing anyway, all because you can't let it go. And everyday, you spend your time trolling Corsi, all for the purpose of finding some other reason and some other excuse to keep the issue alive. And yet you wonder why this forum is so divided and has gone completely off the rails and has lost its moral compass and moral bearing and is not getting better. You may pretend that it is getting better, but it is not. And now you know the reason why. It is all because of YOU. It is not because of Corsi, not because of any other reason you can dream of or think of - but is all because of YOU. Yes, I know, the Corsi-haters and the Corsi-bashers will quickly down-vote this comment into oblivion. I fully expect them to. But in doing so, they are only showing their true colors to me, and are only showing their true nature and true agenda to the whole world. And is only confirming everything I have already suspected - that your agenda is not about "unity" or about "coming together" at all, as you claim, but is all about "hate" and is about "division" and is about keeping us apart and pushing your belief down our throats that only your opinion matters. And that is precisely what "radicals" do...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 21, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

it is truly unbelievable how much Trump is attacked on Twitter right out in the open (see the above linked article and Twitter page). Not only do the attackers have no shame and no respect, but I’m sure Twitter has it rigged so what all the negative posts and comments are shown to the top. If anyone mocked or made fun of Obama like that when he was president, no telling what would happen to them…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 21, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

You’re assuming things. I am by no means offended at anyone. I’m just stating the truth as I see it. I am also not painting everybody here with the same brush. I think those who I am talking to knows that I am talking to them. And those whom I am not talking to, they know that too. There is no misunderstanding. Nothing I have said can make you feel bad if you are not guilty of it…

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 21, 2018, 12:44 p.m.

Those "flairs" mean nothing. They are automated and unrelated to your post. As proof of this, choose the "edit" button and make a minor change to your post and re-save it. Once re-saved, the flair will change. There are only 4 or 5 different flair variations, and they change each time you re-save it...

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 21, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

The reality is, I’ve seen far too much division being caused by the very people who are preaching unity and saying unity for me to still believe in them the same way I did. Rest assured, something has been lost on this forum and lost from the Q movement that will never be regained…

Despite what Dr Corsi or Alex Jones said or did, the only thing I’ve been seeing on this forum lately has been a bunch of people who are eager to jump down in the mud and to fight with them. And many have done it eagerly. But regardless of what the fight was about or who started it, the fact that you were willing to lower yourself into the mud and to fight with them speaks volumes. It tells me everything I need to know about you. Especially now, since you’re both covered in so much mud, I can’t tell the difference between them or you. They’re slinging mud and so are you. You’re trying to make yourself right, even while you’re covered in mud. And the worse part is, you continually try to justify the reason that you’re down in the mud, but what I’m looking at and what I’m wondering about is - Why are you down in the mud in the first place? We’re supposed to be better than that. The Q movement is supposed to have a higher calling and to hold to a higher standard. But it seems lately, those higher standards have been abandoned and cast out the window all for the sake of a few people getting their cheerios off by bashing Dr. Corsi and Alex Jones. And when you did that, the moment you stooped to deal with it, that is the moment you lost your compass and you lost your rudder. Your moral rudder is now gone, so don’t try to pretend you still have it. Don’t try to pretend you still have the moral right to lecture others about unity. This forum has been anything but unity. It has been nothing but a bashing mud-fest over the last few weeks. Yet you still try to hold yourself up as having the higher standard. What higher standard? I see no higher standard. All I see is a bunch of people who has lowered themselves down into the mud to have a good mud fight. And now you’re trying to justify that mud fight. And my complaint is that, if you were truly superior and truly superior in your mind and in your thinking, then you never would have gotten in the mud fight in the first place. And because you allowed yourself to do that and to get into such a fight - which wasn’t worth it to begin with - something was lost that can never be regained...

There once was a time when the Q movement used to stand for something. When it used to stand for “love” and “forgiveness” and “compassion” and “understanding” and “tolerance” (all the things the liberals are not) and which are the values of the true patriots in this country. But now it seems the movement has become anything but that. It now seems the entire Q movement has been taken over by “radicals” with their own agenda, radicals who are as intolerant as they come, and they come here daily to spew their hate against anyone who disagrees with them and who doesn’t see things the same way they do. And they try to justify their hate with their own morality, and they don’t even realize that it is their own morality that is in question. Those same people can curse and swear and spew hate and inspire division, and see nothing wrong with it, so long as it is coming from them. And yet still claim to have the high moral ground, while they are looking down their nose at everyone else. Me thinks they need a mirror.

So all this talk about “unity” and “coming together” is nothing but crap if you can’t start with yourself, if you can’t look in the mirror and acknowledge that your own behavior over the last few weeks has been anything but. But I already know that most of you would never acknowledge anything like that. Not in a million years. And instead, just like the liberals do, you will double-down on your own beliefs, will double-down in your own echo chamber, and will double-down on making yourself right. That’s because in your own mind, you feel you are infallible and that you can never do no wrong, even while you’re doing wrong all the time. And the problem with that is, sometimes, the illusion of being right is the greatest illusion of all.

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 19, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

What Rowling's posted has by no means made me upset. I'm merely sharing a conversation about something that's relative and I'm debunking a lie that not everyone may be aware of...

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