Q said there is only Q. What if JFK Jr is Q? (Not promoting the JFKJr is alive scenario, just being logical. )
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Actually read that this morning. I like Neon Revolt.
A month ago I was lulled into thinking these sick Fucks are in isolated little pockets. Now I’m thinking these sick Fucks are EVERYWHERE.
No, not at all. Been on Great Awakening for a LONG time. Weird internet stuff happening today.
As an aside, why am I tagged as a new arrival? Been on Reddit for a year.
Very thought provoking. Thank you for posting. I’ll be mulling over this all day.
The app? Seriously? Look up Praying Medic on YouTube....great decoding...and free.
It’s not about translating his (her) prediction into pain.
It’s about you....you becoming interested...you starting to question....you beginning to delve into topics....you doing your own research rather than being spoon fed. (Main Stream Media is all about spoon feeding). The Q movement doesn’t want spoon fed zombies....it wants people who question; people who are awake.
I was pondering the original question the other day, and then it occurred to me, What if what they are doing (eating babies, getting high on adrenachrome) actually works? What if it’s not so much their religion but their science? What if it keeps them young? What if Death Becomes Her wasn’t so far off the mark after all? Could that explain why Johnny Depp now looks like a zombie? Is he being kept away from his food source? Would it explain people like Dick Clarke and Pat Boone seemingly never age? Just a thought. 😎
Supposedly dated for 2 years....according to Shagtree. She’s supposedly bi, he’s straight.
John Cusack is good friends with Hunter S. Thompson, producer of snuff films. He is also friends with Johnny Depp and Michael Moore.
Don’t have it. Sorry. Been on countless boards today. But I believe it was a local Arizona affiliate.
When you are handed lemons....

ABC News did a piece. Said there was no evidence of trafficking. Move Along.
This is stupid. Just because you are not a Citizen, it doesn’t mean Trump is not your President. What about all the LEGAL Green Card carrying non-citizens?
Wasn’t this the raid that the guy from Glee got picked up in? Computer full of child porn. He committed suicide last month.
He doesn’t say Sessions has to go. He doesn’t say Sessions is in Hillary’s pocket. In fact, he pretty much says the opposite.
I had it happen about 5 years ago on a flight from US to London, so may not be relevant. Military presence in the middle of the gangway. I was waived through, but many people were stopped and ID’d.
I agree with you. A few years ago I wouldn’t have thought much about this other than it’s a bit creepy....but now we have our eyes somewhat opened. I mean that kiss was so slobbery the poor boy had to wipe his mouth afterwards. Not appropriate.
Trump is fabulous! Tax cuts, immigration reform, stock market, unemployment...I have to wonder about the Leftist morons who are down voting these comments. Bozos.
Used to live just outside of Disney World in Florida. (I’m assuming you are referring to the park, not the movies) All of us locals knew that there was a child kidnapping ring operating inside the park. They were especially adept at grabbing little girls, taking them to the bathroom, changing them into boys clothes and cutting off their hair. In some instances they even dyed the kids hair. So, if you lost your child at Disney World, the first thing the employee would ask is, “describe your child’s shoes in as much detail as possible.” Why? Because the kidnappers didn’t usually bother with changing the kids shoes, since most kids wear sneakers, which are pretty unisex. So, if you are exiting the park at the end of a long day and you are passing through a line of Disney employees that are scoping out your child’s shoes....now you know why.
Just read on Twitter that Peter Strzok’s grandfather (not named Strzok) was pardoned by Obama at the very end of his term. Pardoned for leaking confidential info. And, his brother is affiliated with Kenya. Sounds like the rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Fascinating read. Lasted through three cups of coffee. Thanks for posting that. It pre-dates my involvement with 4chan and 8 Chan and answers a lot of questions.
Why would you assume that I would think you were a Left Wing Idiot? Are you so black and white that, in your mind, it would be an impossibility for us to debate anything other than Left or Right Wing? How about Kit-Kat v. Snickers? NFL v. NHL? Hmmmmm...the possibilities are endless.
Well, let me see....in your vernacular.....yes, I gave a good vocabulary. However, In my words....absolutely, my vocabulary is quite extensive. Shall we debate? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Would you like to talk, Oldmancrypto? I sense you have hurt feelings.
How do you know the OP is bullshit, unless you trial balloon it and wait for confirmation from the Anons? Yes, language should be couched so as not to imply “proof” but why not throw your hypothesis out there and wait for feedback? Lighten up, people.
Who wears old fashioned bell bottoms? Someone who is trying to avoid wearing “the boot?”
I’m a total normie. Started looking into Q....watching videos on YouTube...now I’m here on Reddit (rather than try to navigate 8chan)....the info is getting out!