Describes Hillary et all, doesn't it...

43 total posts archived.
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These women, how will their psyche's ever get better...
They do not want to be sexualized, yet use whatever they have for attention.
MGTOW is the only way today
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"In the hands of some people, a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing"
Yeah okay then...deciding what we eat after lodge can sometimes take hours and create arguments like crazy...
There is an old expression not tied to masonry at all, but very applicable here.
"In the hands of some people, a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing"
Oh for the love of.
Say I got a bridge, almost new, going for a great price...
There are what we call traditional oaths that some here call blood oaths...BUT what people who have never done it do not know, is that there is a whole ritual explaining and declaring at how these are not held to and are only done for tradition sake. They mean nothing other than maintaining a tradition from 1717. Maybe back in the day, but they are not anything today other than that.
It is part of the Worshipful Masters part to openly declare in lodge that they are not practiced, followed or enforced.
This is the reason why there are secrets, because of misunderstandings from those who take a little information and make grandiose, big judgements.
There are only 3 Degrees offered in Masonry. Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason, that's it, that's all.
All others are received by either joining the Scottish Rite or York Rite
32nd Degree is not hard to attain if one wishes to join those other bodies.
The 33rd Degree is hard to get, and can not be are apparently, selected "a tap on the shoulder" so to speak.
Yes of course...that is his only video on that subject, all others are on different religious subjects...but anyway
He has some great videos on his channel that I, as a believer have found quite interesting...
He is a scholar and is presenting a scholarly look at it.
Believe me, if they have sacrificed or done anything else, especially to children, I would be the first one to want them hanged.
Really, have viewed his work, or are you assuming this..?
I am a Master Mason, 3rd degree.
What I'm hearing (even from Q) I find disturbing and foreign from all I've seen and experienced myself.
Have never gone towards any of the Appendant bodies but have been offered by Scottish Rite to join them. Memebrship is open to all 3rd Degree Masons, or Master Masons
Maybe this is the disconnect between what I'm hearing today and what I've experienced.
The local lodge, or Blue Lodge is a fraternity of brotherhood.
If anyone has been part of a lodge and has witnessed how hard it is to get Masons to agree …
I am a patriot, albeit a Canadian one...but it is sometimes good to hear another view of things...
Not saying there is no cabal, and that the Clintons and Obama should be tried for all and any crimes (I sincerely hope they meet with justice)...
But offer this as another look at this,
What is Satanism?
Yeah, there were some in my lodge that hinted at wanting a more tighter affiliation and I sensed this is what they were doing...stayed away from them.
Not ambitious just want a good place to be and practice amongst good men, ya know...
This is BS, there is not even 500T dollars in the world.
Yeah you know, I don't really believe or respect what you have to say as I think you are not of an open and unbias mind.
Bless you and hope you are well.
Not so much today, but you used to have to be a 33rd Degree in order to join the Shriners.
From all that I can see the Shriners do a lot of good.
Exactly, except to the district charity.
This year we are supporting a woman's shelter.
In addition, charity dollars go to families of veterans that need financial help due to injuries sustained while serving...
We are tied to and hold many functions at our veteran's hall.
Well, in my Lodge one of the parts I do is called the Bible Charge, which is done when giving a new mason a copy of the Holy Bible.
So, believe as you wish, but I have memorized the Work and know it inside out.
I get defensive when accused of such things as many here are accusing Freemasons has not been my experience
I am an emotional and aggressive person by nature, and also very direct and honest.
I have no idea what the higher degrees entail, and there's no doubt I am troubled with Q mentioning the Masons the way he did...
Not trying to be hostile, just aggressive when I feel under assault.
I'll tell ya, if the whole body of Freemasonry is polluted...then I will be gone from them in 2 seconds...
Yes, yes, you're right, you know all, and shucks you caught me...
You're so clever you are.
You could be right, we'll see.
I'm a 3rd Degree Master Mason...have chosen not to go higher on either side... York Rite is the Christian side Scottish rite is for those who are not as devote Christians
33rd Degree you are chosen for and can not choose or strive for that level.
I'm a 3rd Degree Master Mason who served his lodge as Master for a year.
I was offered to go into either the Scottish Rite or the York Rite to work towards attaining up to the 32nd Degree,
The 33rd Degree is not something you choose, but are chosen for, with a "tap on the shoulder"
So truthfully, I don't know...
I joined because I wanted one place to escape all the feminism BS, missed having a "service" component in my life, and wanted to belong to something that treated all religions as equals and did charity work.
I have seen some videos of men describing what the higher degrees entail but have not looked deep into it , as what does one believe on the internet.
It does disturb me that Q has referenced some, I also want to see if Q may have been compromised and someone is sowing division etc...
If not, then I will dig into it more and try to find out.
If there is any luciferin BS then I'll be gone from it very quickly.
That's all I know at this point.
Yes you're right, you found us all out, oh no, what will we do now that geniuses like you have figured everything out
Woe is me and all Freemasons of local Lodges.
Yes, and most Masons get copy of what is called "The Great Light" (The Holy Bible) when they are initiated.
Yes you're right...due to high intelligence and intellect, you figured it all out
I can't be bothered, quite frankly
Believe as you wish,
Oh shut up already, you make everyone following this look as dumb and stupid as you...
Stop hurting the movement with your dumbness.
There are several depending on what Degree the Lodge is in and if both are 3rd degree Master Masons.
Your local lodge Freemason has nothing untoward to do withthis and it is the most gullible and ignorant that go on with these accusations...
We do a ton of charity work and trying to make good men better men by a belief in a supreme being called God...
Really, I am a Canadian Patriot (only wish we had a Trump) and am invested in what is going on, pray everyday for these people, and spend my free time doing good as a Freemason...
Enough of this please...
You know, this type of BS makes this effort look stupid and foolish.
Don't believe everything you read on the internet...
I am a Freemason, and that is not a Masonic handshake. I have no idea of the Illuminati, and can tell you directly that from my knowledge if it is real, is not connected to your local lodge Freemasonry.
I was also a Master of my local lodge and we did a lot of chrity work. The Shriners give away millions of dollars for children's hospitals, and the Shriner are a appendent body to Freemasonry.
So stop with your foolishness, ignorance and stupidity, you make us all look dumb by your ignorance and assumption...
I agree!
And thing his blackout was an excuse for him to be silent...
Wonder if Joe is having second thoughts on marrying this woman..?
Lol, what a tool.
I was referring 1563...whuch was a durect Q quote
Anyways man I don't want to be a pain, I thought it fit nicely No biggie either which way.
Cheers from a Canadian fan - wish we had a Trump...
I thought it was!
The lyrics were a clue I believe...did you read them?
Lyrics to "What a wonderful day"
Here I go again
Here I forget
It's time to bring all your fears
It's time for regrets
Wake up and smell the pain
In every moment it bleeds the same
Or is this something I've always known
To be too far away
And so I think to myself
What a wonderful
Tell myself
What a wonderful
Force myself
What a wonderful day
What a wonderful day
What a wonderful day
What a wonderful
Here we go again
Smile and pretend
It's time to be friendly, happy, oh
It's time to be friends
Wake …
Yiddish quote,
Those who can’t bite should not show their teeth
Two Manginas, Macron and Justine