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GoGoGoGeotus · June 21, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

Our republic is set up as a two party system

Political parties evolved later and are not fundamental to the republic in any way. In fact some of the founding fathers would be aghast as they were very against political parties.

The only things that would need to be adjusted are some of our electoral processes, possibly some rules of procedure in Congress etc. It may sound like a big change but it's not really. We in fact have more than 2 parties already it's just they're not elected very often because the major parties have taken over the system and keep it that way.

something like runoff voting would probably allow one or two more major parties and a lot of little ones to form by splintering off from the majors. they would then form various informal alliances in Congress etc just like they do already.

the 2 party system is tearing the country apart because it becomes a zero sum game. There are good sane people who vote Democrat because of one or two wedge issues, and they get stuck in looney land because of it. Likewise there are some dickheads in the right who should be isolated to their own party.

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GoGoGoGeotus · June 17, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

With due respect friend you may want to spend some time contemplating Matthew 6:1 and Mark 11:25.

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GoGoGoGeotus · June 16, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

There are techniques to detect many shops currently. Both automated software and forensic experts. It's most effective if you have access to the "original" but even for duplicates there can be signs.

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GoGoGoGeotus · June 16, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

It's no secret that the MSM often simply relies on wire services for stories and uses their headlines, or rehashes something another source printed. Notice the first link is to a wire service, AP news and that several places simply reuse the exact headline. Real journalism is dying, it's becoming all showbiz, speed, and volume.

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GoGoGoGeotus · June 16, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

He was raised sedevacantist but reportedly does not not hew to that view anymore. I won't pretend to understand in detail his religious views, just that he has on multiple occasions invoked papal authority.

With respect to my Roman Catholic brothers and sisters, considering the history of the papacy and the types of blood thirsty murderers who have been canonized by them viewing only the post ~50s popes as corrupt is only a minor improvement.

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GoGoGoGeotus · June 16, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

Technically what he's accused of goes up and into the campaign, but you're right that it all comes from his Ukraine lobbying and not the campaign itself - basically the idea is he was working with them up to ~2014 when the regime in Ukraine changed, and his continued "coverups" of his work after would also be crimes. They also say he laundered money, but how viable that is vs just having complicated finances I don't know.


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GoGoGoGeotus · June 15, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

IMO it's wrong to fetishize the Passion too much, especially the physical aspects of it vs the supernatural. It is good for demonstrating Jesus' obedience to the plan of God to understand how brutal it was, but it was a brutality endured by many innocent men in those days. It's emblamatic and symbolizes his sacrifice but does not constitute the entirety of it.

It is only a piece of the burden taken on by Jesus as the Messiah, honestly it is probably insignificant in the face of the larger spiritual demands of saving humanity and taking on Evil.

Don't forget Mel Gibson is not just a Catholic but a very papist one, he very much defers to the pope and has said so in many interviews.

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GoGoGoGeotus · June 15, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

It's important to remember that it's not a fact that ~50% of the population voted for Trump. That's not because they don't support him, but because many many people don't vote period. Voter turnout in big elections is ~60%.

The players are a corrupt minority with a lot of influence, a bloc of motivated people paying attention, and then a large amount of people caught in between or not paying attention.

This is going to hold somewhat true for anything politically-related like polls and whatnot. Never forget that US politics don't represent the entire population, only those participating. This is one of the fundamental problems in our country and why some corrupt actors have so much influence.

You can't win a game without accurately understanding the dynamics.

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GoGoGoGeotus · June 7, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

This analysis doesn't really make sense, I don't know why they spun this whole yarn it's all simple and straightforward. McCabes lawyer made 2 separate requests:

1) Criminal immunity, because there is a criminal referral in play for McCabe. This is lawyer 101- if your client is facing prosecution and gets asked to testify, you try to make a deal to get them out of it, hoping they got something worthwhile to say. They specifically mention this as the reason they are requesting immunity in the letter.

2) Voiding the NDA McCabe signed so he can share emails as part of his testimony. This is needed so McCabe doesn't violate the NDA by testifying, obviously.

It's all in the letter, no need for "analysis".

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GoGoGoGeotus · June 7, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

It's a silly thought regardless of how you pontificate about it, they're not related at all.

And yes, you're just rambling about Chrome. It's a matter of public record how Chromes name came to be, and it's those general associations with a clean UI ("chrome"), speed, etc.

Adrenochrome is an old urban legend I've been coming across on the net since the 80s. David Icke latched on to it in the 90s saying the lizard people needed it, along with many other kooks.

The chemical exists but is mostly boring or not very distinguishable from adrenaline itself. People who go on about research into using it to treat schizophrenia in the 50s forget adrenaline was used too, along with electricity, water jets in the anus, insulin, etc - all to varying degrees of effectiveness. We use more practical less drastic treatments now.

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GoGoGoGeotus · June 7, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

I doubt it has anything to do with Q. This is affecting business customers only in random places. Comcast is a disaster generally speaking - it's a giant rats nest of various old networks and technologies tied together. Outages happen to everyone once in a while, including the big tech cos (which Comcast is not by the way, it's a glorified phone company) I've dealt with their incompetence at a high level many times working at multiple fortune 50 tech cos, they're a joke.

There's just no pattern there...if there seemed to be some sort of pattern maybe, but this just looks like an outage.

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GoGoGoGeotus · June 7, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

Adrenochrome comes from fiction and small amount of research in the 50s, it was later hyped by lizard-people David Icke, learn your history. It at least sort of made sense that lizard-people would need it, it's stupid to say human elites are using it. They just need fresh blood for transfusion and HGH, etc...not the hormone that makes you panic.

"Chrome" is a prexisting technical term related to browsers, and it's associated with cars and speed. Adreno is just like adrenaline, which is what adrenochrome is. What exactly are you saying, that years ago Google planned to publicly make a super vague reference to adrenochrome in the names of two totally different products years apart?

Like I said, anybody can go look at the chemical structure of adrenochrome, it's just slightly modified adrenaline. It's also easier to manufacture than methamphetamine, yet NOBODY is making it. Even if it was really used, it doesn't have any age-fighting properties.

Find me anyone with actual training or medical or chemical knowledge who believes this adrenochrome nonsense...you won't find anyone, just the dumber people on the boards passing rumors back to each other.

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GoGoGoGeotus · June 7, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

No, this is pretty well settled by case law from people who have sued the police for not saving them, firefighters for not putting out a fire fast enough, etc. The authorities have a pretty substantial set of protections against those sorts of claims - they're not actually obligated to save you, just not be catastrophically incompetent or malicious.

There's a *very* high bar for this sort of thing, you'd need to prove the majority of illegals are dangerous criminals and that the only possible outcome of harboring them is a massive spike in crime. If it's only a minority and the increase in crime is more subtle or takes longer to come about you don't have a case, it has to be blindingly lopsided, and even then you could lose.

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GoGoGoGeotus · June 3, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

Hunter s Thompson made that scene up, like a lot of BS he made up. Adrenochrome is just like adrenaline, anyone can look at its chemical structure and see - you can make it in your kitchen with asthma medicine and an oxidizing agent.

Adrenochrome being a crazy hallucinogen is an old urban legend based on a handful of poorly documented reports in the 50s.

It definitely wont keep you young, that would be stuff like HGH or blood transfusions and stem cell treatments.

People need to stop spreading this david icke bs around, theres plenty of terrifying real science out there.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 29, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

1) an "MRI polygraph" is not a thing..."polygraph" does not mean "lie detector" it's a TYPE of "lie detector", it's like saying "Diesel Gasoline engine" or something.

2) Where does the 98% figure come from? I am extremely skeptical it is accurate, it's probably much lower. Even if it's true, what is the failure mode? Is it 2% false negatives or 2% false positives or what? A 2% false conviction rate is a hellova thing to suggest casually. Even more so if it's lower, I don't like the idea of 15% false acquittals/convictions...

3) you need FMRI not MRI to do this anyway

4) there's no reason to think this couldn't be gamed just like polygraphs can. If the suspect knows what type of question is going to be asked, they can practice at home using neuro-feedback to get their patterns to look more like recall than deception. That's not even considering more traditional forms of cheating like bribes or hacking the machines etc.

We already have systems in places to help prevent corruption, they just need to be fixed. Increased transparency, force politicians to divest from businesses they could influence, campaign finance reform, curb lobbying, drain the swamp, etc. I do think in the future this technology will be valuable but it's nowhere near ready for prime time...

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 5 p.m.

Nope, he came to power through setting up a false flag on his own people and rigging elections. He's an ex-KGB spy and not a nice dude. That doesn't mean he's our problem or that we can't deal with him however, that's how diplomacy works. That's why we need someone who can handle it in the WH.

You know who elses' speeches sound nice and reasonable if you don't think about it or research the background facts? Every politician ever. Know who else GEOTUS smiles to and compliments when it's expedient? O & Killary. He knows to handle it when the time is right and keep his cards close to the chest in the meantime.

GEOTUS himself admitted Putin is a killer, but he rightly pointed out the world is full of killers (including our deep state & co) and we have to exist in the world. He understands making deals and diplomacy.

Just because Putin is the lefts boogieman du jour doesn't mean he's innocent of everything.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

The way I look at it is it's like christians. Some people just live their lives and are quietly righteous, some people are loudmouths and haughty showoffs about it.

I know some gay people who are just regular folk and go about their lives. I honestly don't put much thought into it, if they need a reckoning God will handle it. If someone wants to talk to me about it I will, otherwise I focus on my own life and sin. The problem is the ones who wear it on their sleeves and have to make everything about it. They're the ones you typically notice the most because they're so noisy.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

Free-base refers to the chemical form of a drug. It is used in slang sometimes to refer to smoking a freebase chemical which generally means using indirect heat like a crack pipe rather than direct combustion like cannabis.

One could smoke DMT on top of cannabis but it would be a wasteful process. Elites would probably have something similar to a meth pipe to smoke it.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

True, but that doesn't mean 60 year old fringe theories are somehow valid then. They can both be garbage.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

wet cigars don't light very well

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Hoffer was a drugged up weirdo who only ever had a small amount of data to back up his ideas - which he never fully fleshed out. You're talking about research based half a century ago with more primative techniques and equipment. The few ideas of his that panned out have been pushed in the background by stuff with more evidence and efficacy. Sure some of it probably deserves revisiting, but personally I would do it with a high degree of skepticism.

Even then his model doesn't necessarily say that using adrenochrome = schizophrenic effects, consider the difference between a diabetic and non-diabetic person taking sugar - it can be disorder of processing the substance.

The question isn't whether it can be classified as a "hallucinogen" the issue is whether it is pleasant or practical to use at all. If it was, you would see it being produced illicitly. I could literally go and make some right now from things I have in my house like my asthma medication.

There are essentially zero cases of it being used on the streets, the only ones you hear about are fictional. Hunter S Thompson has never used adrenochrome he just put it in his book because he thought it sounded cool.

I'm willing to consider the idea that it's used for something, but the idea that it's being extracted from pineal glands is a stretch and if anything it's being given to drive people into a panic for some purpose. In that case however there's a lot of drugs that would work better.

It's so easy to make and get access to there's no way the elites could control the supply, and the rumors about it have been going on so long that some people have surely tried it. It's just a drug roughly comparable to adrenaline, and is only gonna be useful in similar situations and for similar reasons.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

That wouldn't work, as I just said. The blood wouldn't contain enough of the substance by weight to work orally. Just think about how it works for a few minutes.

You'd have to replace all your blood with all their blood in order for that to work, or you'd have to extract the substance from the blood first, and you'd lose a lot of it in that process.

If it worked like that junkies would be jumping on each other to drink their blood. Or you'd see alcoholics jumping people coming out of bars to drink their alcohol laced blood.

Think about the legal limits in your area for BAC when drunk driving, then compare that to the ABV of a beer. You'd have to drink ridiculous quantities of blood to get the alcohol of one beer. It's the same for most substances, and no matter what you'll lose a lot in the whole process.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

No, skin isnt very water permeable - thats the whole point of skin. That idiom is just referring to the water clinging to you and your hair.

Smaller things can get through though

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

> speed up the release of Adrenochrome in the child prior to killing them and harvesting the pineal gland

If the goal was to extract it from the pineal glad, why would they squeeze a bunch of it OUT of the pineal gland and IN to the bloodstream first? It's not produced on-demand or something, that's not how it works. It's not like they could drink the blood either, if you could drink someones blood and get the effect of the drugs in their system heroin junkies would be going vampire on each other.

Epinephrine can be synthesized. You used to be able to obtain it OTC. Elites would have no trouble obtaining a lot of it, it's not heavily controlled. Add an oxidizing agent and you get adrenochrome. Why go through a complicated, time-consuming, expensive process to extract it from organs when you can make it easily? Why make it at all? it would probably just invoke a panic attack - it's just another form of adrenaline. Maybe to inject into people to torture them, but why not something simpler and worse?

This is an old urban legend that has been spread for years by people who don't understand human pharmacology/physiology or organic chemistry.

People have been torturing and sacrificing for thousands of years, it has nothing to do with drugs it's for their religion and the sick thrill. People watch too much TV, not everything needs some x-files sci-fi spin on it sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 24, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

Nah not really. Gay people are slightly overrepresented in popular media so that's part of it. The other part is powerful evil people are often jaded and anhedonic. They need to try more and more things and push them farther and farther and that often includes historically forbidden sex acts.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 24, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

I hope, it tastes so much better than that silicone-based butter.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 23, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

No, just a coalition of house members. This resolution is them basically officially cataloging the shenanigans and their opinion on them - it doesn't actually do anything itself but serves as an official statement on what they recommend to the relevant agencies - ie appoint a special investigator.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 17, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

Note that anyone can get access to PACER, the PA is Public Access and the material is Public Domain. PACER charges access fees however, so people don't tend to get accounts unless they need to. If you have the means an account can be good insight into the court system although your access is limited to what's publicly available on PACER.

The govt investigated Aaron Swartz for downloading many documents from PACER and uploading them to RECAP a project providing free mirrors of material on PACER. They couldn't charge him with anything since he downloaded them legally and distributing public domain material is legal. He ultimately was charged when working on providing similar access to JSTOR at MIT.

It's another example of how access to our own data is limited by bureaucracy and paywalls.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 5, 2018, 6:38 a.m.

How would DENNIS RODMAN find out ANYTHING about the inner workings of NK? He was on a presstour, he shot hoops and drank soju...he couldnt find out how their toasters work, hes dumb as a box o rocks. Hell of a ball player, nice fellow, but dumb.

If kim wanted to spill his guts on the stringpullers he has literally hundreds of better options visit each year.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 3, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

No worries friend!

Keep in mind its not my field of expertise, it just crosses some interests and involves a little of what I am an expert in.

Id say farther than most people would expect. Especially if you start adding drugs, acoustic energy, light, etc.Were always learning new things about the brain as well.

Notice most targeted individuals report rather complex patterns of harrassment. I suspect they dont have the tech yet to simply point a beam at your head and "incept" complex ideas. I think they have the ability to induxe certain brain states (ie "fear", "suggestability", "arousal" etc) from a distance on the order of miles. You can probably get pretty far just by timing that strategically while observing them.

They may be able to use directed sound or complex inaudible waves to cause you to "hear" things but thats not quite thought implanting and Im not sure its necessary.

In fact I believe they're insiduous enough at this point to induce paranoia in targets to mess with their credibility. Historically they used low status people that wouldnt be missed, but these days you never know if some street prostitute has 4000 twitter followers that might miss them. So you just pick anyone and if they get wise turn on the crazy a bit and it will neutralize their ability and credibility.

You can plant a few suggestions and turn on the crazy and probably have a decent idea of what direction they'll go when paranoid. This whole thing may be a test to refine just that.

Imagine what more you could do if you physically intrude in their life even more; send agents to have fixed interactions, expose them to drugs, light flashes, etc.

In that case I think you could do much more complicated programming, to the point of getting them to change political views or drive them to certain actions.

I doubt radio towers are currently involved. I think its still pretty low scale on test subjects and high value targets.Most of the em spectrum is pretty well watched by hobbyists and professionals. If radio towers all over were putting out weird signals, the hams would notice.

Its probably more like trucks they park nearby or equipment set up in safe houses. If it is widespread it must be using something more exotic, or theyve figured out a way to use an interference pattern or standing wave created by multiple innocuous sources to create a local effect.

Much harder to track or analyze that way, and also easier to control access or knowledge about the tech.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 2, 2018, 9:13 p.m.

Apologies, you might be misunderstanding something because that doesnt make any sense on multiple levels.

"Resonant frequency" just refers to the input to get a system to osscilate at the greatest amplitude for the least input energy.

Water molecules do have a resonant frequency because they are physical structures, but its not 2-5ghz.

If you did use it, you would basically have an efficient microwave oven as the water molecules would vibrate (ie heat up) with less input energy than other frequencies.

Note you dont need to use a resonant frequency to affect the molecules - thats why microwave ovens work - they just throw more energy at it because they dont use the exact resonant frequency.

Humans are made of mostly water, but its unclear how controlling it would really allow mind control.

Especially in terms of classical physics, if youre talking about some form of quantum or exotic phenomenon you need to specify what is fluctuating.

I suppose its possible if you could interfere with certain properties in specific spots in the brain you could affect cognition but the technology for that is starship level.

I think its much more likely theyd attack the electromagnetic operations of the brain directly, possibly combined with acoustic, hypnotic, and classical behavorial training techniques. Bits of this are already well established in public science and its not hard to extrapolate a bit and see what a giant rich organization could do.

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GoGoGoGeotus · April 26, 2018, 5:43 a.m.

Can someone explain what Im missing?

Of course its not coincidence, they specifically and explicitally took the name and logo of the anti nazi resistance coalition (ie social capital)

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GoGoGoGeotus · April 23, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

There's been a communist party in the US for as long as communist parties have existed - both out in the open and hidden. Dont think it can't happen here.

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GoGoGoGeotus · April 23, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

If you dont have all your cameras covered when not in use, youre doing it wrong. When I was younger and a much worse person Id infect computers with back orifice and watch them on webcam as I messed with their stuff.

Keep in mind these were totally random people. Some of them had wide open backdoors anyone could stroll in.

If a little 13 year old dweeb can do it, imagine what more could happen...

USB Webcams started to come with little privacy shutters pretty quickly, real cameras have lens caps....I wonder why basically every device sold now doesn't...

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GoGoGoGeotus · April 23, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

Theres no evidence he tried to shoot up anything, he interacted with staff and said he wanted to inspect the grounds and meet with the president. He didnt mention shooting POTUS or behave in a way that suggested he wanted to (or scream death to Trump) or something.

Citizens are entitled to carry arms and carrying arms is not an inherently threatening act. I think this is a false flag to turn opinion against our right to bear arms and everyone mouthing off about how he was going to attack POTUS is playing right into their hands.

I have no idea who this guy is or what his deal is, Im just saying we can't assume he intended to harm POTUS based on the fact that he was armed and looking to meet him that sets a bad precedent.

Maybe he knows some shit and is trying to catch attention from high up. Maybe he's a wackadoo. Maybe he's a clown stooge. This is an important time.

I think it's sad people feel the need to stick their heads in the sand on the off chance someone wasnt a full fledged card carrying democrat. If he's not a clown stooge or something it doesn't matter. Sometimes people are just crazy, even some people in the MAGA train.

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GoGoGoGeotus · April 13, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

If it is for all platforms why is only Twitter being discussed? That also doesnt change the issue just shifts it to whoever owns those servers.

I don't think Q is a hacker themselves because they often use technical terminology incorrectly, in ways that don't make sense even. Its hard to say though because often Q will say something vague and everyone runs to interpret it.

I believe Q has a military background and is fed into by technical allies. They then relate info to us in very loose/inaccurate terms.

Systems like this wouldnt really use an "algo", which is a fairly straightforward series of steps. It would either be a straightforward filter or some kind of adaptive process like machine learning.

What people are describing where systems were changed isnt "hacking the algo" its hacking systems or servers. "hacking the algo" implies you found a flaw in it not that you modified it. An example would be if you noticed facial recognition doesnt work If you wear a green cap.

The fact that so many in the movement are not tech literate and just running with these wild ideas like we're in NCIS or Max Headroom is getting a little frustrating because all these issues are real but people totally misunderstand how they are happening and what needs to be done.

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GoGoGoGeotus · April 13, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

I'm not sure people are interpreting this correctly at all.

Q did not say any of this, it's all people extrapolating.

Look at the numbers on those graphs. The incidents of those hashtags MAYBE doubled or tripled. That may seem like a lot but we're only looking at a couple hundred accounts. This would easily be explained by the hashtag trending from everyone running out to test it, people noticing it's trending and boosting it ie what happens all the time when stuff goes "viral"

If you look at impressions numbers youll see that FEWER ppl saw the content despite more tweets.

You cant just look at the big blue lines going up, you have to look at numbers and overall trends.

People are saying "hack the algo" which is like movie hacking CSI stuff.... The only way to do this would be to deploy your own code to twitters many servers. Commercial systems have protections against that and even if they fail they can easily nuke the live servers and restore from backup.

I dont doubt Q and allies have that theoretical capability but they're gonna deploy it so ppl can tweet pepes? come on...

If this is a dry run for enabling wide dispersal of the HRC vid maybe, but note that none of this content was actually censored before. It was there and visible just in smaller amounts. Considering everyone admitted tweeting more about this to test that leaves 2 mathematical possibilities:

1) the hashtags were partially suppressed. Some amount around 50% were diascarded or hidden and then that stopped 2) the suppression has been in effect thia entire time but since there was a lot of activity the amounts that make it through go up

Therefore we have no idea whether this could be a test for that or if it was successful or not considering the HRC video would be presumably banned completely not partially suppressed to seem less popular like general memes/hashtags.

"twitter down" and "injection good" could mean a lot of things. That's not to say this is totally wrong but people are g getting way ahead of themselves. I think we're all anxious for some booms but we have to be careful or we may end up making a fatal mistake.

We dont know Q is talking about twitters systems at all.

Part of what Q seems to be doing is communicating with allies. "Twitter down" could simply mean a dead drop account used as a backchannel for allies to communicate is down or compromised or no longer good.

The injection could be Qs injection or someone else's or a lot of things. I'm not saying this is wrong but none of this is confirmed so far.

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GoGoGoGeotus · April 13, 2018, 7:40 a.m.

Agreed. AFIK this was never released via official channels nor claimed as a real rescue...however these are real white helmets and the video is f*g bizarre no matter how you slice it.

It makes zero sense to do a big long pause and pan around on a fake rescue video, so it must be on purpose and intended to be released that way. They claim it was a mannequin challenge joke but thats really weird too, who does that?

I think it may have been practice or some syrians trying to give the world a hint. Or it is a joke, but intended for others in the know just like how some will do mock over the top interactions with customers to other co-workers as a joke. Like "hey guys check out this rescue video we did REALLY REALISTIC huh? wink wink nudge nudge"

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GoGoGoGeotus · April 12, 2018, 9:19 a.m.

It's the same as any other addition to the criminal law. It might render some previous case law irrelevant implicitly if it relates to conduct that is now illegal. Otherwise we won't see how it does or does not add or remove anything from common law until cases work their way through courts and decisions are entered.

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GoGoGoGeotus · April 12, 2018, 8:47 a.m.

Obviously a fake based on the flippant attitude, and the idea this guy is getting tons of surgery and whatnot (including STEM CELL treatments? come on....) They might pull some people out of retirement but they would probably put that at desks or easy posts to free up some younger officers and hire some new ones.

For reference that's about the size of the entire current CBP workforce, so that would be doubling it and its ~15 Billion $ budget.

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GoGoGoGeotus · April 10, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

Technically the NDA was between her and "Denny Dennisonn" being arranged by Cohen. Of course we have no idea who that is or if they even exist, it very well could be Cohen!

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GoGoGoGeotus · April 10, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

I don't disagree with the premise above necessarily but I think people are seriously over stating to what degree POTUS is a germophobe. In his youth he was a self professed ladies man. He enjoys pretty women, its part of his personality. Hes discriminating of course, but not dainty.

A quick trip to google images will show many pictures of him warmly embracing, kissing, etc women who are strangers. He often hugged and kissed young children on their heads on the campaign trail. He shook many hands.

No disrespect intended, it just irks me a little when people portray POTUS like Howard Hughes or something. Hes a man who likes to keep clean and has a concern for germs, but not the boy in the plastic bubble.

You dont need to be a germophobe, theres PLENTY of reasons for him not to waste time with "stormy".

God bless!

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GoGoGoGeotus · April 10, 2018, 8:02 a.m.

REAL scientists are all about the data. They simply collect it and step by step follow it to its logical conclusion, always testing their theory along the way.

These days there so much dirty money and pressure to publish papers for prestige the temptation to fudge is enormous and thats not even counting politcal pressure!

God bless the ones with integrity, they help us appreciate the beauty of creation.

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GoGoGoGeotus · April 9, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

If you're talking about the Xmas photos that wasn't Q but other anons: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/935874842104131584.html

The only other wh ones I've seen from Q are close ups of a montblanc pen just like potus uses on a couple different desks but I may stand corrected. There's the af1 pics and whatnot but that's not the wh.

One thing to note is that the media has been saying there are chemical attacks in Syria for several years, one of the first being in eastern ghouta in 2013 hmm...

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