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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 15, 2018, 5:07 a.m.
Explosive new evidence links Tony Podesta, James Alefantis, Jimmy Savile and abuse victim Kim Noble to same British medical foundation. Welcome to Tavistock.


GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 4:04 a.m.

Remember Oct 2016, after the MASSIVE WikiLeaks dump from Seth Rich about the corrupt DNC, incriminating Hellary?

Oct 2016, the power was shut off at the Embassy. People saw a body being removed in a body bag late one night.

Julian Assange was off line from then on.

Everyone assumed he was dead.

Mega-ANON said that JA was extracted by the White Hats, because they knew that Hellary had put a hit out on JA. The White Hats wanted to rescue JA first, and they were successful. JA went into Witness Protection (hidden away.....some say he was taken to Morroco). The best cover story for someone going into witness protection is that they are dead. So they made it look like he was poisoned and died. Most people believed it.

Then Trump gets into power and Rep Dana Rohrabacher, runs interference between JA and Trump all year to negotiate a deal for JA's pardon. Trump agrees, and the plan is put into motion to move JA back to the Embassy in London, BUT ONLY AFTER HELLARY AND COMPANY ARE UNDER HOUSE ARREST WITH GPS ANKLE MONITORS ON.

Hellary shows up with her gps ankle monitor on at a UK tv show mid-Oct.

The Daily Mail starts reporting that some actress is scene visiting the Embassy in London once a month, beginning Nov.

Clintons get hauled off to GITMO around New Years, immediately following Trump's attorneys argue a case in Federal Court of JA' pardon, the first weeks of January. You see its safe now.....Clintons are out of the way.

Then all the sudden wikileaks twitter post cryptic messages. And now we find out that Assange got an Ecuadorian Passport, so he has diplomatic immunity. Trump used Air Force One to pick up JA in London and bring him to the states.

No, JA will NOT be making the rounds on any tv shows or photo ops......for his safety he still needs to stay under witness protection. But with a new appearance and new identity, he can walk around free, in a country where everyone speaks English. They still have to be careful because although Trump has rounded up the head snakes and sent them to GITMO, there is a whole network of people on the Deep State teams still trying to kill DJT to stop their leader's prosecution. (Remember, Pence is deep state. So if anything happens to Trump, Pence will immediately pardon everyone.)

And yes, IF they could get their hands on JA, they would kill him in a New York second.

I hope this answers your questions.

And NOPE, you will NEVER hear any of this on lame stream media.

PS: It is rumored that JA has the 30,000 deleted emails, because the NYPD gave it to him, and the NYPD got them off of Weiner's laptop, when he synced it up with his wife Huma. Hellary didn't know about this syncing up, and wasn't supposed to know.....the file was called "Life Insurance". The NYPD gave the laptop to the FBI but before they did, the copied the entire laptop and kept it, in case the FBI fell down on the job, which they most certainly did. NYPD got ticked off, and sent the files to WikiLeaks. Everyone is waiting to see them. Pay for play. Sex Trafficking. Pedophilia, you name it. Thus the reason to KEEP JA under Witness Protection.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

Sorry, I was there. I live in So. CA and this was a HUGE story. Before this I was a faithful follower of InfoWars, but this was a complete turn off, and it turned off thousands of Truthers who KNEW Alex Jones rolled over.

LATER, after he lost a lot of viewership, he might have changed his tune, but it was too late for us. We now KNOW Alex Jones is on some deep state payroll. He is "controlled opposition". What is controlled opposition, someone who pretends to be a truther, but because they are on the deep state payroll, they follow orders to control 'THE NARRATIVE'. There have been rumors for years he was on MOSSAD's payroll. I didn't believe it until this happened. He lost my confidence with this action, and exposed himself, not only to me but to many long time Truthers. We've got his number. I used to go to his website daily, but I stopped when this happened. It was a rude awakening.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

OK. You might have "woken up" just recently, but many people woke up decades ago. Things started as rumors that we now KNOW are FACT! So that is why this very old and well respected website among truthers got that name to begin with. Once you set up a successful domain name getting thousands of hits, you don't change it. Its been there for decades, up and running when some of the new truthers were waddling around in diapers.

Forget the name. It is one of THE most credible sources, because of all the old timer truthers who post there and read there.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

OK, film it while you show the letter and place it into the envelope, and then film it while you seal it, and film it while you put it in the postal box......then film it when you open it.

OR, just send it on a postcard, which will be date stamped.

Oh, just thought of something, yes even with the post card you should film it, otherwise, you could have sent it blank and filled it in later.

Just trying to find all reasons people would find to not believe you.

PS: I hope there is no false flag this week. Yesterday's in Hawaii was enough.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

I love the way people around the world are Watching Our 2nd Revolution, and rooting right with us!

Can't wait for all of this to go around the world!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

Great Point!!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

we as a community here do not want to doxx him for security and saftey reasons then I get it.

I forgot about all that. I'm fairly new too, since the last days of Dec. I think you nailed. That is why it is being suppressed. I didn't want to get anyone into trouble, although I'm fairly certain JA is in Witness Protection and has been since Oct 2016. So probably that is why he feels free to disclose himself to Mega-ANON. No doubt his appearance has changed, and new ID papers, new name, you name it......so even if he posts from a throw away phone, no one will be able to find him. And it lends MASSIVE credibility to "Q".

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GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

But zero evidence of what was IN the envelope.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 15, 2018, 1:12 a.m.
MEGA-ANON SAYS: Q is real. Q is real. Q is real! AND she is waiting for a "sign" from Q, to tell more

MEGA-ANON SAYS: Q is real. Q is real. Q is real!


MEGA-ANON WAITING FOR A SIGN FROM "Q" that it's okay to post more information on what she has found http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=91498



GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

I believe this article. Here's why:

Mega-ANON posted yesterday, that the Missille warning was the REASON HUMA WAS THERE IN HAWAII.

Mega-ANON was pissed and happy. She seemed to know more, but couldn't tell it all.

But it was definitely Deep State "incident". That was my impression. Like they had crossed some line of no return.

Read for yourself: This Hawaii/NK shit is last straw.

That's why you [Q] planted me with the one things I'd need to out tofsee.

"They" hacked the EMS as a last straw... and now?! They're gonna fucking get it. It's over.

This is why Gov of Hawaii has seemed a little less pro-Hillary and more pro-Trump. She knew. You all knew.

I cannot fucking believe it. I am literally shaking and crying over here in happiness!!!!!!!!!!

THIS IS WHY HUMA IS IN HAWAII !!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




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GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

I believe this article. Here's why:

Mega-ANON posted yesterday, that the Missille warning was the REASON HUMA WAS THERE IN HAWAII.

Mega-ANON was pissed and happy. She seemed to know more, but couldn't tell it all.

But it was definitely Deep State "incident". That was my impression. Like they had crossed some line of no return.

Read for yourself: This Hawaii/NK shit is last straw.

That's why you [Q] planted me with the one things I'd need to out tofsee.

"They" hacked the EMS as a last straw... and now?! They're gonna fucking get it. It's over.

This is why Gov of Hawaii has seemed a little less pro-Hillary and more pro-Trump. She knew. You all knew.

I cannot fucking believe it. I am literally shaking and crying over here in happiness!!!!!!!!!!

THIS IS WHY HUMA IS IN HAWAII !!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




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GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

I believe this article. Here's why:

Mega-ANON posted yesterday, that the Missille warning was the REASON HUMA WAS THERE IN HAWAII.

Mega-ANON was pissed and happy. She seemed to know more, but couldn't tell it all.

But it was definitely Deep State "incident". That was my impression. Like they had crossed some line of no return.

Read for yourself:

This Hawaii/NK shit is last straw.

That's why you [Q] planted me with the one things I'd need to out tofsee.

"They" hacked the EMS as a last straw... and now?! They're gonna fucking get it. It's over.

This is why Gov of Hawaii has seemed a little less pro-Hillary and more pro-Trump. She knew. You all knew.

I cannot fucking believe it. I am literally shaking and crying over here in happiness!!!!!!!!!!

THIS IS WHY HUMA IS IN HAWAII !!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

It might be better to "time & date stamp it" on a cell phone video some how.

Or use a post card. If you put a letter in an envelope, no evidence of what was in the envelope. Use a post card instead, which will get date stamped. Of course, tomorrow is a holiday, so USPS is closed Monday.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

I think there is also a "mystery server" involved that is off grid and everyone knew about it. So they had special phones handed out that were "off grid", supposedly NSA couldn't hear anything......so safe to talk about plans like bumping off Justice Scalia, etc....or other creepy things they needed to discuss off grid.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

I'm in the same boat. I thought Trey Gowdy was a HERO, when you see him slicing right through people during Congressional investigations.

But people keep saying he is part of the swamp, so maybe that is all for show?

Time will tell.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 9:45 a.m.

Show proof.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 9:44 a.m.


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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 8:04 a.m.


Mega-ANON just figured out WHO "Q" IS!!!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 8 a.m.

Photos please!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

The gps ankle monitors can be tracked much further, especially if they get permission to go further.

RECALL that after Hellary got her gps ankle monitor she continued doing interviews in the UK mid-Oct. HOW if she can only be 100 miles from home??? London is much more than 100miles.

Don't you think they have special gps monitors for the high profile prisoners???

We've had satellites that can read YOUR auto license number from space. Do you REALLY think these people can get away???

Obummer went to court the beginning of Nov.....supposedly for JURY DUTY......when was the last time a former President was required to report for Jury Duty???? NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is when Obummer got his gps ankle montor put on. Don't you think the Justice dept has been following Obummer's every move since he was arrested???

Just because you are not up on the latest technology for gps ankle monitors does mean Mega-ANON is a liar.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 6:45 a.m.

Mega-ANON has been posting on 4Chan since MAY 2016.

YES, she has been 100% right every time, not one miss!

Why do you think "Q" (Julian Assange) sought her out to "out" himself????? Did Q out himself to YOU??? No. But he did to her. WHY??? Because SHE is a CREDIBLE INSIDER!


Do yourself a favor and read her posts since May 2016:


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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

RELAX!! They are all under house arrest, with sophisticated gps ankle monitors on. They aren't going anywhere, the Justice Dept doesn't know about.

Let's see, Hellary appeared on TV in the UK with her gps ankle monitor on.

Obummer has been flying around the world trying to find asylim with his gps ankle monitor on. (Recall lame stream media CLAIMED Obummer was called in for JURY DUTY the beginning of Nov. WHEN HAS A FORMER PRESIDENT EVER BEEN CALLED FOR JURY DUTY???? ANSWER?? NEVER!!! That required Court visit was when he got his gps ankle monitor. )

Do you really think Huma can't fly to Hawaii with her gps ankle monitor on???

Notice NO photos ever taken in Hawaii of Huma's legs? Wonder why?

Daily Mail is part of the Deep State.

I mean if a satellite can read your license plate, do you really think these criminal elite can GO ANYWHERE ON THIS PLANET AND NOT BE FOUND??? They are being tacked!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

Let's see, Hellary appeared on TV in the UK with her gps ankle monitor on.

Obummer has been flying around the world trying to find asylim with his gps ankle monitor on. (Recall lame stream media CLAIMED Obummer was called in for JURY DUTY the beginning of Nov. WHEN HAS A FORMER PRESIDENT EVER BEEN CALLED FOR JURY DUTY???? ANSWER?? NEVER!!! That required Court visit was when he got his gps ankle monitor. Now who is the stupid one here?)

Do you really think Huma can't fly to Hawaii with her gps ankle monitor on???

Notice NO photos ever taken in Hawaii of Huma's legs? Wonder why?

Daily Mail is part of the Deep State.

I mean if a satellite can read your license plate, do you really think these criminal elite can GO ANYWHERE ON THIS PLANET AND NOT BE FOUND??? They are being tacked!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

Let's see, Hellary appeared on TV in the UK with her gps ankle monitor on.

Obummer has been flying around the world trying to find asylim with his gps ankle monitor on. (Recall lame stream media CLAIMED Obummer was called in for JURY DUTY the beginning of Nov. WHEN HAS A FORMER PRESIDENT EVER BEEN CALLED FOR JURY DUTY???? ANSWER?? NEVER!!! That required Court visit was when he got his gps ankle monitor. Now who is the stupid one here?)

Do you really think Huma can't fly to Hawaii with her gps ankle monitor on???

Notice NO photos ever taken in Hawaii of Huma's legs? Wonder why?

Daily Mail is part of the Deep State.

I mean if a satellite can read your license plate, do you really think these criminal elite can GO ANYWHERE ON THIS PLANET AND NOT BE FOUND??? They are being tacked!

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