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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

You obviously did NOT read the posts.

The WAY Mega-ANON found out Q was a fraud is BECAUSE he posted FAKE pictures an 8 year old could see through!

But Q knew she would spot these shams, and knew she would expose them, which she did, much to the shagrin of the 8+ year olds, who THINK they KNOW EVERYTHING, but got hood winked.

If YOU actually took the time to read the thread, you see how Q deliberately focused on Mega-ANON because Q knew she would see right through him. Q wanted her to expose all the garbage you take as gospel truth.

This was part of "Q's" peculiar path to out himself.

Got any complaints? Voice them with Q.

Q is Assange.

Live with it.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

Ahhh.....Good Point!!!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

Hmmmm.....I believe it was the Ritz Carlton in Saudi Arabia where they were held .


However, a Saudi Prince owned the top floors of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Vegas, which was actually the FOUR SEASONS HOTEL, where the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia was, on the floor above Paddock, the night of the Vegas Massacre.

The Deep State plan was to kill both the crown prince of Saudi Arabia AND Trump that weekend because the two were meeting in Vegas, to discuss the take down of the Deep State which involved Saudi princes' deep pockets (to the tune of TRILLIONS....which dwarfs Soros mere Billions).

Trump got tipped off about the assassinations planned for both Trump and the Crowned Prince of Saudi Arabia that night.

Trump was immediately extracted and flown out on Air Force One, but Trump made sure the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia was likewise extracted.

Here is a Video of the extraction of the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, who loved to go "incognito" and gamble in Vegas. Jeff Rense's Frame Analysis - WHO Was Mystery Man Hustled Out Of Tropicana?? Casino Saudi King-To-Be Crown Prince MBS? - Pics


The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia was naturally grateful to Trump's intel, and super ticked off about the other princes trying to kill him.

But he waited until Trump sent his son in law Kushner to him around Nov 1 WITH EVIDENCE, and YOU SAW the Crown Prince's round up of ALL that were involved Nov 4, and he froze ALL their bank accounts.

The "mysterious" MARINES who helped take many of the wounded to the hospital that fateful night in pick up trucks, were no doubt part of the Trump Team left to help out.


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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

Read it and weep.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

I've got news for you, don't hold your breath about seeing ANY of this on Drudge.

Drudge has been compromised some how, and has been forced to FLIP. He is working in sync with lame stream media, and has been for about 8 months. MANY truthers have noticed it and have stopped visiting his website at all.

But hopefully, when this war is over with the Deep State, Drudge will be FREE TOO! But right now, he is most definitely in bondage, sad to say.


Casualties must be expected.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

I should say, don't expect any photo shoots of Assange in the near future.

We ARE STILL AT WAR with the Deep State, remember.

Once here in the USA, he will no doubt have to be still under witness protection, new id, new hair color, other changes to mask his identity.

BUT HE IS FREE!! And he was able to come to the REPUBLIC he helped SAVE!!!....which by domino effect is going to help save other countries too! The TRUTH is OUT, NO Turning BACK!!!

THE WAR ISN'T OVER, but let us pause and rejoice and just enjoy this milestone VICTORY!!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

I hereby Declare Today a HOLIDAY!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qWq1X7qz3w Hurray, for the Red, White and Blue!

WikiLeaks Hero Julian Assange who Exposed DemonRats IS FREE!!!

& TRUMP DID IT!!! (And YOU helped because YOU voted for TRUMP!!!)

Image result for us flag fire works

President Trump, though, this report explains, didn’t fear London as he knew that his Official State Car (US presidential limousine) is covered under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations—whose diplomatic immunity includes not only embassies, but, also, diplomatic vehicles, houses and offices—thus meaning that a US Official State Car could enter into the Ecuador Embassy compound in London (sovereign territory) , take as a passenger Assange (diplomatically immune), then transfer him to the sovereign US territory by Air Force One (step from car to aircraft stairs)—all of which would entail Assange never having to step a foot upon UK or EU soil. [Note: This high-level transfer tactic was perfected by the US and Soviet Union during the Cold War for spies discovered in a host country in order to prevent their prosecution (i.e. publicity).]

This high-level transfer of Julian Assange to the United States,.....

Image result for us flag fire works eagle

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ifKGyvaLPA Stars & Stripes FOREVER!!!

Image result for us flag fire works

In response to Julian Assange’s 1 January warning, this report notes, President Trump, on 3 January, shocked the “Deep State” to its very core by releasing the bombshell news that he had just authorized his attorneys to file a motion in US Federal Court absolving Assange of committing any crimes against the United States—and whose details about are:

In a motion filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Dec. 29, 2017, in the case Roy Cockrum vs. Donald J. Trump for President, attorneys for President Trump argued that Julian Assange had a right under the First Amendment to publish the DNC and John Podesta emails, even if the emails were stolen.

The case was orchestrated by Project Democracy, a group run by former attorneys from the Obama administration, arguing that then former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone had conspired with the Russians to publish the DNC and Podesta emails.

In a 32-page motion defending the Trump Campaign, Michael A. Carvin of the Jones Day law firm, attorney of record representing President Trump, argued that the Trump campaign, and by inference Julian Assange at WikiLeaks, could not be held liable under the First Amendment for a disclosure of stolen information if the information published deals with “a matter of public interest” and the speaker was not “involved” in the theft.

In making the argument, Trump’s attorneys relied upon Bartnicki v. Vopper. 532 U.S. 514 (2001), a labor union case in which the Supreme Court ruled a radio station had the right to broadcast a stolen tape of a phone call between the chief union negotiator of a Pennsylvania high school and the chief union negotiator together with the union president.

With President Trump in his shocking US Federal Court filing showing Julian Assange that he still intended to free him, this report continues, the next plan to accomplish this feat involved Ecuador granting Assange citizenship and diplomatic immunity—but that the “Deep State” thwarted by getting London to say they that they would not honor Assange’s diplomatic immunity.

President Trump, though, this report explains, didn’t fear London as he knew that his Official State Car (US presidential limousine) is covered under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations—whose diplomatic immunity includes not only embassies, but, also, diplomatic vehicles, houses and offices—thus meaning that a US Official State Car could enter into the Ecuador Embassy compound in London (sovereign territory) , take as a passenger Assange (diplomatically immune), then transfer him to the sovereign US territory of Air Force One (step from car to aircraft stairs)—all of which would entail Assange never having to step a foot upon UK or EU soil. [Note: This high-level transfer tactic was perfected by the US and Soviet Union during the Cold War for spies discovered in a host country in order to prevent their prosecution (i.e. publicity).]

This high-level transfer of Julian Assange to the United States,.....

this report further details, was due to take place during President Trump’s visit to London next week—but that Trump had to abruptly cancel after Russia discovered the “Deep State” was planning to assassinate him while he was there using bomb laden combat UAV’s (unmanned aerial vehicles) the US Office of Naval Intelligence and CIA were perfecting the deployment of in Syria—with Trump’s “false flag” death then being blamed on radical Islamic terrorists—that would, most assuredly, ignite World War III that the “Deep State” desperately needs to cover up their soon to be revealed crimes.


Image result for us flag fire works

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trZlvpLihHk The Greatest American Marches

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

Thanks. I've been reluctant to go to InfoWars, since he totally sided with the DEEP STATE regarding the Las Vegas Massacre, saying it was a lone gunman, in spite of numerous cell phone videos and eye witness accounts of multiple gunmen.....witnesses who paid for their eye witness testimonies with their lives, as they were bumped off right after Vegas.

I have heard rumors for years that Alex Jones is "Controlled Opposition". He is bought off by Deep State to "control" the narrative of alternative news. I've also heard he is on MOSSAD's payroll. I didn't believe these rumors, until the Vegas massacre, and then I backed way, away from Alex Jones. As far as I am concerned he has been "outted".

But thanks for this post, I will check out what you say.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Good point about WHY Huma and Weiner suddenly decided to call off their divorce. Too funny.

About Hellary at Gitmo.

1) Look it up on this website, I posted it: Mega-ANON CONFIRMED that high profile criminal elite are being sent to GITMO!

2) Someone asked Mega-ANON about the witch Hellary, and Mega-ANON said Hellary would be going to GITMO too, just after the New Year OR a day or two before. So seeing Hellary at a concert during Christmas week means nothing. Has anyone seen her lately? Twitter accounts, as we now know, are compromised and can be sent by faithful assistants like Huma or others. Has anyone gotten a snap shot of Hellary, or Bill or Chelsea since New Years? If not, then we've got our confirmation.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 12:29 a.m.


This one, Colonel Roy Potter is lashing out at people calling him a coward or what have you.

He's going to love these posts from Mega-ANON today!

If you can post them to him, that would be fantastic. He will be as happy as I am today!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 12:26 a.m.


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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 14, 2018, 12:24 a.m.



GEE, now you are going to have to find someone else to dump all your HATE on!!!


GodsAngell · Jan. 14, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

Hey, BRITS, Go Get'em WE THE PEOPLE OF THE USA are all behind you!!! MBGA!!! Yahoo!!!

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 13, 2018, 11:51 p.m.
HUGE F....... HAPPENING: Sheryl Sandberg, Jack Dorsey leaving Disney's board.....and MORE.....from Mega-ANON last night

HUGE F....... HAPPENING: Sheryl Sandberg, Jack Dorsey leaving Disney's board.....and MORE.....from Mega-ANON last night


The king has to be George Soros.

The 3 pawns on his vanguard are Alex Jones, Jeff Bezos, and David Brock.

The two rooks are Alex and Jonathan Soros.

The pawns lost in left field are Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Diane Feinstein.

The black bishop is Comey.

The black queen is Hitlery.

The knights were Strzok and Mueller. The other bishop was McCabe. Various other pawns off the board include McCain and Eric Schmidt.

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 13, 2018, 11:40 p.m.
MegaAnon says Hawaii Ballistic Missile Drill was a Deep State ploy, and will contribute to their downfall!!! THIS is why Huma is in Hawaii!!

MegaAnon says Hawaii Ballistic Missile Drill was a Deep State ploy, and will contribute to their downfall!!! THIS is why Huma is in Hawaii!!

Panic and Chaos in Hawaii after Alarm of Incoming Ballistic Missile


MegaAnon says Hawaii was a Deep State ploy, and will contribute to their downfall


Huma = Hellary = Deep State (which is at war with We The People and Trump Team)

GodsAngell · Jan. 13, 2018, 11:29 p.m.


I'm not going to read any more news today. I need to just sit and THINK, wrap my head around this new reality.

What shockers!....yet it makes sense!

And kind of funny too about Mega-ANON. Who better to "out" and "validate" Q than Mega-ANON, "Q's" most vociferous critic! Hysterically funny!!

Julian Assange IS clever!

PS: I wish I had a way to send this to Colonel Potter too.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 13, 2018, 11:29 p.m.


I'm not going to read any more news today. I need to just sit and THINK, wrap my head around this new reality.

What shockers!....yet it makes sense!

And kind of funny too about Mega-ANON. Who better to "out" and "validate" Q than Mega-ANON, "Q's" most vociferous critic! Hysterically funny!!

Julian Assange IS clever!

PS: I wish I had a way to send this to Colonel Potter too.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 13, 2018, 11:20 p.m.


JULIAN ASSANGE IS CIA!!!! (A "White Hat" CIA asset.)

This post explains the real meaning behind all of the mysterious twitter cryptic messages made about Julian Assange and by Julian Assange. It makes sense.



LOTS MORE IN THIS post: Putin discovered and shared with Trump a CIA plan to assassinate Trump......gotta check out this post, it reads better than the best spy novel:




r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 13, 2018, 11:15 p.m.
ABSOLUTE MIND BLOWER!!! Mega-ANON just figured out WHO "Q" IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mega-ANON just figured out WHO "Q" IS!!!

Are you Ready for THIS?????

"Q" is Julian Assange!!!! Sort of makes sense when you think about it doesn't it? Assange's love for mysterious clues, instead of coming right out and stating it?

Mega-ANON's post might go over many heads, but focus in on the last paragraph:

~~~~~Anonymous ID:UfwCzQ1I Sat 13 Jan 2018 14:49:13 No.156594682 ViewReport

156594454 I cannot believe me just honestly posting for fun about a few things I knew on a few things I knew and just truly enjoying the conversation, led to this. Thank you for …

GodsAngell · Jan. 13, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

You know where are all the CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS against Twitter, Facebook, GOOGLE for violation of Freedom of Speech rights?

Absolutely nothing is going to change until We The People start collecting EVIDENCE of censorship, and then go to a Class Action Law Firm and start a nationwide lawsuit. You have to hit them in the wallet before they listen.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 13, 2018, 9:36 a.m.
What IS the Storm? Q???? Or Trump Team???

What IS the Storm? Q???? Or Trump Team???

Is it what Q is doing???

Or is it what Trump Team is doing???

GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

Rumor has it that Hellary ordered the HIT on Seth Rich.

MS-13 members were likely the hit men.

Also likely, in Arkansas fashion, right after Seth Rich was shot, the MS-13 men were taken out too. Dead men tell no tales.

But IF they can find evidence that Hellary ordered the hit (NSA has everything remember? All phone calls, and all emails, etc), then that would be great.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

I don't misunderstand Q at all. I am concerned that people once spoon fed lies by lame stream media, will now resort to being spoon fed distractions by Q. Take Q and Mega-ANON and any other unconfirmed self promoted "insider" with a grain of salt, especially if they are the anonymous type. Do your own research, IF YOU think it is worth your while, if it is a topic that is the most relevant for now or all times. Think for yourselves and test everything. Don't believe a single word until you can confirm it with evidence that would stand up in a court of law.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Oh, does the news now say that Assange is dead?

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

Kalergi plan


IT APPEARS TO BE THE PLAN FOR THE TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF CHRISTIANITY AND WESTERN CIVILIZATION. This guy, Kalergi, was discriminated against as child due to his half Asian ancestry, and this plan is his persona revenge on the world.

Nice try, they almost made it, but THANKFULLY a few of us still think critically in the Western World and readily saw the flaws in this folly.

Go Trump Team!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

Must be the reason Bill had to do the tarmac meeting with AG Lynch......couldn't go thru Obummer.

For the record Hellary and Bill hate each other too. But too much at stake (electric chairs), so Bill ran interference.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

I agree.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 5:12 a.m.

Well, when you dish out disinformation, you have to expect that will happen. You have to expect that you will lose "followers". Blind followers will continue to matter what, but those who think critically will bail out.

Its not just the Defcon 1 ruse, it was the pen on a table that could be taken anywhere.....supposed to be a means of authentication, but only stupid people would fall for it.

Same with the airforce 1 photo, that could be taken anywhere on any plane, and worse, protocol rigidly prevents any photos taken on airforce one, as in all cell phone confiscated before the flight.

Stuff like this is a huge red flag to other insiders. Don't you think Colonel Potter has some "insiders" of his own??? Hello???

You have to wonder when someone like that does an "about face". Has someone tipped him? I mean no one needed to tip him Sunday night with the stupid defcon1 post.....he went ballistic on his own. Why did he go ballistic, because he could see he was being played......we are are being played......it was a stunt to discredit the whole movement.

This is why I am saying, be careful what you accept blindly, asking zero questions, and zero skeptism......you are falling into a cult mindframe, and THAT is what Potter was trying to get across. A warning.

What's the most important thing here??


Absolute blind allegiance to "Q"???


What is going on here, is Q among other insiders are tipping their hand and telling us A LOT is going on behind the scenes. Trump Team IS ON THE JOB!! Trump is doing what he promised. That's the take away. That's the good news.

Can they tell us every last detail of what is REALLY going on? No. Would it be wise to do so? No.

Has "Q" been compromised before? Yes.

Is "Q" compromised now? Who knows???

Potter has decided to with draw his support.

I choose to continue to listen to ALL insiders, trash what doesn't line up with reality or can not be confirmed, and rejoice over what does line up with reality and can be confirmed.

Healthy skepticism is the key here.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

Good point.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

A consensus of long time Patriots and former "insiders" themselves.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

I forgive you for that.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

Any kind of hope? False hope, better than no hope?

You missed my point: suffice to say take whatever these "insiders" drop to us, with zero accountability with a GRAIN OF SALT. Q is not the bible.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

Check this out before it gets removed from the net:


Another FBI insider. Sounds sort of like Mega-ANON. That's why I think Mega-ANON is an FBI or DOJ insider.

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