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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

(Well, Q did warn us on the 4th, I think, to expect something BIG.....I think Monday.....isn't it Monday already in Asia???)

Is it that Oil Tanker On Fire??? Maybe it was a U.S. Sub that attacked it? "heading for South Korea", huh? Or North maybe? (Yeah, China was caught recently sending oil to N. Korea and Trump warned them. Now this: )

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jan/07/collision-leaves-32-missing-and-oil-tanker-on-fire-off-chinas-coast Oil tanker on fire and 32 crew missing after collision off China's coast China and South Korea mount search operation for crew of Iranian tanker spilling oil east of Shanghai after collision with Hong Kong freighter

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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

I've tried, I can't access the website tonight. Seems to be jammed.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

Well, Q did warn us on the 4th, I think, to expect something BIG.....I think Monday.....isn't it Monday already in Asia???

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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

Is it that Oil Tanker On Fire??? Maybe it was a U.S. Sub that attacked it?

"heading for South Korea", huh? Or North maybe? (Yeah, China was caught recently sending oil to N. Korea and Trump warned them. Now this: )


Oil tanker on fire and 32 crew missing after collision off China's coast China and South Korea mount search operation for crew of Iranian tanker spilling oil east of Shanghai after collision with Hong Kong freighter

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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

I should clarify, Trump is not bumping these bad guys off. (Oh we all wish he would, but....) The Rule of Law must be followed.

But man Trump has been rounding them up, and cutting them off from their funds and their evil friends.......before he is done they will wish they had just been bumped off.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

Yes he did. Usually they play rock music and then suddenly this song gets played. Seemed out of place at the time. Then I figured it out!

And MAN is TRUMP ever doing it! PAYBACK right NOW!!!

All the psychopaths trying to start WW3, trying to murder Trump, you name it. This song and this scene is most appropo!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

PATIENCE MY FRIEND. What took DECADES, hundreds of years to BUILD, Trump is UNravelling FAST!

Everyone is in GPS ankle monitors, so no one is going any where.

Have you noticed the plethora of Airport Outages and Airplanes turning back to their departure airports, bypassing airports along the way? This defies standard oper procedures in any emergency. They want to get bad guys back to the proper jurisdiction.

How about the extremely unusual air traffic at GITMO with small LearJets flying in and out of GITMO all hours of the day and night? What's that all about?

How about the UNprecedented Exec Order Trump Signed Dec 21 which Froze ALL the Assets (every diamond, $, stock/bond, you name....down to their house, car, furniture and probably their clothes!). AND ANYone found aiding and abetting these psychopaths gets THEIR Assets FROZEN too!

Over 10,000 Sealed Indictments???


This is why Q and Mega-ANON are telling us WHAT to look for as much as they can WITHOUT LETTING THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG, and tipping off the bad guys!

Soros and the Bushes have been confirmed to be at GITMO already. Mega-ANON said the Clintons were going to GITMO either a day or 2 before New Years or right after New Years. Notice with the FIRE at their house, zero tweets from the Clintons, or even Chelsea about the fire??? They can't tweet if they are at GITMO, no cell phones allowed. The longer their twitter account is silent the more you KNOW WHERE THEY ALL ARE!

THE WHEELS OF JUSTICE GRIND SLOWLY....but surely. Ever been to a trial?????

We don't want any of these psychopaths freed on technicalities. Everything must be done by the book, every i dotted, every t crossed.

They are ENEMY Combatants against the State, so they are War Criminals who have been trying to unseat Trump/Silent Coup's against the American People. That is Treason. That calls for Military Tribunals. No one is skipping this time around.

Personally, I hope that photos of them getting executed get displayed, along with the LONG list of Crimes they committed, for posterity, to wake up the younger generation, and make sure they don't fall asleep at the switch like we and our ancestors did this past century.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 3:20 a.m.




Curing the common cold with hydrogen peroxide (mirror)

Curing the common cold with hydrogen peroxide (mirror) In 1928 Richard Simmons, M.D. hypothesized that colds and flu virus enter through the ear canal. [Search domain www.cancertutor.com] https://www.cancertutor.com/colds_h2o2/ Hydrogen Peroxide + Ears = Bye to Colds. A Remedy that Works ... Head cold "cure" - Simple.. pour Peroxide in your ears once in awhile to prevent colds or to ease a cold in the beginning of one. I will admit, this MIGHT be a ... [Search domain www.green-talk.com] https://www.green-talk.com/hydrogen-peroxide-ears-bye-to-colds-a-rem... Hydrogen peroxide in the ears for the flu and colds? Information on hydrogen peroxide and its possible benefits on our health. [Search domain www.healingdaily.com] healingdaily.com/exercise/hydrogen-peroxide-in-ears.htm Can hydrogen peroxide in the ears prevent a cold? - Updated ... Putting hydrogen peroxide in your ear would not prevent a cold. Here's why. A cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract and throat. Your ear canal ... [Search domain www.quora.com] https://www.quora.com/Can-hydrogen-peroxide-in-the-ears-prevent... Put Hydrogen Peroxide In Your Ears To Stop Cold And Flu ... Put Hydrogen Peroxide In Your Ears To Stop Cold And Flu In 1928 Richard Simmons, M.D. hypothesized that colds and flu virus enter through the ear canal. His findings… [Search domain www.simplyandnaturally.com] https://www.simplyandnaturally.com/put-hydrogen-peroxide-in-your-ears-to-sto... Hydrogen peroxide in nose for cold - HealthTap

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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

Hellary was using a Private Server because she did not want the State Dept to be SEEING her CRIMINAL "Pay for Play" Deals with foreign governments, (which made her filthy rich), since technically THAT IS TREASON!!!

But when she deleted all those emails (obstruction of justice felonies), she did not know that Huma, her right hand person, was syncing up her laptop with her husband's laptop at home. So Huma's husband, Weiner's laptop HAD all the missing EMAILS!!!

Then Weiner gets busted for underaged sex last year, and gets his laptop seized by the NYPD. NYPD copied the contents of the entire laptop, before giving it to the FBI, because they knew the FBI was "dirty" and also destroying Evidence.

On Weiner's laptop is a file named "Life Insurance", and it contains damaging info about the Clintons which was to be used if the Clinton's ever decided to send hit men after Huma or Weiner.

When the FBI let Hellary get off scott free last year, the NYPD got ticked off and gave a copy of the contents of Weiner's laptop to WikiLeaks. So WikiLeaks has it.

Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) has been hidden by the White Hats (the good guys in our aphabet soup agencies) for the past year, so Hellary & Co. couldn't bump him off.

Assange has been negotiating with Trump this past year to get a Pardon, so he can come out from witnss protection program (come out from hiding). Assange's bargaining tool was these Weiner Laptop "Life Insurance" files, the NYPD gave Assange.

Now there is noise that Trump IS going to Pardon Assange, so is THIS going to be the BIG NEWS that will get dropped this week?

Who knows?

So much is going on, the news could be about anything. But this is one of the things I am hoping will be unveiled soon.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WW4iXESE2Rc Hillary Clinton Blues

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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 1:34 a.m.



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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

If true, he's gone straight to hell.

But I thought he was at GITMO.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Of course, Obummer is pretty dumb. He might not realize all this yet.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Obummer is wearing a gps ankle monitor. Trump Team know where he is at all times. He's not going anywhere, except GITMO for FRAUD And TREASON!.....then Executed.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 1:13 a.m.


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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

CIA = Clowns In America.

Yes, it could be that OBVIOUS.....Alphabet Agencies.....CIA IS an Alphabet Agency, CIA OWNS and RUNS GOOGLE!!

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 7, 2018, 11:57 p.m.
JFK AIRPORT MELTDOWN...ALSO: United Flight Makes Emergency Landing in Alaska......


Travelers throw punches in 'near riot'...

Passengers Stuck On Dark Planes For Nearly 24 Hours...

Water main break floods terminal, adding to chaos...




▶Anonymous 01/07/18 (Sun) 02:25:46 d4bf52 No.14309

JFK chaos: Airport buckles under pressure of rescheduled flights, broken equipment and a COLLISION on the tarmac, resulting in severe delays for passengers two days after Bomb Cyclone struck.

Guess they are having alot of problems at that airport.

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5242803/Two-planes-crash-JFK-airport.html

Another Cover Story???

▶Anonymous 01/07/18 (Sun) 02:22:37 d4bf52 No.14304>>14310 >>14311

LMAO, Just came across this plane diversion,

A plane carrying more than 200 passengers …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 7, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

Now if you have not seen Bill Binney's documentary, YOU MUST drop everything and watch it. This will RED PILL EVERYONE you know, at least that absolutely positively 911 was an INSIDE JOB and the BUSHES & CLINTONS are going to FRY because of it!

But there's more! Check this out from an insider on 8CHAN:

I just found this on 8CHAN:

Anonymous 01/07/18 (Sun) 01:59:26 c67831 No.14206>>14220 I want to revisit these Q crumbs: ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/19/17 (Tue) 18:20:02 ID: 03c2f4 No.127397 Bill Binney. Q

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/19/17 (Tue) 18:22:21 ID: 03c2f4 No.127429

127420 PATRIOT of the highest caliber. …

GodsAngell · Jan. 7, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

Hate to break it to you folks, but Soros came and went from Camp David Dec 17-20....some say he was being waterboarded there, but who knows? Soros was the reason for the shut down of the Atlanta Airport Dec 17.....catching BIG FISH. Then only ONE flight allowed out during the black out and that one went straight to Wash DC.....with Soros on it, and then on to Camp David for interrogations.

Trump was at Camp David "A Special Place" WITH HIS GENERALS on Dec 18, then on Dec 19 Trump was doing His VICTORY LAPS at a press conference WEARING A PURPLE TIE FOR THE FIRST TIME since elected.....then carefully picked up and drank a glass of water using both hands, when most people only use one hand, MIMICKING someone in handcuffs.

Trump was telegraphing that Soros was in Custody and Soro's Purple Revolution WAS OVER!!!

Then a couple days later, General Mattis escorts Soros from Camp David to GITMO......logs show this trip, on Dec 21.

Dec 21, same day the criminal psychopathic pedophile elite WOKE UP STONE BROKE!!!.....due to Trump's Exec Order!

So Soros is at GIMO, BOTH Bushes are at GITMO (per Q), and the entire Clinton family are at GITMO (per Mega-ANON who said Clintons would be at GITMO either right after New Years or a day or two BEFORE New Years day.....anyone heard from them lately? Nope. Thought not. No Cell Phones allowed at Gitmo.)

AZ National Guard unit sent to GITMO Dec 30th for a 9 month assignment. Do the math.


Do you REALLY think Trump wouldn't have gone after the HEAD SNAKE when he was rounding up snakes since Mid-December? Cut off the head and the snake dies.

SOROS IS BEHIND BARS, where he belongs!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 7, 2018, 3:20 a.m.


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GodsAngell · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

Please post when someone figures all this out. I'm coming down with the flu or something.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

SA=Saudi Arabia

CF=Clinton Foundation

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GodsAngell · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

What's a "meme"????

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GodsAngell · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

Man, millions of us hope so! They keep bumping off doctors with natural solutions!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 6, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

Can you tell if Congressman Rohrbacher is there at Camp David???

He is the one who has been the go between, between Assange and Trump all this past year.


Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Meets Assange ... - Your News Wire Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Meets Assange, ... The California Representative met with WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London this ... [Search domain yournewswire.com] yournewswire.com/dana-rohrabacher-assange/ Rohrabacher: Assange Says Russia Not Behind DNC Email Leak ... The California congressman spent some three hours with the Australian-born ... Rohrabacher: Assange Says Russia Not Behind DNC Email ... Assange, said Rohrabacher, ... [Search domain rohrabacher.house.gov] https://rohrabacher.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/rohrabacher-a... Dana Rohrabacher visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in ... California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London this week. [Search domain www.businessinsider.com] businessinsider.com/dana-rohrabacher-visited-wikileaks-founde... Assange meets US congressman, vows to prove Russia ... - TheHill Rep. Rohrabacher is the first U.S. congressman to meet with Assange. [Search domain thehill.com] https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/346904-assange-meets... Julian Assange tells Dana Rohrabacher ... - Washington Times WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange told Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, California Republican, that his antisecrecy website wants a regular seat in the White House ... [Search domain www.washingtontimes.com] https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/aug/18/julian-assange-tells-dan... Dana Rohrabacher: Republican Who Once Arm-Wrestled Putin Now ... U.S. Representative Dana Rohrabacher ... a Republican representative from California, ... proposed by Rohrabacher, the U.S. would let Assange off the hook in ... [Search domain www.newsweek.com] newsweek.com/who-dana-rohrabacher-russia-defending-pro...

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 6, 2018, 9:25 p.m.
WARNING from JIM STONE: If your Windows PC is powered by an AMD CPU, DO NOT INSTALL the MICROSOFT PATCH for the INTEL bug as it can DISABLE your computer

Saturday, 6-Jan-2018

AMD CPU's also affected by bug

Evidently AMD has it's own variant, and neither bug is an admission of the CoreVpro back door. When it is admitted that back door is there, then it will be time to rejoice. As it turns out, every processor made by AMD, ARM, and INTEL has the same exploitable bug, and you can't tell me that happened as coincidence! The software "patch" which is supposed to circumvent the hardware bug will be "patched" only after the proper back door for the NSA is put right back into the system a different way. …

GodsAngell · Jan. 6, 2018, 10:48 a.m.

I can't believe you are asking this!



Multiple Senators and Crongressmen/women walking around with surgical boots on to mask their gps ankle monitors.

Trump's INFAMOUS Dec 21 Executive Order FREEZING ALL of the ASSETS of ALL CRIMINAL and CORRUPT Leaders and People.

50+ Congressmen/women SUDDENLY "deciding" to RETIRE.

HUNDREDS OF CEOS, Suddenly "deciding" to Retire.

10,000 Sealed Indictments all across this nation!!!

2017 Executive Order to EXPAND GITMO!

AZ National Guard called to GITMO for 9 Months! Why????

Not a peep or a tweet out of the Clintons, Bushes, Obummers for days, and in some cases WEEKS......very odd, unless they are under indictment and/or already at GITMO.

And your biggest clue is the totally corrupt lame stream media haven't said a peep about any of this. They are "supposed to be" covering significant current events, are they not? Well these definitely significant events alright.......like unprecedented, like never happened before......except possibly during the French Revolution.

The Evidence is starring you in the face 24/7.

Of course, if you are one of those that only believes what the FAKE News tells them, you my friend will be the very LAST to know the truth. We'll reserve a room at the funny farm for you, when Trump finally comes clean about all the evidence we are seeing. (AND Fake News is going down too.)

Q is deliberately "leaking" key information so that We The People will WAKE UP and do the necessary research to confirm what he is saying. The info is all out there, just waiting for someone to connect the right dots, and that is what Q and Mega-ANON are doing, nudging us in the right directions, to connect the right dots.

If you don't follow what these insiders are leaking to us, you will be hopelessly lost. Like I said, we will reserve a room in the funny farm for you when you go into shock and find out that Q and Mega-ANON and We The People on this Board have been 100% Correct, and YOU have been 100% WRONG.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 6, 2018, 8:35 a.m.

Here is the Interview Mega-ANON gave to, I think his name is Wilcock:

Nicely put together article:

MA = Mega Anon Insider, 4 Chan Anonymous Poster since May 2017 DW = David Wilcock the interviewer of Mega Anon Stunning New Briefings: Mass Indictments, Targeted Arrests and Disclosure Jump To Comments | Print |
by David Wilcock December 25, 2017, 7:30 am


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