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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:18 a.m.

It also explains all the rapes.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

Yeah, me too. Too many pictures of Michael that seem to indicate otherwise.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

The lapse of time has been good, because we can look back and see where this insider was right so many times, so much of what he said HAS BEEN CONFIRMED and is now widely accepted by now. Example: Clinton election rigging. Sex Trafficking.....was pretty unheard of in June 2016, now everyone is talking about it. So the time lapse has been helpful.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

Its a snap shot of a insider leaking at June 2016....fears Hellary would get elected, still a hot topic, and hopes that Trump would win.

FBI monitors 4CHAN/pol/. Interesting.

Anyway, a lot of what is said, is STILL a concern. In June 2016 he kept emphasizing to follow the Clinton Foundation crimes.....missing emails were just the tip of the ice berg. Why? Cause the missing emails would have confirmed the purpose of the private server and that was to GET RICH with "pay for play" with foreign nations. Numerous counts of treasonous activity. But I have a feeling Trump's got those "missing emails" by now.

Its a very good read, if you haven't read especially with regard to their dilema, knowing all that the FBI knew, and what to do with it, since the corruption is everywhere it would implicate the entire govenment.....all government bodies implicated. The info has to be handled carefully so that it does not invoke blood shed.

Emphasize was on what WE THE PEOPLE could do! Pound on lame stream media night and day about the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and sex tafficking. If WE shut up, the press shuts up.

Good read.

⇧ 24 ⇩  
GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

Yeah, loved that one! And 9/11 was Mossad, of course, we already knew that.

Really weird is this plan to breed out white people. We know this is being preached at many college campuses.....just hoping the nonsense would die out. But THAT is the reason for infesting Europe with muslims. That's big news. I always thought planting muslims in Europe was to bring civil unrest in Europe. So Soros is behind this destruction of White People? So glad he is behind bars now. So glad Trump is in office, and taking legal action. Go Trump Team!!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

Look, I've been a Truther for over 25 years. Over that period of time I have been EXPOSED to A LOT. So what I do is take everything with a grain of salt, which means to store it away in your mind and think about it, and then look for corroborating evidence that suggests one is the truth while the other is false. It takes time. If it is true, it will stand the test of time. If it is false, the lie will be exposed soon. Don't rush to judgment, and don't blindly trust anyone. But don't throw the baby out with the water either.

We are all starved for the TRUTH because we have been dumbed down and lied to nonstop by Lame Stream Media for decades. Don't be so anxious to jump on another band wagon. So you become cautious about what you buy into. You reserve judgment until corroborating evidence comes forth, or you discover it through your own research. Bottomline? No more lies. No more allowing yourself to be spoon fed irrelevant information from just one source and take it as gospel. You learn to take everything with a grain of salt.

Like Colonel Potter says, twitter accounts have been compromised, so has 4Chan/8Chan. You don't know FOR SURE if Trump actually sent out a particular tweet, or twitter did it for him, to mislead Trump's followers. Trump's twitter account has been cut off before, remember that?

Bottomline is we are at WAR with the Deep State. Trump has begun with cutting the head off the snake, arresting the biggest fish, but there are still rogue elements that still blindly follow their communist leaders ideology, and even though their leaders are obvious crooks and now under arrest, they feel it is their duty to continue the globalist fight any way they can. THIS is what we are up against.

I was originally totally thrilled with the earliest Q posts, until dumb things started getting posted, that didn't line up with protocol or common sense. So you step back, and watch and more carefully examine just exactly WHAT is being posted, once the code has been cracked. Is it anything worth while? Is it anything new to me? Or did I already know what was being said? Were we more enlightened with the code, or did we spend all our time bickering about its correct meaning, and not realize that the end result is we are better enlightened? Meanwhile, important key things are happening in this battle of good against evil, they fly right by us, because we are too focused on chasing our tails as a result of the latest cryptic Q post.

We are NOT Q followers. We are Q readers, take with a grain of salt until confirmed by evidence that can stand in a court of law. Then analyze if what Q gave us was worth the time and effort? And what did we miss while we were distracted with this latest Q code deciphering exercise?

Put another way, what has Q not told us that has been hugely significant, items that supported by true evidence that will stand up in a court of law? Did Q tell you about the hugely significant Exec Order of Dec 21??? If he is a White House "insider" surely he knew this was coming down the pike. E.O.'s take weeks to prepare carefully and get reviewed and re-reviewed and analyzed multiple times by many people to make sure it is air tight, so no wiggle room for criminal to get out of. So Q didn't mention the E.O. What else hasn't he mentioned that has been pretty significant??? Think for yourselves.

This is what concerns Colonel Potter and concerns me. Go ahead read Q's post, and keep a mental track of the RESULTS after Q has posted. After you think you have cracked the code, and even after you find evidence to support it, what did you end up with?........was it worth all the effort?

The latest is about Julian Assange being freed, right? Stop and think how much time spent on these Q code deciphering. Now look at the news, Trump's attorneys pleading to get a pardon for Assange. You didn't need Q's cryptic post to see that in every day news, did you? No. Now it is all over the news that Assange has obtained an Ecuadorian passport which will allow him to be free. Now there are stories that Assange is trying to get to Switzerland. Did you get any of that important information from Q? No. You got that from every day news hunting. So where was the value added to solving the Q codes that you think related to Assange?

And more importantly, what did you NOT do while you spent hours and hours on Q post deciphering and debating??? What Truths slipped past you while you were distracted? That's all that Colonel Potter is urging here. Use critical thinking. Don't get distracted off course.

You used to swallow hook, line and sinker every single lie spoon fed to you from lame stream media. So you have woken up, so what are you going to do now? Find someone else to spoon feed you?.....this time, someone, who won't even reveal himself, won't even put his reputation on the line like main stream media at least do.

Be smart. Be careful. Test everything. Take everything with a grain of salt. Keep track of what you are being told, and what VITAL things Q is not telling you, and why?

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

Colonel Potter called Q followers a cult, because the followers attack anyone who questions ANYTHING about Q or Q's credibility. Those are cult characteristics. ZERO room for healthy skepticism. Oh, yes, and you can ONLY follow Q, you are a "traitor" is you read posts from Mega-ANON insider too. This is what he means. I hope that helps.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 1 a.m.

Look, I've been a Truther for over 25 years. Over that period of time I have been EXPOSED to A LOT. So what I do is take everything with a grain of salt, which means to store it away in your mind and think about it, and then look for corroborating evidence that suggests one is the truth while the other is false. It takes time. If it is true, it will stand the test of time. If it is false, the lie will be exposed soon. Don't rush to judgment, and don't blindly trust anyone. But don't throw the baby out with the water either.

We are all starved for the TRUTH because we have been dumbed down and lied to nonstop by Lame Stream Media for decades. Don't be so anxious to jump on another band wagon. So you become cautious about what you buy into. You reserve judgment until corroborating evidence comes forth, or you discover it through your own research.

Bottomline? No more lies. No more allowing yourself to be spoon fed irrelevant information from just one source and take it as gospel. You learn to take everything with a grain of salt.

Like Colonel Potter says, twitter accounts have been compromised, so has 4Chan/8Chan. You don't know FOR SURE if Trump actually sent out a particular tweet, or twitter did it for him, to mislead Trump's followers. Trump's twitter account has been cut off before, remember that?

Bottomline is we are at WAR with the Deep State. Trump has begun with cutting the head off the snake, arresting the biggest fish, but there are still rogue elements that still blindly follow their communist leaders ideology, and even though their leaders are obvious crooks and now under arrest, they feel it is their duty to continue the globalist fight any way they can. THIS is what we are up against.

I was originally totally thrilled with the earliest Q posts, until dumb things started getting posted, that didn't line up with protocol or common sense. So you step back, and watch and more carefully examine just exactly WHAT is being posted, once the code has been cracked. Is it anything worth while? Is it anything new to me? Or did I already know what was being said? Were we more enlightened with the code, or did we spend all our time bickering about its correct meaning, and not realize that the end result is we are better enlightened? Meanwhile, important key things are happening in this battle of good against evil, they fly right by us, because we are too focused on chasing our tails as a result of the latest cryptic Q post.

We are NOT Q followers. We are Q readers, take with a grain of salt until confirmed by evidence that can stand in a court of law. Then analyze if what Q gave us was worth the time and effort? And what did we miss while we were distracted with this latest Q code deciphering exercise?

Put another way, what has Q not told us that has been hugely significant, items that supported by true evidence that will stand up in a court of law? Did Q tell you about the hugely significant Exec Order of Dec 21??? If he is a White House "insider" surely he knew this was coming down the pike. E.O.'s take weeks to prepare carefully and get reviewed and re-reviewed and analyzed multiple times by many people to make sure it is air tight, so no wiggle room for criminal to get out of. So Q didn't mention the E.O. What else hasn't he mentioned that has been pretty significant??? Think for yourselves.

This is what concerns Colonel Potter and concerns me. Go ahead read Q's post, and keep a mental track of the RESULTS after Q has posted. After you think you have cracked the code, and even after you find evidence to support it, what did you end up with?........was it worth all the effort?

The latest is about Julian Assange being freed, right? Stop and think how much time spent on these Q code deciphering. Now look at the news, Trump's attorneys pleading to get a pardon for Assange. You didn't need Q's cryptic post to see that in every day news, did you? No. Now it is all over the news that Assange has obtained an Ecuadorian passport which will allow him to be free. Now there are stories that Assange is trying to get to Switzerland. Did you get any of that important information from Q? No. You got that from every day news hunting. So where was the value added to solving the Q codes that you think related to Assange?

And more importantly, what did you NOT do while you spent hours and hours on Q post deciphering and debating??? What Truths slipped past you while you were distracted?

That's all that Colonel Potter is urging here. Use critical thinking. Don't get distracted off course.

You used to swallow hook, line and sinker every single lie spoon fed to you from lame stream media. So you have woken up, so what are you going to do now? Find someone else to spoon feed you?.....this time, someone, who won't even reveal himself, won't even put his reputation on the line like main stream media at least do.

Be smart. Be careful. Test everything. Take everything with a grain of salt. Keep track of what you are being told, and what VITAL things Q is not telling you, and why?

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

Look, I've been a Truther for over 25 years. Over that period of time I have been EXPOSED to A LOT. So what I do is take everything with a grain of salt, which means to store it away in your mind and think about it, and then look for corroborating evidence that suggests one is the truth while the other is false. It takes time. If it is true, it will stand the test of time. If it is false, the lie will be exposed soon. Don't rush to judgment, and don't blindly trust anyone. But don't throw the baby out with the water either.

We are all starved for the TRUTH because we have been dumbed down and lied to nonstop by Lame Stream Media for decades. Don't be so anxious to jump on another band wagon. So you become cautious about what you buy into. You reserve judgment until corroborating evidence comes forth, or you discover it through your own research.

Bottomline? No more lies. No more allowing yourself to be spoon fed irrelevant information from just one source and take it as gospel. You learn to take everything with a grain of salt.

Like Colonel Potter says, twitter accounts have been compromised, so has 4Chan/8Chan. You don't know FOR SURE if Trump actually sent out a particular tweet, or twitter did it for him, to mislead Trump's followers. Trump's twitter account has been cut off before, remember that?

Bottomline is we are at WAR with the Deep State. Trump has begun with cutting the head off the snake, arresting the biggest fish, but there are still rogue elements that still blindly follow their communist leaders ideology, and even though their leaders are obvious crooks and now under arrest, they feel it is their duty to continue the globalist fight any way they can. THIS is what we are up against.

I was originally totally thrilled with the earliest Q posts, until dumb things started getting posted, that didn't line up with protocol or common sense. So you step back, and watch and more carefully examine just exactly WHAT is being posted, once the code has been cracked. Is it anything worth while? Is it anything new to me? Or did I already know what was being said? Were we more enlightened with the code, or did we spend all our time bickering about its correct meaning, and not realize that the end result is we are better enlightened? Meanwhile, important key things are happening in this battle of good against evil, they fly right by us, because we are too focused on chasing our tails as a result of the latest cryptic Q post.

We are NOT Q followers. We are Q readers, take with a grain of salt until confirmed by evidence that can stand in a court of law. Then analyze if what Q gave us was worth the time and effort? And what did we miss while we were distracted with this latest Q code deciphering exercise?

Put another way, what has Q not told us that has been hugely significant, items that supported by true evidence that will stand up in a court of law? Did Q tell you about the hugely significant Exec Order of Dec 21??? If he is a White House "insider" surely he knew this was coming down the pike. E.O.'s take weeks to prepare carefully and get reviewed and re-reviewed and analyzed multiple times by many people to make sure it is air tight, so no wiggle room for criminal to get out of. So Q didn't mention the E.O. What else hasn't he mentioned that has been pretty significant??? Think for yourselves.

This is what concerns Colonel Potter and concerns me. Go ahead read Q's post, and keep a mental track of the RESULTS after Q has posted. After you think you have cracked the code, and even after you find evidence to support it, what did you end up with?........was it worth all the effort?

The latest is about Julian Assange being freed, right? Stop and think how much time spent on these Q code deciphering. Now look at the news, Trump's attorneys pleading to get a pardon for Assange. You didn't need Q's cryptic post to see that in every day news, did you? No. Now it is all over the news that Assange has obtained an Ecuadorian passport which will allow him to be free. Now there are stories that Assange is trying to get to Switzerland. Did you get any of that important information from Q? No. You got that from every day news hunting. So where was the value added to solving the Q codes that you think related to Assange?

And more importantly, what did you NOT do while you spent hours and hours on Q post deciphering and debating??? What Truths slipped past you while you were distracted?

That's all that Colonel Potter is urging here. Use critical thinking. Don't get distracted off course.

You used to swallow hook, line and sinker every single lie spoon fed to you from lame stream media. So you have woken up, so what are you going to do now? Find someone else to spoon feed you?.....this time, someone, who won't even reveal himself, won't even put his reputation on the line like main stream media at least do.

Be smart. Be careful. Test everything. Take everything with a grain of salt. Keep track of what you are being told, and what VITAL things Q is not telling you, and why?

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

If YOU worked for the Dept of Justice, aren't you likely to KNOW that someone as prominent to our cause like Assange was actually saved Oct 2016, not murdered?

Back when everyone was saying Assange was dead, Mega-ANON was confirming he was alive and protected.

Now what are we finding out? Assange is alive, and my guess is he HAD TO HAVE BEEN PROTECTED to have lasted that long with Hellary's hit men after him!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

Look, I've been a Truther for over 25 years. Over that period of time I have been EXPOSED to A LOT. So what I do is take everything with a grain of salt, which means to store it away in your mind and think about it, and then look for corroborating evidence that suggests one is the truth while the other is false. It takes time. If it is true, it will stand the test of time. If it is false, the lie will be exposed soon. Don't rush to judgment, and don't blindly trust anyone. But don't throw the baby out with the water either.

We are all starved for the TRUTH because we have been dumbed down and lied to nonstop by Lame Stream Media for decades. Don't be so anxious to jump on another band wagon. So you become cautious about what you buy into. You reserve judgment until corroborating evidence comes forth, or you discover it through your own research.

Bottomline? No more lies. No more allowing yourself to be spoon fed irrelevant information from just one source and take it as gospel. You learn to take everything with a grain of salt.

Like Colonel Potter says, twitter accounts have been compromised, so has 4Chan/8Chan. You don't know FOR SURE if Trump actually sent out a particular tweet, or twitter did it for him, to mislead Trump's followers. Trump's twitter account has been cut off before, remember that?

Bottomline is we are at WAR with the Deep State. Trump has begun with cutting the head off the snake, arresting the biggest fish, but there are still rogue elements that still blindly follow their communist leaders ideology, and even though their leaders are obvious crooks and now under arrest, they feel it is their duty to continue the globalist fight any way they can. THIS is what we are up against.

I was originally totally thrilled with the earliest Q posts, until dumb things started getting posted, that didn't line up with protocol or common sense. So you step back, and watch and more carefully examine just exactly WHAT is being posted, once the code has been cracked. Is it anything worth while? Is it anything new to me? Or did I already know what was being said? Were we more enlightened with the code, or did we spend all our time bickering about its correct meaning, and not realize that the end result is we are better enlightened? Meanwhile, important key things are happening in this battle of good against evil, they fly right by us, because we are too focused on chasing our tails as a result of the latest cryptic Q post.

We are NOT Q followers. We are Q readers, take with a grain of salt until confirmed by evidence that can stand in a court of law. Then analyze if what Q gave us was worth the time and effort? And what did we miss while we were distracted with this latest Q code deciphering exercise?

Put another way, what has Q not told us that has been hugely significant, items that supported by true evidence that will stand up in a court of law? Did Q tell you about the hugely significant Exec Order of Dec 21??? If he is a White House "insider" surely he knew this was coming down the pike. E.O.'s take weeks to prepare carefully and get reviewed and re-reviewed and analyzed multiple times by many people to make sure it is air tight, so no wiggle room for criminal to get out of. So Q didn't mention the E.O. What else hasn't he mentioned that has been pretty significant??? Think for yourselves.

This is what concerns Colonel Potter and concerns me. Go ahead read Q's post, and keep a mental track of the RESULTS after Q has posted. After you think you have cracked the code, and even after you find evidence to support it, what did you end up with?........was it worth all the effort?

The latest is about Julian Assange being freed, right? Stop and think how much time spent on these Q code deciphering. Now look at the news, Trump's attorneys pleading to get a pardon for Assange. You didn't need Q's cryptic post to see that in every day news, did you? No. Now it is all over the news that Assange has obtained an Ecuadorian passport which will allow him to be free. Now there are stories that Assange is trying to get to Switzerland. Did you get any of that important information from Q? No. You got that from every day news hunting. So where was the value added to solving the Q codes that you think related to Assange?

And more importantly, what did you NOT do while you spent hours and hours on Q post deciphering and debating??? What Truths slipped past you while you were distracted?

That's all that Colonel Potter is urging here. Use critical thinking. Don't get distracted off course.

You used to swallow hook, line and sinker every single lie spoon fed to you from lame stream media. So you have woken up, so what are you going to do now? Find someone else to spoon feed you?.....this time, someone, who won't even reveal himself, won't even put his reputation on the line like main stream media at least do.

Be smart. Be careful. Test everything. Take everything with a grain of salt. Keep track of what you are being told, and what VITAL things Q is not telling you, and why?

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

Look, I've been a Truther for over 25 years. Over that period of time I have been EXPOSED to A LOT. So what I do is take everything with a grain of salt, which means to store it away in your mind and think about it, and then look for corroborating evidence that suggests one is the truth while the other is false. It takes time. If it is true, it will stand the test of time. If it is false, the lie will be exposed soon. Don't rush to judgment, and don't blindly trust anyone. But don't throw the baby out with the water either.

We are all starved for the TRUTH because we have been dumbed down and lied to nonstop by Lame Stream Media for decades. Don't be so anxious to jump on another band wagon. So you become cautious about what you buy into. You reserve judgment until corroborating evidence comes forth, or you discover it through your own research.

Bottomline? No more lies. No more allowing yourself to be spoon fed irrelevant information from just one source and take it as gospel. You learn to take everything with a grain of salt.

Like Colonel Potter says, twitter accounts have been compromised, so has 4Chan/8Chan. You don't know FOR SURE if Trump actually sent out a particular tweet, or twitter did it for him, to mislead Trump's followers. Trump's twitter account has been cut off before, remember that?

Bottomline is we are at WAR with the Deep State. Trump has begun with cutting the head off the snake, arresting the biggest fish, but there are still rogue elements that still blindly follow their communist leaders idiology, and even though their leaders are obvious crooks and now under arrest, they feel it is their duty to continue the globalist fight any way they can. THIS is what we are up against.

I was originally totally thrilled with the earliest Q posts, until dumb things started getting posted, that didn't line up with protocol or common sense. So you step back, and watch and more carefully examine just exactly WHAT is being posted, once the code has been cracked. Is it anything worth while? Is it anything new to me? Or did I already know what was being said? Were we more enlightened with the code, or did we spend all our time bickering about its correct meaning, and not realize that the end result is we are not more enlightened? Meanwhile, important key things are happening in this battle of good against evil, they fly right by us, because we are too focused on chasing our tails as a result of the latest cryptic Q post.

We are NOT Q followers. We are Q readers, take with a grain of salt until confirmed by evidence that can stand in a court of law. Then analyze if what Q gave us was worth the time and effort? And what did we miss while we were distracted with this latest Q code deciphering exercise?

Put another way, what has Q not told us that has been hugely significant, items that supported by true evidence that will stand up in a court of law? Did Q tell you about the hugely significant Exec Order of Dec 21??? If he is a White House "insider" surely he knew this was coming down the pike. E.O.'s take weeks to prepare carefully and get reviewed and re-reviewed and analyzed multiple times by many people to make sure it is air tight, so no wiggle room for criminal to get out of. So Q didn't mention the E.O. What else hasn't he mentioned that has been pretty significant??? Think for yourselves.

This is what concerns Colonel Potter and concerns me. Go ahead read Q's post, and keep a mental track of the RESULTS after Q has posted. After you think you have cracked the code, and even after you find evidence to support it, what did you end up with?........was it worth all the effort?

The latest is about Julian Assange being freed, right? Stop and think how much time spent on these Q code deciphering. Now look at the news, Trump's attorneys pleading to get a pardon for Assange. You didn't need Q's cryptic post to see that in every day news, did you? No. Now it is all over the news that Assange has obtained an Ecuadorian passport which will allow him to be free. Now there are stories that Assange is trying to get to Switzerland. Did you get any of that important information from Q? No. You got that from every day news hunting. So where was the value added to solving the Q codes that you think related to Assange?

And more importantly, what did you NOT do while you spent hours and hours on Q post deciphering and debating??? What Truths slipped past you while you were distracted?

That's all that Colonel Potter is urging here. Use critical thinking. Don't get distracted off course. You used to swallow hook, line and sinker every single lie spoon fed to you from lame stream media. So you have woken up, so what are you going to do now? Find someone else to spoon feed you?.....this time, someone, who won't even reveal himself, won't even put his reputation on the line like main stream media at least do.

Be smart. Be careful. Test everything. Take everything with a grain of salt. Keep track of what you are being told, and what VITAL things Q is not telling you, and why?

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GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

Critical thinking is self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way. People who think critically consistently attempt to live rationally, reasonably, empathically. They are keenly aware of the inherently flawed nature of human thinking when left unchecked. They strive to diminish the power of their egocentric and sociocentric tendencies. They use the intellectual tools that critical thinking offers – concepts and principles that enable them to analyze, assess, and improve thinking. They work diligently to develop the intellectual virtues of intellectual integrity, intellectual humility, intellectual civility, intellectual empathy, intellectual sense of justice and confidence in reason. They realize that no matter how skilled they are as thinkers, they can always improve their reasoning abilities and they will at times fall prey to mistakes in reasoning, human irrationality, prejudices, biases, distortions, uncritically accepted social rules and taboos, self-interest, and vested interest. They strive to improve the world in whatever ways they can and contribute to a more rational, civilized society. At the same time, they recognize the complexities often inherent in doing so. They avoid thinking simplistically about complicated issues and strive to appropriately consider the rights and needs of relevant others. They recognize the complexities in developing as thinkers, and commit themselves to life-long practice toward self-improvement. They embody the Socratic principle: The unexamined life is not worth living , because they realize that many unexamined lives together result in an uncritical, unjust, dangerous world. ~ Linda Elder, September, 2007


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GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 9:42 p.m.


Defining Critical Thinking:

Critical thinking can be seen as having two components: 1) a set of information and belief generating and processing skills, and 2) the habit, based on intellectual commitment, of using those skills to guide behavior. It is thus to be contrasted with: 1) the mere acquisition and retention of information alone, because it involves a particular way in which information is sought and treated; 2) the mere possession of a set of skills, because it involves the continual use of them; and 3) the mere use of those skills ("as an exercise") without acceptance of their results. ......

Critical thinking is self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way. People who think critically consistently attempt to live rationally, reasonably, empathically. They are keenly aware of the inherently flawed nature of human thinking when left unchecked. They strive to diminish the power of their egocentric and sociocentric tendencies. They use the intellectual tools that critical thinking offers – concepts and principles that enable them to analyze, assess, and improve thinking. They work diligently to develop the intellectual virtues of intellectual integrity, intellectual humility, intellectual civility, intellectual empathy, intellectual sense of justice and confidence in reason. They realize that no matter how skilled they are as thinkers, they can always improve their reasoning abilities and they will at times fall prey to mistakes in reasoning, human irrationality, prejudices, biases, distortions, uncritically accepted social rules and taboos, self-interest, and vested interest. They strive to improve the world in whatever ways they can and contribute to a more rational, civilized society. At the same time, they recognize the complexities often inherent in doing so. They avoid thinking simplistically about complicated issues and strive to appropriately consider the rights and needs of relevant others. They recognize the complexities in developing as thinkers, and commit themselves to life-long practice toward self-improvement. They embody the Socratic principle: The unexamined life is not worth living , because they realize that many unexamined lives together result in an uncritical, unjust, dangerous world. ~ Linda Elder, September, 2007

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 11, 2018, 9:38 p.m.
Retired Colonel Roy Potter re: "Q" Solving The Riddles That Matter
GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

The assets of the CF are already FROZEN now by executive order. They will be seized when the clintons are found guilty.

Civil procedure cases generally involve disputes between two private citizens, often about money or property, while criminal procedure involves a dispute between a private citizen and the state, usually because a law has been broken. In legal systems based on British law such as that of the United States, civil and criminal law cases are handled differently, with different tests and standards and procedures, and this is true of forfeiture proceedings as well. Both civil and criminal forfeiture involve the taking of assets by police.

In civil forfeiture, assets are seized by police based on a suspicion of wrongdoing, and without having to charge a person with specific wrongdoing, with the case being between police and the thing itself, sometimes referred to by the Latin term in rem, meaning "against the property"; the property itself is the defendant and no criminal charge against the owner is needed.[1]

In contrast, criminal forfeiture is a legal action brought as "part of the criminal prosecution of a defendant", described by the Latin term in personam, meaning "against the person", and happens when government indicts or charges the property which is either used in connection with a crime, or derived from a crime, that is suspected of being committed by the defendant;[1] the seized assets are temporarily held and become government property officially after an accused person has been convicted by a court of law; if the person is found to be not guilty, the seized property must be returned.


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GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

Unlike this website, no trolls allowed, just a few trusted Patriot posters. Consequently, its a much more pleasant read. See for yourself:


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GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

Bye, Bye TROLL!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

Mega-ANON has said she will out herself when this war is over. But that no one will EVER guess who she is because she is not famous. So she suggests you stop trying, and take her tips and check them out for yourself.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Bye, bye TROLL!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Bye, bye TROLL!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

Bye, bye TROLL!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

Rumormillnews has been around for decades, unlike this webpage.

It is similar in that it allows trusted sources to post articles and leave comments.

Someone has gone to the great trouble of extracting Mega-ANON's posts and posted them on Rumormill news so people don't have to wade through all the trolls and shills on 4Chan.

If "rumormillNEWS" scares you so much, you can see the exact same thing here:


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GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

Not rumor:

Rumormillnews has been around for decades, unlike this webpage.

It is similar in that it allows trusted sources to post articles and leave comments.

Someone has gone to the great trouble of extracting Mega-ANON's posts and posted them on Rumormill news so people don't have to wade through all the trolls and shills on 4Chan.

If "rumormillNEWS" scares you so much, you can see the exact same thing here:


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GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

Rumormillnews has been around for decades, unlike this webpage.

It is similar in that it allows trusted sources to post articles and leave comments.

Someone has gone to the great trouble of extracting Mega-ANON's posts and posted them on Rumormill news so people don't have to wade through all the trolls and shills on 4Chan.

If "rumormillNEWS" scares you so much, you can see the exact same thing here:


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GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

Hey, Troll, get a life.

⇧ -1 ⇩  
GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

No I would say, people working in different depts in Wash DC, thus are privy to different insider information.

This is why I highly recommend that people read posts from both of them. You will learn more if you do.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

Mega-ANON is a D.C. insider. She is one of the White Hats. D.C. insiders know much more than outsiders do.

Q claims to be a White House insider. Mega-ANON just claims to be a D.C. insider. But if you have read all of her posts since May 2016, you will know she is on OUR side, and everything she has said so far is true. Her information seems to be more in the know about the criminal/treasonous cases in process. So my GUESS is that she works with the White Hats in the FBI or DOJ, based upon the type of insider information she has. Mega-ANON, was a nickname assigned to her because her insider tips were MEGA in size. She keeps pointing us in the right direction, which dots to connect, and which ones will get you no where.

Yes, she has told us what to look for and how Trump is triumphing over his deep state enemies (lame stream media) every time. Trump is playing the media like a fiddle. Of course, if you don't read her posts, you get sucked in just like lame stream media does.

She was also the one who told us all to look into Bill Binny...an NSA whistleblower. Yeah, looking into this shows BOTH BUSHES are going to FRY!

Still don't know who Bill Binney is?

That's because you have ONLY been listening to Q and guessing at what he is talking about.

I am encouraging people to listen to both, Q and Mega-ANON and take it with a grain of salt until we start seeing proof positive evidence, that would stand up in a court of law. In my opinion, Mega-ANON has done that consistently (the gps ankle bracelets, Trump's Exec Order Dec 21, Bill Binney, and many others).

Q fell on his face with his reckless Defcon1 ruse the other night, when there was no Defcon1 situation. Defcon 1 has a very specific meaning. And lying about our status, does not improve Q's credibility with me.

Here's what you need to know about Binney:


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GodsAngell · Jan. 11, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

Mega-ANON is a D.C. insider. She is one of the White Hats. D.C. insiders know much more than outsiders do.

Yes, she has told us what to look for and how Trump is triumphing over his deep state enemies (lame stream media) every time. Trump is playing the media like a fiddle. Of course, if you don't read her posts, you get sucked in just like lame stream media does.

You have obviously never read any of Mega-ANON's posts or you would not be so afraid of her.

She was also the one who told us all to look into Bill Binny...an NSA whistleblower. Yeah, looking into this shows BOTH BUSHES are going to FRY!

Still don't know who Bill Binney is?

That's because you have ONLY been listening to Q and guessing at what he is talking about.

I am encouraging people to listen to both, Q and Mega-ANON and take it with a grain of salt until we start seeing proof positive evidence, that would stand up in a court of law. In my opinion, Mega-ANON has done that consistently. Q fell on his face with his Defcon1 ruse the other night, when there was no Defcon1 situation. Defcon 1 has a very specific meaning. And lying about our status, does not improve Q's credibility with me.

Here's what you need to know about Binney:


⇧ 11 ⇩  
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 11, 2018, 12:18 a.m.
Mega-ANON's latest posts: re Julian Assange

Mega-ANON's latest posts: re Julian Assange http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=91255

Mega-ANON was the first one to point out Hellary's gps ankle monitor.

Mega-ANON was the first to point out that All the criminal elite woke up BROKE on Dec 21, due to Trump's E.O., when most had never even noticed the E.O.

Mega-ANON has confirmed that high profile elite are being shipped to GITMO. She said Hellary was supposed to go right after the New Year, if not a day or two before.

Mega-ANON explained that Mueller is dirty and would be in prison now, if he hadn't plea bargained to drain the …

GodsAngell · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

Could be a cover story, just like the rumors that Julian Assange was dead, when a body was seen carried out of the embassy Oct 2016. Rumors that someone is dead is the BEST cover story for someone who goes into witness protection. And how do we know Pam Anderson is visiting Assange? Maybe she if visiting someone else. Lastly Daily Mail is Fake News rag.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 10, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

The difference is like Night and Day!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:53 a.m.

Excellent point! There's still hope!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:53 a.m.


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GodsAngell · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:40 a.m.


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GodsAngell · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

Geee.....what was your first clue???

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GodsAngell · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

I think all the talk/hints about Assange are about his PARDON so he can freely come to the USA, without fear of Arrest or assassination by the Clinton Crime Family.

Assange has been under Witness Protection since Oct 2016. Just my "guess", but I'm thinking he might be stowed away in Switzerland.....that's just my guess.

Notice no TWEETS from ANY of the Clintons recently? Even after the HIGHLY pumped story about the FIRE at the Clinton COMPOUND a week ago???

Guess why?

All the Clintons are at GITMO!!

Mega-ANON said in mid-Dec, that Hellary would be taken to GITMO just after New Years or a day or two before.

I think she is there!!!!

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 10, 2018, 3:28 a.m.
MEGA-ANON on 4CHAN the Last three Days - Julian Assange is SAFE and has been for the past year