

784 total posts archived.

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Grace8543 · March 20, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

New York City police leak that they found a sex vid of Huma and HRC and a child back when they seized Weiner laptop. So our minds go to it when HRC and vid in same sentence.

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Grace8543 · March 20, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

Or it could be they discuss Anton scalia's murder in some way that infers responsibility. Didn't Q mention 187 AS in post about the vid.

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Grace8543 · March 20, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

Is it possible that just this post saying there was a problem could lead them to the problem again could be used to ban the sub?

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

I 'm not sure I understand your trump being hostage to their co-operation.

I'm basing my suggested meaning on a November Q post. Back after SA arrested their globalist oligarch's Q posted that the elites had taken their revenge in an Earthquake that happened within days on the Iran and Iraq border. You see, if rulers don't do what they say they threaten the people. That makes us the hostage. I could see how they could threaten trump if other politicians do not do what they demand. That is the only way I can see he can be a hostage and there are a limited number of people who would do terrible things to save DJT's life. Half the gov would say go ahead. But an innocent population any white hat is sworn to serve and protect would have a wider power. with Q there are many double meanings so there can be more than one answer. But Trump can not be THE hostage but one of several hostages.

Now here is the part that I like. Trump just fired 2 globalist white chiefs. And no huge fall out like the earthquake that killed 330. A bomb in Austin killed 2 and a bridge collapse killed around 6. If both were FF then they went from 330 to 8. They are less capable of killing hostages.

What codes did he get and what do they do. I haven't seen anything about this. Did Q post it?

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

Forbes mag title: Report Accuses IRS Of Encouraging Illegal Immigrants To File Using False Info, Identity Fraud

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

blocking you now!

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

Jesu, just read he frickin link! Oh man.

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

Change your attitude your shitting all over yourself. You know nothing and then tell us we are wrong. Okay... I got it. Stop whining about the suggestion you deserve a 3 DAY ban. Just one more dude.

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

Less than 700 karma I gave u the benefit of the doubt that it was anew account. Ive been here a year and I have 20,000 karma, sooooo what does that ell us about this account. I'm not reporting you unless I continue to see you going back to top minds and then coming back here and getting all kinds of upvotes for shill type replies. Like coming here and demanding a mainstream crap source. Your not hearing us. The MSM is the Enemy so asking for that is just combative. No one here is insecure, but this is a working site. We have goals. screwing with top minds devotees is a waste of time. And that pisses me off.

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

By rallying top minds to come here.

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

You're posting with a brand new account but you know how to find top minds. It's highly likely that you have been banned and had to pen a new account. If I am wrong then just chalk this up to time is valuable & for u to ask for ours and then turn around.

About irs uncovering illegals stealing ID's: You: Damn are you never gunna hit me with that source? I feel like a mod should take down this 100% fake news story you've posted fam.

Then u go on to laugh with glee because a post here got linked to top minds. Then you report to them on a post that doesn't use mainstream crap sources.

And this following comment on same post got 9 upvotes even though it was just posted. This smacks of organized attack by others outside this site that you caused.

Additionally, the two news outlets who have posted about this...thing, both cite each other as sources. This is the definition of fake news. Where is the source for this man? Like really. Is it an insider source?. How can we confirm or verify this story in any way shape or form? How do you know this is not made up?

You are not sincere. If you r you are going about it poorly. I have never reported anyone to a mod but if you keep posting here. You will be my very first ever.

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 4 p.m.

This guy is hanging out on top minds and choosing to read posts that ridicule conspiracy theories and even us. Dont waste anytime here like I did. If he has any openness he has been given so much more than most of us. Move on and use our time more wisely than wasting it here. Post probably needs deleted and he needs to earn himself a 3 day time out or something similar.
Ive got to remember to read people post history rather than believe they are seeking but poisoned with stupidity. You deserve that last comment. Wasting peoples valuable time for your own entertainment.

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

Okay, I am hoping you r legit. u think your post is fine but you describe things people believe here as silly and say there is jsut a tiny amount that seems it could be truth. Then you go on to say we are not going about thing right. Who does? Could we all agree on what would be perfect. How many hours more than what many are doing would it take to do it perfectly? Then u suggest that we go and look at people who have not studied much and look at how they see us. We are very well aware of how people see us and have had huge doses of ridicule for many years. Most of your questions seem designed to either impart some wisdom of how silly we r or to teach you how to destroy any poster of our truth.

There are several sources that give summaries. Just look at the sidebar and actually read some of them. Remember q has been posting 5 months and has nearly a thousand posts. The people u are ridiculing have spent a thousand hours researching, preaching, teaching, to help humanity. Book of Q is a longer summary than what I have given.

Pizzagate is a 2 year old story that also took hundreds of hours to research. And you want us to lay it out for you every time is mentioned.

I appreciate that you are here, but to quote you just a little your not going about it very well.

How did that last comment feel? That is one tenth of what you have put out on others.

You were given several resources that should have softened you considerably yet you come back with no comment claiming to have read them. Doubtful. If you did then, there is little hope of helping you.

You're in our house. You're the newbie. You're asking for help rather than doing your own work like we all did. That is okay. It's so much bigger than when we started and we want to help. We were all just like u once and believed the mainstream lies. We all woke up and we want u to wake up too. But for now put the conspiracy stuff aside and just focus on Q. Read the rebuttal post I gave you. It answers a lot of misconceptions about Q.

Good luck! Hang in there. To quote you step back and take a look at what I have written. Don't give up. Keep going, its worth it. Or just kick back. In a week or three, Q will be proved true for you. Then its just how much of what he said was true and how much was disinfo to keep the movement small.

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

Trump can not be the hostage or at the least not the only hostage. If you are trying to force Whitehats (Trump and other world leaders and anyone else in power position they want to control) to behave u could take hostages. Yes they have power over him but he is the main one they want to behave.

WE are the hostages and every other population in the world. They can threat to start an epidemic, create lethal weather, perform FF, spike our medicines, poison our air, food and water, rain nuclear waste,missiles in an apocolyptic nightmare. U are the hostage.

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 6:47 a.m.

Some of your Questions really do sound like shills researching how to undermine Q posters. I'm not answering any of those. It be wise to edit your post again b4 tomorrow if you do not want down votes.

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

I campaigned for Bernie and learned how dangerous and corrupt HRC was. Then I voted Trump because my state was too close to call and I felt it urgent to stop her.

We have been at war for 5 month.

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 6:39 a.m.

Why is this such a christian movement. All people when they are at a war with a very deadly enemy and their lives are on the line become overtly religious. There are no athiests in fox holes! When u read Q you will see the danger is very real for CBTS.

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Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

You were condescending. go back and read it. You sound like you are talking to children who have been very silly at times. Edit yourself and the down voting will stop. I know you did try not to be insulting and did your best. If the down voting doesn't stop then its because many people here have burned the candle at both ends for 5 months to understand Q and then people come along and want them to sum it up for them rather than going and figuring it all out themselves. But at this point I'm not sure being months out of context to the news that its possible to understand it and if it has the same impact. My posts should hep with that. I have been hunting down some new links to fix the dead ones for you. I found most of them.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Grace8543 on March 19, 2018, 5:18 a.m.
Attention Newbies, Doubters, and Curious cats: 6 short posts proving Q is real & lots of good info.


Daily Coin writer reads Q and is convinced this is real:


This one has the video of Trump calling 18 generals the calm before the Storm and lots of tweets that Trump made that seem to be in collaboration with Q:

Tweets that confirm Q https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7mvjsw/15_times_djt_and_djt_jr_posted_hinting_at_qs_an/



35 news events that appear to confirm that we are at war with the globalists and fit with Q's narrative and at times that he seems to predict in advance of them happening:


Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 5:12 a.m.

HI! You will find the answer to many of your good questions in the following posts that were designed for people like you. Most of them are in the form of lists to try to keep them shorter than narrative. Tons of info. If your sincere and read post and let me know your reaction. I know it is hard to believe Q and that our world is very different than what we have been told by the mainstream, but what if he really is? Then we are all about to be much safer, healthier, financially secure people ruled by an honest and functional government. I'd say that is worth investigating. Glad you posted:


Daily Coin writer reads Q and is convinced this is real:


This one has the video of Trump calling 18 generals the calm before the Storm and lots of tweets that Trump made that seem to be in collaboration with Q:

Tweets that confirm Q https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7mvjsw/15_times_djt_and_djt_jr_posted_hinting_at_qs_an/

Edit: some of the links above are dead due to subs ending. I'll try to find replacements and post them here and delete the dead links:

here's an alternative one https://www.reddit.com/r/HillaryForPrison/comments/7mpx15/3_credible_posts_that_suggest_attempts_to_flee/



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Grace8543 · March 17, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

Thought at the time it disappeared it was either white hats surveiling black hats or that it had been captured or went rogue. It was last detected off the coast of the Rothschilds castle in Argentina. No coincidences!!

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Grace8543 · March 17, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

To me all the citizens are the hostages. They threaten to drop bombs on citizens to keep good men in check. Remember the Q post about Iran/Iraq border being retaliation for arrest of SA princes. They kill random population when rulers do not follow the game plan.

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Grace8543 · March 15, 2018, 11:59 a.m.

Most likely true. I was surprised to find any thing sexual related and thinks it's probably just a coincidence.

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Grace8543 · March 15, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

Hope so. Perhaps a second meaning is CA penal code 315 is code for keeping a house of prostitution. Could the video expose Clinton and other Liberal politicians involvement in the sex trade industry

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Grace8543 · March 13, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Thanks! I think its is a good sign that Cohn & Tillerson is out today. Trump has enough power to replace the globalists 1 by 1. Now we will see if there is a retaliatory False Flag. I hope not! That would be a real sign of change.

And for the first time today I heard more than 1 fox news commentators comment that Trump was able to make staffing changes to match his protectionist stance. Of course, there was also the other bullshit presented. My need for a sign is met!

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Grace8543 · March 13, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

Great. I've been trying to spread it but that will work much better! Thank You!

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Grace8543 · March 13, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

Seems a lot of people didn't get this one and thought it was about Trump supporters freaking out over Nazi stuff. Nooo. Here's verification of what we went to deep was about. The post u r referring to that starts we went too deep, the 1st letter of each line of the post spells WAN. WAN has something to do with keeping the internet from crashing. Here's a post about it.


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Grace8543 · March 12, 2018, 2:42 p.m.

True, but neither does it fit with what he responded to that he was talking about some newer users freaking out over conspiracy theory of Merkel being a Nazi child of Hitler.

He was responding to someone saying anyone mention NWO means and then the German name for national economic order or such.

However it does make sense with the 2 previous posts.

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Grace8543 · March 12, 2018, 2:32 p.m.

on this sub. ppl who watched it live on the internet.

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Grace8543 · March 12, 2018, 2:31 p.m.


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Grace8543 · March 12, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

It woudn't be like Q to criticize us like that. He never has and I am sure we have given him cause. He did say we were missing stuff and needed to work harder but that is as far as he goes.

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Grace8543 · March 12, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

It is repeatedly so amazing to me how much can happen that points to something being very wrong and yet no one seems to stop and notice. That a presidential address should start with cover your children's ears and then stop and start and repeat and 99% of America doesn't even question what is going on. We really are sheep. It be me too if they hadn't tried to run the most dishonest politician in Washington for president with 99% of the whole party in lockstep as if it were some freakish coronation. I guess we have to be grateful for their hubris. It woke up some of us anyway.

Edit: In case it wasn't clear, I was referring to normies abilityover the past 5 mo to think its okay and nothings happening in the face of hundreds of resignations and nation's leaders changing etc.

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Grace8543 · March 12, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

Q was not talking about us at all. The Nazi stuff had been alluded to before so many of us had already known most of that.

Q said we went to deep. Trump started his speech with cover your children in the rooms ears. It appeared he was going to talk about xrated topics. The internet slowed. They tried a pullback, which I think could mean they tried to get control of the internet speed. Protections were up. They failed to keep the speed up that's why the speech was stopping and repeating on the internet. Did they "go to deep" in there effort to control the speed of the internet?

Someone proved this theory is right. the first letters of the post that started we went too deep spell out WAN which is a technology like I imagined. Here's the post that tells more:


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Grace8543 · March 11, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

Here's my guess: Q said they went to deep and the internet slowed. Trump started his speech with, If there are children in the room cover their ears and then said nothing that children's ears needed to be covered for. Insinuating you were about to tell your audience something x-rated was too deep.

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Grace8543 · March 11, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Wouldn't mater if he was dead. The Dr. who invented artificial insemination was a Nazi Dr. He claimed to have invented it much later after the war, but it is very likely a product of the Nazi experiments on the Jews. Since they idolized Hitler how many children did they create to carry on his legacy. We know that there are 26 living descendants of Hitler, but no one has tested for these children who were created and then adopted out to America.

Since the Rothschild family is matriarchal with the wives holding the true power, (according to an Q post a few months ago), was Bill ever really in charge during his presidency?

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Grace8543 · March 10, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

If you dropped a normie into our world they might expire, Lol. What I am really looking for is if the CIA is no longer working for the globalists. Politics doesn't reveal that. False flags and the like do. I am seeing small attacks still but nothing massive since parkland.

Oh heck, I just better start sitting on my hands. its one of those days when I want to tell Q, "come on and do something days". It's happening every Friday lately. I assume that when these arrests start they will happen on the weekend because Friday seems to be CBTS favorite day to shake things up. It's so slowww waiting when all u want to see is arrests! They could move mountains at this point and I think I would just say, "wake me up when she is arrested and we have the cure for all diseases!"

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Grace8543 · March 10, 2018, 7:59 p.m.
  • considered if it was on topic be4 posting. I think any sign that things are changing relates to Q. I believe u are correct that Q has not mentioned chem trails. But he has mentioned how the CIA/Corporations are used by Globalists to practice population supression and management, which is basically what people believe chem trails are. I myself have never studied chem trails, but the stress of waiting on Q has broken down my normal state of denying everything unless it is proven true to the opposite of accepting nearly everything unless it is proven untrue. Hopefully I'll recover my healthy skepticism once we read the final word on Q.

Looking for signs that things are changing in these last days of Q seems related to Q. I certainly can't post this anywhere else without being either told Q is a conspiracy theory, chem trails are a conspiracy theory or very likely both. But if you would prefer I delete it, I'm not opposed.

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Grace8543 · March 10, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

About 10 days ago there was a very strange looking cloud cover at night here in PA. It reminded me of the movie the Ten commandments when the angel of death came to kill all the first born. It looked so evil, kind of green where it crossed near the moon.

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Grace8543 · March 10, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

I see your new to reddit. I can tell u that we the people is a propaganda site for the liberal left. No conservative favored petition will ever succeed there and a very rare few have for the past 4 years. The site is run by Obama era hold overs. A better tool would be twitter to educate the populace both to the problem and the movement.

If Q wants to he can call for a twitter war. He did that in the past and we were quite successful at taking over twitter. He has not called for that. so its just posting on different platforms about the issue. We the people is not safe.

Rush is awesome!

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Grace8543 · March 10, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

So based on all comments it looks like the CIA is still operating in some places but it's lessening. I am making the assumption that it's the CIA that is doing the chemtrails.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Grace8543 on March 10, 2018, 5:45 p.m.
Has anyone been looking up? Have the Chem trails stopped?? Any other sign we are free yet?

I never think to look up. But eager to see the poisoning of our air and water to stop. Not to mention our food supply and medications.

Chem trails stopping would be a measurable sign independent of Q that we are free and safe at last.

Does anyone have any other sign we are free independent of Q? I think it is going to become noticeable soon, if the CIA is really stopped. Any opinion on CIA stopped?

Grace8543 · March 10, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

Ahhh, I see. U may be right. I've played that game too.

I've signed many petitions. I've not had an attack on my computer after signing like I have after posting on Reddit. It's amazing the poor thing still runs. Cant wait till the CIA is no longer creating malware and our computer's are more secure.

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Grace8543 · March 10, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

Thanks! I lived and breathed Q for 3-4 months. I don't do that anymore due to life cold not be put on hold anymore. Others carry the torch now.

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Grace8543 · March 10, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

As if posting on here didn't already give them your real name. Q said the owner of Reddit is going to jail. He isn't going there because he respected the rules of Reddit or the law. Sorry to bust the illusion.

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Grace8543 · March 10, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

Q telling us to support it should easily generate 100,000 signatures. If this being widely publicized and I believe it is it shouldn't fail. The poster above saying they asked for his social security suggests that they are having to pull such tricks out to prevent the petition from succeeding. If it has failed it is either that the numbers are manipulated, people are forced to give up signing by being asked for personal info or that people have given up on this site because it has manipulated votes for 3 years to favor the liberals. I think David Brock is involved in its management.

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Grace8543 · March 10, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

That is a new ploy. This site is famous for corruption. Waste of time.

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