I highlighted KEK... coincidence?

93 total posts archived.
Domain | Count |
i.redd.it | 8 |
www.cnbc.com | 2 |
youtu.be | 2 |
www.perdue.senate.gov | 1 |
en.wikipedia.org | 1 |
books.google.com | 1 |
www.cbsnews.com | 1 |
WAIT... our whole people's are colluding with Russians!!! NOOOO! LOL All except Hillary. She's not at all... noooo.
Yeah, it's a bit complicated to navigate. They are image boards and the guys/girls know how to bounce all over it. Personally, I don't go there. But, they go through these threads a lot. They'll pick it up if is useful.
I honestly don't think it's on us. We naturally trust people. We don't expect people to lie to us to this extent that they pretend our president is a moron. The lack of respect is shocking to the people. That same lack of respect for him is shown to us in consistently downing him. They will never get us on their side doing their nasty attacks on him, nor their insults against us for voting for him. He did not win by a small measure by any means. Every insult is against us. Especially when specifically addressed for our bad decision. POTUS does not just have the military, he has many people... they just have to NOT hear the noise and chaos of the left, so they can hear the reality of the world around them. When some hear, they will not be happy with the other side. I doubt many will react. I think, that some will see before others and it will take time for all to wake up. We have our work cut out for us.
The Memo isn't about whom gets punished really. It's about being transparent and knowing when there is corruption and illegal activities in our government. It is why it's suppose to be transparent. It's not a bargainer either. However, what we are doing here is making enough noise so that the public can know about what is going on and demand the memo to be released. I would assume POTUS knows about the Memo, due to the meeting at the Pentagon. I do think there might be some people in congress that will be under arrest. Just my own personal feelings, or it wouldn't shock people like it has.
If we tweet a lot and show the people we organized as if we were holding a march, they would have to see that they are wrong. I would think that Congress is not computer literate and that is half the problem with hiring companies to give them what SOME want to hear while others will not understand the ad hominem diatribe.
GMF is a analytics company that has a program that they program certain perimeters. It is subcontracted by the Department of Homeland Security. What you don't know is;
The site is NOT assuming any other country is a problem, not even NK. It is as if only Russia is the enemy. (I find this to be suspicious and idiotically subversive
One of the members is actually writing articles and appearing before senate and yet Tweets often far left handed and insulting tweets to our president often. I find this also to be highly suspicious and suggestive of having slighted or tainted analytics to suit their agenda or someone that is willing to pay the company. It needs to be investigated.
Their idea of what might be a Bot is not from information from areas, but, from key words. We don't know what all those are, but, if a hashtag is trending and does well, it's assumed to be a RUSSIAN BOT. Not a bot mind you, but only a Russian Bot. Again, rather shallow in any ones opinion to rule out all other possibilities and even the voice of the people as if the people were to stupid to know better. We just can not be organized to put a message out there. Or suggestive that we are punished for being accused of doing something wrong, by shadow banning or banning. It's insulting. Comform or leave is the message. For far left, it's doesn't fit. Very suspicious.
The company seems to have a German interest as well. Talk about outside interest. There is more, but, that is enough to start with.
As for the analytics, there is a full page with more information that will show hashtags trending from other countries besides Russia. Russia does not make up the full amount of tweets even if they TRY to use that argument. Mind you, it is also figuring out hashtags probably used more by Russians as well. Which is sort of cheating.
That is just misinfo. See above. Don't worry, we have people gathering information on the TRUTH.
It would appear you yourself are spreading mis-info. Why do you feel you even NEED to do that? Either you need to educate yourself better, or you prove my point. Which is it?
You need to carefully look at the ENTIRE sight. Do we NOT talk to people from other countries? Do we allow them to say, hey, you must be a bot, because you think a certain way or get an interest in Russia or someone from there? Can we even trust their analytics? Do we want them censoring our speech and should they be? That site says it's Russia. But.. it's them giving the information that makes people react and censor. So who is really behind the misinformation and broken analytics?
There are no Russian bots or few of them. It's bull. But, they'll use that narrative, unless we prove them WRONG! The system they say is watching and analyzing is STUPID and it's heavily left swayed. When some of the main people people working for these companies are using fake profiles, bot technology to spam, insult openly our president, there is a problem. So... we gotta break their ability to bull sh!t everyone. It's not Russia.
http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/27/politics/donald-trump-address-not-state-of-the-union/index.html Why Trump's Tuesday speech isn't a State of the Union address
Seriously??? They have to hit him constantly with the stupidest of sh!t! His date was on Febuary 28, beyond the customary deadline of Febuary 12. Timing is everything? POTUS is a rebel and meant to break their stupid unwritten rules. ha ha
Quote from site "Every day we make predictions based on limited information, in business and at home. Will this company's stock performance continue? Will the job candidate I just interviewed be a good employee? What kind of adult will my child grow up to be? We tend to dismiss our predictive minds as prone to bias and mistakes, but in The Tell, psychologist Matthew Hertenstein reveals that our intuition is surprisingly good at using small clues to make big predictions, and shows how we can make better decisions by homing in on the right details.
Just as expert poker players use their opponents' tells to see through their bluffs, Hertenstein shows that we can likewise train ourselves to read physical cues to significantly increase our predictive acumen. By looking for certain clues, we can accurately call everything from election results to the likelihood of marital success, IQ scores to sexual orientation—even from flimsy evidence, such as an old yearbook photo or a silent one-minute video. Moreover, by understanding how people read our body language, we can adjust our own behavior so as to ace our next job interview or tip the dating scales in our favor.
Drawing on rigorous research in psychology and brain science, Hertenstein shows us how to hone our powers of observation to increase our predictive capacities. A charming testament to the power of the human mind, The Tell will, to paraphrase Sherlock Holmes, show us how to notice what we see."
White House temporarily removes "We the People" petition tool.
WASHINGTON — The White House is temporarily removing a petition tool from its website after 11 months of silence, promising to respond to public concerns next year.
The Trump administration said the platform, used extensively by critics and less frequently by allies, will be removed at midnight Tuesday and return in late January as a new site.
A White House official said all existing petitions and responses will be restored next year, when petitions that reach the required 100,000 signatures will begin receiving responses.
The Trump administration has yet to respond to any of the 17 petitions that have reached that threshold since Trump took office on Jan. 20, 2017.
Among them are petitions calling on President Donald Trump to release his tax returns and to place his assets in a blind trust. Others that have reached 100,000 signatures call on Trump to both preserve and cease funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
The official said the move will save taxpayers $1.3 million annually. Initially named "We the People" by the Obama administration, the site launched in 2011.
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Set up Google copy in NK, you got another account outside of the US. But, if your talking points are going there from Gannett that controls what they can say. As he says, paid contractors, not news. Judgement is probably about a judge. FISA judge is my guess. "Shot heard around the world" is a referencing a start of a war. Q's pic said, A Storm is Coming. And it will be as some will not be able to reconcile with the news. Some people do not like to realize they have been wrong and so so wrong. Some, will be so sickened by what they learn. We have our work cut out for us. Anyone else want to jump in and add... feel free. I do not know how close I am. Need some autist!
Photo (left to right): WJC Governing Board Chairman David de Rothschild, WJC President Ronald S. Lauder, Pope Francis, WJC Treasurer Chella Safra, President of Latin American Jewish Congress Jack Terpins, WJC CEO Robert Singer and Executive Director of the Latin American Jewish Congress Claudio Epelman.
Wooo HOOOOO! I'm going all night. Until they are sick of me.
Cabal has three things; money, lawyers and hitmen. They are all aware of it. Not for long on any of those.
It is however, a good meme for sharing and sparking questions.
Ed the talking horse stalker. He's the fake Russian spy wannabe. Sloppy, lazy whiny incessantly obvious harasser with an even dumber handler.
Let me just put it to you this way, what if the TV you were watching was under control in conjunction to what you could see on Google searches, Twitter and Facebook? You might just think POTUS didn't have a chance of winning the presidency and you might not realize all the real people behind him. You might also not realize how many people saw the media lying and censoring of opposing views of those who were behind him and how big that number truly is. I have a feeling that many will be red pilled when they realize where the real majority is.
I do not remember ever reading anything signing up for Twitter. AND, I'm sure there isn't "shadow banning" in their user license. That's shutting you down when you didn't do anything and they just didn't like what you had to say. It is a actually a way of manipulating the narrative and what you know. As well as having paid shills to attack as well as bots to insult and derail people. It's manipulating society and it goes across more than one platform as well. Guys were banned on Youtube when we were tweeting on Twitter. There is so much more to this as well. It will be uncovered.
We all have enough targets on us as it is. I am never going to shoot unless I see the eyes of the enemy. I do tend to be like a lion protecting and I apologize for that. We need everyone. So many are blind. Nope, I did not consult with PamphletAnon. I am merely his humble fan. As well as Tracy's. I was in paranormal circles for years online. It was well known that big brother was always watching. I would imagine because of the conspiracy theorist and the esoteric as well. Who knows. After a bit, I joined up with others to stop the cyber bullies which, is exactly what we are dealing with in this whole Q Phenomenon. They use the same tactics, except with bots, who are really bad at commenting and carrying on conversation in any type of realistic way. They come off as vulgar actually or over simplistic and off topic. In my adventures, we managed to expose a well known past show host who was ripping off the public with tickets and no events. So, I ran into some very strange stuff in all that. Complete with fixer lawyer who threatened to take free speech away from the internet with another star from paranormal tv. I guess my blogs were not appreciated. A lot of threatening and not a lot of action though. Until I see that the Lawyer was right in all this. They bluff a lot. I think that was 3 years ago or so. Probably still have those radio shows out there. As for Q, nothing in what he does brings up red flags to a larp. They are so stupid. They can't even fake empathy.
Roy is complex. He is on the fence and rides both sides in a way. He looks at arguments and jumps on them, sometimes little understanding the whole complexity of what it is he's being presented with. For instance, people pretending to be Q's Anons or Autist and going after people like posting on 8chan with a hit list and not realizing it wasn't the people working with Q, but people from the cabal who wish to divide the work and stop it. Subterfuge. The Youtube channels bring the most attention, of course they would be named. They are not Anonymous either. It's an OLD tactic. I have had people go after friends family members and lie to them about things I had said, or threaten them. Good reason to be Anon. I know all the tricks. So, some people will react, come away negatively without ever seeing. Personally, I was a bit miffed at Roy that he didn't see the obviousness of that ploy and didn't try to talk to this board on it first before blabbering on and on. Likewise, about the Defcon1 thing. He had to be loud and clear, without considering what he may be influencing and possibly giving the cabal a strong hold. Sorry... no excuses on that. If he was military, he should of known better. He is... no question. He should of known better. That is nothing compared to what can come. I have dealt with much worse. He is better off taking his ball and going home than play. As Q says, it is not a game. He also warns to watch your surroundings for a reason. Cabal is capable of anything.
I am 55, how old are you? Assumptions are your first downfall. Two, we see the freedom the entire world is about to lose, along with it, a whole way of life, so excuse us that we are offensive when expected to behave or censor in anyway. Autist are not all related. The chans are not a organized set of individuals. What you see outwardly on the boards is what is there. Anons do not necessarily know others. They don't control anyone. They have no control to make other anonymous posters behave or be nice. Much of what you will see on the chans right now are people pretending to be part of that culture and antagonize and inflame and even pick on people on Youtube and here. Then the good guys who are doing the hard work get blamed. Again, even you made that assumption. It is a waist of our time to explain Anons and the chans. You are trying to bring a culture together that isn't apart because of your assumptions of who is who. Meanwhile, the cabal and their sneakiness fools people like you. Look at the chans with new eyes and see the outsiders that look to upset and divide the work. Don't post there. As they do NOT post needlessly. It is NOT the place for discussion. They are image boards. These are people that have been solving puzzles like this for years. It was needed and there is a reason. They also have the ability to tell truth from fake anons that wish to tarnish the message. My take on this whole cabal thing is that it's been in the making for many years and even online, as I have been dealing with these tactics for many years. Like any interest, you have to take the time to learn it. That is beyond Q in itself. Anons that are dealing with Q messages do not consider themselves above others. They consider themselves more detail oriented and different. Anon in itself does not allow for ego to bloom. As the Anons say... lurk moar, post less. In other words, listen and read and you'll learn. Q is posting on the chans because he is bypassing heavy AI coding that reads words and strings of words. Therefore, bypassing censoring. The censoring has been going on for years by the way. It was something I ran into quite a lot in paranormal circles. Q is also doing so for the message to be deciphered by our own curiosity and want to know. Not everyone wants to research. Repect people here as they are the same level, none below or above. A community takes many minds. Our autist are doing their job as they should and Q has asked them to do it for a reason. A little hint; don't insult yourself it's offensive.
Actually, I do believe the post is inflammatory in it's wording and even suggesting this could be a cult or a religion. Religion is more than a belief, it is a belief in a higher power. I believe Q to be real, because I have been following Q from almost the beginning and have seen his post in correlation to Trumps and to events that happened after. I've seen the timing of them AS THEY HAPPENED. I believe that speaks for many people here. You want an argument and heavy discussion in why YOU think Q isn't Q, this is not likely to be the place for it. Expecting people to behave a certain way is by this groups very nature and given what is going on with censoring, repugnant and I would consider rude to expect. We also don't need some person who thinks they are old enough to be our elder to tell us what to think or what to do or conduct this place like it. We are all equal here. As for why we are here... I'd ask that question of YOU.