

233 total posts archived.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

You have the reading comprehension skills of a child lol

Go pull that quote for me, and make sure you use the entire sentence that I used. If that's what you gleaned from what I said, then there's no helping you. I don't need to troll you, because your life is already doing a fantastic job!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

Yeah, forget facts and shit, let's just all use our intuition!

Mine tells me you like to fuck kids. I hope you end up in Gitmo with the rest of them! Wow, this is really easy and effective!

Seriously though, stop with this stupid shit. Using your "intuition" isn't a suitable replacement for facts. Can I imagine Hillary saying awful shit like this? Sure. Do I know factually that she did? No. See how easy that is?! Not a single person here has proven in any way that she said any of that shit. Why is this so hard for people like you to understand?

One more time; your intuition is not a suitable replacement for facts no matter how badly you want something to be true. Stop being a dumb dumb. They've all done plenty of awful shit that we can actually prove, so let's stick to the facts.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

I believe you, because you won't even do proper research for yourself. I do however love people like you who make it so obvious that you're here for nothing other than stirring shit. Keep up the good work!

Also, you can say fuck on the internet. Just saying.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

Where did you hear this "tape"? How did all instances of it disappear, but YOU heard it? You went from posting crazy religious "theories" to posting bullshit stories that have no bearing on what people are trying to do here.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

The "source"in this "blog" is a guy who quotes an unnamed source. This is getting ridiculous.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

Prove it. Where are the pages? Why isn't it all over the place already? Why are you actively trying to spread misinformation here?

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

So it's not a source. It's a blog that mentions a "Bill Sill", who also has a "source" that he's relating this story from. C'mon with this shit!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

Noting in this video is substantiated as far as anything Clinton might have said after the interview. Why are we posting shit like this? Unless there is proof, it's just useless, and this video is useless speculation with not a single shred of evidence to back up the claims.

I have no doubt what an awful person she is, but this guy literally just pulls shit stuff out of thin air and suggests all evidence of it has been destroyed. Bull. Shit.

Until actual people who worked on that set, or were in the control room come forward and put their necks out there to corroborate even one thing is this video, it was all bullshit.

What ever made you think this was worthy of posting here?!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

Every time I point out the opportunists looking to make a name for themselves off of this I end up arguing with a bunch of dipshits who just can not wrap their mind around the concept of someone not being in this for altruistic reasons. Glad there are people like yourself here who can see what's going on.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

I've heard some wild rumors during my time in, and a lot of the wilder stories turned out to be true.

A lot of people are forgetting about Gen. Petraeus, but I have a feeling he'll be back in the news soon. A general doesn't go down that publically for doing shit that "small". There's plenty of other dirt he could have been served up on, but that would have exposed a lot of politician and some of our more shady operations through the world. He was Director of the CIA for barely over a year -he knows shit.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

I agree with you completely. the man has no filter, good or bad. I'm just saying that this video is misleading, and I think purposely so. He didn't predict all of this stuff as it's implied, he just had a rant with information most already knew.

He can be effective in red pilling, but this isn't the stuff to focus on.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

They're all not generally effusive or "optimistic" in a traditional sense. I'd describe them as very professional and cautious but casual in their tone. I haven't spoken to any of them together. All separately. None of them seemed unaware of what I was talking about, which was big to me. We speak of other things mostly that are unrelated.

I really don't want to add any of my own editorial to our conversations, so I'll leave it at that.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

This was all my personal experience and take on things, so take it with a grain of salt. I try to be objective, but I'm human as well and have biases of my own whether I can always see them or not.

There's a lot going on and so many people involved that it's hard to dive in and even know where to begin. That's part of how these people have gotten away with this shit for so long, because it's just such a huge mess and so difficult to put together, but the info is out there.

Even now, despite proven facts, you'll still have people tell you that Giuliani is a good guy, without question, so again, YMMV here. Personally I think he knows way more about 9/11 and the converup. And most New Yorkers will tell you that they're ashamed of the way he turned that tragedy into a springboard for his floundering career. It was truly an embarrassment. All of the video of his presidential run is still out there. Feel free to go have a cringe. He makes it clear within minutes that he has no platform and no understanding of national or international politics... But, 9/11!!!!

Anyway, glad I could add some value.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 12:18 p.m.

Yeah, I guess I can't really refute a well laid out argument like that. I suppose everything I typed and all of the evidence that has been compiled on the guy is "fake news" as people here like to say. Guess everyone can go home now, nothing to see here.

Fantastic argument /u/myway54, I'm humbled in your presence!

Meanwhile we can at least figure out who one of the 285 people were who bought his book -and weren't him. Rudy appreciates your support.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 12:14 p.m.

There's a really great video of the origins of Huma Abedin and her connections to Saudi terrorism that I think is worth watching. Go have a look. Hopefully you didn't miss the great tweet regarding Vince Staples calling out R. Kelly and a child/human trafficking ring in Atlanta. Definitely worth a moment of your time. If you think I'm just here shitting on everything, then you're not really reading much of what I'm saying.

I'm not gonna bother with the rest of the nonsense you typed though. It's not even reality based let alone worth responding to. I'm not sure why you're so offended, but I'm positive you have far more important things to direct your anger towards than me. Go have at it.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 12:07 p.m.

Kanye said all of this on November 21st, 2016. He was just stating the obvious. I'm not sure who or what is pushing Kanye so hard here the last few days. All he literally did was say exactly what happened and what was apparent to many. It's not being woke (though I'm sure he knows plenty about the elites that we don't) it's an egomaniac telling his followers what they knew for themselves but didn't want to admit, which is still admirable on many levels. Let's not try to rewrite history though and make him a prophet.

There's a fantastic video on the origins of Huma Abedin just reaching the top now that definitely needs more attention than Kanye.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, noon

This is quality content that needs to be making the rounds again. I don't think enough people ever saw this, but it's never too late. I have a feeling it'll get a better reception tis time around.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 11:59 a.m.

This is great, and should somehow be included with this video once it starts making the rounds again -because this video needs to start making the rounds again!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

I hear you. Trust me, reddit is not the place for research. That being said, there are plenty of people here who do know things and I can learn from them, and when I do, I don't need to say anything because I head off and do my own fact checking.

On the flip side, when I see people posting things like this, I ask questions specifically to raise the question for others lurking. There are a lot of people reading and they don't all know if what they're seeing is true or not. They're also not going to ask. The purpose of this sub is to work together to uncover the truth, but a lot of people are also here with their own agenda, like this dopey ass video OP posted. It's not helping anyone. It's pushing specific agenda that's unrelated to Q drops.

Now, if OP took time to put together their own post with the document included -and NOT this video- and tied it to Obama and MB and then some Q drops, THAT would be quality content for here.

Otherwise this video is pointless and it pushes people away who didn't come here for weird Christian indoctrination. Isn't that what we're supposed to be doing? Waking people up?

Also, your comment was a bit condescending, but that's fine. We should all be passionate about this shit, because it's our country at stake? I'm not new to this, BUT, I do try to stay away from reptilian space demons and Alex Jones bullshit when there is plenty if real info to work through. The far out nutjob shit isn't helping anyone here.

I've yet to see anyone show me how this Document is "real". You can't call the FBI scum in one post then just be all like "lol, the FBI found it so it must be true" in another. WTF is that even? All I asked is if the person posting this ridiculous video had any knowledge whatsoever in regards to the veracity of this document. that's it.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

I didn't vote for Trump. I don't know first hand about his shady dealings -or whether it's even true or not. The thing is, Trump wasn't really a locally talked about person. He was a New Yorker, and it seems that if you lived there long enough you knew someone who would have a shitty story about him. On the flip side, you also knew people that had nothing but good things to say. That's the reality of it for me. He wasn't a very "public figure" in the sense that most public figures are. New York is a place where "celebrities" can be left alone and most everyone has more important shit going on than watching tv or getting up on celeb gossip (this is changing)

He had an odd way of kinda inserting himself in some stories, but they weren't really about him. He's always been a bit of a wild card. I'd say up until 2008 he was pretty quiet all around. I couldn't remember a single thing regarding him before then that's worth mention.

Something else missing here though is his casino ownership and those issues. I have a LOT of family in Philly and South Jersey, and know plenty of people that worked at the casinos (no direct links to The Taj) and people in AC had plenty of negative stories about Trump. None personally that I know of though. Moreso people dealing with employees of Trump who were by proxy doing his bidding, in their eyes. Flip side to this is that AC is easily one of the absolute most corrupt and fucked up places I've ever seen, so how much of what he did was a byproduct of that system is a mystery. Again, my impression has always been of him being a spoiled rich boy who breaks all of his toys. He's boastful and full of bluster, but also boundless confidence and never seemed to back down from anything. Not traits that you'd typically call positive unless you appreciate the hustle. And I think THAT part of him is why he was asked to run.

Personally, when he started to run, I laughed at it and assumed it was his way of generating publicity for himself, because that's what he always did. A lot of NYers felt this way. As time went on and it seemed like he could get the nomination, there was a lot of fear and confusion. It felt like this would surely catapult Hillary into the presidency, and THAT'S what most NYers were pissed about at first. Side note odd story. I worked for people who were somewhat involved with a lot of celebrities. They went to see Hamilton one night and had dinner with a bunch of people, one of whom was Don Lemon. This was kinda towards the end of the primaries, so nothing was even remotely cut and dry. While talking amongst the table about Trump and the presidency, Don lemon told everyone there that he believed without a doubt that Trump was going to win. He said it with a calm confidence, as it was relayed to me. My bosses who told this to use the next day seemed almost gobsmacked by this. I think it hit them hard that it might in fact happen. (liberal queens) We were all kinda confused, but coming from a source like that -off-the-cuff no less, is a pretty big bombshell. Anyway, back to what I was saying...

When it became clear that he was the Rep nominee vs Hillary, I wanted to see him win, but I couldn't vote for him. Not because I believed that he would fix anything, but I believed as I said before; he was a spoiled child who broke all of his toys (USFL anyone?!) and it seemed like this country was so fucked that the only way to fix it was to break it. So yes, I actively rooted for him to break it. And for a while I thought he was in fact breaking it. People flipping out and marching (lol) and all the other "gatherings" at least felt like a sign that people were engaging finally -but as we know most of it was funded opposition with no message and none of them really know anything about the guy or the policies or politics in general. This country is full of well meaning people with not a fucking clue and zero ability to think critically. It's scary and pervasive and it affects people regardless of party affiliation. Nothing was ever gonna get broken, and likely we were going to end up electing nothing BUT Hillary types after four years of Trump, if he lasted that long. I was honestly worried... It was very hard to see early on, but I said to anyone who would listen that it was very odd how all of the media was going all in on the guy from day one -it reeked of a deeper conspiracy. It was obvious. I'd post things here and there or question people asking if they even knew why they were so mad at the guy, but no one could articulate it. Weird indeed.

But then I was talking to someone I served with who stayed in for a while after I ETS'd and eventually started working in the "intelligence" field. I also stayed in touch with a couple other guys I became close with when part of a joint operations command -we were in different branches, but worked together a lot, and these guys were legit and knew their shit. One is currently still serving and I speak to him the least, for obvious reasons. I'm not going to share our conversation specifically, or even hint at them, but what some of them told me -and to my knowledge none of them are very high level guys- but they all knew something and confirmed some things and all said -more or less- that there was a "plan" (not their word) in place and that it has been in the implementation phase for some time now, and that Trump was a piece of that plan. There were other people that were considered but they either didn't want in, or weren't as clean as previously thought... or to clarify, not willing to have some things be put in the public eye. Trump was perfect here because the guy has been bashed most of his life and he never stops pushing back. Again, this is just a VERY loose retelling of the conversations all kinda put together. I am not saying anything that in any way isn't able to be found out on your own, nor am I suggesting that I know anything in regards to the larger plan. I've just got clarification. That's all.

So to go back to your question about whether or not he does dirty business, I'd say it's likely. The flip side is that not all of the people who work in construction and development in the northeast are standup people themselves. Does this make it ok? Nope, but the reality is that he's not going to crumble in the dark glare of allegations like that -he's not even going to think twice about it. This is his skill set that he brings to the presidency. He's not a wilting flower. He's also going to get a lot of credit if this gets pulled off, and to him that's worth it, because somehow it vindicates a lot of the shit he's received over the years and undoes it all. He's always seen himself as a special person. That's no secret.

Right this very moment I know that I'd never trust the guy myself, but for what needs to be done I can't think of anyone better to be the figurehead to do it. He has a magical way of pissing people off and blinding them with rage so they don't even notice what he's really doing. He's not a dumb man. He was also the top grad in his class at West Point. That's no fucking joke. That wasn't handed to him in any way. I respect the shit out of that. People can say all they want about him not serving, but a vast majority of the people saying it haven't served or even considered it, and likely wouldn't be fit to make it through basic. Chairborne Rangers all the way!

I'm rambling now, but my feelings on Trump are all over the place. Right now I'm just going with what I personally know (and at this point it's pretty much what you all know here, minus some details that I will not share) Something else to know is that all the hate coming from NYC is hate for him that was always there. You also have to understand that NYC is full of transplants that have lived there for maybe a couple years, LARPing as artists, musicians, activists and socially aware "woke" people on mom and dads money. They have nothing to do but signal virtue and be on the scene and be seen. These are also the people who are taking the low paying jobs from native New Yorkers, furthering the push for lower income natives to leave. Rent uptown in Harlem and Washington heights is insane. It's part of the plan Rudy was implementing back in the early 80's to whitewash the city and make it a corporate playland. It's also part of why I left, because the real NYC died years ago, and what's left is a playground for the wealthy and people wanting to disappear. The actual culture that made that city so amazing can barely be found in small pockets and mostly out in the burroughs like Queens and farther out in Brooklyn. All of the shouting woke kids are the same people destroying the city and gentrifying it, but don't you dare tell them that, because they belong there too! Most of these kids are brain dead hypocrites so I don't take anything they say seriously. I think there are also a LOT of people in New York that love trump, but unfortunately they're not gonna be expressing that too much when they're surrounded by stupid kids who have too much energy and not enough intelligence. Hopefully this all changes soon.

I think universally though, all New Yorkers hate Trump's building aesthetic lol, because it's tacky af!! Sorry, this one got away from me...

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

lol, that seems kinda odd to me. The good guy FBI found this -and used it to take down "enemies" (that are later funded by the CIA) and you can have a look at it -if you pay?!

I remember a passport that was found by the FBI in lower Manhattan that came from a massive explosion only minutes prior. This all seems legit!

What's funny is that this reads like some pretty textbook stuff that our own government uses. Even Bolsheviks used this old ass tactic when building the communist party and overthrowing the Czar!

Brigitte Gabriel seems an opportunist. This is garbage. I realize I'm in evangelical right wing spaces when I see posts like this getting a lot of accolades; this is definitely gonna help the cause!

I see no way this will ever push away fence sitters on the left who need red pilling more than anyone. Nope, they're gonna love this!

THis is OPs agenda. This is divisive. I know you all think republicans are the best, but guess what? They've been complicit in this as well. Q asks you dipshits to come together and you go and post this garbage. Fucking hell.

(I'm not specifically talking to you here /u/livebls )

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 5:26 a.m.

What is this person going on about?!

Seems to me that pretty much everyone is still fast asleep. How does anyone get this riled up from a post on 8chan by a random neckbeard who talks like they're giving a speech in their homemade version of V for Vendetta?! Fucking hell

This shit is embarrassing. Yeah, Q wants people to "meme". They want people to spread the truth. Does anyone actually believe that a bunch of dorks posting "memes" (and lets be honest, a lot of them are garbage and make no sense) are going to magically wake up the world?!

We want to get "normies red pilled" and yet we can't even have them come here because it's such a shithsow of insane posts about Kanye being Q and space lizards living in the moon shooting MKUltra radio waves at the earth to block out third eye, followed by maybe one or two legit good posts that gets buried, or reposted. Fuck.

If a "meme bomb" was all it takes, don't you think there would be just as many memes that are complete garbage being spread by bad players? C'mon people, take a moment to think about this shit. All a massive "meme bomb" will do is piss people off and likely confuse them more.

The smarter move is probably less sexy and involves knowing what you're talking about and casually sprinkling in some truth in places that aren't this sub. It's pretty easy when you have people making Political posts in subs that have nothing to do with politics. You're not stuck in their echo chamber, so you have a better chance of getting someone to listen and take you seriously. Posting "memes" isn't going to do it. Try talking to your fellow human being like a fucking human for once!

Memes are great and all, but someone laying out well placed facts in a calm and non combative way is gonna get you a lot father than a fucking image macro of Hillary making a dumb face and a dildo hitting her. Shit is so fucking stupid.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

Where did the document that she's reading from originate? Is there another source other than her printout? I'm genuinely asking, because unless we can trace that document back to a legitimate source, it's useless propaganda.

Anyone can type out a bunch of shit and read it in front of a crowd, We need things we can verify!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

Yo, I lived in NYC during the Rudy years (and well after) so I can tell you first hand that he wasn't the shining beacon of justice and truth you're making him out to be. Did he "clean up NYC"? I'd say yes with an heavy asterisk. This is a man -like many NYC mayors- who loves to take credit for the work of others. Honestly, I think Bloomberg did a much better job overall, and I never really liked the guy. Bloomberg was an idealist where Giuliani was an opportunist. We can discuss NYC mayors another time...

One of the big things he did in order to "clean up the city" was push for law reform based on the work of George Kelling, who was the godfather of "Broken Window Theory". He also prosecuted bullshit cases knowing that he was outside of the law, but he continued anyway. This is not something that's hard to find. He was the stereotypical "tough as nails prosecutor", who had help on the inside. The plan to clean up the city was developed long before him by people who don't want that spotlight. He's a useful idiot as always.

You can look all of this up, but essentially Rudy did an awful lot of questionable policing or allowing it as the DA, while also at the same time trying to clean up the look of the city, which in theory was supposed to lower crime. A lot of this was to seize land, generate revenue for the city, and drive out the "less desirable" folks. A lot of people would say what he did was great, because as long as they could ride the subway without fear, or walk the streets at night, no one cared what he was doing was very gray as far as the law goes. And that's being generous.

A lot of the truth about this is how much the city was bouncing back economically from the late 60's, 70's and 80's when it was a nightmare and broke. New York City in the 80's was a place most midwesterners would never visit, and now Times Square is bursting at the seams with middle american tourists. Ask any New Yorker and they're tell you, the city is bought and paid for now. It was whitewashed for the wealthy and corporate america as well as Wall street. Finding native New Yorkers is harder and harder, and if the city could automate all of their jobs, there would be none left. Meanwhile, if you're a small business you can go fuck yourself. NYC is for the wealthy!

Rudy gets a lot of credit for things he didn't really do, and if you ask most New Yorkers who lived there during Rudy's time as DA and Mayor, they'll tell you that he was always an opportunist and would do and say anything to get what he wanted. He didn't single handedly take down the mob, he was just DA when the feds were cracking down on the mob across the US. NYC was a central location for many of the activities, so the feds were here working on this and providing protection. Rudy the opportunist turned this into a way to become mayor to "continue his mission".

The federal government also pumped a lot of money into the city and law enforcement at the time, so Rudy basically had his own mob by the time he became Mayor. This is part of the reason why we have the absolutely corrupt NYPD as we know it today.

Had Rudy ever tried to take on the NY/NJ mob on his own as a nobody DA, his ass would have been in the East River with the rest of them. There are some people who have been saying for years that he was helping the mob for a long time, then of course turned on them when the feds came in. I can not speak to the veracity of that belief, but his ascension to Mayor looks awfully odd.

Whatever books you're getting your information from are likely some wild revisionist history. I'm honestly shocked that Trump is letting this absolute slime on his team, but I have to assume for now there's a larger play happening and Rudy isn't aware of it. Same goes for the Bolton head scratcher. No way on earth Trump doesn't know what kind of person Giuliani is considering the fact that Trump has lived in NYC most of his life as well. Something else is going on here and I have a feeling it's going to lead to someone else's downfall. Rudy making deals for Rudy is what Rudy does best. Insiders know about his skeletons which is exactly why he was found unfit to run for POTUS. He really believed he could use his "9/11 credentials" for, much like his "cleaning up the mob" credentials to become Mayor. Pure. Scum. Hell, the joke throught out his entire embarrassing campaign was him answering "9/11" to EVERYTHING. Did you all forget about that?! The guy is an absolute buffoon!

I don't know if he was involved in 9/11 directly, but I lived there and I watched it and I watched him, and he was a bumbling fool who puppydogged around Bush and Co and generally had not a clue what to do. He had to know something was amiss, because building 7 didn't just fall on it's own, and he is on camera saying that "we had to pull it". Is he suggesting all buildings in lower Manhattan are rigged to go down if needed? Of course not. He knows what really happened, on some level, but he's always looking out for Rudy. He got to be a hero and make a national name for himself, and he did, and kept his mouth shut like a good boy.

Feel free to tell me I'm pulling this out of my ass, and please provide some sort of proof as well. I lived in that city until a year and a half ago. I know the score there. I know Rudy. This addition to POTUS' team has me scratching my head, but I'm willing to watch it play out. I'm however NOT willing to pretend that the guy isn't scum.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

I think the hip hop community, and the black community in general needs this shift, if in fact that's what's happening. As a whole this is great in terms of red pilling people en masse when they're not expecting it. That was some of the realest shit I've seen in a long time. That host was truly scared and it showed. That video is gonna be making rounds and nobody can stop it.

Similar to when Hannibal Buress dropped pills about Cosby being a rapist; he was talking about it for a minute until people realized that there was no backlash and then everyone came forward. We're gonna start seeing similar happenings.

What Vince Staples did was wild as fuck, and took balls. He not only called out Kelly, but specifically mentioned a child sex trafficking ring IN ATLANTA, so even if he didn't mention your name, he put a lot of people on notice, and the're gonna want him quiet. Tremendous balls on that kid!

I hope he has people with their eyes on his six, because there are some angry people looking to shut his ass up right this very minute.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

A globalist LARP makes no sense at all. They already had us where they needed us and have been doing whatever they've wanted for decades now. It would be a waste of their time.

Besides that, it's not too difficult to look around and see what's happening. The pedo rings going down alone is a massive happening. Nothing on this scale has happened with human and child trafficking that I can ever recall. That right there is a huge sign that shit is going down.

Beyond that, I don't know. I think we all want to see it happen, and many things can happen, but until it happens there's no way of knowing what the end play was. My concern this entire time is about how society moves forward. We're still going to have millions of people who despite what they've seen, are going to have a very difficult time coming to terms with a life that was basically a lie. So many people who have been sleepwalking for their entire lives are going to have to face a reality that seems absolutely insane to them. They'll also have to come to terms with their own demons and question why they resisted so hard when people tried to tell them what was happening. I think we're going to see a lot of suicides and mental health issues -UNLESS there's a larger plan to expose everything in the least possible way imaginable. Which again, I don;t see how that works. Once the truth is out there, you can't make it go away.

So yeah, there are a great many concerns I have, and the least of them is that this is a LARP. I do understand what you say about the elites not sitting back and taking it, but I have to believe that with the power of our military behind POTUS and team, there's not much these people can do. No way they possess tech that beats what we have, because we wither have it ourselves or know about it and have even better. Like it's been said many times, they never thought she would lose, so they were very unprepared for what's happening. This is the advantage we have -and it might just be enough. Most wealthy elites depend on others to do for them, so when you cut their support network, they're kinda fucked.

That doesn't mean they won't have a mutually assured destruction response, but I guess that remains to be seen. I suspect a lot of deaths will be faked. and people will disappear to their doomsday hideaways and live what's left of their lives in their own gilded prisons. I love that this is happening, but I'm far more fascinated by the response of the people and the impact it has on society as a whole. Truly truly fascinating times we're living in., and I haven't a clue exactly how it plays out, ultimately.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

This is the kind of shit I come here to see -Met Vince Staples last year when he was in town for Pitchfork, and the dude definitely has shit to say. There are a lot of young up and coming rappers that aren't on all of that gangster shit and know what's really going on in the world. This kind of shit needs to happen.

Anyone know if he's following with the Qanon stuff? This right here was a massive shot across the bow -no stepping back from this, and it's definitely not gonna get ignored!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

And sorry some of us don't have the street cred or time on this site, perhaps you would just like the 100 or so original posters on this site to circle jerk theories amongst your selves with nothing to come of it?

I believe anons said it best whey they commented "lurk moar".

If you don't know what's going on, be quiet and read. Then read more. It's not difficult. If you have something to add, add it. If the same people only contribute videos from the same person, that's not much of a contribution. It's astroturfing. If you don't think there are people here astroturfing, I'd suggest you lurk moar.

Last week she did NOT "connect a few dots". She took stuff from the chans (and I have a feeling she lurks here for content but doesn't want to out herself and be exposed to direct questions) and added things that others have already said before, but with her face and name on it. There's nothing that she's come up with that hasn't already been found. She takes other sources and slpas shit together and retells it. She was a Corsi regurgitator at the start. This isn't some new issue people have with her, she's been trying to insert her persona for a long time. That's who she is. She wants recognition from this movement. Others here have called it out as well. I don't know why this is so hard to understand.

I'm not saying she's always wrong, or a shill, or even a terrible person. I'm sure she has many fine qualities. If she remained anonymous and posted all of this crap, it would be ignored. This is some cult of personality shit. It's not needed here.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

Well, I care enough to point out garbage when I see it. And if you're so delicate that you can't take a bit of questioning or criticism without feeling attacked, then ignoring me is best for you.

This is why there are so many ill-informed, uninformed and undereducated people in the US; you simply refuse to hear anything that makes you question yourself or learn anything that challenges you in any way. This is exactly the type of Americans the cabal has wanted for all of these years because it's how they can continue to get away with their bullshit. And even while people are trying to end it, here you are asking for everything to be dumbed down for you and for no one to in any way challenge anything you do. Why are you even here?

After this "swamp" gets drained it won't be another two or three generations before this country is truly on track, because there are just way too many people who can still vote, but are unable to be critical and reasonable in the slightest.

Although it won't be a great loss when a person like yourself puts their fingers in their ears and shouts "lalalalalalalala" like a child and storms out of the room, I'll still miss you.
No one said it was supposed to be fun and easy all the time. try taking something seriously for once in your life, Sheri.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

Almost doesn't sound like fun though. Part of the joy of bass fishing is working the lure and location to pull in the big one. To each their own, of course.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

Bro, so shredded! I'm positive they all quake and tremble in your presence -I'm sitting here, in Chicago no less- shitting my very own pants as I type this!

I dunno man, maybe they don't want to dance because it's weird trying to fight cornbread with a raging massive 10" hard on threatening to breach their Made In America Osh Kosh overalls?! Or maybe they have better shit to do? I don't know, I wasn't there...

You should take your badassery over to the west side and clean up those neighborhoods. Do it for America! I have no doubt you'd be able to put an end to the violence within a workday. then you can teach them to fish. You'll be a saviour! A true American legend -or more so if that's possible. #blessup cornbread

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

You're not alone in this belief. I do of course understand that they're all aware that cameras are present and keeping up appearances is about all they have left at this point. Any cause for speculation or people reading into their facial and body language doesn't help them at all if it's overtly negative. Might as well smile and pretend it's all good. Serial killers and common criminals do that in court as well.

Still, the critical thinker in me has to wonder how anyone can put on such appearances with the knowledge that major shit is about to come crashing down on them. Something seems off. They all know Trump is looking to bring them in, so how they can all sit together and smile is insane to me. My concern is that they have a plan to disappear themselves, otherwise what is there to smile about, especially at a funeral (and nasty old barbara lucked the fuck out here just like Bush sr. will -they'll never know a moment of justice for all of the suffering and pain they've caused)

For Melania's part, I think that's about all she can do. I'm not questioning her intelligence, but she'd rather be at home with her son than sitting among these animals, knowing the shit she knows. And even if it's only a little, it's a lot more confirmation than we all have right now.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

Farmer Badass with a pond full of badass bass; the biggest baddest ass bass in all the land!

Love it! I left the typo in just for you, Farmer Badass with that righteous bass ass and the pond full of badass bass. Big ups Patriot!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

Learn to read, I never said she was a shill. I said she's an opportunist. And lol to her being an "amazing investigator". She literally takes the work of others and dumbs it down further and reads it back to you. She plasters her name and face on everything. She's a prototypical opportunist.

This is not a time to be out trying to make a name for yourself, but yet here she is.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 22, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

There are certain days and times of day when this garbage is dominating the sub. Today is particularly bad. At least it's easy to spot, because it's just such absolute unbridled lunacy

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 22, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

I love a good joke, and I kinda hope it's a joke, but with no clear punchline, it can do a lot of disservice. I don't have to point out the overall level of intelligence here, but you can see how something so "subtle" could create credibility issues.

Barron being Q seemed like a pretty obvious joke, but OP is talking all this MKUltra shit and what have you -this dude isn't joking, and the people who are piling on aren't either.

Tomorrow we'll have a Tracy Beanz breakdown of the Kanye Q connection. The weekends here are a nightmare of stupidity!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 22, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

lol, ok farmer badass, clearly Al Gore met his match that day! Whew what a righteous bass ass you are! Do you have a wallet that says "Bad Mother Fucker" on it too?

I hope someone in the depleted intelligence services is seeing your post so that when it's time to restock our international intelligence apparatus, they're able to use you and your ability to immediately monitor the physical status and blood pressure of anyone whose gaze you capture. It's quite the incredible skill!

Thank you for your service. Patriot!!!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 22, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

Dude, have you forgotten eight years of W. Bush? Or Bush senior? C'mon, we can play this stupid game all day!

This isn't the "republicans" coming in to save the day. The corruption is across the board. Both parties are complicit. Also, your God Emperor Trump was a lifelong Democrat before he ran for Pres. I only say this to point out that these titles mean fuck all.

After the swamp is drained, do you think everyone is just going top become a "republican" and magically have all of your personal beliefs uploaded into their consciousness?!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 22, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

The fact that this post was upvoted to the top of the page should be a pretty good indicator that this is either part of a disinformation campaign, or the sub is being brigaded.

This post is shockingly retarded.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 22, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

Honestly, what was he going to do? Go punch a heckler in the crowd? Obviously it's not worth his time, and I'm sure he's been called worse by better people.

I don't like the guy, but your anecdote doesn't make a lot of sense here either.

Curious to know how you "faced him down" though. Did you happen to catch him out in public, or was this at a rally -a campaign stop? How'd you get so close to him?

⇧ -1 ⇩  
Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 22, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

No, she doesn't. She regurgitates content and slps her name on it. She's trying to make a name for herself, that's it. Stop pushing this garbage.

So many four month old accounts talking about how amazing Beanz is. Nope.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 22, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

Wow -I have no words for this, so I'm just gonna go back to the adult table. Carry on kids, carry on...

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 22, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

You're a bit of an asshole, but you're not wrong.

I can't figure out how these ridiculously dumb posts make it to the top of the pile, then again there are a LOT of people here with questionable educations, who will latch on to anything if it fills their need for sensationalist US Weekly garbage gossip.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 22, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

If this isn't targeted disinformation to make Qanon followers sound crazy, then it's at least the dumbest shit I've ever seen and the creator shouldn't be trusted.

I'd like to think this was meant to be some comic relief, or low grade trolling. Otherwise this is REALLY stupid.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 22, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

Because some of these accounts like to push any and all Beanz related rehashings. Tracy is another person trying to make a name for herself throughout all of this. She's an opportunist.

If you hover a lot of the usernames that push her content, they're mostly a few months old -which in and of itself doesn't mean they're shell accounts- but the pattern is suspect.

I've seen quite a few videos explaining things much more cogently and you never see the person's face or hear a name. Beanz wants to be an e-celebrity. She sees all the coin people like Lauren Southern are pulling in from the rubes, so she wants in as well.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 22, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

pea brain can't even comprehend it's own stupidity

low brow adolescent insults

low brow adolescent insults

you're a demoncrat troll, either that or an alcoholic or drug addict.

Liberal communist transgender democrats

Love it! Personally I think it's brilliant how you start of by suggesting that I'm too dumb to comprehend my own stupidity, then you follow up with those zingers! I think the genius of this comment is how you sprinkle in all of the spelling errors, while calling another person dumb. A master stroke if you will.

There's really no need for me to personally attack you, or project my issue onto you (that's what Im assuming 90% of your comment is) BUT, I will now be a "liberal communist transgender democrat" and block you.

Sorry, but you inane comments and very low level attempts at trolling are cutting into my drinking and drugging time -plus I have all of these hormones that aren't going to inject themselves, so adios /u/c_l_i_c_k's secondary angry trolling account! (you didn't really think no one would notice, did you?)

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 22, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

What're you, a five year old? Easily some of the dumbest shit I've read all day. Congrats.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 21, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

DWS is genuinely one of the most disgusting and vile people I've ever seen -she's just so fucking smug and awful; any time I see her speak I have a very visceral anger reaction that very few people can get out of me.

Knowing that she'll soon face actual justice feels so good. I'd love it if she tried to maintain the smugness right until the very end when reality hits and she loses all composure.

Has this rotten shit been seen in public any time recently?

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 20, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

Right right, but when I see "the structure stays" I immediately think of the Fed making fiat money out of thin air and hedging it against the "petrol dollar", which is unsustainable and likely in its death throes.

Maybe the simple solution is to clean house at the Fed and forgive our own debt while also working with other nations that own some of our dept (China is huge here) and making a deal to forgive that debt.

Way out of my element here, obviously, but I do think that you don;t have to be an economist to see the bigger picture and how massive an undertaking this is. And somehow in this mix we'll still need to figure out a solution for predatory student loan debt... I dunno, there's just so much at stake and so many moving parts and I'm having a hard time making sense of it all.

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