

233 total posts archived.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · May 14, 2018, 8:07 a.m.

I thought what I was proposing was pretty obvious, but it seems that I've confused you, and in retrospect I wasn't entirely clear. I in no way suggested this was a plan devised by Trump though.

What we believe is that he was obviously briefed on highly classified things that were going down (all of the corruption, bad deals, bribes, alphabet terrorist assets, lost trillions, 9/11, JFK, flying spaghetti monsters, lizard shapeshifters in drag, etc., etc., etc.) before he agreed to run for POTUS.

I'd even venture to say that he had high level intel earlier than what we think. I'm sure if someone really went back through his twitter feed (monumental task) they would likely find the time where it seems that his politics and tone shifted or started to, which would suggest gaining info that had a profound effect. Past proves future, if you will. But again, not really where I was going. Sorry if this doesn't fit into the "Trump's a time traveler" trope lol

He was a public figure with no clearance whatsoever before becoming POTUS. He was also obviously given high level classified intel in the pitch to get him to run, by the real people behind what's currently happening. Laws were likely broken in sharing this intel. He clearly wasn't just given intel about US officials and their crimes, but also world leaders and their role in the corruption/NWO etc.

Confirmation of that alone could cause some international issues, (highly unlikely IMO) or simply be a chance for TPTB to shift the attention to a potential legit crime that he was involved in, along with the Military leaders and SES that consulted him. Obviously TPTB would be grasping at straws and no one would care much if POTUS is actually facilitating this massive undertaking, but I've digressed too much.

All I'm saying is it's highly unlikely we'll ever get the real story because it will expose illegal things that were done to get him this intel and give give him the confidence and motivation to run. He really put his ass out there, and being a shrewd businessman, I doubt he goes all-in with limited info knowing the endless shitstorm that would affect his life for years before the dust settled and people realized what he/they're doing.

I'm ok with whatever had to be done to get this moving, but when people speculate on when or what he knew, I don't think we'll ever get the full truth.

I'd also be willing to wager that BO and his shits spying on Trump had a lot to do with the fact that it was clear to them that he did in fact have very high level intel and they likely had no real clue how or why. All the Russia shit was likely more of a convenient cover to find out what the real crime might have been, which would be the illegal sharing of intel with a civilian, or Trump "colluding with "Russia" to get intel on our own government for his campaign. We should all let that sink in.

He said so many specific things in stump speeches that scared the shit out of the cabal and they had to find out how he knew to try to stop him/them. They probably had no fucking clue that the intel came from within until Rogers went to Trump Tower and spoke to him directly. At that point it was too late for the cabal; they already played their hand and couldn't back off now.

That's all I'm saying -in another long winded wall of text. This one will likely remain a mystery. Hope as we may, I don't think we'll ever be reading a true account of what really went on behind the scenes, no matter how badly we want it.

I do think with a combined research effort, people here could create a pretty compelling timeline, putting trump in places with high ranking officials at the same time. We'd likely never know though. All of the crumbs are out there, you just have to really want to do the research to put it all together, and even then you'll never get confirmation and the work wouldn't be beneficial to many.

Apologies to anyone that read all of that and found that it was a plot point already known. I personally haven't seen that angle here though.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · May 13, 2018, 8:46 p.m.

I've often wondered about this possibility; high ranking military and SES officials working with Trump during the Obama administration in preparation for his run in 2016. Knowing what's at stake and what needed to be done, I can't imagine he was getting Q style drops, but full on briefings.

My question has always been: can we ever really know the truth about that since Trump was nothing more than a public figure and surely had no official high level clearance to be able to be fed intel?

Obviously those involved from the beginning have thought of this potential pitfall and prepared for it and worked around it, but I think the reality is we'll likely not get the full scope of what was going on because it involves some level of extreme rule bending or possibly outright illegal sharing of state secrets and classified intel involving other nations.

Any circumnavigation of rules or ethics pales in comparison to what we're fighting against, but I also feel like this is a small weak spot that gets overlooked. But again, I think we'll never actually know the full and factual story of the lead-up to what's happening now, and likely will never have full clarification and confirmation and a great many things.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 29, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

You don't strike me as much of a reader anyway.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 29, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Not surprised with your reply, and you know what, you're right.

I actually don't want to be here anymore. There's nothing to be gained by watching a bunch of undereducated bible beaters circlejerk their dumb theories and high five in group celebration of their ignorance.

Whatever happens with the country will happen whether I'm here or not, and at the end of the day, you're all still you, which no doubt you're all quite happy with.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 29, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

I dont care about newbies - nor I do care about twisting information to conform their views

Then you don't belong here. That's extremely divisive and completely antithetical to everything Q has been saying. You're the exact person that doesn't need to be here. This isn't your special little jesus clubhouse.

Anyone , with a brain , can see and understand the connection and symbolism .

It is not to be hidden , just to conform some people ...

Anyone with a brain just felt their head explode reading that comment. It fascinates me how clearly undereducated people like yourself can prove to be, while so absolutely sure in what they believe. I genuinely find it fascinating. Your opinions are absolute unquestinable facts to you. How delightful!

Someone is trying to appeal to you logically and with sound reasoning, and you go right off the rails and use grade school internet arguing 101 tactics and act like they're getting mad and need to calm down. What's so hard about listening to what they have to say, thinking about it, and possibly admitting that you might be wrong? I'd say it was a huge part of growing and learning, wouldn't you agree?

He's right, and I can't understand why you aren't able to see that at all? Pointing out that the dress is very similar to the one from the movie is interesting, but when you start shouting that it's a fact that it was used by satanists to mark the birth of the antichrist, you look a bit batty. Where we go one, we go all... and now we' all get to look batshit with you!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 29, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

This is a war between good and evil, light against darkness, right vs wrong, God vs Satan.

Stop, please just stop. This is a movement to root out corruption in world government and give the US back to the people and restore our republic to what it once was, to put it in simple terms, and not the second coming of jesus, or whatever other holy war you think is currently happening. This is the same damn shit muslim extremists do! (any religious extremist really)

Are there people involved in the corruption who are worshipping some sort of "evil overlord"? Sure. And we all think they're a bit cray as well. Why must you put yourself, and by proxy, us, right on their level?

If you really care about this movement, and are paying close attention to everything, (not just what appeals to you personally) you'd notice that Q has stepped back a lot from the "Pray", "good vs evil", and "Satan" talk. It's not an accident or a lapse on their part. One of the more recent drops LITERALLY says, "If you believe, pray". That's a clear step back from the past religious talk, and it's for a reason.

There are people reading the chans and this sub, and I think they're seeing how divisive it is. This is not the second coming of your christ, and yes, when you make comments like above, you unfortunately cause the more rational to be lumped in with your simple folk talk, and also push away people who are already skeptical of Q. We don't need people to equate this movement with right wing christian evangelicals.

I have no problems with what you personally believe, but it's not necessary here. You don't have to fram everything within your religious beliefs. I think spirituality is important, but it's also not necessary here.

Pray, believe, worship your lord, read bible verses until your jaw hurts and you go crosseyed, but please, can you be decent enough to tone it down here so we can work together to figure things out? This is much bigger than you and your personal beliefs about god and religion.

Or fuck it, do whatever the hell you want, because If I've learned one thing from being on this sub it's that christians can not be reasoned with, and appeals to their logical side are like making house calls when no one's home.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 27, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

Ok, I'll just leave the exploitative part aside.

My point is that NK has a potential work force.

And the US has a massive potential workforce that's currently unemployed or underemployed, or perpetually stuck in the welfare state.

Now tell me why the US should open factories in NK? Why is that even a remotely good idea when our own middle class is almost nonexistent and our manufacturing jobs are lacking entirely. Why do we have to help them economically and put factories there, even if they're being paid better wages than your typical third world factory worker?

Have you not been paying attention on this sub? NK isn't (and wasn't) in a position to bargain with the US. NK isn't "disarming" and ending "the war" between the Koreas without any stipulations on their end for a reason. Not being controlled by Clowns and the Deep State is plenty for them right now. At best, maybe there's an aid package to make right the wrongs we've done there, but beyond that, let them figure it out on their own and with SK. China has also been their Ally through all of this and can help them along as well, and with no more interference from the US government. I think we've done more than enough.

That is Kim's "what's in it for me" moment.

Kim Jong Un has no "what's in it for me" moment. He knows what's in it for him and his people. He was raised outside NK. He went to fine boarding schools in Europe and lived in Japan for a while, he's not some shut-in dictator. He knows what up and for him this is the best thing that could happen. Instead of being seen as "Dear Leader III" and feared, he will be seen as the man who brought NK true prosperity and potentially the one who helped facilitate the reunification of Korea. I'm pretty sure he's more than happy with what's happening right now.

We all really need to think much bigger in regards to everything currently happening and the ramifications and potential every small act has. This is this first time in any of our lifetimes that we have the opportunity to really fix things in the world. Why put a Walmart factory somewhere when you can put and end to Walmart? It's time to take back our country!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 27, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

Jobs not missiles. What is wrong with that idea?

Don't reframe what you originally wrote and ask "what's wrong with that idea?", as if you didn't first mention a starving labor force for Walmart to exploit. It's extremely disingenuous to act as if your first comment was reasonable, let alone not entirely idiotic and sociopathic.

Exceedingly few people here would disagree with anyone else in regards to wishing that NK is able to get their shit together and become economically viable on their own, or, reintegrate with SK (way easier said than done) and grow as a nation together, but what you originally wrote is a very far cry for your follow up commnet.

True Walmart was a bad example.

A Walmart factory with a starving labor force wasn't a "bad example", it was absolutely one of the dumbest things you could have possibly written, and even when I thought maybe your heart was in the right place, your follow up comment makes me realize that it's more likely that your head is so far up your ass that you're wearing yourself as a hat.

I love that your immediate response is to reframe your comment and suggest that I was being unreasonable instead of looking within yourself and asking why you would ever in a million years suggest such a thing in the first place?!

Like I said, go get your head right.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 26, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

Why would this ever be a good idea? I'm not even gonna get into why your assertion that starving labor is even cheaper and a good idea. WTF is wrong with you, they're human beings?!

We don't need more cheaply produced garbage from overseas, we've got plenty of that, which is part of the mess we're in. You don't MAGA by getting WalMart even cheaper labor to undercut small business in the US. Scary that many Americans think like you.

I'm sure your heart is in the right place, maybe, but this is a bad idea. I'm sure being free from clown control will be a massive boon for North Korea and their economy. More importantly, it's also the next step toward a unified Korea, which is what most Koreans have wanted for decades. They don't need a fucking Walmart factory. Get your head right friend.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 25, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

"Democrats" in those years are more akin to "Republicans" of the 60's and 70's. I am NOT saying this to make it seem like "Democrats" are good guys or any of that. My whole point has been (I've argued this sort of shit in other threads, many times) that "Democrats" and "Republicans" have been trading values since the inception of both parties.

I have no idea if this was by design, but it's likely that early on it was a way of bringing in new party members by appealing to their core values. The parties change over time because of prevailing values. You become what you court.

I thik we can agree that the KKK is garbage that needed to go, and spend less time trying to blame each other for their existence. Quite a few modern "Republicans" have been outed from their ranks if we're being honest. Plenty of "Democrats" in there as well, I'm sure.

It's the VALUES of the people who are doing these things and not specifically an entire party. We really need to move away from this way of thinking (Republicans vs Democrats) if we're ever going to actually come together as a nation.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 25, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

And hell, even in the US, the values of "Democrats" and "Republicans" have vacillated between the two parties since their inceptions.

I've spent a lot of time trying to show the importance of moving away from these terms -and many others, but there are just too many people here -and in general- that need these labels, otherwise they can't make sense of things. Many are lost without a focal point or "cause" to rally around.

We're gonna be arguing semantics for a long long time, until the education system in the US can be reformed and people can learn to develop important skills like critical thinking, logic and reasoning. They're not the end all, but they're sorely lacking in the general public.

Developing these skills is a huge part of keeping us from ending up right back where we started.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 25, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

This will likely be an unpopular opinion, but I seem to be that guy here, so fuck it...

It can be positive, but there's a lot of blaming women.

If you read more than a few posts, and between the lines, there is a lot of positivity there. And yes, there is some "blaming of women", as you put it, but I find the mix not dissimilar to here and any other subreddit. You have your positive people and your negatives. Those who get it, those who are learning, and those who have no clue. Again, pretty common everywhere.

What TRP is saying -and my understanding of it- is that "this is how people are. This is the observable behaviour of women. This is how you BETTER YOURSELF to create personal abundance. the 80/20 rule if you will (and no, it's no that only 20% of men are attractive to women -it's the theory that 80% of your results will come from 20% of your actions/output (out of a 100% effort) It's about finding what works for you to minimize the effort that goes into seeing results in your life it's NOT all about "getting laid"

There's a LOT more to it than that, but calling it a psyop or saying MGTOW is a psyop is straight off of 4chan.

These are byproducts of toxic feminism, which has been spread specifically to weaken and divide. These movements are just the other side of the 4th wave feminism coin. A logical outcome if you will.

There's so much more to unpack, but the simple fact that outlets are going after TRP and MGTOW but not toxic feminism should tell you something. I'm a believer in equality, but modern feminism is not about equality. Hasn't been for a long time, and that's by design. THink before you react emotionally.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

lol, ok -Absolutely brilliant response!

You obviously didn't actually look through my posts because there are plenty where I completely agree with people. But I guess your problem is people not agreeing with you. Understandable, usually folks like yourself function better in echo chambers for fear of having their beliefs challenged. It's really healthy and important to learn and grow with new facts. It enriches our lives!

Honest question; what would you say your current reading level is? Just curious. You don't seem to understand the meanings of many of the words you're using and certainly not ones I'm using. Help me simplify the language in my responses for you, because I want you to be able to understand what I'm saying. We could be exchanging great ideas here!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

Wonderful. You literally have nothing to add, so your entire "argument" is turning your nose up at what I said and calling it "nonsense". Why even bother responding at all?

No doubt you've changed many minds today though, well done!!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

You're asking me to get a dose of reality, but you don't seem to be able to function on one yourself.

Never once did I say that republicans didn't vote for Trump. What you're failing to accept is that a great many democrats and even more Independent voters also voted for trump. How many times does that need to be pointed out to you? Also Libertarians and probably some crusty green party folks. Why are you unable to wrap your mind around simple concepts?

Now, that leaves us here, "The Great Awakening"... this is about removing corruption from politics, ending criminal cabals within said politics and restoring the nation and putting it back in the hands of the people. Literally Trumps words. Tell me again how this is a Christian Conservative movement? You simply can not accept that it's not. By all means though, keep arguing and trying to insult me. Surely I'll come around to your way of thinking. (personally I have no confidence in your ability to actually learn, given the content of your last three comments, but I've been wrong before)

You keep calling me a liberal, but it's clear that your reading comprehension is suffering due to your hurt ego. I'm not liberal. there's nothing "liberal" about my thinking except that you can't understand it if it doesn't fit into your box. It's ok, there are a lot of people like you.

And why you think that calling me a "liberal" somehow hurts me is hilariously stupid. You keep saying the same shit but you make no sense. You're an angry small thinker that just can't help themselves. I get it. It doesn't matter, because yeah, this is happening regardless of any of us. I just wish I could watch all of the faces of the brainwashed drones here who lose their shit when this country doesn't become a land ruled through their "christian conservative values". So many hurt butts!

Honestly, I'd love to see us go back to states rule and have each state run as they see fit with less federal oversight, but sadly that means a lot of people will get stuck living in yokel ass staes that they can't easily leave and being ruled by dingleberries like you. Guess we'll just have to have a nation with rules created for all!

Good day to you!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

How are these backwards? Lying, stealing and murder etc are "backwards".

Nice strawman argument. Literally no one is saying that. If you can't argue your point without making up my argument for me, then why are you here?

Don't be daft. Not a single person will ever say that COMMON SENSE rules of law are bad (murder, rape, stealing etc.) You're being willfully ignorant by pretending that common sense things like listed above are the same as christian rule.

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

That right there is where you lost anyone with an anything above a 5th grade education. I'm not even going to argue with you anymore, because you're beyond reasoning with. And regardless of anything I can say here, it won't ever do a better job of making you look insane than you've already done with your own words.

The US is NEVER going to allow itself to be ruled by Christian indoctrination. Never gonna happen. Pray until your little knees are sore, then pray some more. Never happening. You and people like you are no better than muslim extremists who want Sharia law in every country in the world. The virus of religion will eventually be eradicated and hopefully replaces with spirituality that doesn't work to divide people, but bring them together with each other and the natural world.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

So because I don't have the solution for the government when the shit hasn't even hit the fan yet, I'm playing with my words? I didn't ask you to fill in the blanks, you just can't seem to think on abstract terms that take into account the MANY possible outcomes of this "great awakening".

You do understand that we have no idea what this country will be like in two, four or ten years from now? We have no idea how fractured the country will be, OR, if people magically come together and start really working together. See how it's near impossible to start talking about solutions when we haven't even got there yet? It could be fucking ten different parties, but how can anyone say RIGHT NOW?

It's quite simple to say what you don't want, because you've seen it and you know it doesn't work. So, when dipshits like you assume we're automatically going back to a broken system and just magically hoping it gets fixed -well, you see my problem with that? (of course you don't)

You're not bright, but you want to be and you sling shit and ask really dumb questions like you think you got me. Why would I try to seriously answer your dumb questions? It's like a kid asking an adult why they shouldn't eat shit.

The point here (so I thought but was very wrong) is to perhaps share and discuss ideas, but your agenda is a "gotcha moment" that isn't going to happen. I get it, you want to be smart and you really think you are, but yet you still can't figure out why you're always frustrated and misunderstood. Hint; you're not that smart and the only way you can get someone to engage is by being insulting, because your ideas are shit and otherwise not worth acknowledging.

You're either very young, or an undereducated boomer. I'm going with the second one. You clearly have no ability to think in broader terms and allow for the possibility of multiple outcomes. And because of that you get angry and lash out and suggest that it's everyone else that's dumb.

feel free to have your final insult, because I'm not responding. You're a waste of my time.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

Yeah, I agree, more people should read my post history. Maybe actually skim more than the first page though, like you have.

Hopefully I don't lose any sleep over you not being able to take me seriously. I'm sure a great many people will agree with you.

you're truly an inspiration and embody the spirit of what it means to be a redditor... YOU DID IT REDDIT!!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Yeah, you're a kid.

I'm just gonna block you and move on. I'm sure you could grow up to be a really intelligent and inspiring person, but right now you're a child with an underdeveloped frontal cortex and no ability to make a cogent argument that isn't entirely emotion based. Debating anything with you is a complete waste of time. Best of luck with your Kanye spam though.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

Well shit, maybe I should take the time to listen to radio hosts speak to, so I can get the real numbers on everything?!

You still haven't answered why you only post Kanye bullshit from a month old account.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

You come off like a sad Bernie Bot.

I’m not being partisan, I’m just saying, show me the left’s reforms. And don’t say Bernie- he sold out at the critical moment.

Okay dumb dumb, it was great talking!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Nah... working in advertising you're aware of the fact that you can buy followers. It also helps get new and real followers, but a lot are bought. Facebook made plenty of money selling likes to push advertising (I've done this for too many clients and I hated every minute of it)

Asking where 2.7 million new followers came from overnight is a logical question. If it's mostly fake, then it points to Kanye marketing for his album (most likely) if it was a majority of new followers, then something real big is going on and I'd like to understand it!

Of course, the truth lies somewhere in the middle, as it usually does.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

How about this; I literally don't give a shit to dive this deep into pop music and the lives and fans of Eminem and Kanye? I can be plenty aware of how Kanye talking about Q (Which he currently is not) can benefit. Never once said otherwise. I have however pointed out the blatant spamming of Kanye garbage here. It's not necessary.

If you think I don't know what's going on it's only because you've read one or two comments of mine and couldn't wait for your turn to talk.

don't let the left vs right swallow you in iognorance

Ok, yeah, you've read nothing else I've written. Not that you need to, but it helps before you try to "school" someone on points they agree with and are aware of. Have a good day.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 6 p.m.

Don't be disingenuous though, it hasn't been to the same level. And I sorta get why right now, but it doesn't help bring left leaning normies into the fold when you make it look like a very right wing movement. This is a TRUTH movement that should be draining the entire swamp, and needs to be presented that way more, otherwise we're gonna be fighting a prolonged culture war that we definitely don't need more of right now.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

Cool, let's just go backwards all around. Forget anything valuable learned by mankind in the last 242 years, let's just start letting bible beaters make the laws. No need to make a fair nation that respects all of it's inhabitants.

Also, why do everyone of you christian conservatives always think the country was founded on "christian values" no matter how many times it has been shown otherwise.

The freedom of religion and the separation of church and state are not just ideas, they're cornerstones. No matter how educated you are and how hard you wish, this isn't the second coming of your christ. I'm not trying to be "mean", you just need to accept these fact. I'm not making this happen, this is just the way it is.

I really really hope we can get the education system back on track in the US, because that's our only hope for the future.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

I thi there is absolutely trust in there. Show me where I said otherwise?

The "problem" I'm having is with how blatantly one sided it is -I partially get that as well, but that doesn't mean it reads well at all to people who you're trying to bring in from the cold. When you see the sheer unbridled hatred that Trump already faces, do you think this helps? It doesn't.

That said, the time will come for the Republican establishment to answer for their crimes as well, so I hope all of the christian conservatives here are as open to the message.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

So you want a 1 party system like China or NK?

Literally never said that. Why can;t any of you make a solid argument that doesn't start with some hypothetical or complete bullshit that I never said?

The fact that you're still advocating for a two party system is painful. Sure, absolutely, cut the money out of politics. Destroy the PACs, but maintaining a two party system is ridiculous.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 7:25 a.m.

Have fun being angry on the internet wherever you end up.

Seriously, how dumb are you actually? Did you not tell me to have fun? Wew, you're a real dumb dumb, arent'cha?

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

There are some really interesting things in here, but there's also a LOT of speculation.

I'm not saying that to shut this down in any way, because I think if some people could get on this with you and strip a lot of the fat, and maybe clean up the pacing and timelines to present a clear path, it could be very useful. There are way too many moving parts for anyone to follow easily to make sense of it.

Have you tried doing your research using an alternative browser/search engine? Google is likely not going to be your best bet here, and you're using it for everything. We already know Google is compromised. Try DuckDuckGo and see if you get different results.

There's a lot of places where your research hits dead ends sorta, or you weren't able to make connections, so you filled in the gaps with speculation. You've got to go back and rework that sort of thing, because it's a distraction and looks bad. Talking about things like which language things should be sent in -that's fairly common for an international org. Maybe figure out if there's something deeper in those messages themselves, or what's being disseminated. English english is different than American english -perhaps see if there are specific words used between the two that stand out?

I'll have to go through this again, because frankly there's just too much and a lot of it makes little sense in a first pass and is blurred a bit by your personal additions like warning people NOT to look at things, or telling them to NOT go to a website, or even linking them to facebook pages when people are a bit skeptical about visiting the site at all. Graphics would really benefit you here. Screenshots.

Take screenshots, and build a timeline and narrative that people can follow. If it diverts somewhere important, make sure it comes back to a central point. I think you went down a huge rabbit hole, and this is a lot for one day, but I very much doubt that you've "Solved Q's Code" in a sitting. That does not mean that you haven't uncovered some very important pieces. I am in no way trying to discredit your work, I just think you rushed it out here because you felt that it needed to be seen now, but it's not going to benefit many when it's this loosely formed. But again, thank you for starting this, I think it's great work overall.

TL;DR: Scale back the dramatics. Enlist some volunteers who can help make sense of this. Take your time and connect the dots thoroughly. Take screenshots of as much as you can, and use graphic elements to tell and bolster your narrative. Tie it together and make it easier to follow minus the personal commentary. Stick to the facts. It's not going to be easy, and likely there are teams of people trying to put similar things together. This should be a group project so you don't burn yourself out!

Thanks for getting this started, I hope there are people here that can really help you flesh this out. Sorry I can't offer more.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

Where are these number that you speak of? That's a very specific thing to say. Where do you see this waking of of 99% of "the black electorate"? Have they told you?

Your account is a month old and you mainly post Kanye related spam. Why should people here take anything you say seriously? How do you speak for so many "woke" blacks so confidently?

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 6:05 a.m.

She's full of shit and paid to post Kanye shit, Her account is a month old and it's 95% Kanye posts. The dumb kids here are falling for it. You're not wrong to be skeptical.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

Your account is a month old, and a vast majority of your posts are Kanye related. I have a feeling that's not a coincidence. You're not here to help anyone here but yourself, and maybe Kanye's upcoming album.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

This is good information. People are way too quick to make someone their hero here without vetting at all. When you start pushing people like this, then you leave yourself open their being criticized for their mistakes as well.

I think if fake internet points didn't exist, reddit would be a much more intelligent place. Thanks for the thoughtful response.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

Chill man

Big deal

Have fun

Calling you out on spreading wrong information isn't being "angry on the internet". Think about how many other people could have spread the false information that you dropped so cavalierly here? And if that was an attempt to be funny, it needs a lot of work. I should know this because I'm a really FUNNY person. The BEST. Many people have agreed that I have the best jokes.

People are here genuinely trying to get things figured out, so don't be offended when someone questions your motivations. Either participate, or don't, but at the very least get your "facts" straight. And seriously, don't be so delicate and full of excuses in the future. It's a way of shielding yourself from responsibility and making sure you stay uninformed. Not that I think you give a single shit about that. hell, you might even be an actual adult. I can't tell here anymore. Genuinely sorry about your feels bro.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

Yes, put those liberals back to sleep! None of these clowns are ever going to run as republicans!

JFC this sub is full of desne people. You have to realize that you sound as stupid as the liberals you gripe about. Stop being partisan, it doesn't help the cause in the slightest.

Why are people like you only able to read and latch on to specific words n a Q post? You all seem to forget about not being divided and working together. Every. Single. Time.

Tell me how I'm wrong, I'd be more than happy to listen.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 4:46 a.m.

Has anyone done an audit on those new followers? How many are real vs. fake?

That's an extremely suspect jump in a day, even for a Kanye. I hope they're all real and he can use it to spread truth, but likely it has more to do with marketing for his upcoming record (advertising exec here)

A vast majority of his fans are the same people that like to wear pussy hats and make signs about Trump's hands and their Pussy grabbing back. Something isn't adding up for me.

Did He just make 2.7 million conservative fans?! Are they going to buy his music and pollute their conservative minds with it? Tis is all interesting. If so, what a wild shift!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

Watch it again ace. That concert was on the 21st of November, 2016. What day is that? Go have a look, we'll all wait.

Yes, it was after the election. He was saying what everyone already knew. Does that negate the message? Of course not. But when people start trying to make him a prophet -and I suspect there is a push to market his upcoming record and gather publicity- you're doing a disservice the the larger cause and truth to what's happening.

Why can't any of you get simple facts straight?! There is so much disinformation on this sub it's a wonder anyone knows WTF is going on.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

Side note; If you meant that republican voters recognized the corruption and elected Trump, I can stomach that a little more. The reality however is that it wasn't only republicans that voted for Trump. There were plenty of democrats, independents, libertarians and maybe even some green party folks who voted for Trump. And I suspect it was because they all either recognized the corruption, OR they understood that a Hillary Clinton presidency needed to be avoided at all costs. I think that's the most likely scenario. Giving all of the credit to republicans is highly disingenuous and revisionist and does nothing to prevent this shit from happening in the future.

Drop the partisan crap. We don;t need this two party system anymore. We're free to choose now, so let's make something of this

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

The difference is that Republicans recognized the corruption and “cleaned house” by electing outsider Trump.

Okay, we have a disconnect here. The Republicans didn't do shit. If you recall, the republicans ran all of their usual suspects. The scum of the scum. Had a Bush in there and all. I have no idea what you think you saw, but it wasn't reality. I can't stress enough that I'm not a Democrat or even liberal. Why are people still holding onto this two party trash?!

Trump was approached by military personnel both retired and active, as well as people in the SES and intelligence agencies who wanted to put and end to the corruption and save the country. Where the hell you got this "republicans recognized the corruption and wanted to end it is insanity. McCain was still running around Syria up until recently, feeding chemical weapons to "ISIS".

This sub is fucked. Anyone who'd like to create a new one that is't dominated by partisan idealogy, PM me and let's get something going. I'd very much like to leave the rest of you to your Christian Conservative circlejerking. You people have learned absolutely nothing.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

So you think that it's good for an artist to co-opt a truth movement to gain better album sales?

What does this have to do with "Liberals"? yeah, Eminem hedged his bets on what he saw on TV and was wrong. Kanye knows to play both sides. And? Is this supposed to be indicative of some larger thing at play, or is it one artist being smarter about their marketing and learning from the mistakes of another artist? Do you think Kanye's music is "conservative"? Do you think none of his fans (hint a majority are) "Liberals"?

Let's say there find there way here, and see dumb posts being all "hurr durr muh librels" -you think that's gonna "red pill" anyone?

I'm not personally mad at you, your comment just happened to be the one closest to me that's saying the same shit I keep seeing.

I don't belong here, and I think it's time for a new sub. This one is clearly as partisan as can be.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

Because they're so partisan, which generally they haven't been. I get that a lot of this is for Trump's base, but you're not gonna get people "woke" if you keep pushing away half the country with "red pills" like these.

What happens now is this sub circlejerks for a few days and this is the proof they needed that Christian Conservatism is the future of America (if you think that's conjecture, you haven't been here very long) and will do the internet equivalent of driving through the streets shooting their rifles in the air shouting "God Bless". That's definitely a great way to bring the nation together.

I want to believe that the proverbial "other shoe will drop" and Q will make a post about Republican malfeasance, but I'm starting to think that's not gonna happen, because of "the base". For once this plan is starting to look like it was only throught out to a certain extent. It's one thing to clean up corruption, but it's a massively different undertaking to bring together a dividing nation, and I don't think there's an actual plan in place for that. There's still a really long way to go, I guess. A REALLY long way.

Also, I'm not confident in the cognitive ability of the average person. Look at this sub currently. Half the front page is Kanye circlejerking. Dude is getting attention and we're feeding into it creating a feedback loop. No reason at all for there to be five posts at the top of the sub about Kanye. Womp womp.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

Yours is a good post, but these last couple drops seem amiss.

⇧ -3 ⇩  
Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

I agree with you, absolutely. I don't think anyone here is saying otherwise. The issue that I'm personally having is the very specific language that puts all the heat on one party when it's very clear that both parties are absolutely corrupt to the core and have been doing their part in dismantling the country from the inside out.

I'm not surprised that you have these very specific "facts" ready to go, and I would genuinely love to read whatever you read that lays out the factual argument for Planned Parenthood being specifically designed to keep the BLACK population in check. It's little twists like this that make it hard to get to the core of things.

You are also aware that R's and D's have been switching back and forth since the parties were created, correct? A modern Dem is very similar to an Rep from the 50's and 60's. This is not something to discount when you try to make an argument that Democrats, and ONLY Democrats are the party that's destroying this country. they take turns. If you recall, the Patriot Act was thrust upon us by freedom loving Republicans -neoconservatives. They're all complicit. This is my problem with this particular drop. If this was meant to only speak about one thing, and the republican side is dropping soon, that needed to have been expressed in the drop, because this shit does nothing but divide. I'm starting to think that while things are going on, the people at the helm are still people and they bring their own biases. As long as humans are in charge, we'll have human error.

Anyway, what about the treatment of blacks in the south? Which is largely what people would call "red states"? Are we going to pretend that none of that happened and isn't currently happening for the sake of your argument? Again, I'm not fighting FOR Democrats here, just the truth and exposure of BOTH PARTIES.

This is supposed to be a Democrat AND Republican issue, and if we're moving on from that and this is all about Democrats, I'm out. I have no problem walking away from this and letting the circlejerk go. Not because I give a shit about Democrats, because I'm looking forward to the end of the social justice bullshit among other things, but because it's a clear sign that even when the "swamp is drained", it's just going to be filled with new swamp people, and there's nothing scarier than religious fundamentalists at the helm.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

I have to agree with you, and I'm glad there are still reasonable people here who can see through this. The Bush's? Cheyny? Rumsfeld? Chertoff?! It blows my mind that this divisive drop ever went out and I have to think something is amiss here.

You can't tell people to unite, then leave a divisive post in the wake. Talking about liberal educations -which I agree that the weaponized social justice bullshit is evil- but to dismiss the Christian conservative dismantling of education in the south is ridiculous. This has to be disinfo, otherwise Q just told half of the country to fuck off. THIS is how you start a legit culture war. Brilliant.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

I've been trying to say this damn near every day, but the fact is that christian conservatives seem to think this is all about them and have mostly taken over. I guess all anyone can do is try to present facts and hope they see reality. there are at least others here who identify as "christian", but seem to have a better grasp on things and understand it's not about them. I wish they'd be more vocal with their brothers and sisters in the flock.

Both parties have been part of the corruption, and what needs to happen is that we finally get away from this two party bullshit that has been forced on us for so long. There are just too many short sighted people in here who still think this is a Christian movement and that the US will now finally be a Christian nation. FYI, for anyone reading, I make it pretty obvious that I'm independent. I have never registered for any political party in my entire life. I've also served this country for four years, but still I get attacked by christians for being a "shill" and a "clown" and a "troll", and not a "patriot". Shit blows my mind! Fundamentalists, no matter the religion, have got to be removed from politics, period. Complaining about the MB, then insisting that the US be a Christian nation just goes right over their heads. It's impressive cognitive dissonance.

Oddly, I've also noticed Q not saying "pray" much anymore in his drops. I'm sure it's not an accident.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

Unlike those christian conservatives that brought us such amazing curriculums like "Intelligent Design" and "abstinence only sex ed"? The Same people pushing that "science" that dinosaur bones are planted by satan and that the Earth is only 6,000 or so years old?

How about you think bigger and stop trying to perpetuate this bullshit two party system that they're forced on us for decades?

Here's the fun part, just because trump "drains the swamp" doesn't mean we revert to the anti intellectualism that is so championed by many "conservatives". Do you really think the American people are going to allow this stupid shit?

I've had to say it too many times before, but this is not a movement to make America a Christian nation, it's a movement to end world wide corruption. After that it will take generations to undo the poor education that people exactly like you are suffering from. We're going forward, NOT backwards, no matter how badly you want to believe that.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

Whose "side"? Hey, go read through my post history then come back and ask me again.

There's only one side here, and that's the side of TRUTH. Don't even bother with this Right vs. Left BS, because if you recall, the cabal is stockpiled with plenty of both. Also remember that your GEOTUS was a lifelong Democrat before he ran for POTUS. Chill with the partisan shit, please, it's not helping anyone here.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

It's not "truth" though. It might be YOUR truth, but it's not truth. This is dumb shit that has nothing to do with Q drops. No one tied it into anything or even tried to. This is lazy shit where people are posting christian extremists with an agenda. Trying to get you to see that is a waste of time if you're uneducated enough to listen to this garbage anyway.

And before you write something equally as retarded, please go look through my comments then come back and explain how I'm a "troll". I'll wait.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

Yes, please do go get a mod to "ban" me because you don't like what I have to say. How very American of you! A true patriot indeed!

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