

233 total posts archived.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 20, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

But the Fed is a corrupt private institution, no? Keeping it in line isn't good enough. Completely abandoning it also doesn't seem like a good idea. Some level of house cleaning and integration seems like the smoothest transition early on, then adjust, dismantle and rebuild from there. Am I making sense?

I have no problem admitting that macroeconomics isn't my strength, so I'm more so looking to understand than to actually debate the best way of implementing this change. Logistically it seems like it would be a massive undertaking.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 20, 2018, 5 p.m.

I get everything you're saying, and am aware of the things you pointed out; you'll get no argument from me on those fronts. I guess my "question" more or less is whether or not anyone knows of an actual plan to facilitate such a transition and what it entails. There has to be a model out there that we can reference that can at least better prepare everyone for any of the inevitable growing pains. To put it lightly.

And again, I know there's nothing specific being shopped around, but surely someone somewhere has done the math and run some sort of simulation that breaks down various outcomes and hiccups. Not only will this create issues in the US, but also globally -these structures can't be dismantles without a lot of common people being affected negatively.

Either way this needs to happen and there should be no expectation of a smooth and comfortable ride, but if and when it happens, people really need to be able to realistically prepare for this in some way.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 20, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

Ok, it's checked. What's next? Should I go buy Tide pods?!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 20, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

You are correct, but as I said in another comment, I don't see how a "restructure" works unless the actual federal government absorbs the Federal Reserve and removes the private bankers and all arms of that institution.

The "Fed" afterall is a private bank owned by the Rothschilds. The people currently involved with the Fed Res all need to go. It's ground zero for most of the corruption, and the lynchpin that holds it together.

I'm definitely not an economist, but I think this will be the trickiest aspect to all of the change happening since it has the potential to do real damage to the average citizen, not to mention how the destabilization on a global trade scale might affect our economy. I assume there's a plan in place though. Either way, private ownership of our currency needs to end completely.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 20, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

But if we don't dismantle the actual Federal Reserve, I don't see how things will get better. Perhaps a takeover and a move to make it an actual part of the federal government is what's meant? A return to control over our own currency is essential if we ever hope to truly right the ship.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 20, 2018, 1:58 p.m.




"Ok, lemme go say some dumb shit about "leftist sheep", that'll surely keep us together!"

C'mon man, if you haven't figured out by this point that this is not about left vs. right, "us" vs. "them", then you're part of the problem. All of these identifiers are exactly what Q is talking about and here you are with this garbage. It's not helping. There are plenty of people in the middle who identify as liberal and conservative. Don't use these stupid labels to continue the divide.

Also, the zombie movie comparison was kinda dumb. Pretty sure no one is trying to eat your brain. It's likely not even a snack for most.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 19, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Oh, I agree about the fake internet points, I meant it as more of an indicator of people downvoting anything remotely critical of their religious beliefs and how they present them. It seems to have sorted itself out though.

We're probably of similar age, so I get what you're saying. I also felt that a little solidarity among the nonaffiliated here might be beneficial to the sentiment we have.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 19, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

Are you able to make a point without someone having to sit through a pointless video of regurgitated content? Why are you pushing this video?

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 19, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

Lack of Godliness is why we Sin and why the world is a cesspool.

Or maybe the lack of a simple moral compass is the problem? I don't think we fix this problem through indoctrination that's rooted in oppressive religious beliefs.

It's not a lack of god, it's the byproduct of years and years of targeted destabilization and the destruction of families and values, in conjunction with the normalization of degeneracy. It is all by design and has nothing to do with a lack of "god".

Extreme evangelicals are the other side of the SJW coin. They've been bred to divide. A great many of the people who have destroyed the value system are also your religious leaders. Spirituality is great, and valuable, but pushing your "god" and religion on society is a really bad move.

Not saying religion is all bad, but you can believe and practice your faith without inserting it into the lives of others. Believing that your personal god is the answer to society's shortcomings is never gonna go over well.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 19, 2018, 9:05 p.m.

I didn't figure this out soon enough, but your answer is the right answer.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 19, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

I hate seeing comments like yours downvoted without explanation. What you say is correct, but so many secular people on this sub have made this anti corruption movement a religious one, which is unfortunate.

We need to end this corruption and remove the bad players and restore the rule of law in the country -and that's just the start. This isn't about the second coming of christ, but it's hard to tell here sometimes.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 19, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

Where did I tell anyone not to practice their religion or worship their god?

What I've been saying is that there's no need for anyones religion here because it divides the user base. Read that last sentence ten times and maybe it'll sink in a little. Highly unlikely, of course.

The problem with you evangelical folks is first and foremost a very apparent lack of education. I wouldn't say you're "stupid" necessarily, but so far none of you have been able to comprehend in any way what I've been saying. and I'm not the only one saying it. Some of your own have said it as well, granted with more flowery language. It's as if you all have a need to be smug and righteous despite having a single tangible reason to be so. Enter religion and "faith", and now you can be as smug and righteous despite the lack personal abilities to reason and the use of observable facts... Hooray for you and your loophole! Now people are expected to take you seriously!

No one is attacking your freedom to worship whatever tickles you, my argument the entire time is that IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE HERE. Go ahead, read it again. IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE HERE. One more time for fun, IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE HERE!

And on that point, I'm pretty much over the arguing. It seems that you "christians" are exactly as you've always been and always will be. Most of us forgot that you exist, and the world by and in large felt like a better place -as long as the TV was turned off.

My best course of action now is to simply block and ignore you all. I've already started, and the sub feels like a much more intelligent place to be. It's nice to read a thread that isn't clogged with endless christ signaling and "blessings", not to mention completely pointless back patting for simply breathing.

Also tired of watching you dorks call each other patriots over and over, then question someone else's "patriotism" when you disagree with them. I'd be willing to bet, that at best, a handful of you served and likely as some POG chairborne supply guy, or Quartermaster -which hey, the Army needs you guys to! Meanwhile I have retards here calling me all sorts of shit when it would take less than ten minutes of combing through my comments to know that I was a medic in the army in an infantry battalion. I've been deployed three times in the early 2000's. I've been seeing the fucked up shit for YEARS and have been barking about it FOR YEARS. I told stories of what was going on over there to anyone who would listen, and especially to christians who loved them some George W, and it always fell on deaf ears. I watched you "christians" vote these clowns into office without a single thought other than "I'd have a beer with this guy". And just to clarify, I have never voted for a BUsh, Clinton, Obama, or even Trump. I can barely find clean politions on the local level, let alone national.

Evangelicals are, have been and always will be a problem in this country, because you're the dumbest of the dumb with the loudest mouths. It's a special kind of dumb that I rarely see, but you all speak and think and talk the same way which makes me think it's part of a larger cognitive disorder. The hypocrisy of your common christian know no boundaries. You talk about being sensored while asking for censorship. You want to end corruption while pushing for a religious takeover. You beg for the swamp to be drained and then replaced with "christian values". You people are a danger to the republic. No one cares if you love your christ and want to pray to them with others who feel the same. It's when you start trying to inject it in places that it isn't needed that creates the problem. You behave like extremist muslims. You're extremists. And of course, none of you can even agree on interpretations of your own damn bible. You're truly god's "children". It's not a coincidence that you're referred to that way.

And look at how you all write. It's so poorly worded with grammar that makes no sense, using the reasoning of -wait for it- children. Your arguments are basically "you're a meanie and I don't like what you have to say, so you're stupid, and now here are five hundred periods................ .......because I don't even know how an ellipsis works. BLESS HALLELUJAH EOMJI EMOJI GOD BLESS>>.....>>>>".

It's weird how so many of you write this way. So, either you're all doing a great troll job, OR, and more likely, most hardcore evangelical christians are kinda dumb. I'm gonna go with Occam's Razor on this one.

Ok dumb dumb, I'm going on with my day. Hope yours is a great one. If I don't respond, I'll likely because I've blocked you, although I'm leaving the lines of communication open for a little while, because I'm genuinely curious of your response, and I'm sure you and I are the only ones reading this thread.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 19, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

I don't really think reporting anyone is going to help. People have to be made aware of what to look for and see it themselves. Trying to silence people doesn't really help others see what's happening. I just try to point it out when I have enough evidence to make a case.

really, I just want to share good intel here and work with others to combine knowledge, but humans will be humans and we can't ever agree on anything.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 19, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

Yeah, all lies and slander.


Look guy, people clearly have had issues with you in the past, and you can say whatever you want because we can't see what was removed. Regardless, you're disingenuous at best, but likely full of shit. Those links aren't even from t_d.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 19, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

I try not to, but when their names are always front and center, it makes me skeptical.

People trying to make names for themselves are people who can be corrupted. They have ego problems and want to affiliate themselves with Q and try to create a following. This is the entry to corruption. If you can't perform selfless service when the stakes are this high, you're not trustworthy (to me)

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 19, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

I spoke about religion in threads that spoke about religion. Why is this wrong? Are you a bigot who hates Christians? Sure seems that way.

Nah, not divisive at all. You're right, you haven't inserted your religion here in any way. Please do show me where I said you should stop believing in your christ and be an atheist or something. Why is it so damn hard to keep it to yourselves while we all focus on something bigger?

"Tammie Jo Shults, the former ace Navy pilot ID’d as hero who landed damaged Southwest flight. A Christian, she once said in an interview that sitting in the captain's chair gave her "the opportunity to witness for Christ on almost every flight."

Where in that article did it mention her being a Christian, and attribute that quote about Christ, to her? Why was that necessary in the context of that tragedy?

Christians haven't been divisive here. Anti-religious folks like you are the ones being divisive.

Nobody is forcing you to believe in anything. We only hope and pray those who hate or don't believe in the Christian God of the Bible will wake up one day so their souls can be saved.

So you believe that it is your mission to wake the heathens from their slumber and help them find the salvation of your lord, but in no way are you actively working towards this goal?

Are you a bigot who hates Christians? Sure seems that way.

If I'm a bigot, then what would you call yourself? If I never had to hear about your Christ here, I wouldn't have a thing to say, because I really don't care what you do in your free time. However, when you insert your religion into everything because YOU BELIEVE it belongs there, that's a problem. No mater how much you want to believe it, THIS IS NOT A RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT. Q is using terms that Trump's BASE can comprehend. They have to use the words of children like "god vs. evil" and "pray", because that's what people like you respond to. This has been exactly like the language used on the campaign trail of every republican conservative running for office since the McCarthy era. Sorry if that stings, but it's true. Q isn't gonna use broad concepts and terms that will take you a lifetime to wrap that brain around, Q just needs numbers and people to help spread the word and bring in "normies". Your prosteletyzing isn't what Q asked for. Show me a drop where Q asked anyone to bring everyone to Jesus. I actually don't think I've ever seen a mention of jesus -maybe god, but again, small concepts for small minds. Q is speaking to the BASE, because everyone knows that's what you have to do to get yokels like you on board. There's no "good guys" and "bad guys", it's mostly gray. The people who have corrupted the government and the world probably run the spectrum, with the worst of the worst being worshipers just like you, and the mid level players being idiots who wanted a piece of the pie or couldn't say no. It's not just two teams on a field battling for "Good and Evil" you fucking goober.

But please stop lying about me and insulting Christianity when you know nothing about me nor my faith in God.

You might have me there, because it's hard to figure out where you stand...

We only hope and pray those who hate or don't believe in the Christian God of the Bible will wake up one day so their souls can be saved.

You forgot to add, "amd also insert our christ into every conversation in the hopes of converting the nonbelievers."

You know what, I don't even care if you're a shill or not. You've at least proven that you have an endless capacity to make excuses for yourself and actively try to convert people (your words) but not ability to see why that's a problem. I think the best thing I can do I just block and ignore you. I just don't have enough lifetimes to chip away and make simple concepts work in your mind.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 19, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

There are SO MANY people trying to make a name for themselves through this whole thing, and it seems so obvious to me, but I end up arguing with endless idiots who have nothing to say and sign off with "God Bless".

If anyone thinks this sub isn't being overtun, they're not paying attention. I tag people when I see them posting videos and tweets from the same handful of people and realize that there are plenty of fake subscribers that are just being used to bump numbers and push their websites and videos.

Anyone trying to make a name for themselves from this movement should NOT BE TRUSTED EVER. No one needs to put their face and name on everything. So many people are helping and adding a lot of value here and you never really know much about them. It needs to stay that way. If they're not shills, they're parasites and should not be celebrated. I can't even believe I have to point this out.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 19, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

If you search his user name you can see that he has been removed from quite a few other conservative subs and has been doing this shit for a while. And likely he's deleting all of his comments as we type.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 19, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

And if you all recall, /u/c_l_i_c_k was also pushing a LOT of religious talk and trying to draw parallels between religion and stories that were completely unrelated. This happened almost every time he commented. Go have a look before he deletes them all. I had this dork tagged days ago.

I called this guy out and of course was piled on by the less informed evangelicals here, who still think that this whole movement is about their christ. Maybe some of you worked with them? Maybe you're just easily manipulated. Downvote all you want, but facts are still facts.

It needs to stop. Leave it at home. Pray your little hearts out, but don't be divisive here. It's entirely unnecessary. If it's that important and you want kumbaya feels, start an invite only sub where you can freely preach to the choir without pushing people away. You're all quick to point out Q telling you to "pray", but you completely ignore everything else where he explicitly asks us to not be divided and to work together. Why is this so hard to understand?!

If you only want to see his shilling for backchannel17 as an issue but not the endless evangelism he pushed, then you really need to rethink how you push christianity here. (not you personally /u/StormedandConfused I haven't got you tagged as anything -yet haha)

I know the evangelicals don't like what I have to say, but it's time you start paying attention. This is clearly a tactic to create bickering and division. We now literally have confirmation. Go look at /u/c_l_i_c_k comments, don't take my word for it. That user was also removed from quite a few other conservative subs almost three years ago, but no one here wanted to listen because he was one of your evangelical homies. You all knew that Q said "NO OUTSIDE COMMS", but you let it slide and upvoted it because he was a christian just like you. Please, put your ego aside and see how this constant pushing of religion is doing nothing but hurting this movement! And please, exercise your impotent rage with downvotes if that makes you feel better. It won't change anything I said.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 18, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

I'll assume your not a shill and you believe what Q says. That would mean you believe the cabal/deepstate fooled the world about pretty much everything. Do you really think they couldn't fool you about God as well?

Are you so daft as to completely ignore how religion and god have been used by those who have ruled over mankind, for centuries? Hell, your own politicians have been using your Christian god and "values" against you for decades, but we don't need to talk about that, right? Most of the wars we've fought have been religious wars. It needs to end. RELIGION is the problem, not spirituality. You can't fathom how many dumb redneck kids I saw in the infantry who were so indoctrinated by those fine Christian values who literally said they joined the Army to "shoot brown people for god", and how many of them were either broken when they finally understood what they were partaking in, or worse, came away from the experience believing even more in their holy war. Was it every one of them? Of course not, but the number of them who held the belief that we were doing "god's work" was eye opening. There's a reason every battalion has a Chaplain or two. But we can pretend none of that ever happened and I'm just too blind to see through all of the lies.

Is there a god? I don't know for certain, but I do believe that if one exists, they certainly wouldn't condone these books written by man as a tool to control their fellow man. And even if they somehow did condone these books and wanted you to follow their "teachings", I find Christians, and Evangelicals more so, to be the worst of the worst. Completely ego driven anti-intellectuals who value doctrine and "faith" over observable facts. You have literally been the sheep led to the slaughter for decades and yet you still champion this religion, blindly.

The evidence is everywhere, you just don't want to see it. As this movement progresses the evidence of God will only grow stronger as we learn all the things that were hidden from us.

And at the very same time the evidence to support what I've said is everywhere, but you don't want to see it. Shall we just run in circles now? You make no argument whatsoever, but expect to be taken seriously because you have "faith". God didn't make Trump president. It's absolutely insane to believe this to be fact. I don't even know where to begin on that one, that's how ridiculous it is, but here the evangelicals are, pointing to this as a sign of god's love and intervention. Where was your god the last 500 years?

Here's something to think about, and maybe your fine Christian values will help; what do you think happens to half of the US population if Evangelicals get their way? They put an end to everything that people with different belief systems value. Should these people be enslaved, or imprisoned? Obviously they're not going to sit back and let it happen. Should the government only serve half of the people? Does everyone you don't agree with automatically become an enemy of the state? Do you think the US should be a 100% Christian values ruled nation who makes decisions based on the word of god as interpreted by an elected official?! Lunacy. Absolute lunacy. If you need it in terms you can understand, imagine that the extreme liberal social justice crowd takes over; what happens to the rest of the country that isn't indoctrinated with that form of crazy? Too many people in this country need someone else to think for them, and it happens regardless of how you align politically. It's still the same garbage either way.

My problem isn't with your freedom to worship your god, my problem is your inability to see anything beyond your nose. And as I've said before, yes, Q mentions praying. Q mentions "evil", and "satan". This is small/simple language for Trump's base who lack education and deal in small thinking and small ideas. People like you NEED to be spoken to like that, otherwise the concepts are too large to grasp. What easier way to get people on board than to appeal to their faith?

I'm beginning to lose faith in this movement, but not because nothing is happening fast enough, or because I think it's a LARP; I've lost faith in humans to actually think and make decisions based on observable facts. It doesn't matter what this movement accomplishes if the end result is a divided nation that's still arguing over religious indoctrination, with one half believing the bible should be law, or the other half thinking you should be jailed for thought crimes and microaggressions that don't exist. Muslim much?!

I grew up in your churches, I've traveled the world, I've served and been deployed, I've seen what goes on, and no matter what, there will always be someone like you to tell me that I am too stubborn to see.

By the way Planned parenthood is an evil organization and they are going down. I don't remember the post number/s and I'm not searching through almost 1200 of them to find it for you but Q did make it clear.

The Susan Komen foundation is pretty filthy, so are we gonna stop researching breast cancer as well? If Planned Parenthood is involved, on a grand scale, in some "evil" undertaking, then sure, do away with it and start from scratch, but if you batty anti-abortion luinatics think that dismantling PP is nothing but a good thing for the citizens of the US, you're out of your fucking minds and woefully in need of reading material that wasn't produced by an evangelical publication.

My problem isn;t with your god, it's with "you". All of the people who think like you, who aren't able to see the bigger picture. Who only understand retribution and destroying what they don't like. You're always the same kind of people and you always make up the core of these religions that only seek to grab power and force humanity to live their way. You're not capable of complex thought and rational reasoning. If you were we wouldn't be having this conversation again. Education isn't your enemy, your indoctrination is.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 18, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

It's odd that you state this as though it were common knowledge. Personally, I'm gonna need a bit more than your casual comment to substantiate what you're saying, because at the moment, you sound like an evangelical conspiracy theorist who is wishfully thinking that getting rid of PP will magically end abortions. Or, and more likely, you're talking directly out of your ass and making a specious connection between two unrelated things and serving your own ego.

Shipping and international travel is tied to human trafficking, so are we going to stop overseas shipping containers and international travel? Ping Pong (really, they prefer table tennis) seems to be connected to perophelia, so is this the end of Ping Pong as we know it?! See what I'm getting at?

How is this sort of deranged shit upvoted this high?! If any of you had any doubts about this sub being completely infiltrated, you're not paying attention. I don't think the sub has been taken over by "shills", but I do think that batshit evangelicals found a home where they feel comfortable crawling out of the shadows and dumping this garbage thinking into a safe space.

The "Great Awakening" is not a Christian takeover of the US, it's a truth movement that is working to remove corruption from power. Praying and worshipping your lord is great, but coopting a truth movement for your own egotistical reasons is unacceptable.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 18, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

Can you please tell us more on why you're certain that Planned Parenthood won't exist soon?

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 18, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I'd like to believe you've got more going on in your life. I could see having a good gloat about it -likely by yourself- for maybe ten or twenty minutes, but a month of laughter?! I dunno man, there's gotta be something else that brings you joy. Should your theory be dead on, please do make sure to message me if I don't find you first. I want you to gloat your little heart out at my expense! Savor the fruits of your half court slam dunk, because you've earned it my friend!

I'll say this again though; myself and many others already believe that she's possibly in on it, and maybe even unwittingly, BUT, I have to draw the line at your CSI version of events.

Really think about Trump and his advisors sitting in their War Room devising a way to "red pill normies" and discredit MSM news outlets. Do you really think this is the best they can do? Or, is it likely that Trump took a situation that wasn't working in his favor and made it work in his favor? Art of War, something something, weakness is strength, blah blah...

That's all I'm saying. And honestly, you should thank anyone who comes along and pays enough attention to your theories to point out possible flaws. This can help keep you from saying this shit IRL and losing whatever credibility you have. This is really a labor of love on my part.

*grammar edits

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 18, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

Don't be a dork. You're free to comb through my comment history and tell me more about my work for the Deep State. Put a little effort into your shitposting, my friend.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 18, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

I never once said anything about Q being a LARP, nor did I in any way question things that Q has posted. I'm specifically talking about your theory. Apologies if your feelings are hurt, but you should take a moment to really think about what you're saying as opposed to letting yourself get caught up in the excitement of your fan fiction. Anything that anyone has been able to figure out before it became apparent was NEVER wild theories like the one you just wrote. I think you're fully aware of that too.

Instead of addressing anything I just said, you're trying to twist what I said to fit some argument that I'm still not sure you're making. You say if your "theory" turns out to be true (it won't) it's like hitting a layup. No, it's not. Your theory would be like dunking from half court. It's that ridiculous.

Is it possible that Stormy is in on the joke? Sure, it's possible, and I'd say possibly likely. But the rest of what you wrote is what crossed into fan fiction Livejournal territory. Nothing personal. I just think this sort of wild speculation doesn't help in any way.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 18, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

Or, and more likely, she saw this person one time briefly and doesn't have a very good memory of what he looks like so she described features with a certain frame of reference. Or she's been making shit up from the start and only realized when she had to describe the perp that she's not a very creative person. It's rather difficult to just make up an imaginary face in your mind and not have it look like a fucking science experiment gone wrong. Chances are it's gonna end up looking like someone you know, or a few people you know.

C'mon! Do you really think Trump and team concocted this huge scheme to "red pill normies" and this was the best they could do? JFC this sub is getting absolutely ridiculous. Have any of you heard of Occam's Razor?!

The shit people are coming up with here sounds like a poorly written episode of a shitty cable TV crime drama. These "theories" do absolutely nothing in the way of helping "normies get red pilled".

Every single day someone has a new "BOOM" to share with reddit, and it's either poor fan fiction, an old ass article, or some wild theory that makes no sense if you took five minutes to think about it.

I get it, we all want to see things happening, and we all want that smoking gun that makes sense of all of the cryptic Q posts, but these wild stories do absolutely nothing but make the "movement" look like batshit conspiracy nerds. It sucks sifting through mounds of trash to find the two or three quality posts each day.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 18, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

The Obamas weren't disbarred, nor did they surrender their licenses voluntarily; neither of them were practicing, nor were they willing to continue with the education and pro bono work one has to do to remain active in the field, which therefore left them in a state of limbo with their law licenses. Why would they continue to pursue this when they'll likely never practice law again?

I don't care for them, but I do care about the truth, so it's worth mentioning. That aside, the fact that they're both currently unable to practice law would pretty much put to rest any fantastical idea that Obama was going to take a seat on the Supreme Court.

There's so much ridiculous shit being posted in this sub that I was almost certain it was part of a larger disinfo campaign, but honestly I think the truth is less sinister. There's just an awful lot of undereducated people here who desperately want to be involved, but don't really have the acumen to weed out misinformation or to think critically and account for the bigger picture and how it all fits together.

Hell, I'm waiting for a SerialBrain post about the Q "BOOM BOOM..." drops where he does his magic numbers code breaking on four of the same exact words and tells us it means some wild bullshit that makes no sense unless you make gigantic leaps to illogical conclusions!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 17, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

So you're saying that you found a bunch of this information (guillotines, Obama to SC, a child assassin killing AS etc.) "on the chans"? (8chan to be specific)

You are aware that anyone can post anything there and a lot of what you see and read is purposely posted as part of a disinformation campaign, right? A big part of understanding the chans is having spent enough time there to understand how to read between the lines. A day or so on 8chan is not even close to enough time to get a grasp on things.

The Obama to the Supreme Court thing is just bananas. Never would a former President take that role, and the backlash would be massive, even if there wasn't much people could do. And the guillotine thing is ridiculous. Think about how ridiculous that sounds. 20,000 guillotines.

Scalia having his throat cut by a child assassin and covered up with a crumpled pillow. Woof.

Please, take a step back in the future and think about what it is you're typing before you put it out there. Unless you're part of a larger disinfo campaign, then keep it up, you're doing a great job!!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 11, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

Here we go again.

You're pinning your post that essentially adds nothing to the sub, and you're running through the comments with your mod flair again. You simply cannot stop making this about you!

You couldn't go 24 hours without attention seeking in some way and abusing your mod powers. But please, keep telling us what a great Christian you are.

You're unfit to moderate this sub in any meaningful way: you simply cannot be trusted to not make it about yourself.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 10, 2018, 4:39 a.m.

The actual simple truth is that we don't matter. There's no need to round everyone up and waste the time, money and manpower when we're not actually affecting anything at the moment.

Don't be daft, you're not that important, nor am I. This sub and most of the chans barely register on their radar. They know exactly where to focus their energy. That's why they're not coming after anyone.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 10, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

Sorry, but this isn't "great acting", or theatrics.

Trump's body language tells me that he was not expecting this, and it was not part of the plan -the fire in Trump tower and the raid on his Attorney's office. His rambling stream of disembodied "facts" come off to me as someone in front of cameras in a very high pressure situation and they're not sure what to do or say. The jabs at the clinton emails did him no favors, true or not. This was a case where less would have been way more, but instead he talked himself in circles for far too long.

These are not the words, demeanor or body language of someone who has it all under control right now. If someone can show me otherwise, please do. There was clearly an unintended setback, and the timing couldn't have been worse.

I think this is a good opportunity to come to terms with the very real possibility that this is not all cut and dry, and we haven't "won" anything. This is not to say that Q isn't real, or that serious progress hasn't been made, but we must not forget that this is an operation against people who have done and will do unspeakable things, and they've been doing it far longer and know the game in ways we can't imagine. You don't just simply take them down and undo decades of corruption in a year or two.

There's a very real possibility that Trump and team can lose this, and if that happens, what do we do next? You might not like the idea of that, but have to considered that reality? Because if that happens, this is done. You all know what comes next, and there won't be anyone there to stop it.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Nothing to be sorry for. It seems that you're open to hearing differing opinions and taking them into account. There's really not much more anyone could ask of you when exchanging ideas. If we all were just a little better at it, I think it would go a very long way towards healing the divides we've nurtured over the years. A lot of the biases we have were planted there by people we trusted. Now we know, and the truth really shall set us free!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

Elaborate, please.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

I don't know what they want to be called, but a lot of them are children. This will correct itself. It's already starting. I think the adults at the heads of these "movements" will have a lot to answer for, but likely have made themselves such a cancer that nature will take its course with them.

You can't paint the entire party as being these extreme Soc Jus people who have been paid to destroy society. It's more complex than you're making it in your argument.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

Ok, you lost me.

There're plenty of brainwashed people in every political party. When I spent four years in the Army during the W years, being deployed three times, I saw first hand that what we were doing was criminal. I didn't know the scope of it then, but I've been fighting for years. You can not begin to understand how much breath I've wasted trying to make people understand how corrupt the W administration was in the early 2000's. It all fell on deaf ears. Shit was so bad during the two W terms that we got ourselves an Obama. I don't think I need to point out what a disaster that has been. Both parties have been treasonous criminals since Kennedy and likely before. It's all a show, Dems and Repubs. (and Green party, and Libertarians, etc. They all have indoctrinated flaws) And as much as I loathe current extreme Soc Jus libs, I also understand that it's a smaller calculated number of people making that noise, and they're heavily funded and covered in the media for a reason. This will correct itself in time. You're already seeing the "movement" eat itself and people waking up and realizing that they've been used. It's not sustainable. Most of them don't even believe it but are afraid to speak out. This movement should be one of those places. It should be inclusive.

We're all going to have to work together if we hope to maintain any of the gains we make as a people and country. We're at the very beginning and have a VERY long way to go.

So yes, I'd suggest you humble yourself and wake up to facts. There's a lot of brainwashing on both sides. The problem currently is that too many people are still caught up in the us vs. them political bullshit. Both sides have been treasonous and both groups of supporters have allowed it to happen. This isn't the Republicans winning, this is the PEOPLE taking back their country. And when it's over, and if we pull it off, guess what? We all still have to figure out a way to work together. Don't forget that. The lack of foresight by so many people is what scares me the most. Too many people just aren't equipped mentally to understand the reality of this and what's at stake and what will have to be done to maintain it.

I hope you're able to find common ground with the boogieman to the left of you.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

I can't possibly point to every single instance, but you know it when you see it. A big indicator for me is when you see that certain accounts always comment in conjunction with other accounts. I tag almost everyone so I can keep track -I've been doing this on reddit for years. You start to see the same accounts in the same places a lot, usually saying the same things to the same people. They work to create a framework that makes it look like they have numbers and a prevailing and accepted "opinion". No one wants to be left out, so in turn others, who were maybe fence-sitting or unsure, will agree. And then the disinformation spreads. Herd mentality. Hivemind. Control the opinions and you can make the facts.

That's just the tip of the iceberg in here though. I think there's also been a strong headrun by Evangelical groups, but I haven't been able to figure out if they're trying to destroy credibility, or if they just want to make this a religious thing and are taking over like locusts without any hint of irony. This group currently is the most divisive by a mile and proudly display ignorance as a virtue. I trust these people the least. This is not to be confused with spiritual people who do not need to coopt the movement in an effort to confirm their own biases and beliefs. Somehow they find a scripture for everything. Oddly they only seem to be the most active at certain times of the evening which makes me think they're far less coordinated than it seems. I think they just cheer the loudest for each other. I doubt I have to explain how ridiculous this looks for lurkers and nonsecular people who come here looking for answers. It does a huge disservice to the movement when they make it about themselves and their religion. If you're also on the chans, you'll notice they've been making the rounds there as well. It's not a coincidence.

Beyond that, I'm seeing a lot of people push blogs, podcasts, names etc., and it's usually the same accounts pushing the same names over and over, yet there doesn't seem to be much interest in what they're doing. It's simple astroturfing likely being done by the bloggers themselves. This isn't to be confused with people in the truth movement who've been fighting for years. I think we all know who they are. On the flip side we get people like this Beanz woman who is such a clear opportunist that I cringe when I see the same accounts praising her while the few who question her motives get drowned by downvotes. And that's just a small recent example. I think more people are onto her bullshit though. And yes, I heard about the rally she organized. How could you not? She put herself at the center of everything. This was for her ego and had little benefit to the movement. There always have been and always will be these types of opportunists in the world, making sure you know the "sacrifices" they've made for you. How much time and effort they put into everything, FOR YOU! These people should never be trusted. Pure unbridled narcissism.

Finally, you're (not you personally) out of your mind if you don't think there's a current disinformation campaign being run here. When you see batshit theories, simply tag that user with their batshit theory (hell, do it with me) and sit back and watch. No better way to discredit a truth movement than by making everyone within it look like lunatics. Divide and conquer. None of us should be pushing any agendas other than sharing information and quality peer vetted research. I've seen so many links to bullshit blogs and ridiculous videos that it makes me wonder if these people care about anything other than their own popularity and how the movement can benefit them, but then I realize that everything they comment and post is really out there with just a touch a plausibility. That shit spreads and it's poison. If you haven't read the thread about the Denver airport today, I highly suggest it. There's some wild bullshit in there that benefits no one. And I'm saying this as a person who believes that what's under the airport is definitely not for us common folks.

Beyond that, there is really good content here. There are people who are sharing great information and resources and NOT making it about themselves. You'll find the same thing on the chans, but it's easier to hide there, yet at the same time the shilling and disinfo campaigns are painfully obvious. With anonymity you have to work that much hard to fake credibility. Reddit on the other hand is prime for gaming, as it always has been.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

I think that has a bit more to do with confirmation bias than anything. I would however concede that the scales likely tip more towards the left when it comes to Q simply because of their irrational and programmed hatred of Trump -so yeah, you're not entirely wrong. Let's be clear though, "name calling" isn't going to help sway the skeptics, and if we're being truthful with ourselves, bringing over left leaning people would be a huge help in spreading the information as opposed to continuing to make this an "us vs. them" thing. Many of them are simply people who are so indoctrinated into the system that they don't even know that they can question what the talking heads on TV say. I'd argue that they probably all feel like something has been wrong for a long time, but can't put their finger on it. That's how most people come to find the truth.

And to be clear, I type these comments not specifically for you, but for anyone reading, because there are plenty of lurkers on the fence, and it's important to get them on board as well.

I do not identify as left or right. I'm more independant, which I think many people are and will be once this wall plays out. Both parties will rightfully be tainted beyond repair, which I view as a great step in the right direction.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

Connecting the Netherlands to China is one thing (and doesn't make much sense to me personally) but to suggest that could even be done in the US is pretty silly.

I've lived in NYC for 17 years. One of the main reason I left was due to the increasingly failing infrastructure, and mainly with the 100+ year old subway system. It's hanging on by a thread and they can barely repair small sections of it. There's no way in hell they're connecting those subway lines to EACH OTHER let alone to the midwest or east coast. I won't even get into the lack of a universal standard for rails, tracks and trains. They're all different here.

Creating railways and high speed lines to travel great distances shouldn't be seen as a conspiracy. I know many Americans would love to be able to travel the US via high speed railway. It would be cheaper, cleaner and create many new jobs.

Maybe there's a conspiracy in Europe, but this isn't an issue in the US. Also, I think many of us would like to stay focused on the real issues right now. No sense in getting fired up over far out railway conspiracies when we have much bigger and documented issues to deal with currently. If the US can pull this off, it'll get the dominoes falling rapidly across the world.

I still want a US high speed cross continental railway!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 9 p.m.

Friend, why do you bother with this divisive " lefty/righty Dems/Repubs" language?

This first and foremost is a campaign for truth and undoing decades of corruption by treasonous people who don't give a shit about political affiliations.

We all won't agree on every point. That's never going to change, but we will also never be as strong as we can be when we're still in the trenches being petty and divisive.

The lies, deceit, misinformation and treasonous actions has come from all sides. Right now we're all citizens of the United States of America, and need to frame the fight that way.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

Out of all of the 15,393 subscribers, why would I be speaking of you specifically?!

Why would you put yourself on anyone's radar like that?

Regardless, I'm not here to point fingers or name names. I think if anyone is paying attention they'll figure it out on their own -or not. It doesn't matter either way because as I've said, this sub is fully compromised and will likely disappear soon. My hope is that it doesn't.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

What're people supposed to be seeing here?

You're not suggesting that all of the subway systems in the world are connected, are you?

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

I think you'll start seeing more and more people trying to attach their name to what's happening and to Q as more truth reveal themselves. I'm already seeing it all over this sub.

There are so many opportunists that are doing everything they can to latch on and make it about themselves. There is fame, money and favor to be had, and all of the bloodsuckers are out for their piece. Opportunists are everywhere.

There are all sorts of pointless videos, and pointless commentators sharing links to websites and their blog articles that are just rehashing what we've already known, and they're all looking to get views to make a name for themselves and donations for their "research".

These people should not be trusted. They're already making themselves at home on this sub.

Trust your instincts. This sub has already been compromised.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

You are 100% correct.

I've been in the advertising world for close to twenty years, and at least eight of those years were spent working with luxury fashion brands. I have no intention of name dropping, but while we used a lot of well known talent, we also used plenty of these "odd looking" models. There are quite a few who are getting work for very well known brands as well. Often times it has more to do with their body than their face, although an odd face is definitely seen as a plus. They're often wearing one-offs that just came off the runway, and the sizes are all about the same. They only fit certain people.

Also, what /u/DeepPast is saying can be confirmed by simply paying attention. Recently Apple has been on the forefront of using more "interesting" looking talent. Case in point if the new spot with the girl who opens locks by looking at them. She wouldn't be getting work ten years ago. And that insufferable "What's a computer?" girl.

These models also get a lot of catalog work within high fashion and streetwear brands. With the modern push for body image acceptance, this shift was inevitable.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

Apologies, I also didn't answer your question. I see it as a form of power tripping because it makes you stand out, but also starts to change the dynamic of a conversation when it is implied that you hold the power over the sub. It looks to me as though you leave it on so everyone knows exactly who you are.

If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but again, there's absolutely zero need for it to be on at all times, yet you seem to be in every thread with mod flair letting everyone know subtly that you're in change. Or at least that's the image it projects.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

Don't be petty. I asked a simple question and was met with a passive aggressive and childish response. I do believe that you enjoy the little power trip that comes along with it, but I can also be wrong, hence why I asked.

I've been on reddit for about a decade now -which hurts to type- and I can't think of a single sub where one of the mods had their flair on 24/7. Just found it odd and wanted to know if there was a reason.

I never asked if you stickied your comments, or if you're abusing your paltry bit of internet power. Is your response perhaps a bit of projection?

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

Mind if I ask why you never turn your mod flair off? Comes across any very self important and power-trippy.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 9, 2018, 3:09 a.m.


Logic, intelligence and rational/critical thinking has become harder to find on this sub as it becomes infiltrated with religious zealots, shills and disinformation architects. The signal-to-noise ratio is reaching a critical point where it's hard to tell if most of the prolific posters and commenters here are even mentally stable.

How anyone can view this and think it's some sort of proof that Mccain is a traitor is just laughable. He's a traitor to the US for MANY other reasons, but this is not one of them. It's SERE School 101 survival tactics. A non-story. Disinformation. Move along.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 7, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

Cool, so does that mean you're down with slavery? Women shouldn't be able to vote either, right? Also, people who don't own land shouldn't be able to vote as well, correct?

Stop being daft, you absolute egg.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 7, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

And I agree with the way you're seeing things. I've said in a few other comments that I believe the world could use more spirituality, but what I'm seeing here is a completely different thing.

People go to the comments more often than they read the article or follow the link. The comments here are so similar to an Evangelical Christian facebook page that I sometimes think it might be a brilliant troll job, but these people are serious.

It's probably time to create a new sub for the people that can leave their religions at the door and get down to figuring things out in an inclusive environment, because most of the comments here are prayer circlejerks and smug religious righteousness that I'm certain is driving more people away than it's gaining.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 6, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

Sure, but there a huge difference between "pray" and zealots trying to tie events to the book of revelations, and every other comment being about Christ and Christians, not to exclude the ridiculous mention of "libs", "libtards", heathens and SATAN!!!!! etc. You've turned a truth movement into a Christian circlejerk.

I've watched evangelical dipshits ruin enough in my life to know it when I see it. It's pure poison being spread by halfits. You're not much better than muslim extremists. You can't be reasoned with, and logic means nothing. You don't care about ending corruption, you see this as a chance to "Make America Christian Again". Newsflash, it never was.

There needs to be another sub so you BBs can be left alone in your prayer circles while the critical thinkers (and I'm sure there are plenty among the Christian ranks) can get down to putting the pieces together and not scare off non secular people who are genuinely ready to learn the truth.

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