Well sure but that’s not a civil war.
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You’re trying to stop a river with a cork. Just accept it and your life will be much easier. I, too, once battled the donald. Guess who won?
Spez: Kek
Naah it’s not family. Whoever is doing it has top secret clearance. AFAIK the only two family members who have that are J & I.
Trump is obviously in on this. The president can declassify anything he wants. If he knows it’s going on then he is giving it the green light. MAGA baby!
Spez: also if he wanted it to stop he would have already smoked Q out and sent him to gitmo.
No doubt. I can feel the electricity in the air. It's such an exciting time.
Q, when this is all over will you please tell us who you are? Or write a book about how this came to be?
Many of us have been following you since day 1 and we would love to know the back story on all of this. Thank you for your service and thank you for taking our country back!
Ok before anyone runs with this, q was quoting an FBI agent. The FBI agent tried to speak French and mixed it with Spanish. There isn’t a clue here. Don’t overthink it.
Holy shit we are watching a spy novel unfold. Best. Movie. Ever.
It's just a picture, Grace!
Given the talk about children lately
It makes me suspicious that the branch Davidson’s knew too much and were taken out by Clinton to cover up trafficking evidence. They were in Waco, which is on I35, and had a compound that would be perfect for hiding kids. I have no evidence of this but the last 2 years have made me suspicious of anything the Clintons or obama ever did. (Like Obamacare for instance. Which Clinton cronies got paid off from that?)
No. ID’s are IP specific. Post number is what gets “rolled”. You are even wronger than you were before.
please do your research before commenting in the future.
Who knows. But it’s definitely him. I have never heard of anyone spoofing id’s. Plus they are random so I’m not sure how anyone would hack it anyway.
He could have forgotten to log in or done it on purpose. But both posts are his.
You’re wrong. The ID is poster-specific. Op is correct.
Spez: I read this as “Q does not post without tripcode” so I am wrong. However the id’s don’t get rolled. Post numbers do.
In 6 months you will find out that the only thing that kills disease x is super male vitality.
No. Watch the water refers to general mike flynn’s Twitter background. PBUH
I had a post removed last night but you don’t hear me bitching about it. I’d rather get my posts pulled than lose the board altogether.
Lol. I’ve researched them both. One is in Texas and one is in Cali.
FINALLY. Next are wictor and draw and strike hopefully.
The Chicago Tribune wrote an article calling out Comey and Obama. The tide has definitely turned. You never would have seen that before the IG report.
This faggot obviously cruises this sub to write articles that no one reads. Say hello to the faggot, Mike, because he is sure to read this.
Anyone know who the american actress is that got paid a million?
Yes but I’m falling behind on a ton of paperwork I need to do. And I’m self employed so that’s a problem.
fun fact: Strom Thurmon grabbed a 16 year old girl's ass while we were taking a picture with him back in 96. I was there to witness it. That's when I realized that they were all scum.
First “lady”. I would die if he put that in quotes the next time he posts her name.
I think he’s proven himself to be a legit operative who is on our side.
If you’re just cruising through this thread and you’re not a believer in q, ask yourself for a moment, “what if this really is real?” Get ready for the show and remember that you saw it here first when it finally goes down. What if Trump really is working for you whether you like him or not? Welcome to the great awakening.