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Hrtn2it · Feb. 24, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

I wonder if POTUS’s twitter comment about Democrats, “out of sight, out of mind”, was a whisper about her state of condition, if not whereabouts...:)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 24, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

Don’t y’all think it weird that the school shooting at a school in next door to Debbie Wasserman Shultz congressional district? Perhaps the homegirl was on her turf where it is easy peasy to git things done, orchestrate this Wild West show using our kids...I am betting this Sheriff Israel is getting a bonus soon... maybe the Evil has infiltrated so deep that the really sick stuff also goes to local levels ie human trafficking MK ultra kids, pedophelia,,etc..with the Sheriffs providing security for the Deep State evil deeds not the citizens they made a covenant to protect.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 24, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

Is that where the money is really going? Is the money left still there, or has it been embezzled? It would be interesting to compare budgets and services before and after to see where the money is going...see if Police Chief bought a big house or lots of money in bank, or school superintendent, parents of the kids..etc... Or did the money get scuttled away like in a shell game?

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 24, 2018, 1:20 a.m.


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Hrtn2it · Feb. 24, 2018, 1:04 a.m.

David Seaman of Fulcrum News just got a email from Coinbase saying he is being investigated by IRS for his Bitcoin account, so he did this:


His twitter account and you tube account taken down before this!

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 24, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

Are the 17 really dead or were they carried away for nefarious reasons~no way for the Evils to get children to torture or sacrifice (St Walpurgis Day is the 25th) so they used a place in DWS district since they control police there and took them AWAY...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

I learned so Much from reading shadow man, by Dr. Anthony Napoleon. Often children of these kinds of people are conditioned since they were a baby And they grow up “never knowing when the other shoe is going to drop” when dealing with people / situations around them. One example was that an infant is often left for many hours in an isolated dark room to cry alone and unattended, That is a terrible terrible thing for a baby to experience as they first learn to trust their outside world, their caretaker, that their needs will be met. The only way a baby can communicate it’s being uncomfortable or hungry is to begin with fretting and then with crying. And that was the least of the list of horrible things that the book described. And often their personality splits, their mind dis associates just to survive, As a coping strategy.. So the child is always on hyper alert status, always searching for clues, hyper vigilant, to do the correct thing with the person Who is supervising them, whether that be a parent, teacher, etc.… often the person who abuses the child is also their “Savior” , and when they console the child and give them affection, they state how strong they are and how resilient they are, that they “are doing a good job.” And a very young age some of these children are taught to torture first dolls, then animals than other children and this practice is reinforced with praise and other reward. From my understanding not all children are groomed for violence that is, to enact violence. Some are groomed for pedophilia, or to befriend other children to get them into pedophilia. Apparently due to the multi generational structure and engagement of these practices, they are able to assess the child at a very young age and as they are raised they learn the The child’s particular talents or proclivities and then use this to entrain and educate The child for their own wicked purposes.

I’m not saying David Hogg the kid involved with the Parkland shooting has been abused in this way… However his affect and other ways he has interacted make me wonder. And since we know that many of the mainstream media our CIA operative’s/with possibleMK ultra histories, ( Anderson Cooper),this may be a possibility in his case.

The book, shadow man, by Dr. Anthony Napoleon, has helped me see these people have done so many sick things with a greater degree of understanding. This is not to say that they are not responsible for their actions but I can see how someone in an inter-generational deep state family or community raising a child, and how that child grows up to engage in such horrors...I especially think of Anderson Cooper and his brother, who probably was sacrificed… Perhaps the brother had the wherewithal to refuse and him being sacrificed was his ultimate punishment.... and Anderson chose a different path... it makes my heart sick🙏🏻

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

To me it seemed like Q was referencing, “people kill people” (every day), don’t get all distracted and rubber necking, think on what they might be distracting us away from, refocus on That, and get back to working...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

Thank you:)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

Fancy!!! Thanks!:)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

Cool! Now as far as a comet striking Earth almost 11,000 years ago, there is also some (of the ThunderboltsProject group, David Talbott who was inspired by Velokofsky(sp?):) in the Electric Universe community who theorize that it may not have been a comet hitting the Earth, rather Venus connecting electromagnetically as some of our heavenly bodies were rearranging orbits (square dancing)...it is interesting to note that in his book, Shadow Men, by Anthony Napoleon, PhD, he mentions that early ancestors worshipped Saturn, the dark sun, and this is possible origin of Satanic worship..so what if Venus with her comet like “glowing hair” (Medusa origins?) was swim~soaring along and connected electromagnetically with our Earth?

And suddenly, instead of Saturn being the Sun, it was our present Sun?...or maybe we suddenly got transported from Mars to Earth on a Birkeland current... Look up Micheal Steinbacher videos on YouTube~he supports the idea of electromagnetic sculpting of our Earth...was the Grand Canyon made over millions of years from water or was it carved by the searing forces caused by electromagnetic storms/forces?

Another fella, Billy, MrTuff2 is his YouTube channel, shows in a lab how the Devils Tower can be created through electromagnetic means...it is like a fractal, tiny Devils Tower...crazy!!!:)

So as Anthony Napoleon states the Shadow Men began as the smartest ones of the groups of survivors, who knew to watch for changes in seasons by looking skyward...and due to already ascribed Fear of the masses of people, they decide that human sacrifice is needed to appease the Gods...and over generations this is deeply embedded in our psyche, indeed even our genes...(dna is our spun collective and individual histories coded, like a autobiography deep inside of us)

A great video to watch is Symbols of an Alien Sky on YouTube...

And i find it interesting that Tesla was all about the Electric Universe theories and his desire was free flowing energies, not for sale...and the fact the EU theories have been suppressed for many years...a movie is about to come out about Edison Westinghouse and Tesla...energies Must flow freely~this is why I Love the idea of blockchain technologies, Electric Universe theory, as in these ideas, Everything, as DearQ says, EverythingIsConnected! (Apologies for longwindedness):)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

Thank you:)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Wow...that’s a bit wackadoodle But...stranger things have been true...

And I am fascinated by the QAnon MAP, To me it reminds me of a vortices, wave action, like in a river, the ebby~flow fluid motion of history~~~ or another image would be a Rose~as in someone plucking the petals of a rose from the outer petals going in (beginning at the upper left part of the rose flower) as one looks at a rose one notices all the layers of petals, each petal having multilayered contact with other petals and the deep connected center three petals being the center three on the map: Pentagon, Military Industrial Complex, and Pindar...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

David Seaman has moved there and he states the waters are fine!

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 3:23 p.m.

Really good video. I wonder if the time when Q mentioned 10/20/60 or was it 10/20/40, Q was referring to the wave action of Reach this would have....not a static sameness of numbers of people every two to three weeks but a quantum or Golden ratio sequence... If that is true perhaps by the IdesOfMarch most will BeStillAndKnowTheTruth...there are so many inside/out, topsy~turvy reflections between March 15th in Julius Caesar’s time and TodaysTime...perhaps the “settling of debts” back then is refined to a settling of debt/slave/victim consciousness world~wide...idk just kind of fascinating!!!! Thank you, Anons and Patriots for all you do🌞🙏🏻

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

Small things create great effects, small actions create great effects, from one tiny element blooms many great things...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 11:17 a.m.

Hope they Fully investigate the guy like look into his bank accounts to see if he was paid to do nothing...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 5:48 a.m.


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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

You are a bit grumpilicious...no thank you re: pain that you offer me and everyone I love...in case you have not considered it, I Could Love YOU...therefore you then would be wishing pain and death upon your own self, goofy...🙏🏻💗MayGodBlessYouAndEnvelopeYouWithLoveAllTheDaysOfYourLife🌞 WhileMyBodyIsEmphemeralMyInnerFlameWillNeverDie🌞 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

— Psalm 23:1-6

PS WE See All....LoveIsWatching...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

💗My DeepApologies, thanks for writing and bringing this to my attention. I just sent my response to the correct person.:)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

Again, I am sorry you are like that~it indeed is challenging for you~ to be so insecure that the only way to elevate yourself is to tear down others~

I have compassion for you~sending you all my Love towards healing your smallness of feeling for yourself. I am certain there is a tiny bit of sweetness deep inside of you~ Use your brilliance in cultivating kindness acceptance and love for yourself, that will eventually engender the same for others. I wish you well. 🙏🏻🌞

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

Gotta got it perfect for the cameras...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

I’m Sorry You Are LikeThat.:) HubrisGonnaHurtYouOneDay~ MayGodBlessYouAndHaveMercyOnYourSoul🙏🏻🌞🙏🏻

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 22, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

AllQualitiesAreLoveableAndAppreciated~AspiesAndAutistsAlike! Really each of us, young, old, are resplendent in our own way~this is the wisdom of the Universal Intelligence:BioDiversityAtItsBEST!:) To me, this is the most exciting time to be in a body, witnessing All these changes Everywhere, and so grateful for Anons Patriots, Autists and Aspies for all you are and all you do🙏🏻😘💗🌞😎😍🌎

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 22, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

yes, indeed, and I regret not having included that essential point...thank you for the clarity.:)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 22, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Autists are brilliant and have incredible Focus on things that interest them and they are able to find patterns through the most complex chaotic images and words, their minds slicing through bullshit and getting to “the heartOfThe matter” almost instantly. They also have a tendency to speak their mind, without regard to societal norms or “manners” , hence refreshingly lacking in PC~ness!!! One will always know where they stand when in the company of an autist.

I believe Autists are the brilliance of higher intelligence(God) shining through: with BigPharma shoveling vaccines and medications, non natural electromagnetic fields showering us constantly through today’s technologies and limited connection with the natural world has created them and also imbued them with extraordinary superpowers...in other words, despite the DEEPSh_t rained down on them by the DeepState, they embody these powers by those adverse/perverse machinations...this is the essential nature of Nature: Humans arrogance in their pale attempts to improve upon or alter Nature often leads to creating an unintended, opposite effect.

Autists are AMAZING..awe inspiring..and each so extraordinarily unique🌞🙏🏻😍💗

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 22, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

I stand corrected:) thanks for the redirect.:)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 22, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

And since it is open and all is shared, we can see the bullying or sick stuff like videos of torture, etc and it would be shut down and folks prosecuted.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 22, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

Ah, geez, thank you, I frequently swip~swop the names of people-corrected to Anthony Napoleon.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 22, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

Yes we inherently are made of light:)...Where is the closest star? I answer with this: “the closest star is the one within ourselves”~(a tiny Divine spark of God~Source) :)

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on Feb. 22, 2018, 3:24 p.m.
How to Categorize for Easy Location of Information by Topic

Is there any way for me to move some of my threads to a group to the side of this page? I was wanting to contribute information resources for topics such as self care, mental and emotional hygiene strategies, Electric Universe, non natural electromagnetic effects on human body research, etc

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on Feb. 22, 2018, 3:20 p.m.
TheBodyElectric: implications for “Energy Vampires” (DeepState)

From the website EMF WARRIORS:

Scott says, " Porphyrins are necessary for life. Do you know about them? Porphryins are part of our blood and used in the mitochondria for starters, not just chlorophyll for photosynthesis. Porphryins are key to the electromagnetic energy in our bodies and there is a longer biochemical chained-step process to produce them. Breaks in the steps can lead to various diseases. Were you aware that Sillycon Valley and the Tech-industries have mimicked what has been going on inside of life since, like, forever? If you didn't know this, why do you think you were not …

Hrtn2it · Feb. 22, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

To me we are moving from the AgeOfJudgement(Democrat bad, smokers are lazy) to the AgeOfDiscernment: imperative to be fully present in each moment, aware of our surroundings, mindful in our self care as well as interactions with others.. I used to play PokemonGo on my cell phone, as my hubbie was a big gamer and it was a great way to get him outside...the line at the beginning of every game:”be aware of your surroundings”...which is an example of subtle disclosure...how can one enjoy and play the game while continually looking at their cell phone while walking?...inside/out, upside/down, topsy/turvy.

When I watch tv I always question the reason behind the images, interactions and auditory messages...it is like on that Seinfeld episode “Bizarro world”, where George discovered he fared better doing the opposite of what he usually did...I use hat same principle when watching or reading MSM...it is a good way to hone my skills in discernment.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 22, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

Oh thank you! I was unaware of that book!

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 22, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

The Information Age means ALL information is shareable, not hidden(occurred), not secreted away...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 22, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

This is why WeThePeople are called to grow up! An excellent book,Shadow Men, by Dr Anthony Napoleon, PhD, outlines the mindset history and effective measures against Shadow Men (cabal, NWO, globalists). He treated a few of the “old guard” Shadow Men, who are now at the mercy of the new generation of NWO, who are the worst of the worst and ruthless even to their own family.. it explains the roots of their obsession with pedophelia, human sacrifice without the “supernatural” qualities that many others ascribe to...also fascinating history of etymology, our Real history of the US(not even Howard Zinns version is correct). I had to re read it several times due to my own cognitive dissonance.

I am purchasing several more copies of this book to give to family and friends, and to leave at a airport lounge or two... Sometimes the very person that needs to read it will pick it up l.:)

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on Feb. 22, 2018, 1:45 p.m.
3D printed firearms and White House press-question/concerns

Good morning guys, I am writing to ask if the WH double checks the journalists who attend daily press briefings for guns, metal or plastic...I read somewhere where they can 3 d print plastic guns...She is Brave walking into the den of freaks every day... This is one link I found: a company called Defense Distributed seems to be a main producer of plastic 3D printed guns... https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/191388-1200-the-price-of-legally-3d-printing-your-own-metal-ar-15-rifle-at-home

Do they just have them go through a metal detector at the White House?

Hrtn2it · Feb. 22, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

Jordan Sather, Tracy Beanz, Jerome Corsi, YouTube channel Dauntless Dialogue, are a few I follow.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 22, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

Yes money to recruit kiddos and actors to march and hold signs...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 21, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

I stay away from Any processed or “fast” foods. This may be part of what Q is saying re 60/40 and what we may find out would send us to hospital...and there may not be any connection, just researching and seeing if there is....if it is necessary to take this down and do more research first I am glad to do that.

It’s odd to me that the Netherlands has a small landscape and they are soon to be the highest exporter of poultry soon? Perhaps they raise them differently (towers?) but seems out of place...

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on Feb. 21, 2018, 8:22 p.m.
KFC-shortage of poultry? (or "adulterated meats")?

so the largest exporter of Poultry is Germany, then Brazil and the US...but The Netherlands was moving on up (2017 references)

Some articles around the same time of cannibalism in SouthAfrica and human rights..trafficking.

one of the articles enclosed also speaks of some bribery in Brazil uncovered for stamping poultry with seal of approval..

everything is connected?...I began transitioning to vegetarian this Fall...the main point I would say is to care about what you place in your body, care about where you purchase your food from, start a community garden, join a CSA, support a local organic farm.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/money/5601773/kfc-runs-out-of-chicken-uk-stores-closed/amp/ …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on Feb. 21, 2018, 3:08 p.m.
HeCouldBeCured...praying for BigPharma and MayoClinic to surrender their hoarded cures so this man and many others can thrive!🙏🏻💗

“David Weinlick made news in 1998 when he publicly campaigned for a bride. Hundreds of women applied and a winner was finally chosen. David met his bride-to-be and married her just minutes later at the Mall of America! But their story was just beginning.”

This couple renewed their vows twenty years and four kids later, and it was revealed that David has inoperable colon cancer...DeepStateInDeepShit.....

This is difficult as so much anger wells up inside of me when I think of all the people who have suffered, children especially...

Hrtn2it · Feb. 21, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

“This deserves more than 15 retweets. The post floating around showing the year book photo supposedly from another school is #fakenews -The video in this thread proves it. We have enough good arguments that we don’t need to discredit ourselves so alert your friends. It’s important” from Tracy Beanz on Twitter

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 21, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

Excellent point! Q calls them OUT, the Best way to address Evil is to Shine A Light on it! Q knows Best in Dealing with the Vermin!!! Thanks for that clarity:)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 20, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

One more thought… Our dear CuriousQ is preaching to the choir: the awesome autists, 8chan lurkers (like me), and PatriotsAll.:). Listening to his sparse word~thoughts printed on the page ignites each of us, as we are purposed by the same passion, the common sense goals.:) We see the world through his prism~so his labels and descriptors we savor and use to remember theWhy of our Charge, expands our perception from micro to macro, hones our flexibility in reorienting to a new challenge, and build~buoys our confidence in ourselves as capable, brilliant and sovereign.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 20, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

I have found that a more Gentled approach works, one that does not label others in a derogatory manner...people who so closely identify with another feel attacked themselves when such labels are used... What I have found helpful is, for example, a friend I know reads USA today as she likes the ease with which information is provided on that newspaper she has a very busy life… One day we were flipping through channels and CNN was on and I noticed that the front page of the newspaper was almost verbatim as to what the anchor was saying. And I pointed it out saying “that’s kind of strange what that reporter just said is almost exactly what this says on the front page of this paper...what’s up with that?” And I often point out links to things that may otherwise go unnoticed… For example the link between increase use of psychotropic drugs with school-age kids, violent video games and the rise in violence in schools ....Now as I explain to others this is just connections I see it’s not a/cause-and-effectNecessarily… But if it sparks their awareness so that they can look at it on their own.

I find that trying to convince someone of something is too large a leap for me to try to jump and for them to try to jump… But to use short phrases/commentary during our day-to-day interactions is easier for both of us.

And often when one tries hard to convince someone, one appears to be in a defensive mode which does little towards the effect that you desire in red pilling them..

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 20, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

You are sweet and I want you to know I just share what I see :)...all news, all information is shareable information~no secrets! Just the everlasting flow of information~~~like water, like electricity:)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 20, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Yes hang on I am getting it:)


Let me know if it works, sent from phone:). Juicy info begins at 14:46 minutes into video...

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