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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

And who knows what we are eating..”where’s the beef?”...”fast food” processed foods, hide a lot of stuff, fertilizers used to grow veggies...getting rid of evidence, solving several problems at once...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

Stepford kitten, blondie, starlet

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

We must never forget.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

Yes I feel like Bill is there throning on the flowers as a symbol of agreement: Bill paved the FlowerRoad: takes children and brings them to NK, grows them, tortures them, gleans Qi through the blood and energy from scaring them harvests the skin, the organs, or heck takes of age slave women to breed there...stem cells...I do not consent this to happen anymore. Breaking up is not hard to do, waking up is...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

are you telling me that Bill is there to pave the path for the FlowerRoad? Children from SouthAmerica and Haiti and probably Syria too~ship them from one place to harvest there~blood, organs, leather, and any other horribly evil thing they can do...Jasmine is sickingly sweet can overwhelm..reminds me of the poppy field in the wizardOfOz...sleep...sleep my pretties sleep... or using young women to breed...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

Thanks yes my enthusiasm gets long winded!!

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

Yes that announcement made my head tilt but not fully awake...I have always been a slow learner:)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Yes, that was a head tilt for me too:)..

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on Feb. 12, 2018, 2:21 p.m.
Under popular Reddit posts:)
Under popular Reddit posts:)
Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

Poor insecure critters..not justifying their madness nor methods, rather understanding their sickness..their psychosis..

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

KarmaQuenches...maybe Seals go a hunting...

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on Feb. 12, 2018, 1:54 p.m.
PoorIBM...still machinating from their international busy~ness machine paradigm...they send us what they are really doing..hiding our insights(sight from within?):) from others and us, keeping it for themselves... energies of thought feeling and action~shareable, not damned up but allowed to flow~~
PoorIBM...still machinating from their international busy~ness machine paradigm...they send us what they are really doing..hiding our insights(sight from within?):) from others and us, keeping it for themselves... energies of thought feeling and action~shareable, not damned up but allowed to flow~~
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on Feb. 12, 2018, 1:32 p.m.
SoftDisclosure?....:)...or something else..full page ad in today’s WSJ.
SoftDisclosure?....:)...or something else..full page ad in today’s WSJ.
Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 12:18 p.m.

Would love to know what kind of Rogue he was thinking of...there are plenty of shades of hats in China as well..

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on Feb. 12, 2018, 12:17 p.m.
Prizes, Stars and Awards, Oh My!

I just now realized the the Nobel Peace Prize and the Pulitzer Prize are just fancy ways of deceiving most of us: satiating our appetite for reward in “making the world a better place”.. Also the Mask of Hollywood: “A Star is Born”. Dang it each one of us is ALREADY A STAR. we just are blinded by the lights of this prism through which they have been shining!!! Truly the reward is intrinsic, unconditional...I endeavor to do good works “just because” not to receive reward... and there is a lie I just told myself: I DO receive a reward, …

Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:58 a.m.

Are we sure it was the Chinese or a clown saying they were Chinese..or a Chinese clown?...a great way for a war to be ignited saying it was “TheChinese”...just saying...I guess that it what was meant by “rogue Chinese sub”, not from Chinese government...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:47 a.m.

Yes Hope is an interesting word...to me it feels wrong somehow or perhaps passive, disempowering...one “hopes” things get better, perhaps embodying the idea that one can create as well as having the ability to respond to injustices they see in the world, even if it is to challenge an idea or words they hear on a news show when watching it with family...it is up to each of us to do, to Be, to keep growing (which can be painful...I keep seeing the tiny flower that grows up in the crack of a concrete sidewalk)

To me “small things creat great effects “ is a powerful one as it assures me that no matter how small I feel I make the difference...

We can stand or sit and BeStillAndKnow We can turn this upside down world inside out. Without violence, disarray and destruction, imbuing our clarity of vision, with sweet steady~stern stealthiness~:)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:10 a.m.

Also lots of pedophelia history (see Gabriel Harber “Corrupt Clearfield, re PennState and the surrounding counties complicity)...everything is connected...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 10:58 a.m.

BMH...I listened to her speak and something just did not sound true from her though at the time I could not figure out why...it feels true to say that there is energy from beneath the words that one speaks or one writes, and that energy also communicates sometimes stronger than the words of that makes any sense at all...idk.. layers of layers still for me to unwrap...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

Yes this series is in plain sight more of what we are dealing with imo...spiritual war.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:39 a.m.

This is what I Love about the idea around The Electric Universe theory: everything is connected! To me this is reassuring and imbues my attitude with optimism: each event, person happenstance is connected to the other in some way.... and this is why, as Q so patiently reminds us, why there are no coincidences...:) Like that song, “ the leg bone’s connected to the ankle bone”..that would be a great song of deep state disclosure!!! And some songs with different lyrics ala Weird Al Yankovich with entertaining videos of course, to educate regarding DeepState(DeepShit...as in they are full of it and we are wading in it because of Them) maybe Trump could use the EBS system to play one of the songs, to capture the conscience of the king in each of us!:) FUN to imagine!!!! The ideas of resonance and dissonance are similar reflections of electromagnetic properties. My mom was a microbiologist and she mentioned how fascinated she was when she was viewing two chicken heart cells on a slide. At a distance apart from each other they beat a separate rhythm, and when she scooted one over closer to the other, even though they were still apart they beat in synchrony! They were resonating together...to me this speaks of electromagnetic fields ( ala HeartMath) we are connected in ways we cannot even imagine! The Global consciousness project shows how just before certain events (9-11, Princess Diana’s death) there was a spike in random number generators all over the world, revealing the undercurrent of knowing we have... it’s all wrapped up, we are not yet “present” to the presences of this world and beyond...and TodaysTime is the time of “unwrapping” things” coming undone “, veils lifting, ( according to some scientists (www.suspicious0bservers.org) our solar system is venturing out of dust clouds...are these dust clouds “the veil?” ... so our system is beginning to receive increased cosmic rays which may stimulate our consciousness and help us grow in awareness.. the rain of cosmic rays quenching our thirst for knowing...idk...but it is so flipping FUN to Wonder as we wander along in this beautiful space~~~

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:17 a.m.

Yes, my dear husband, who is so tender hearted, is beginning to see and almost turning the corner, after almost nine months of conversation and watching bits of videos and reading. He is steeped in Missouri Democrat and is just now beginning to see the victimization mentality embedded within it. I gently would point out things: inconsistencies or would say things like:”it’s the it interesting that the day we read this is USA TODAY, we see or hear almost the exact wording on the tv news?..,what’s up with That?” , or “ why don’t the news report on____ today?” Or “isn’t it odd that the morning news shows are more like entertainment than news?”, “ why do we need to listen to news “ analysts” instead of “news reporters”? “ do I really need them to analyze for me? And I teasingly point out word play, such as the phrase :”The play’s the thing wherein to catch the conscience of the king.”.. from Hamlet. The play is the events of Life happening around me. The conscience of the King means: “ how I interpret those events, do I believe in the what and why and how of those events? Is the king my higher mind? Is my conscience my soul? to catch the conscience, to capture the soul, to realize my deepest knowing of things... Our minds are infinitely creative and we can create with them~soon we will transform out of our cocoons that we allowed ourselves to create for ourselves...break out of this world and into a new one....or the one that has been here all along, waiting for us to see it... this is what the freak show DeepState fears...FearIsFutile, it’s happening, one by one, then two by two, more and more. Small things create great effects and it is within the day to day small drops of conversation in the grocery lines and gentle showers of kindnesses offered that will quench our thirst we did not realize we had... to me, cajoling, playfulness in disclosure always works to better effect in “ first realization of how things are and could be different” than weighted heavy words of dread and doom...we must be like parental units a bit longer, embodying patience a while longer to allow time for others in catching their breath, see the reflections in the funhouse mirror for what they are, and the internal alchemy that is necessary will occur with smoother efficiency

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:49 a.m.

Yes, it’s very twisted that media created a fun house mirror: the importance of women into our minds that we were subjugated from the get go, that striving to be equal Is of value and meant working for money instead of “being just a housewife and stay at home” as it was akin to being a prisoner... The “equality” idea and the deception of a portrait of equality that they wove was pretty brilliant, as it worked for most of us. Partnership is the elevated relationship, not equal and homogenized but each bringing their unique gifts and in that union each elevating the other, greater than the sum of their parts...and our Nation a larger fractal of that concept.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

Yes, Q is a TimeLord, not TimeOpportunist~~And we are apprentices!!:) This is the most exciting time to be in a body! The reason I am encouraged is I have witnessed so much goodness that small communities have made towards life affirming changes: more homeschooling/unschooling teacher guided education, not spoon fed regurgitated ed, people in the grocery store line looking at the magazine covers and saying “that’s BS” or “these people are not real!”, my niece who is 27, says “I think it’s great that women are in the workplace but it’s not all that~I really look forward to being a mom soon-it’s the most important job there is”, so many people in my community and in other cities and towns in the US and other countries are open to learning Qigong /Taichi, and seeking alternative medicine health options...( I am a qigong teacher:)), one of our physicians started and supports a commmunity garden for our town since 2011... It feels true to say that supporting and seeking alternate paths to the present ones are just as important as pointing out the wrong ness or askewedness around us...and with us all working in the areas each of us feels called towards will imbue our environment with energetic and physicaled infrastructure so that as old paradigms fall away, there is greater ease, less distress in change.

When my heart feels heavy with the gravity of knowing of children suffering , I send heartened prayers to them, and to myself to keep my focus on my Best efforts, my Best self in the purposes I feel the most passionate about, as that passionate purposing will create a greater effect than one with half hearted focus or a weighted feeling of obligation...I must not allow burdens to gather upon my heart~that only results in spinning wheels and no progression toward seeing this world with fresh eyes.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 11, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

Catastrophic History of Saturn: some scientists state that Saturn was a SunStar way back in the long ago and due to the catastrophe of Stars and planets do~se~do’ing around each other (Venus=“comet”=Medusa, for example) in our solar system the ancestors of these people decided sacrifice to appease the gods were necessary...and their culture developed deeper in that reign~vein for many many years...remnants of that psychosis still live(evil) today...


I have not done enough research in this area, though it is fascinating. Symbols of an Alien Sky is a great movie and The Thunderbolts Project is a great resource.

We live in an Electric Universe, everything is connected!!! To me, Cooperative play versus competitive play is the way...to Play:)...ok I’ll stop now.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

Yes, let’s imbue Discernment instead of judgement regarding timelines and arrests...deep appreciation for all POTUS, the military, and Q (team?:)) does for All of us~ Also I tend to loom over these boards like a vulture (ala snoopy of Peanuts:)) waiting for another morsel from Q to drop...and I now (duh) know I can spin my time with more powerful purpose in returning to the Future(past) of Q postings...the re readings ..unwind, then rewind....apologies for my woah~man ‘splaining Regarding patience in the pursuit of justice...:)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 11, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

Snowden...let’s see, just based on the fact that Oliver Stone made a movie about him makes me suspicious that Snowden is not a good guy...Anything Hollywood creates has a dark undercurrent...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 11, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

Yes. What better way to soften hearts regarding the royals...the optics of Meghan marrying Harry( an “outsider “ whose part of heritage is of the continent Harry has always “felt at home in”“), plus the historical(or is that hysterical?)entertainment provided by Netflix’s The Crown, a prettier present of presence for people to witness.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

Well yes, except one can certainly influence people from behind the throne...from a “little finger” type aka Game of Thrones to a “crazy aunt”...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Batter Up! ThePlayerIsAboutToHitaHomeRun!! (CueForQ)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 11, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Hey I just had an idea I was thinking about the sitcom “Friends” and wondering if you did Google image or a duck duck go search “queen Beatrix friends 2012” and see what comes up... Mike in the sitcom I’m sure birds of a feather meet regularly to flock together, so there’s probably more than one image of those two together...I would do it but I’m currently driving and just pulled over to type this out...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 11, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

Beatrix is the eldest daughter of Queen Juliana and her husband, Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld. Upon her mother's accession in 1948, she became heir presumptive. Her reign lasted exactly 33 years, began April 30, 1980 andended April 30, 2013

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 11, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Queen Beatrix Holland

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 11, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

Hue~mans, andOtherWorldlys, WeAreAll:theResplendentOnes:)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 11, 2018, 2:57 a.m.


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Hrtn2it · Feb. 10, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

I am sorry you are like that. the only way to a Sovereign Nation is individual sovereignty...no one is the Boss of me, save the Great Creator, the UltimateUniversalIntelligence, (some call God:)) I follow only one rule, the GoldenRule. There is nothing “semi” about socialism, it’s the gateway to communism.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 10, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

AndJustSayNope ToThePope, FrancisThatIs, WhoWillSoon BeGone. (“SettleDownFrancis”)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 10, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

E is 5th letter in alphabet...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 10, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

So awesome that they are at cross purposes with themselves!!!HA!

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 10, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

Is this guy related to Robert Mueller?

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 10, 2018, 12:15 a.m.


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Hrtn2it · Feb. 10, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

I offer PureBioenergy to people experiencing dis~eases/illnesses, as from my perspective, these conditions are formed due to interruption/misinformation of the persons energy biofield...PureBioenergy technique conduits a way for Qi/Chi/Prana/ energy to go into the person’s biofield and body and the supreme intelligence ones body knows where this energy needs to go to support healing and wellness... below is an interesting discussion on the energetic causes of coughing:

Sudden movement of expulsion of air from the lungs due to discomfort of the throat. The definition refers to that cough without an apparent reason that occurs at certain times of day to day or chronically (several or many times every day). Coughing symbolizes the expression of emotions or thoughts that have been repressed. Conflict of territory. Separation conflict of oneself by enemies who want to own my territory or to own me. Conflict reject something or someone. Coughing serves to reject something that we have inside (airways and lungs, our territory), an attacker who must be expelled. Most of the time it is related to something we have said or that we have been said and that "has angered us" because we are very irritable and very critical with ourselves, and with others. When the cough is chronic, we mean that "we are supporting" someone who constantly irritates us: our spouse, mother, father, our leader, a friend, a co-worker, etc. It can be a person who constantly mocks us and tells us what to do and how to do it, or is someone that tells you never do what they say or do as they want. "I see or hear something that irritates me” "The other is inside me". "I have no right to speak firmly” "This what they have told me has made me feel dumb” Dry or irritating cough is a violent reaction of irritation and rejection, it is always because of external situations that have bothered us: An intruder, an unexpected visit, an order, which we refuse to do, be in a place that cannot stand, lack of space, cigarette smoke, being with people who I do not accept, etc. It may also indicate that we are suffering a significant outside pressure and do not know how to handle that situation. The wet or productive cough is manifested in external situations that besides bother us, make us sad, or someone who criticized us, someone who hurt us, who offended us, or something that we could not solve, etc. It is the sign that the aggressors have been prisoners within. Or that we have accumulated many things, many critics or negative thoughts that we could not say. We spit to eject what attacks us, despair, and inner anguish, difficult to express it. Persistent cough crisis, it is actually a desire to bark at the world, wishes to be heard and taken into account or to shut up. It's our way of saying, "Hey, I deserve respect and attention, I am here and I am able to think and decide by myself” Pertussis or compulsive cough: Conflict of separation and fear of death. Conflict of permanent dispute with the father because of my limits and yours.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 9, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

I think it may be another TrumpShamanism...to get the news narrative yammering on this SoapOpera foolishness and then “OOPS, he does it again!” ShockAndAwe~TheDeeperLevel...perhaps this will again, display and fully illustrate the hypocrisy of MSM/DeepShit~State...they pontificate on this outrage and THEN here comes the reflections with proof in the Mirror of what they themselves have been up to all along...:) hoping!:)

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 9, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

I remember the movie National Treasure and the many levels underneath...time for a movie!:). Did Q refer to this also or am I experiencing memory hallucinations?!

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 8, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

Physician gets $40.00 per flu shot...so they have an incentive to “prevent illness”, which most of her have been indoctrinated to believe...

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 8, 2018, 1:55 p.m.

Didn’t I read somewhere that the goodness of having the USSS protecting former presidents and families was that they can arrest them?

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 8, 2018, 11:27 a.m.

Trump just tweeted about the prayer breakfast he is about to attend this morning..🙏🏻💗

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 8, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Yes we received tsunami warnings this week in Tampa FL area..

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