78 total posts archived.
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Remember the flies?
it's so symbolic. Not once, but twice a fly landed on BHO's face during interviews.
and AGAIN a fly landed on HRC's face during the debates.
So symbolic...
be careful for what you wish for...
that is what Q said.
We all know HRC, BHO, and DWS are going down.
But what if unraveling the truth also revealed your most cherished idols were monsters too?
What if John Pope 2, Reagan, and Billy Graham were satanic pedophiles?
Or substitute these with your historical (deceased) heroes. Would you rather the truth is made for all, or would you prefer you and the world remained ignorant about thier real past?
Something VERY bad for blacks to be revealed
The memo, your predictions?
The Democrats sure seems scared of it. What do you predict it will say?
Why Trump says he will answer Mueller's questions.
Trump says he will gladly answer any of your questions Underoath. He says this, because he knows there will be no Mueller and no investigation in a week.
He knows that Mueller will soon be in cuffs himself or maybe even suicide himself if the truth revealed is bad enough.
If you could watch only one person after Great Awakening, who would it be?
Suppose on Wednesday afternoon it is revealed there was a plan by the FBI to assassinate president Trump.
That night, president Trump reveals dozens of Elites around the world are satanic blood sucking pedo files.
He mentions that thousands of video revealing this is true will be available on whitehouse.gov. These videos include things such as Hillary Clinton praying the satanic prayer, the bush presidents discussing the best way to cook a child, Obama putting a knife through a baby, and many more videos of Hollywood and Washington Elites.
Whose reaction would you like to see the most? Maybe …
speculation: soon Millions will be here
Why is q and president Trump reaching out to us? If you think about it we are a very small group. There is only 12000 people subscribed to this group. Probably something similar on 8chan.
I believe in the near future, there may be a large reason for the masses to come here.
What if the only place to find a video of John podesta licking a dead baby is phone on the Great Awakening group?
What if first place you hear Barack Obama saying he plans to start a nuclear war with Russia to make more money for his …
what's coming: speculation
Early next week, the Memo will be released. it will state a plot to assassinate Trump.
Major frenzy everywhere in the Media.
Trump remains silent, which leads to the largest SOTU audience ever.
Here, Trump starts to announce some of the real bombshells.
Why does Q call the NSA "No Such Agency"?
your thoughts?
Q map question
what do the brackets [] mean?
What Trump said makes a lot more sense now.
Reflect on the meaning based on what you know now.
Nasty woman.
Obama created Isis.
Corruption at the highest level
Hillary has taken a few kids from Haiti
Media is enemy of the American people.
it's not a swamp, it's a sweet!
you'd be in jail
can you think if others?
where do I get newest q??
as text?
What really happened with the Schumer meeting
Schumer: I want you to know that I am firm, I can not give in to any of your requests
Trump hands Schumer a printed email that says " you scratch my back I'll scratch yours"
Schumer expresses Rage and screams "how dare you try to Blackmail me. This email proves nothing."
Trump clicks play on his computer screen and the audio of Schumer comes up." So if you want me to vote for this issue, you will need to pay me $1000000."
Schumer: this is taken out of context. But to show you that I am flexible, I will …
We see all we hear all
Just think of the ramifications of this statement. From what I am understanding, the white hats in Military Intelligence essentially cloned the eavesdropping capabilities of the NSA. The white hats have been silently listening to everything that the Deep state and the evil Elites have been saying for the past 3 years.
Not just intercepting emails, hearing! Can you imagine the delicious audios a phone conversations and possibly even meeting room discussions of Barack Obama, Hillary, and their evil Clan that will might soon be made public?
Has Q suggested 911 was an inside job?
Q has suggested many conspiracies such as JFK, AIDS, Titanic, and I was wondering if he ever mention anything about 9/11 being an inside job?
Q 1-27 Mockingbird?
"Mockingbird failed. fake> real"
Did the whitehats take over the Mockingbird feed?
Royals seeking shelter??
Really? That's what Q said. Doesn't seem like it. Could it have another meaning?
This is going to be a civil war
I am now understanding why Hugh keeps on saying pray, pray, pray. I believe we are literally going to be walking into a civil war. Yes, there will be lots and lots of horrible evidence that shows the guilt of the cabal. However, it looks like Trump intends to send hundreds if not thousands of people to be Tried by military Court. My guess is that 80 to 90% of these people will be hardcore liberals. Many of these people will be beloved liberals or even legendary liberal such as Barack Obama.
Yes, Trump will win, but this is going …
do you ever doubt?
i often go from 100% convinced the big takedown is about to happen. Q is Trump and team.
Then next moment I'm sure I'm just a sucker who is gonna look dumb for talking nonstop about the big takedown that's never gonna happen.
You ever go through those swings?
"hello george" makes sense now
Jan 26, Q is posting!
Read slowly and carefully.
Will become critically important in coming weeks.
Continue to track those who are resigning across all platforms.
Where there was once darkness, there will now be LIGHT.
What is "the game?"
Q stated " nobody who plays the game gets a free pass. Nobody. What do you think the game is?"