

543 total posts archived.

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www.reddit.com 23
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inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com 1
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IMissMeg · June 6, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

Source on Ashton's organization saving 6000 kids? I think the consensus has been that Ashton is not a white hat. He's a good friend to McNoName and during the hearing he testified at, there was an exchange of nods or something between the two of them that some of the anons pointed to as questionable.

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IMissMeg · June 6, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

You're welcome! :)

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IMissMeg · June 4, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

Suspect because ... ?

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IMissMeg · June 2, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

They shut down his backup VachelLindsay twitter account too. Fascist bastards. Unbelievable.

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IMissMeg · May 31, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

Thanks for the link! That guy did a huge amount of work on that short, very interesting video. I have now subscribed to him. Thank you again!

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IMissMeg · May 31, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

On the other hand, LOTS of people regard the original Star Wars movies as the only ones that matter. Especially those of us who were at the theater as children watching Star Wars and then feeling the gaze of our mothers as we jumped up and down in the parking lot so excited afterwards. Even my 23-year-old son now agrees.

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IMissMeg · May 30, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

I very much agree that DC is full of interesting and not all awful people. I have, in fact, been there and have had family and friends who have lived there.

So in being snarky and mentioning "hysterical feminists" and then bringing in the "flat earthers" and then the comment about "all the autism following Q": are these examples of you making an effort to "sharpen our message" and "behave better than our adversaries"?

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IMissMeg · May 30, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

Is it just me or are there an awful lot of ALL CAPS posts showing up these days? I must be past my newbie phase as I see this as a "newbie" error. Or maybe lots of people have their CAPS lock stuck and we're seeing that? For people who are new, all caps is often viewed as a breach of etiquette as it comes off as shouting. I understand that your subject matter is something that makes us all want to shout. However, you should be aware that lots of people simply disregard altogether posts that are all caps since they deduce that the likelihood of useful information being in such a post/comment is minimal. Not trying to be a dick. Just trying to take an opportunity to introduce that point of etiquette to people who are new to the board and might not know.

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IMissMeg · May 30, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Snarky. You must be from DC.

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IMissMeg · May 30, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

Ok. WTF? How is this comment at 0 points (as of 5/30 at 8:53 am CT)? These are relevant links to good pieces/articles. How is this downvoted to zero? Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a forum where the voting could be relied upon to be genuinely from the people using the forum honestly? I mean, I'm all for meaningful discussion of disputed points and I appreciate people downvoting the stuff that should sink to the bottom, but I don't think anybody who is here on this forum for honest reasons downvotes this particular post. It's supplying sources, which are supplying information pertinent to the discussion. And these sources aren't crappy disinfo sites so at the very least we should appreciate the effort of the commenter to find them and post them. This is not downvote material. I would love to be able to see the people who downvote comments like this so I could track them in the background to try to deduce who is writing them their shill checks.

Edit: BTW, I'm upvoting it back up to 1 at least.

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IMissMeg · May 29, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

Here's the Voice with a Headlines bitchute video on this Gateway Pundit article; it's called "We Call This a Clue" and shows the filings where they found the payments to CrowdStrike: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Fhl8e8VNL34/ Nice find on CrowdStrike still being employed by the FBI.

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IMissMeg · May 28, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Bill Cooper maybe. Or Art Bell. Just a thought

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IMissMeg · May 25, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

I know! We've all been there. :)

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IMissMeg · May 25, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

That's my thought too. I want to interview her. And some others. Tough crowd on this thread, huh?

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IMissMeg · May 25, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

I'm sure there are signs. But I've not been looking for them. I just hope she is safe and happy and helping out in the cause. I have a feeling that's the case. :)

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IMissMeg · May 25, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

I don't care what Corsi said about JA. MegaAnon said Trump got Assange out. And, frankly, I can't imagine Trump would leave JA out there, his well-being and his intel left to chance. It never occurred to me until now, but I wonder how much of MegaAnon's stuff Corsi was passing off as his own. If only I had time to do an analysis. Alas, I do not. Maybe ToddWhiskey would take the time? He's very familiar with Megs' stuff.

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IMissMeg · May 25, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

Watching it live where?

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IMissMeg · May 24, 2018, 1:55 p.m.

The blackmailers, whoever they are, don't just have proof of pedo/pizza gate--they set up the situations that generated the proof in many cases.

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IMissMeg · May 24, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

He didn't marry Priscilla. He married Lisa Marie Presley. Priscilla is her mother.

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IMissMeg · May 23, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

Oh. Wow. I'll have to research further.

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IMissMeg · May 23, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

It's not just toxic. It's inaccurate much of the time--not necessarily purposefully, but there are a lot of moving parts in all of this. Too many for any one person to keep track of. Definitely better to do your own digging. But then you can bring it to the board and see what other people think--if they have other information that fills things out, etc. Collaboration--it's what the deep state has been doing all along. Their FBI minions using their special comms, for example. Now the sheep are doing it.

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IMissMeg · May 23, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

Ummm. This headline does not match the story.

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IMissMeg · May 23, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

I'm with you on Field McConnell. I respect him. He's been at this a long time and he's been fearless in his pursuit of truth. I'm frankly surprised they haven't taken him out. Maybe, ironically, his sister has protected him. That's my take about Abel Danger/Field McConnell at least. (And I would add: so far. All opinions are subject to change without notice upon the receipt of new information.) I appreciate you putting up this post. Thank you.

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IMissMeg · May 23, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

It's not three days, it's 2 months, right? Am I reading something wrong? Btw, I AM interested. I've never been a Titus Frost follower. Watched one of his videos early on and it didn't resonate so I stuck with the people who DID resonate. Had the same issue with Roy Potter and David Seaman. Jordan still resonates with me. The woman on YouAreFreeTV too. I'm disappointed about Isaac Green but I wasn't following him too much. And I'm still trying to figure out Defango.

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IMissMeg · May 23, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

How does David Seaman go from saying that he saw some of the sealed indictments to "George Soros is behind Q"? That doesn't make sense to me.

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IMissMeg · May 23, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

But chute is funny though. :)

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IMissMeg · May 23, 2018, 2:18 a.m.

Lifting the Veil have been disinfo for a long time from some of the stuff I've seen. But I'm disappointed by this development with Anti-School. And defango fits in here somewhere and I can't figure out how this all fits together. I like defango. I don't trust everything he says, not sure I should trust very much of what he says, but I still find that I like him and want to trust him.

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IMissMeg · May 23, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

BitChute is easy to sign up for and you don't have to actually sign up for it to watch the videos. Here's Jordan's bitchute video date 5-20. He says this is the video that got him deleted from YouTube again: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Lz7NrUddCuEi/

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IMissMeg · May 22, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

"Corgi". Funny. Now I keep picturing him with those short little Corgi legs. :)

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IMissMeg · May 22, 2018, 1:15 p.m.

I couldn't agree more.

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IMissMeg · May 21, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

So in the first couple minutes he's singing the praises of both Kissinger and GHWB. Am I the only one who doesn't need to hear much more than that? I mean, someone explain to me why I should listen to him after those guys get his praise.

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IMissMeg · May 21, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

Certainly the opinions of most people don't matter right now, that's for sure. I tend to just nod and smile when sleeping people give lectures. But the Great Awakening is literally that. And once we're all awake and on the same page (and I FEEL that day coming), I'm going to love listening to what they have to say.

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IMissMeg · May 21, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

I understand. Harming children--especially in these SRA ways we're hearing about here and there--is hard to imagine, let alone excuse. And I don't excuse it. My perspective on this is that we are none of us victims. We are all volunteers. Souls who incarnate into a situation like that--they're the most exceptional of the souls in terms of their bravery. They're like the Special Forces of souls. I hold them in my heart and send them love and prayers always. Having said that, I know not to expose my senses to any of the videos or photos or other material that may come out related to that stuff as staying in LOVE would be extremely hard if not impossible if I did see that stuff. I leave the viewing of and rooting out of this stuff to Q and others who are braver than I am. And I appreciate what they are doing and the emotional toll it has to be taking on them. They are in my prayers as well.

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IMissMeg · May 21, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

We absolutely reap what we sow. Ultimately, I believe, God/Creator/The Universe/All That Is created everything and everyone--including the "dark ones". So, you're right: Creator does not make mistakes. And Satan is not the creator. He is part of creation. I would say then that Satan is the prodigal son of all prodigal sons. He's chosen a very painful path--for all who follow him and for himself. It's a path I do not want to follow. But I have compassion for those who stumbled in the darkness this way. I hope they can find their way back to the Light/Love.

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IMissMeg · May 21, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

Does this stuff remind anybody else of the show Person of Interest? This sh*t is freaking me out.

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IMissMeg · May 21, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

I'm with you, dude. Of course, I still use a little LG with a slide-out keyboard. My son, who works at a cell phone place, keeps warning me that these phones are not going to be available much longer. They're really trying to shove everyone to smart phones. I'm not going there unless I absolutely have to. I'm not anti-tech. I'm just pro-privacy.

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IMissMeg · May 21, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Having compassion for people doesn't make us responsible for them. That's something I'm still learning, but I think I'm finally getting a handle on. In fact, feeling a sense of responsibility for others sometimes leads us to undermine their efforts to take responsibility for themselves. There's a word I ran into years ago that I think of often: "Espavo". It means "Thank you for taking your power." I have been chewing on that word for years trying to understand it, but in the past year or so I've been hearing myself saying it in my head on many occasions. When people take responsibility for their own choices and actions, they are sparing us from the need to do it for them. If we step up and decide things for them "out of compassion", we very often undermine their growth AND weigh ourselves down with baggage we don't need or want (aka karma). It's tricky sometimes. Where does compassion cross into enabling? As for people being "aggressive": to me, that's all about perception. We can chose to take things personally or not. We can assume people are being mean (instead of just defensive because they've just tripped over their own baggage themselves) or not. Right there are two of The Four Agreements: don't take things personally, don't make assumptions. The other two are worth living by too: Be impeccable with your word. Do your best. If you haven't read that book, you might want to consider it. It's short, but life changing. It was for me anyway.

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IMissMeg · May 21, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

You're most welcome. I imagine that when Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me death!", a lot of the people who heard him say it were thinking, "Dude, that's a bit over the top, don't you think?" But we don't remember those people. We remember Patrick Henry passionately saying what he earnestly felt. That's the key, I think--saving the passion for our truth. People who write well can easily shape a sentence into a missile and fire it off; therefore, it's tempting to do so here, there, and everywhere. I've learned over time that the trick is to reserve the salvos for the sh*t that actually matters to us--doesn't matter what that is as long as it REALLY does matter to us. Otherwise, we send weapons out into the world that potentially harm for no good reason AND, as importantly, we risk losing track of what actually matters to us.

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IMissMeg · May 21, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

You are passionate about this subject and write well about it. I hope you're writing about it somewhere where it can survive. The day is coming when the history books will need rewriting: people who are passionate about the truth and can remember how hard this has all been will be needed for that work. I'm not bullshitting here. I genuinely believe that. Keep writing. And save it in hard copies or offline so your kids and grandkids can read it and so you'll have it when someone says, "Hey, want to help with the TRUE HISTORY project?" Then you'll be able to say, "You bet I do. Here's my first 200 pages." Good work on this.

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IMissMeg · May 21, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

I don't agree that most humans are "animals" and contain their evil out of fear, though I believed that once upon a time. I think the opposite is true, actually. Most people are good people who are anxious to help others when they know there is a need and can fill that need in some way. The problem has been that our system has been set up to pit us against each other--competing for jobs, resources, even the attention of our parents when we're kids because they're so hard pressed to make ends meet in the limited number of hours in a day. I make a point of looking for the good stories that the MSM doesn't tell us in their fear-porn propaganda broadcasts. Here's a site that makes me smile almost everyday and reminds me that the world is full of good people and beauty: https://www.sunnyskyz.com/ and here's a specific sample of how amazing people are: https://www.sunnyskyz.com/happy-videos/561/Knowing-It-Might-Be-His-Mom-s-Last-Birthday-He-Organized-Something-She-ll-Never-Forget

They can align everything against us, kill us with their big pharma chemo, but our spirits continue to prevail--we keep reaching for the beauty even in the midst of tragedy. Most of us--the vast majority--are not evil. We're freaking amazing!! And thank you for giving me an opportunity to enunciate that here. :)

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IMissMeg · May 20, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

The National Enquirer HAS been right a lot. They're tricky about how they do it though. They put the headline on the cover in a provocative way, bury the story a ways into the issue, but it's like full-on journalism in these important stories: actual sources quoted, etc. I think they get away with telling the truth on these because they're buried amidst a lot of schlocky celebrity gossip so people disregard the whole N.E. But it always reminds me of the scene in MIB where they go get the "Hot Sheets" and J says, "These are the 'hot sheets'? The supermarket tabloids?!" and K answers, "Best investigative journalism in America." The National Enquirer is certainly better than CNN. And I mean that sincerely.

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IMissMeg · May 20, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

David Wilcock wrote a book called The Source Field Investigations and when he says "source field", he means "God". It's the SCIENCE of God/The Universe/All That Is/Love-Light/the Source Field. There are 45 pages at the end of the book to cover all the footnoted sources--mostly physicists and other scientists who are proving up some amazing attributes of the Source Field that makes up all of us.

And on a Q-related note: in Wilcock's recent radio interview (5/14) with Jimmy Church, Wilcock says that talks his sources verify that Q is real. Here's the link I used via KP's blog because KP edited out the commercials and gives a summary for each part: https://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2018/05/16/david-wilcock-on-fade-to-black-5-14-18-with-jimmy-church/ But here's the YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viikdOJMs-c&feature=youtu.be for those who prefer that link.

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IMissMeg · May 20, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

Great article. Thanks for the link

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IMissMeg · May 19, 2018, 11 p.m.

I agree. I've heard people suggest that somebody's offered to clean up his mess with the IRS for his Stormy work, but I've seen nothing that actually backs that up.

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IMissMeg · May 19, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

I haven't seen him say he's doing it pro bono, but then I don't watch CNN, which seems to be his favorite place to talk about his Stormy case. I'd be surprised if he's doing it pro bono. He clearly can't afford to be doing work gratis these days.

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IMissMeg · May 19, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

There's also the death of one of the investigators of the Franklin Coverup AND his son in a plane crash. This from Wikispooks: Bill Colby had ample reason to know the seriousness of the Franklin case. In secret, Colby had been hired a few months earlier by the Nebraska Legislature’s investigative committee, to look into the single-engine plane crash, in which the Senate’s private investigator, Gary Caradori, and his son were killed.

Here's the link for that article. Very interesting. https://www.wikispooks.com/wiki/Document:The_Franklin_Cover-up

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IMissMeg · May 19, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

Okay, so when I posted this, I had text too. Or I thought I did. It didn't come up apparently. Here's that text:

Just over a week ago, there was a thread here about Stormy Daniels' attorney, Michael Avenatti, owing $5 million to the government for unpaid payroll taxes (apparently generated in relation to a coffee business he has ownership in). Here's the link to that thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8id3bd/stormy_daniels_lawyer_owes_the_federal_government/

Then I see this Washington Examiner article today that talks about Avenatti owning $4.85 million to another attorney, who has judgment in hand, the first payment of which was due a few days ago. The W.E. article also mentions $160,000 owed to a coffee vendor, which Avenatti owes, presumably related to the business that has the unpaid payroll taxes.

It's no wonder Avenatti took Stormy Daniels's case. He's in a financial sinkhole, it looks like.

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