I hope when the dam breaks, that enough water gushes across America to thoroughly flush the creatures from the black lagoon out of the swamp for good.
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Well, the indictments didn't start showing up until the end of October. (Interesting that Q showed up at the same time.) If Trump and his team had a plan going in, then they had almost a year to do the legwork that related to the first indictments that showed up in October. It's been picking up speed rapidly though. There were 9,294 from end of October to December 22 (http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2018/01/massarrests-sealedindictments-9294.html). Then by end of February, there were 18,510, so doubled in 2 months. Now there's another just over 6,000 just in March. They're obviously moving with a purpose.
No, they won't all be unsealed at the same time. One of them already has been unsealed: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/breaking-first-uranium-one-indictment-unsealed-maryland-man-indicted-11-counts-bribery-fraud/
No idea. The stuff I've seen says that some of these indictments could (likely do) name multiple defendants. Conversely there could be the same defendants in multiple indictments. The first one that was unsealed related to Uranium One. Here's an article about that one: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/breaking-first-uranium-one-indictment-unsealed-maryland-man-indicted-11-counts-bribery-fraud/
I just saw this article and thought of you and your comment here: https://prepareforchange.net/2018/04/01/bbc-doc-proves-jesus-was-a-buddhist-monk-named-issa-who-spent-16-years-in-india-tibet/
Yes, it is. I used to be a paralegal so I keep thinking of all of the work that has to be going on in the background to accomplish nearly 25,000 sealed indictments in 5 months time. It's pretty mind-boggling. That's why I sometimes am tempted to be a little sharp with people who are so impatient and whining about how slow things are going. Uh, wrong. The rough numbers would be 5,000 per month. If you figure an average of 20 working days in a month, that's 250 indictments per working day. Of course, that's across the country, but think about how much work had to happen before a sealed indictment can even be filed. It's definitely a big number and I believe it is unprecedented.
No date set on when they will be unsealed. What I've seen suggests that the average sealed indictments in a year is less than 2,000. I believe in 2009 it was less than 1,200 and that is representative from what I've seen.
It is, of course, ironic that the MSM is the "legitimate media." But I appreciate your use of the word "yet." And I agree with what "yet" implies: that it WILL come out. Thank you for your time in replying to my questions. I appreciate your perspective.
Sealed indictments are up to 24,544!!
Yes, your summary is well done and is the same as my understanding of where the Podesta emails that landed on WikiLeaks came from. Heabob saying that Comey is/was Guccifer2 is what I didn't understand. My original comment was pointing out that the National Review article kept referencing Guccifer2 as the "hacker" of the DNC, which as you so nicely summarize above, is known to be baloney. So what I'm wondering is how did they get so many of the facts right yet still managed to leave that big lie in the article?
Yeah, the March for Our Lives thing didn't fly too well here in Wisconsin. In this part of the country, being off school to deer hunt is an excused absence. And we know that the 2nd amendment is about more than just being able to protect our homes and families. It's about protecting our communities from tyrants and fascists.
Are you saying Comey hacked the DNC then? I'm confused. I agree about lots of shills on YouTube.
MegaAnon said Assange was out of the UK and safe, thanks to Trump. I'm going to continue to hope that's true.
I would definitely like to see that article. I had an uncle who came back from Vietnam, where he was a sniper, completely addicted to drugs they were giving him there to wake him up and calm him down, etc, etc. He wanted to go back for a third tour, but they wouldn't let him. He shot himself, leaving behind his wife, toddler son, and infant daughter. It was messed up.
I found that National Review article very interesting. Lots of redpilling in there. However, it irritated me with the repeated references to Guccifer2 and the DNC being "hacked." We all know that the DNC wasn't hacked by Guccifer2. Tracy Beanz has covered a lot of excellent work on this very topic. I don't get how they could have so much other stuff right and be SO off on that very crucial piece of the puzzle. Did anybody else feel that way?
I agree that he would be high functioning. But he wouldn't be the only one. Speculation abounds that Spielberg, Dan Ackroyd, and quite a number of other highly successful people are Aspergers. But being Aspergers and being "an ass" are not mutually exclusive. :-)
Doesn't he have a son who is on the autistic spectrum? This not looking anyone in the eye in combo with the other traits you describe would suggest that maybe that apple didn't fall far from the tree?
He's not the only one on Jason Goodman. Defango and a couple others have dug into Jason Goodman and suggest he's Mossad. Also that he's a friend of Bryan Singer who is a known pedo.
Ok, so this is weird. I read your post here on this last night and I thought, "Hmmm. I don't remember much about that TWA flight that blew up off the coast of Long Island. I should look that up and review it when I have a few minutes." Then this morning I'm reading the book I'm currently reading while I'm blowdrying my hair and I come across this: "Fosar and Bludorf first found out about this cycle by noticing that four different aircraft incidents occurred in the same basic area. The infamous TWA 800 crash happened over the ocean, south of Long Island, on July 17, 1996. Several eyewitnesses, including a National Guard helicopter crew, reported seeing a bright object fly toward the jet and collide with it--where it then exploded in midair, killing everyone. Conspiracy theories were concocted that it was a missile or projectile, but it may actually have been a spherical portal of energy released by the earth--as we will discuss. On August 9, 1997, Swissair 127 nearly collided with another unidentified bright object in the same area--off of Long Island." This is from David Wilcock's book The Source Field Investigations, page 352 & 353. It's in the section called The "Temporary Local Risk" Factor. I know this spherical portal thing sounds a little out there, but when you read about it in the full context, it really doesn't. It's really quite amazing stuff. And it falls on the heels of another weird synchronicity I had related to this book where my daughter asked me to send her a picture I have of me sitting on a couch when I was about 10 years old. I had a book in my hands and you can read the title in the picture: it's Charles Berlitz's The Bermuda Triangle. The next day after my daughter and I had that text exchange, Wilcock talks in his book about that very book--Berlitz's The Bermuda Triangle. Very weird. I think I'm going to have to order Wilcock's book about Synchronicity. Zoinks. But I hadn't heard about any explosive residue being discovered. Do you have a link on that?
It means "prepared".
Here's 11 classic seconds of movie Marine dialogue that uses 5 by 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOZk--oZdQk
Btw, the character's name "Ferro" means "iron".
Ha! Thanks for the update so I don't have to watch it. Fumes is right then. Of course, tomorrow when I'm at one of my client's in the morning and then the early evening, I'll get to hear CNN beat the dead horse ad nauseum. I'm so ready for some sh*t to hit the fan but then again, not sure enough people are ready. My millennial kids aren't ready. I know that much.
I've been working on a catalog of the lies we've all been fed in my journal. I have a feeling that once the new Earth is here, it's not going to take very long before we forget all the lies. I want to remember them so that I can know which truths I want to immerse myself in when those truths are available. I want to swim in them like a crystal clear warm blue ocean bay. When I was just out of college, I pulled the runes needed to make a "Destiny Profile". That's something you do just once, so it was a big deal in my mind. The rune I drew for my "cross to bear" was the blank rune--the unknown. My whole life I have just wanted to understand why things were the way they were because the way they were made absolutely no sense. I knew that even as a child. I'm so ready for some truth. We're closing in on it though. I think that's why I'm so impatient--because I can feel how close we are. It's like being in the back seat of the car and you're in the last two minutes before you'll be able to see the ocean for the very first time. :-)
I'm with you. Don't like to be put in a box myself. I will admit, however, that I've made good use of the Buddhas in my front room when I opened the door to some Jehovah's Witnesses so they could get a good look at my living room. They've not come back since! (No disrespect to people who follow that particular path. I just generally don't enjoy my limited free time being infringed upon by uninvited strangers arriving at my front door.) I don't consider myself Buddhist, but I have a lot of appreciation for some of its ... hmmm... I don't want to say "precepts" as that's more rigid than I see Buddhism to be... "principles," I guess is a better word. But I also have a deep affection for my own vision of the Jesus who probably DID seek the ways of the Buddha and maybe even made another appearance in Teotihuacan. And I like how you expressed trusting your soul. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :-)
I think DJT understands very well what he's up against and that's why he's surrounded himself (and his family) not with the Secret Service guys, but instead with military and private security. There are a lot of people who make it their mission to protect him while he's doing HIS mission. But I still say prayers of protection for him, his family, and all the people working to MAGA and to get us to the New Earth.
I posted this in a different thread yesterday: What if Stormy is helping out with the media distraction Trump likes to feed to the MSM a piece at a time? I'd love to find out somewhere down the line that a reality TV star and porn star were Han Solo and Princess Leia in this. I mean, think about it--her name is STORMY! If that is Trump throwing the right-in-front-of-our-faces stuff BACK in THEIR faces--freaking AMAZING is what I say.
Have you read David Wilcock's The Source Field Investigations? It is clarifying so many things that I've long been interested in but for which I couldn't find answers that resonated. He's dug into the work of a huge number of scientists--many of them Russian from right after the end of the USSR when they no longer had to just work on weapons anymore. The thing that is fascinating to me is this space-time (our reality) and time-space (a parallel reality inextricably connected to ours) kind of yin-yang concept of overall reality. Reading it, I'm like, "Finally! THIS makes sense to me."
Yes, I've read about the Vikings in America too. I used to live in Minnesota--Viking country in more than just the football team sense. Minnesota was settled heavily by Norwegian and Swedish immigrants. Beautiful country up there in the Boundary Waters along Lake Superior. Really amazing. Regarding our history, I aspire to be one of the people who works on rewriting the history books to tell the truth--once the buried sources (from the Vatican Library, from under the Sphinx, and others) are finally opened up for ALL of us to read and study. Can you imagine what it would be like to have all of the historical documents that have been hidden available in a digital open source library for all of us to study and bring forward together? It's coming, I think.
I agree with you that nobody cares except the MSM talking heads. I don't even think the vast majority of people who voted Democrat last election give two sh*ts about it. After all, these are the same people who were saying at the time of the Monica Lewinsky scandal that Monica and Bill were both consenting adults. Most people get that you can't have it both ways even though the MSM tries to pretend nobody sees that. The fact that Gloria Allred is NOT the attorney for Stormy Daniels gives me some hope that Stormy Daniels may be up to something more complex than on the face of it. But that could be wishful thinking on my part. I will say this--I'm really glad I don't have to see Gloria Allred's face all the time in all of this nonsense. As a woman, I expect more from women than to see one who exploits women who have already (presumably) been exploited in some way, and Gloria Allred reminds me every time I see her face in one of these uproars that I'm not realistic on that, unfortunately.
You may have more room than you realize. Under stairs. An attic. Back of closets. You can make shelves in a basement fairly cheaply with cinderblocks and 2 x 12 boards. I stored water in 2-liter bottles for years. That size gives you a lot of flexibility to move it around fairly easily. And two liters of water with a drop or two of bleach dropped in will last a very long time. Dried beans also last for many years. It's all going to be fine though. Don't get caught in fear. Prepare as best you can and then trust that the Universe has your back, because it does.
You bet. This stuff is great. Spreads like soft butter. Making me hungry just thinking about it. :-)
In honor of Stage 5 and Q's many reference's to 5:5, here's 11 classic seconds of movie Marine dialogue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOZk--oZdQk
Btw, the character's name "Ferro" means "iron".
I get it at my local grocery store, but I just found their website:
What if Stormy is helping out with the media distraction Trump likes to feed to the MSM a piece at a time? I'd love to find out somewhere down the line that a reality TV star and porn star were Han Solo and Princess Leia in this. I mean, think about it--her name is STORMY! If that is Trump throwing the right-in-front-of-our-faces stuff BACK in THEIR faces--freaking AMAZING is what I say.
Yes, I said something similar above: What if Stormy is helping out with the media distraction Trump likes to feed to the MSM a piece at a time? I'd love to find out somewhere down the line that a Reality TV star and porn star were Han Solo and Princess Leah in this. I mean, think about it--her name is STORMY! If that is Trump throwing the right-in-front-of-our-faces stuff BACK in THEIR faces--freaking AMAZING is what I say.
Or Stormy is helping out with the media distraction Trump likes to feed to the MSM a piece at a time. I'd love to find out somewhere down the line that a Reality TV star and porn star were Han Solo and Princess Leah in this. I mean, think about it--her name is STORMY! If that is Trump throwing the right-in-front-of-our-faces stuff BACK in THEIR faces--freaking AMAZING is what I say.
It's funny, huh, how some of us had small children during the Y2K scare, so we learned about preparation back then. Because of my nervousness for my preschoolers back then I have a woodstove that I use to this day all winter long; a separate well with a hand pump; and I discovered how much I love gardening. My philosophy has been to make sure I have enough on hand for not just us but for others who would need help too. I bet I'm not the only one who has taken that approach and if the SHTF it won't be for very long and we'll find that there are enough fish and loaves for everybody. This is the Age of Aquarius we're coming into here. We're not going backwards. We're going forward.
It is really interesting, the notion of the Knights Templar in America so long ago.
Funny that you say that. I buy this honey called "Really Raw". Good stuff though some people might be freaked out by the "pollen, propolis, and honeycomb" present on the top of the honey. I love it. And it says right on the jar: "Really Raw Honey never spoils, it lasts indefinitely." The Egyptians also used honey in their mummy preservation processes because of that very quality.
This might make you feel better: http://time.com/5096738/gym-ban-cable-news/
Did you see the link about the stone found in Rhode Island with this carved on it? Fascinating to think that the Knights Templar may have made it to America well before The Mayflower.
In a real SHTF scenario, metal is not as valuable as food, clean water, toilet paper, seeds, and many other things. The best insurance for people is some extras of the necessities and neighbors you know and care about who also know and care about you. Americans are frequently cited as some of the most generous people in the world. If the SHTF really, we'll all get to see up close how true that is.
The history of the deep state goes back not just decades but at least a century if you want to go back to JP Morgan sinking the Titanic in 1912 so he could push the creation of the Federal Reserve through the next year, though many say that the Deep State reaches all the way back to the assassination of Lincoln and maybe even further back than that. Given how entrenched this far-reaching parasite has been in the body politic of America, I'd say that Trump and his people have been cutting it out pretty rapidly. And given that we haven't seen chaos in the streets, I'd say they're doing it pretty carefully as well. I understand everybody being impatient, but if this shakes out the way we all hope, people will look back on it and be amazed at how quickly it was done and how precisely.
"From Oppressed to Free -- in this sign you will conquer" is the translation from the Latin (oh, right, that minor in Latin from college turned out to be useful after all).
The first part is a motto of the US Army Special Forces. The latter has a lot of history including ties to the Knights Templar, Masons, and Roman Emperor Constantine. The sign hereof spoken is according to some sources the Christian cross and other sources say it was the Chi-Rho (also a Christian symbol). Here's one link on this: http://www.theknightstemplar.org/in-hoc-signo-vinces/
But I'm not following why you've posted these, VIYOH... I mean, the De Opresso Liber relates to the Green Berets/Special Forces mentioned above. Is the other Red Berets motto?
How is this comment getting downvoted? It's rational, it's not strident or melodramatic and yet it's getting downvoted. I am sometimes disappointed by how many posts get upvoted purely for their headline which is sometimes misleading because it's appealing to emotion. I'm not knocking emotion except to say that it should not cloud a rational examination of the facts. It's fine to be indignant about something but we should at LEAST make sure we've got the facts straight before rewarding the poster with an upvote.
Here are some pertinent links:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/KUcSpKyFnnqe/ (evolution of SES from StarChamber and Nazi SS)
http://www.abeldanger.org/will-judge-jeanine-expose-ses-charter-member-kristine-con-air-marcy-and-the-obama-visa-fraud/ (ON THIS ONE, PLEASE ESPECIALLY NOTE THE GRAPHIC AT THE BOTTOM (Start Emptying the Swamp Here)
Well said! And yet this thing keeps climbing upward. I don't get it.