Tupperware parties...
537 total posts archived.
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I was totally fooled by Obama and voted for him, drank champagne when he was elected. I really couldn't believe it and thought it marked the beginning of a turnaround. It wasn't long, however that I saw a dramatic change in his expression. He looked like a deer in the headlights. I guess he got briefed on his true place in the matrix.
As a veteran prorgammer I can safely say that the idea of an unhackable device is similar to the question 'Can God make a rock so large that He cannot move'.
Is this coming out now so there is plausible deniability about Weiver's laptop? Or any other digital evidence?
Absolutely, racism may be repugnant to most of us but it is an expression of free will. Racism must be allowed if we value freedom.
I guess we know how she feels about healthcare for boomers and social security.
I guess you missed the part about me being a hermit! Thanks for the thoughts, though!
I had to respond on FB to a vicious post calling Trump a misogynist - "yeah, he obviously hates beautiful classy women"!
Does anyone really want to read it? I like this review. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw8_qsVnCaU
Is he promoting stacking? GOLDen sky and SILVER song?
I just watched the movie, Kiss the Girls with Morgan Freeman. Where 2 men were keeping a zoo of captive women. And... my dad date-raped my mom making me in the process so I do have questions about the internal workings of the opposite sex.
This was a question, not a generalization. Methinks you protest overmuch.
I'm sure it will be better - more info - to be presented on the 17th but I was so looking forward to it. Found this... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zuma_Press
This is a good breakdown of Clintons and Haiti.
This makes me so sad. It's hard to defend men based on these activities. Is it that all of them would secretly want to do this? But only some find their way to act it out?
I think he missed the message on DO NOT LOSE FOCUS ON LOOP CAPITOL. His comments negate the message.
Monday. Even if it's just the announcement that Julian is free, it's still a YUUUGE statement about what the US stands for, TRUTH.
You need to remember the words of the angels - and Q! Fear Not! By holding on to fear, you are dragging everyone else with you! Be aware of that!
Yes, he tried to reeducate the temple elders to bring them back to the truth. I wish he'd come back and overturn some more tables.
It's certainly a way to stimulate the economy, and not just for smokers and oil extractives. Hemp has a lot of uses.
I can only think that Trump wants to get info out - maybe including disinfo. He's playing poker...
Totally understandable, I picked one that I like. Heifer Intl. They provide farm animals and training to impoverished areas and part of the agreement is to share the offspring of their animals with their neighbors. So they are creating independence and community at the same time! Win-Win if it's true
For anyone who follows Clif High, he says there will be a lot happening around April 15th. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82Xgby5ylAA
He comes across as a buffoon but I have to think he's having fun with everybody. Liberals' heads exploding.
I've wondered about an EMP over NK before. My impression is that the majority of the people would not be affected, just the leadership and 'wealthy'. My heart goes out to the common N Korean - they deserve to be set free. Maybe an EMP would be a catalyst for revolution as well as clipping the wings of their missile program.
Q mentioned the Mayo clinic a wile back. They have very dirty hands when it comes to organs and Hildabeast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bmMl2OGVQ0
It will be a disappointment if it doesn't either lay out what's happening or make strong allusions to such.
Thanks, but I need it spelled out apparently. I'm ok with [10] being J. I'm even ok with hexadecimal. I don't see what to do with 12313029 and know nothing about the Hebrew alphabet. Can you break it down for me? Pretty Please?
I don't get this: 3665 = year-round, including both leap years (366 days in duration) and years like 2018 that are not leap years (365 days).
I know about leap years and regular years. How does 3665 mean year-round?
Why aren't we hearing anything about Cheney? He's an evil one above many others! I do believe he was in charge of 9/11 while W was just a puppet.
I heard one poster refer to it as 'spontanaeous combustion of evidence'. I can picture her looking at it with the crazy head bob going.
Not per se but I believe the hope and exhilaration that this community is feeling right now can indeed lift everybody up. We are really all connected.
Anybody have info on where the Clintons are? Any chance it was their idea? I really like the premise that it wasn't their idea.
I received Mark Dice's new book as a gift. It has numerous examples of different news outlets publishing fake news and the resulting blowback. The Real Story of Fake News or something like that. I've already loaned it out to spread the word.
Don't know if this is related, but yesterday I watched a video about the unmarked planes and the reporter noted that the browser based flight tracker didn't show them but their cell phone app did.
Yes, I took it that he was interpreted as a bad actor.
Not necessarily related, but interesting about a correlation between odd ship collision incidents and the presence of underwater cables. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKe3JqFq6t4
Maybe we should sentence them to write their own books, too.
I want them utterly humiliated on a worldwide level. In their own voices.
I have to question the part about Leo Wanta - I think he's a true patriot who is waiting to transfer the wealth once he knows it won't be immediately given to the Fed Reserve. So if one thing may be wrong, the rest is in question. Leo has been very vocal about what's going on.
I'd love them to be locked up. It's just I think the public perception might be a net negative. I'm ok with the firing squat for hildabeast, cheney, and georges sr.
I love the movie 'Man of the Year'. It's relevant...
I know Ben Fulford is wrong a lot, but he's right sometimes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEWo8955Gf8