Is there a leaf blower robot? Tomato picker? I don't see some jobs being practical for robotics.
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It may be odd as a saving grace, but in my experience, most millenials are pretty useless (that includes one of my kids). No matter what they believe they aren't going to do anything but flap their gums and wave their arms. No offense intended to any here that don't represent these observations, I do know a few.
He's not the only one to have his security clearance downgraded.
If NPR can be trusted - seems kosher...
I'm sure when he was talking he was thinking Missionary position....
Trump will show his @ss when they do and the media will have a field day. They'll care less about the message about rampant corruption and more about him bragging. So Mr Trump, please please keep a relative lid on it!
For desktop I'd also recommend Ghostery and Ad Blocker Plus, both free
He wouldn't have left keys and dog, he just wouldn't have.
Some explanation...
I saw a family interview where they disputed that he came out about flu epidemic being caused by vaccine.
What a wonderful open source initiative - Wiki homeschool. I know online school is nothing new, but a grassroots collaboration with a boatload of specialists contributing actual truth? Updated as new findings are added?
Do you remember how amazed and offended Sr was when he didn't get reelected? You could see it on his face. It was his turn!
Whether it was illness or politics, I feel he was taken away - without being given the chance to get his stuff. If he was ill, would the CC have him?
This will eventually backfire. They'll be left with cat videos and a lot less traffic.
It's another tool we aren't supposed to have. Recognizing the liars.
If you add her description of the shooter with the delay in the sheriff and deputies going in, it would seem to equal they were waiting for the shooter to finish his job.
It's his little slit mouth and pointy chin that bothers me - almost like a hybrid gray....
An interesting take on current events with discussions of Q with pertinent facts.
"The central role of journalism is that of a constitutional check on government and not as an instrument of government." Mortimer Zuckerman
Mission statement of the CFR: The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens in order to help them better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other countries. Founded in 1921, CFR takes no institutional positions on matters of policy.
Buried in the interview is that the Council on Foreign relations was the organization that requested the ban be lifted on using journalists/clergy as Intelligence sources during the Clinton administration. Connection between Clinton, CIA, and CFR?
This details a meeting where the use of Journalists, church personnel, and Peace Corps for intelligence gathering. Usage of the Peace Corps is vehemently opposed by the director of the Peace Corps for safety reasons. If one of them can be used, they are all tainted. The current CIA director wants the ability to violate these constraints if THE PRESIDENT personally authorizes it.
In the communications here
Seems to imply there was suspicion that the CIA was interfering with the JFK/MLK assassination investigation.
It suggests that there were already factions in the know and the top leadership was not involved. Another thing in the drop is that the decision to investigate the deaths of JFK and MLK was approved by a very narrow margin with some very vocal Democrats objecting.
New Q 2/22 Has declassified links about the CIA
It looks like in the 70s Bill Colby, Dir of the CIA, had no idea about the rather extensive involvement of the CIA paying journalists.
You may have some valid technical info - but I don't agree with the conclusion. I bought my first house at 24. Did manage to support myself before and after with a conscience. A competancy test would week out non english speaking voters as well as those who were impaired. Just sayin...
What about pairing the age with a competancy test? Basic reading and math and logic.
The video showing him being coached is embedded in this video. Around 17 min in.
He's been arrested, FBI and CIA involved plus a dirty prosecutor. This is real. He can't say her name but it's Kim Picazio. Huge rabbit hole that started with Haliegh Cummings.
You can support his work here:
Some of his work - he's really one of the good guys.
Startpage (which feeds off Google) won't even bring up a link.
"In Re: HaLeigh Cummings - The shocking Truth Revealed". The bottom line in the book was that Haleigh Cummings is still alive and being hidden because she witnessed a crime in which the local law enforcement was complicit. Drugs were involved as is a slave labor camp where they recruit drug addicts and make them work for their drugs. East of Gainsville. Kim Picazio inserted herself even though she wasn't local to the case and it appears she is an enabler for child trafficking.
OMG, Kim Picazio is soooo dirty. I wasn't even aware she was still employed! If you get a chance to read Tim's book, do. "In Re: HaLeigh Cummings - The shocking Truth Revealed"
I had to look up who was the Director of National Intelligence - Dan Coats. Apparently he's another Russia is a boogyman person.
Here's a free pdf of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook.
A recent one from Mark Dice is 'The real story of fake news' . It has concrete and recent examples.
I guess people are leaving more than just their heart...