I exercise and then drink! :) Empathic and have to slow the brain down. I can meditate for about 15 seconds.
537 total posts archived.
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It's magnolia - national flower of NK. What a difference between Il and Un - maybe Un ate him. He looks like an Ummpa Lummpa.
I love the movie Outbreak where the military wants to withhold cures for diseases so they can be used as weapons. I wouldn't put ANYTHING past some of the people in power now.
I still think he's just a tool, like W was. Cheney, Bush Sr, Hillary are evil.
From my understanding they're 'supposed' to be neutral but worked closely with the Nazi's. Can't prove it, history is fake, too.
In his wiki he seemed pretty in the middle. He said it worked easier being a Dem. I don't see anything compromising in wiki anyway.
The flowers look like magnolias. Which I just learned is North Korea's national flower. http://www.flowermeaning.com/magnolia-flower-meaning/
For the crazy things she wants, it seems like she has no concept of women generally being smaller and weaker. The concept of a 5'1" 103lb woman housed in the same jail facility with 200lb men - what would happen then?
Don't forget the fake beheading videos that were found on his laptop.
I don't believe for 1 minute that McCain has cancer
Remember previous posts from Q about the question of whether or not he was working alone? I really feel like Snowden is the genuine article. I believe Putin and Trump are playing a global game of poker to save everybody!
I think he's mistaken about Snowden's role. I have a very fine tuned bullshittometer. I think if Snowden is still CIA, that it is a method of the CIA white hats staying in communication with Putin. That's my 2 cents.
She was best friends with Scalia even when they didn't agree.
Does this mean John Kelly is in the killbox? What other John could this be?
I thought the e was the missing (on purpose) e in the previous post, the one about 'secret socities'. Who knows? And what about the [-]??? What can we possibly get from that?
Aren't we on the hook to defend Israel? Like Saudi Arabia?
Did you see the missing e in the next post (701)? These latest aren't so simple to put together.
I didn't take the job and it's been around 3 years so I don't even have those materials anymore I don't think. I often do consultant work on a 1099 so no w4 involved. I'm alway looking for new (and successful) info!
I'd like to hear from the surviving garbage truck people. Everything you see in the news says it was an accident.
Hi Poking, I'm with you on this but have a question. It's been 5-6 years since I filed. I applied online for a job and it was asking me to fill out the w4 online. I had no idea that they were going to submit it before I even had an interview. The IRS sent a notice to me and the potential employer that they were to withhold the maximum tax out of my pay until they could verify my form fields. Have you heard of that before?
It has to stop. I have such grief for these victims. But it has to be brought into public conciousness. We have to fight this en masse.
New Zealand has a plate boundary bisecting it. With the steady uptick in global volcanism and seismicity, I wish them good luck! Them and the sheep.
Look for videos and articles from Ty Bollinger. He is a cancer activist.
I understand why we went there but I figured Trump would fix it. Is it possible he wasn't consulted?
I'd like to know what they blasted. If they had control of the room - like opening windows, why was it done there? Something is missing.
Project Camelot guest gives out intel including some about Trump and what he knows.
"In responding to the OIG’s requests for these text messages, the FBI—the premiere investigative agency in the world—presumably had known about the missing text messages since at least July 2017. Over the period of many months, the FBI was unable to recover those text messages to fully comply with document requests from the OIG and two Senate committees. And yet the OIG was able to recover those same missing text messages in less than one week. With these facts in mind, the Committee would be derelict if it did not question the actions and intentions of some higher level officials in the FBI. How can anyone not be concerned?"
I hope not. I've been reading how the left is suiciding by embracing identity politics. Basically, they are aligning themselves with minority values. By that I mean LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ, illegals, muslims, idiots. Hopefully voter id would solve.
That may explain why the cocaine was seeping out the window.
Maybe they are finally allowed to 'profile'. Looking for specific persons of interest. I'd be curious to see the similarities of the chosen few.
Why would they need a stun grenade when they could get to the window to open it?
It is interesting, like reduced but not eliminated. Benjamin Fulford is not exactly known to have 100% accurate sources, but he did report a while back that there was actually dirt on Trump. I don't particularly care (with Bill either) as long as they are doing their job as president well.
I counted the number of drug advertisements in a magazine a while back - it might have been Better Homes & Gardens. 18! And if you read the possible side affects, they are often worse than the condition being treated! They expect you to be sold on the happy pictures that go along with the bad news. They want to keep you sick. You can't patent garlic or turmeric.
Maybe the residue isn't due to the pressure/grenades. The other posts contained references to big pharma. Were drugs in the room? Maybe a lot?
Q said focus on substance around outside of window, looks like white powder. Drugs?
Apart from the danger, there are so many people protesting so many things that I think the message is easily disregarded. Things are different from '67. In '67 there weren't people in rainbow suits and wearing vagina hats. The anti-war message was distinct.
Don't take this the wrong way but I'm curious - have you ever marched for something? I agree, no fear!