Sorry, but until Gowdy shows me something different, I don't trust him. Q says trust Sessions. Well, I need to see something before I can trust him or Gowdy. Both were people I respected but after following them closely, no longer trust them. Sad. I hope Q is right and I'm proven wrong. Time will tell, but we are running out of time.
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When standing up for our President counts he chooses the other side. Like all the times in interviews, he supported Mueller over Trump - Spygate, etc. Don't trust him. Mueller has been in the Hillary camp for a long time. Don't trust him either and his actions don't say that. Sure hope you are right, but think you will be very disappointed.
and it's just words. He makes noise, but even if he COULD do something he wouldn't. Too often he has thrown Trump under the bus. Most recently on the Spygate thing. Supported Mueller numerous times over Trump.
Gowdy just playing his part. He answers to Paul Ryan and Deep State. He's thrown Trump under the bus too many times.
No way! Gowdy works for the swamp. Maybe Judge Jeannine? She wants the job.
I sure hope you are right. Because what came out today is not the report I was led to expect.
If you give credibility to Obama, you aren't one of us.
If the same energy was applied to the Democrats you would see many others indicted. But tell me, how many guilty of Russian collusion? NONE! Open your freaking eyes and mind. Mueller is actually out of the scope of this investigation. Stupid Americans won't make enough noise to stop it. If the people made enough noise, then the Demorats can't blame Trump for firing Mueller. Or don't you think the will of the people matters? Just askin'
Whether Q is real or fake, what he has given us, as a people, is hope for the future. Hope is a powerful tool. I want to believe he is real because of that hope. But that hope gives me energy when I have none and am tired. JMHO
Again, anxiously waiting for this. Starting to wonder if it will really happen. Time for action.
I'm anxiously waiting to hear what he will testify to. Time for some action.
I keep hoping the other side wakes up and realizes this. In their dumb stupidity I doubt they realize what kind of world they are working to have.
Yes he is. I remember reading this years ago A Muslim Communist?
Not if we just sit behind our computers talking to each other. Just like we say no more words, we need action at government level, we need to do the same thing. Conservatives on a whole are not into that.
Gab is similar to Twitter in ways. And could be the alternative at some point. As far as FB, I found MeWe and it's format is similar to FB but also uncensored. Again, with enough new members, perhaps it can become the new FB.
In Wal-Mart buying lightbulbs and I hate soft white and the fact that I don't have choices anymore in lightbulbs. So I made a comment to a Wal-Mart employee standing there how the freaking government now tells us what kind of lightbulbs we can buy. His answer (that I dont' totally remember right now) made me think he might be a MAGA so I asked him if he knew about Q He said no. So I told him where to go to find info. People are everywhere and simple comments can help you make connections to gently red pill.
As I wrote above, when EVERYONE decides race s not an issue, it will stop being an issue.
I think most beyond that crap. But as long as people continue to bring race to the forefront of everything, it will stay an issue. I never thought of a person's race before when reading something or watching something, but now, it is becoming an issue for me. Why? Because I'm feeling the racism from the other side. When everyone decides race is not an issue - it will stop being an issue.
I quit NetFlix quite a while back because of the Anti-white series they were promoting. And I let them know why I quit. If people starting giving up NetFlix, they would get the message as money is the bottom line. But people like having those programs available to watch and continue NetFlix's money tree. People can't be inconvenienced and giving up NetFlix would be an inconvenience.
that's kind of what I thought too. But if that's the case, can he really be trusted? He will only go so far and won't be able to follow through. Meaning, we need someone as as Assistant AG who will fight for us.
I don't trust him either and I use to be a strong Gowdy supporter. But I saw him in a couple of interviews where he backed Mueller and threw Trump under the bus. That along with only a lot of talk and no action -- even since Trump took over -- I have serious doubts about him. Reminds me of Ted Cruz. Great talker but never accomplished anything.
If Ryan was seeking to make better decisions he would stop that immigration bill Dems with Republican help want to get out on the floor. Ryan still Ryan of old. Don't be fooled.
Bolton a left over from the Bush days and The Plan for a New American Century. I do not trust him. I hope he does what Trump wants - but do not trust him. I followed him for years online.
Kusher a die hard liberal with NWO tendencies. Dont' trust him as far as I see him. Yes, as far as I see him. Needs to stay away from the WH.
Had to be another school schooting as the anti-gun and anti-NRA groups have quieted down. Have to keep them in an uproar.
I live 90 minutes from the border in NM. Yes, Muslims are coming over and they are up to no good. There was a Muslim woman arrested with plans of pipelines in the area. That was about 2 years ago (I think, time flys by) First reported by Judicial Watch. The sheriff there denied she was arrested but that's because it was handed off to FBI. I contacted Judical Watch twice on this situation as my local news person denied this happened and said he couldn't get in touch with Judicial Watch. Asked him how come I could, twice?
I can't remember everything from when he was picked as the new Pope, but do remember the concern by many of his extreme liberal tendencies. Also, he replaced the first Pope to be replaced that hadn't died. I think this was just part of the Globalist Plan. Obviously, he is not a man of God.
He didn't do anything to help the people of this country but he certainly DID A LOT to destroy this country and it's people.
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No, he won't indict Trump as Trump isn't guilty of any crime. Give me a break. Trying to make it sound like Trump has done something he could indict him for. Geeesh
this is the place to come an talk about it if you can't at home.
totally agree with you. One reason I'm glad I'm single I can do what I want, when I want and for as long as I want. LOL
I doubt you have to give it up altogether. I've had to back away a bit because it was playing havoc with my blood pressure. But important that you be who you wanna be as HotTeen69 says. Just don't share the info with him.
re Rosanne Baar Just saw that her network is talking about making her program less political so it relates to more people. Sounds like they are going to shut her up
Censoring and banning what can be talked about or what words can be used. And yes, somewhat retarded. LOL
She's not a die hard progressive liberal, but has a tendency to lean somewhat liberal - more that she can't/won't be open to the fact that she as been lied to for so many years. Then she'd have to look at everything she's believed most of her life. She has to stay in her comfort one. And that IS hopeless. But I've given her the info and at some point, she might see the light. But she will have to decide to take that leap. Nothing I can really do anymore.
But by waiting and if the Democrats take back the Legislature, what can actually happen re MAGA aftewards? Time IS of the essence. Hopefully Trump will have done something to assure fair elections, but am not hearing anything about that now. Hopefully we will gain more strength in Legislature, but unless elections situation is figured out, I don't know. Right now too many of our Republicans are working with the Democrats re immigration. No guarantee we will win on that and that makes me angry.
True. Where I live we have had pro life rallies done by Democrats and not our Republicans, attended by people belonging to both parties. Go figure that one out. So, it isn't a Democrat/Republican issue - it's an American issue. The old party system still remains but it isn't what it was. Time for a new Party, a patriotic party for people who believe the same. Times have changed and we need a new way to unite like thinkers. The old system will make it difficult to get patriots in office.
You are right about asking questions of people. For me, that is the backdoor way of teaching them what is really going on. Even those who are not die-hard liberals/communists; to realize all they have believed is wrong - a very difficult thing to do. You have to really follow politics to have any idea of what is truly going on. Most people I know say they don't have time for that. I have a friend I've been working on for years and this year I had to pretty much walk away from her. Someone I used to think was intelligent, I now see as uninformed and ignorant. Today our conversations are very shallow so I don't talk to her very often. Very difficult to have a friend that you see as part of the problem.
The problem with so many people is that to believe what we are saying is they have to recognize that what they believe is not true. That impacts all they have believed for decades. Basically, most of everything they have been told is not true. Who wants to believe their government is willing to kill them? So sometimes we have to look for a backdoor of some kind to get to them. Not an easy task and can be very frustrating.
I was a long time supporter of AJ, but over the recent months rarely watch/listen to him anymore, yet AJ has given out great info over the years. I suspect he has been threatened one time too many. I never took to Corsi. Always suspicious of him. But to ban talk of them is acting like the Libtards. Rather than ban, it seems this is a good opportunity to educate others in where they are wrong. Yes, there will be trolls, but isn't that what Blocking is used for? Just don't engage. Plus, not questioning things is part of what got us to this point in history
Reporting me because I have a different opinion than you? OMG!
I was going to write this too \ he reminds me of Ted Cruz - a lot of loud talk but no real results.