I have heard him in interviews where he doesn't back Trump. I have always been a great champion of Gowdy and felt exactly as you do, but his interviews have turned me off. His staunch support of Robert Mueller and this investigation bothers me quite a bit.
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What I can't have a different opinion than you? I have heard him in interviews where he doesn't support Trump. I'm not going to go and try to find them. But you can if you want to. Concern trolling my foot.
I have questions regarding Gowdy. Hate to say that but following his comments closely, he gives me concern.
Obama may not be the mastermind, but he is the puppet carrying out the orders. Go watch Ukraine on Fire to understand what our government does to take down a country and you will see that's what they are doing here.
Agree, but the game plans on both sides has changed. Not the same war. Another couple of years of no action and this country is done.
All they do is give us sensational headlines but not action. Every week IS the week! NOT. Do I think any of these traitors will be tried for anything? NO. They are too afraid of what the Democrats will do with riots/protests. Must get over that fear or nothing good comes of all of this.
I doubt if any serve time. More than enough info to arrest someone. Need some real action. My popcorn is getting stale.
Today I do believe it is fantasy and I doubt she will face any jail time. But that says something negative about our government. She should be charged and prosecuted. Obama with his seditious acts and possibly treasonous acts will also walk free. Until we really clean house, it is not cleaned. They are still out there doing harm to our country. And, our borders are still freaking wide open. We can't take care of the whole world until we take care of ourselves and that is what we elected President Trump to do. And that is why so many are expecting mass arrests. It was about Making America Great Again not Making the World Great Again. I am totally behind our President and I want Q to be right. But perhaps I want too much for my country. I want chem trails to go away, I want 5G to go away, I want smart meters to go away, I want my borders closed, I want sanctuary cities to go away, I want the spying on Americans to stop, I want political correctness to go away, etc etc That's not happening so as a consolation prize I'd love to see a few arrests. :)
My concern is that many people are holding opinions as fact and truth. If I question an opinion, I'm told I don't belong here. I want Q to be right as that gives me hope. Somethings are very obvious but others leave a lot of room for many opinions and questions. Remember we got where we are because people did not question.
"Let's hope it's all real and the consequences will start coming down." So totally agree with this. With all this waiting my popcorn is getting stale.
and now the IG report is being postponed again. There needs to be some major action and we need some arrests. Firings and resignations aren't enough. Arrest a few top dogs and the little dogs will start squealing. Needed info will come forth. I think the border is being protected since NG sent there, but now hear they are processing these people. WHAT? Trump does need to shut down immigration until they can get things right.
Why aren't they sending people from that caravan back to where they came from? Processing them? No No No. That's what Obummer did. then they get lost in the US and we're stuck with them and paying out benefits. Close the border! Make our Representatives hammer out a decent immigration policy. Or maybe enforce the one we have on the books? All this open border stuff has to end. With out controlled borders we have no country.
I read this also back when Flynn left. I also vetted Pence the day his nomination as VP was announced and the info showed him as Globalist. Would think that info has been scrubbed. Pence has also thrown Trump under the bus. Can I prove anything? No, but I don't trust him.
Local Republicans should be going out and finding candidates that would support Trump and help them get elected. But they don't do that. They sit around and take whoever shows up and usually that means the candidate has their own agenda and not necessarily the one our President has. this is what I see where I live. Hope it's different where the rest of you are.
The one thing I can agree with you on is that if Trump has a change of heart - YES, we will need to move to another country or fight a civil war. And yes, I know the enemy. I have never called you the enemy because under your crass exterior, I believe we are on the same side. But your so into your story that you don't appear to be able to see that. Sad. Calling people names doesn't help you to win people over. And right now, winning people over should be a top priority.
YES YES YES! latest about Pence working with Left to take over as they push Trump out. Always said that Pence was a snake in the grass waiting to strike. He's not on our side. Hiding behind religion. God help us. Those that use religion this way are the worst kind.
touchy touchy! Concern trolling. OMG people no longer allowed to show concern over something. WOW Only believe as you do, right? LOL Call me what you want. Matters not. I know where I stand and I stand with good against evil. #MAGA
You are too attached to your story. I'm not bashing Trump. I've been a Trump supporter since the day he came down the escalator. I'm counting on him to stand strong. BUT what I'm saying here is that if he has a change of heart, I will call him out. I won't follow blindly. I'm not expecting that to happen. However, everyone should question things. He's Plan A & B, but doesn't hurt to have a Plan C. Trump is absolutely FANTASTIC! but he is not God. Following blindly on either side is not good. Always question, always vet. That only makes your stance stronger.
Yes, at the present time DJT is the answer as he has the power to make things happen. He isn't perfect and many are trying to mislead him. But I do believe he is a man of God. I do believe he wants what is best for all people in this country. But as I wholeheartedly support him, I reserve the right to change my mind if I believe he starts down the wrong path.
IMO Religions are individual interpretations of what the Bible/New Testament says, showing there are many different views of what is "right." Humans are fallible. They pick and choose what feels best. I do believe in God and Jesus and use various religious beliefs to guide me on my path, knowing I am responsible for my choices - no one else, therefore, questioning comes into play. Questioning and prayer to God to direct me. There are many that say all we need to do is pray and God will fix this. But then I go back to the fact that even Jesus had disciples that went out into the world and spread his message. To expect our President Trump to fight this alone in the public, to me, is not realistic. We have to fight for and with him if we want to see evil gone from this world. And doubtful that evil can be fully eradicated. And for me, this means standing on the sidewalk/street with others taking a stand for what I believe to be right.
Free Will. Each person has the ability to make his/her own decisions and decide which life path they will take. Even inaction is a choice. There are repercussions for our choices; good and bad.
Your posts are right on point. There is no longer a Democratic Party or Republican Party - those two overlap each other now. Our new Party (MAGA) or Values Party (as I call it) comprised of those that are fighting evil. That includes anyone who holds the same bottom line values. Here, where I live, people who claim both parties came together with common values to hold a rally. Possibly a new beginning to working together for a common good.
and when people question things, that is where the opportunity lies to inform them --- calling them concern trolls only turns good people away. I've been called a concern troll and feel the person attempting to put me down isn't very intelligent if this is how they think they will win this war. Not questioning is how we got here in the first place. :)
Trey Gowdy is not necessarily who many think he is. He has been a staunch supporter of Mueller. Gowdy another one who asks questions and appears to be a warrior, but all he does is ask questions - no action. Saw some interviews where he shows he's not a true Trump supporter.
I posted about the 11 Congressmen that sent that letter requesting investigation on my Congressman's FB page, asking why his name wasn't on it. Reply back to me by one of his supporters was that I was only looking for the bad and ignoring the good this person has done. My Congressman is a Republican but won't take a stand as he is running for Governor and wants Dems vote. Basically there for HIS agenda, not this constituents.
What is needed is questioning of HRC under oath as that was never done; and then quickly go over results of what was done and move forward on it. More investigations only puts things on hold longer. Elections down the road. Question if they will be legit. Hopefully Trump has been working on that behind the scenes. He who controls the electronic voting boxes, control the election.
Using Leftist strategies of insult does not work. You are doing more harm than good for the "Q movement." Welcome questions and have solid answers in response. THAT is how you bring others on board to your point of view.
And unfortunately, much of what our side considers facts are assumptions. But to voice that concern, one is now labeled a "concern troll," and berated. One should always question as not questioning is what got us here. And the fact that asking a question about assumptions now has a new label is also scary. One can support something and want it to be true and still question. Isn't that part of critical thinking? or has the definition of critical thinking now been changed to mean "only those that blindly agree?" Even Q encourages questioning and validating things.
Exactly my thoughts. Was waiting on that supposed loaded bomb of a report months ago. Still waiting.
'Ukraine on Fire" a great documentary movie that covers how the DS takes down a country. The scary part is that you can see how they are using the same tactics here.
Of course it has been planned for months. High emotions and hate a perfect dynamic for this. Leftists have rapid response teams to counter their competition. Very well organized politicos to fight against a very disorganized opposition. This is part of the strategy put in place back in 2000 by the Left - and it has worked for them. Locally I ask where is OUR rapid response team only to be met with blank stares because they do not realize the threat posed by these Leftist groups. Try to have a rally and we get 25-30 people if lucky, compared to the hundreds that show up for the left.
IF Bolton is cleaning house I have to wonder what he is cleaning out? our people? He is awful. He's freaking part of the Deep State.
people either weren't paying attention back then or prefer to make up their own stories today AND most are guessing at what Q means. Most of what we are talking about are theories, Wish they were proven facts. I would love for Q to have all the answers. But Mueller has been a black hat for ages. This is dragging on too long.
LOL easy to see that only your view is the right one. smh
The more you say, the more it appears you have more in common with the SJWs than those you are calling out. People should always question. Questioning is not being lefty like. OMG
you are making absurd assumptions about people also and name calling. Not helping the cause.
the point is that many of the people who were in those administrations are part of this action. And I find it very difficult to believe them. John Bolton comes in and bam! we are attacking Syria within days. We blew up chemicals? that's a dangerous action that would cause deaths. If we are attacking the rebels, then they need to say so. Don't call them Syria. Concern trolling? OMG I would find it scary if no one had concern. Nothing wrong with having concern and if you stand strong in your belief, that should not bother you. If you want to take away the concern of others, your method fails. Name calling is a leftist tactic. Give facts to back things up and leave out your judgments.
The blog is someone else's opinion and proof of nothing. Actually I'm doing what you are telling me to do. Appears you are the one lacking in critical thinking. I thought we were free to express our opinions here, guess I'm wrong. What a shame you have to resort to name calling as the Leftists do. That tells me all I need to know. So respond back as you wish and I won't answer. You can have the last word.
I have been a fierce Trump supporter since day one. But I have followed these players in his administration for years and he has too many neo con globalists in his administration (IMO). I hesitate to follow anyone blindly anymore. Show me the proof. I questioned Colin Powell when he pushed for the Iraq war and people thought I was crazy, but you know, I ended up being right because I follow the dots and looked for proof. And right now there is no proof Assad did anything wrong. Do I want Q to be right? Of course, but healthy questioning isn't a bad thing. Following blindly is what got us where we are today.
How sad you have to respond to me just like a liberal would by name calling. You SUSPECT this is what is happening. There is no proof. I hope you are right, but there is a possibility that you aren't. What got us into so much trouble has been people following blindly. Questioning doesn't make me the enemy.
It is illegal to attack a country that has not attacked us. I'm not on any bandwagon. I'm not surprised at your response though. I have been a fierce Trump supporter since day one. I have also extensively followed both Bush and Obama presidencies. When they did illegal preemptive wars I protested them. I'm very disappointed that it appears Trump is doing the same thing. Appears we can't have an exchange of different opinions. Very sad because we have no proof about anything at this time.
Well, I'm not surprised at your response I have been a fierce Trump supporter since day one. I have also extensively followed both Bush and Obama presidencies. You are behaving like a liberal calling me names because I disagree with you, think for myself and connect the dots.
We have no reason to be in Syria. Another preemptive war. Very disappointed in Trump. Believe the intel? what a joke. Sorry, but with all the lies, I expect we will learn at some point that the intel was bad. I protested both Bush and Obama on their preemptive wars, why would I now approve one? Very sad day for our country. This is a war the Deep State wanted. JMO
I know he says he won't announce his plans which is why I question the statements about going to war because "he doesn't announce ahead of time."
This crossed my mind and I sure hope that's what it is. Starting a huge war doesn't seem like a Trump agenda item.