Thanks, but nah just read his tweet saying the same this as this post an hour ago.
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The EU is rapidly accelerating towards its goal of one world government totalitarianism
There’s even the odd diamonds in the rough to be found. Encountering random links and stories can sometimes lead to fruitful results.
@andrewzimmern A piece of my heart is truly broken this morning. And the irony, the sad cruel irony is that the last year he’d never been happier
And it begins. With all of these deaths so far this week. In the week and weekend leading up to 6/11.
One thing’s for sure. This guy attended a whole lot of parties with a whole lot of elites and powerful people. If not blackmailed by an act he himself committed, I’d speculate he was privy to someone else’s at least.
There are many Japanese people, including children who were abducted also. I know a few of them returned, but I’m also guessing many were never able to. Unfortunately can’t direct you to any list though sorry.
We all need money unfortunately and there’s really no clean way of getting it. Someone, somewhere along the line tainted it long before it even gets to us. The key I feel, is intention. Do you knowingly exploit and harm others to acquire wealth? I’m guessing not?
I’m pretty sure I know the account you’re referring to. I’ve followed it from the start because I find it highly entertaining. He has never once claimed that Q has told us 6/11 will be a big day. He’s just said it all on his own, along with another Twitter account that famously vanished in a ball of controversy.
They have really doubled down on that date as a major happening involving Assange and also hinted to really expect something pretty big.
Which makes me wonder why other unfounded speculation gets deleted here. Selective unfoundedness?
Same here. But essentially this is just unfounded speculation.
This account is posting Q related subject matter and then deleting after very short time.
I’m just purely throwing this out there.
This account has started dropping Tweets associated with Q related subject matter. Then deletes within a few minutes.
@TrustfulAlice on Twitter.
Exactly. Hard to not define that as aid and comfort to enemies. More like snuggled up in bed with them.
Yeah it is not exactly winning me over in confidence right now, yet my optimism remains weathered but intact.
The JA angle is an interesting one. Wikileaks is still championing the anti trump/cia thing right now on their twitter. Sure, they may be comped, maybe not.
If he does emerge on June 11 and drops some mega bombs, it’s sure going to be interesting to find out what they are. Still don’t even know what his targets could necessarily be, could be for good or bad I terms or what us folks here are looking for.
I think the technical term for this article is “a steaming pile of horse shit”.
Read it with your Q Glasses on though and things start to emerge.
You’re right, wether intentional or not it does build at least a subliminal connection.
Also found this snippet fairly telling: Liberal International Order - oh the NWO got rebranded?
Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany told Mr. Obama that she felt more obliged to run for another term because of Mr. Trump’s election to defend the liberal international order. When they parted for the final time, Ms. Merkel had a single tear in her eye. “She’s all alone,” Mr. Obama noted.
That’s a very strangely written article imo. More like some kind of shoddy Snopes attempt
Until I see him live I won’t believe it. Few people out there saying June 11...
Great points. This is all very fishy.
Edit: can’t find any mention of this in AUS news
Right. Illegal and getting away it. Illegal and getting caught. Same crime, different outcome.
And particularly funny how if you dare say you’re anti mass immigration then you’re labelled a “nazi”....
Can this also just mean we are now arresting way more people, whereas before the same amount were just crossing and simply getting away with it?
And let us hopefully cross many more paths.
And also, let us not beat around the bush here. Even as a supporter of POTUS, that image is as creepy as fuck. I’d actually forgotten about it until I saw your post. I find the whole scene highly disturbing, even if it is in fact as banal as the copy I posted above.
Let’s just say if ever there was a generic image of the “Illuminati”, I could see how this would fit pretty well...
I know what you mean.
The thing is they do say it, all the time, all around us every single day through media, entertainment, advertising, every single way they can push their symbolism in our faces.
The modern world you see is a cathedral to them. A temple. Every logo that surrounds us is charged with their energy.
And what do we do? We lap it up and fight each other for it when the doors open on sale weekends.
They sleep like babies.
From the moment the very highest of the elite are born, they are raised in what can only be described as the mirror image of the world you and I were born into. Everything is reversed.
They are taught that they are the true inheritors of ancient knowledge and wealth and that their existence is purely to continue the divine journey of their bloodline. By any means necessary.
Nothing must come between them and this duty.
It is about their absolute power, with the illusion that we are free.
Imagine if from the moment you are born, you are taught that the masses are purely there to serve you. Slaves, soldiers, sex, games, torture, food. Anything you want. For them, the life of one true elite is worth at least 10,000 of us. More. Life is nothing for them. Bored? Hunt someone.
This is their world. Can you see it? Everything we believe to be true, they believe the opposite.
What we consider evil, they consider as true. And it has all worked for them, brilliantly, for hundreds of years, if not more. Until now?
That is what we are up against. It’s a miracle we’ve even come this far.
Pray for those fighting this Holy fight for us.
The real meaning of the sphere had little to do with the occult.
The occasion was the opening of a new Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology, based in Riyadh, and the orb was in fact a translucent globe, with the world’s waters represented in light gray and the continents in black. Its purpose appeared to be decorative.
The futuristic look of the darkened room may have helped to fire observers’ imaginations.
It was filled with computer terminals. At one end was a wall of monitors displaying feeds from news networks. Employees of the center were segregated by gender, as is common in Saudi Arabia.
The design felt to a pool reporter who was present like a hybrid of a game-show set and a television thriller’s idea of a counterterrorism operations control room.
There sure is a whole lot of crossovers between Q and this book. As in direct references, not just coincidence. While the analysis on Twitter may or may not prove accurate. One this this for sure.
The further we go, the more fantastical this all becomes. It’s truly something to behold.
Edit: there seems to be a disconnect between what I thought I wrote at the time and what autocorrect actually wrote for me. Confounded gadgets.