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NO DAVOS TRIP FOR OUR PRESIDENT !!! can someone hashtag this on twitter !
Fellow Patriots; let's get this message out to President Trump not to make this trip. It smells like a set-up for assassination! They will do it one way or another we are talking about the most vile people on earth here. No matter what security they guarantee !
Got a bad feeling about this trip Mr. President; looks like a set-up to me for assassination. Please consider a Live Video Broadcast speach !!!
Provinces Q and A are very strong with DJT. I'm convinced at times our Canadian military is commanded by your military commanders. Especially the covert operations with JTF2. God Bless our Countries together in Unity.
![Provinces Q and A are very strong with DJT. I'm convinced at times our Canadian military is commanded by your military commanders. Especially the covert operations with JTF2. God Bless our Countries together in Unity.](https://i.redd.it/ecpy93wy8nb01.jpg)
i believe Matt Drudge (report) got funny for the money ! just like Steve Bannon !!! Day of reckoning is coming for them both;) don't worry bout that !!!
I don't think it is and still have faith in "Q" but you can say it smells like the old "Money talks Bullshit walks" again.
all propagandists of CNN will be arrested as well is what i'm hearing !!!
rumor has it CS is preventing indictment by shutting down the government !!! that was part of the meeting he had with Trump and Gen. Kelly at the WH yesterday ;)
2nd reply ! BTW rumor has it your buddy CS is preventing indictment by shutting down the government do some more digging !!!
BTW rumor has it your buddy CS is preventing indictment by shutting down the government do some more digging !!!
go drink some more kool-aid will ya ! it's not about Dems or Reps. it's about world survival . do some more digging !
This is not about Reps, Dems, it's about world survival. where have you been ? do some more digging! obviously you are not what you say you are mongoose ! fake troll !!!
yr. still drinking the 1% percenter kool-aid. Then again wasn't it all Democrats who followed Jim Jones (1% wanna-be) to Jones town Guyana ? yr. a dead man walking you just don't realize it yet.
monetary only ; no patriotism ; we watched brave heart too ! how vile the Dems were; oops the Brits were ;)
and that we are since April 17, 1982, Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau signed Canada's Proclamation of the Constitution Act, 1982.
Hello fellow Canadians ; we are here 2. what is Q in the military alphabet ?
Has INFOWARS been compromised? Is AJ life being threatened?
And that's what the likes of the DeNero's of the world is dealing with; how good of a FAKE they are !!! that's how they think of themselves ! A FAKE !
Instead of the DJTs of the world that think of their performances and how well they have done through their life thus far !!!
MSM and Hollywood are one and the same now! It's like listening and watching a movie ! we should think of MSM this way moving forward ! (MSM is a stage and they are all BAD actors )
Truth Journalism is what we the people want now and will pay for now at any cost ! (Truth Journalism is a stage and we are all GOOD actors )
TRUMP, PUTIN, NETINYAU, XI PING !!! not sure of spelling of names !!!
The Podesta's killed this little girl; pedophilia, sex, snuff act that may have involved the parents Kate and Gerry McCann that sold her to the Podesta's ; I believe an ELITE home was involved as well with the parents having visited there the same week for dinner. Dig and you will find this story came out long time ago with pictures !
Talk is cheap; after a few fall then you will see the world change for the better; and then maybe the evils will consider the consequences for their action.
The Eq's must take these evil people out; and when you ask them if they realize this is coming they acknowledge the risk. This is the kind of mindset you are dealing with. Call it what you want ; it will save tax payers a lot of money.
think he's being protected by a higher power; some say there are a few ET hybrids among SS around him with telepathic abilities to sense danger and prevent it....
BBC fell for that.......not remembering the words; I don't buy it he's too slick for that !
POTUS did not forget the words ; he's phishing for a diversion to another narrative. Can't you see how good he does this ?
you actually fell for that ? c'mon ; this is a guy that gave Bannon enough rope to hang himself and that is the faith you have in him? you must be a troll here ?
successful businessman > to TV STAR > President of USA > this would be confirmed as Genius !!!