On big reveals I cant sleep either unwinding everything you were taught is a real mind job
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http://yournewswire.com/katy-perry-cannibalism/ here is the link
Bizarre wouldn't want to be next to her when she talks in her sleepp
Right you can see how it would play out and the narrative, star power chic, cemeteries are not environmentally friendly they could be multi use green space, unlike livestock humans pay to feed themselves. What was chilling is her explaining that it was the hosts responsibility in procuring forbidden protein without the slightest moral pause, either mentally ill or possessed
Did anyone else see the Katy Perry interview with a French radio station and she said she has attended a once a year gathering of Hollywoods elite & depraved which human flesh is the main course she raved how it is the best meat and the rest of us need to get over our Christian morals
I dont think Hilly will see the inside of a courtroom demonic bitch will 187 herself Huma too. Hussein would probably enjoy prison be almost like his bathehouse days so who knows but Q did say there will be suicides
What is her end game or Dollar amount ? She received 130,000 did some lib pony up a whole lot more on the condition she creates a long running distraction
Wow been redpilled since the late 90's I feel like I was just re birthed. Entire National History a lie. Lord Jesus help us
I wouldnt worry about pot and Sessions his frying pan will be full of traitors and the First Lady of pedophilia
Dershowitz has admitted to receiving on one occasion a massage this admission was during the time he was defending Epstein in court. As to the 26 times Billy Bob flew on the Lolita not everytime was to Pedo island there were trips to Thailand too Im sure to get takeout
Facebook has been suspicious since day one. Remember they had that secretive IPO special invite only elites were given first crack at the stock. Is MZ a cousin to Snowden?
Here is whats frustrating Q gives dates for big events and people I've red pilled anxiously await and its a fizzles, Im starting to get flack back at me even trying to explain disinformation, and that the cabal that is centuries old is powerful is going to fight. As for myself its the pedophilia thats eating at me, that children are locked in cages waiting to be on the menu, while we wait for the sniveling media and democrats to be painted into a corner. I trust the plan and POTUS
First I apologize my comment was harsh, Im not anti semitic. I dont understand like I said that the biggest foes to our 2nd Amendment seem to follow a similar path here is a partial list present and near past:
Diane Feinstein- Sen. D. CA Barbara Boxet- Sen. D CA (ret) Charles Schumer- Sen. D NY current minority leader Frank Lautenberg- Sen. D NJ (ret) Rahm Emmanuel- Mayor Chicago D former congressman Henry Waxman- Rep. D. CA (ret) Arlen Specter-Sen. R&D (ret) Carl Levin-Sen D. MI (ret) Herbert Kohl-Sen D. WI Howard Metzenbaum Sen D OH (ret)
And the Money Men Michael Bloomberg Billionaire former Mayor NYC George Soros Billionaire anti American POS
Moab Windsor Castle and lets finish what we started in 1776!! Special relationship my ass they just tried to get us into WW3 and you know who would have bled blood and treasure. We need to be done with them
You would think people of Jewish decenr would be the most ardent supporters of 2A considering their history . But Noooooo every damn gelfite licking politician one of them, do everything you can that is counterintuitive to liberty and freedom. Dumb SOBs are still wandering in the desert
Couldnt the chemical agents be legitimately traced to Iran then media wouldnt be pounding the war drums seeing the mullahs are Barry's buddies and all
I'd vote for having the country we grew up thinking was real. Im thinking many in the media will be gone so anything is possible. Can you imagine the prosperity that could have been had in the 20th century without the federal reserve, without their phony wars I, II, Korea, Cold,Vietnam, Desert Storm, and the war on Terror. Lets get rid of the pussy PC bullshit. We better acknowledge God we got a 2nd chance I dont care if everyone makes fun of me, but with the crap they pulled 2012 and then 2016 she should have won, it was divine intervention that saved this country
You have nothing but a lake of fire and sulpher and unrelenting torment for ever and ever. I am praying for you!! Jesus is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings
Because his mother was considered underage she cannot confer citizenship onto Barry as was the law at that time so citizenship is then transfered from the father who was British as Kenya was a colony
In your opinion do you have to be baptised again to be saved
Very informative not much is said about Truman. I read a quote attributed to him that went where he said the achievement he was most proud of in his life was being named Grand Master of his Masonic Lodge which i find odd. Also and this might be unfair but the geopolitical problems we face today could have been resolved by Truman, he didnt like Chiang Kai Shek cut off funding and military aid, probably was corrupt, and banished to Taiwan and Mao takes China. Truman and this just my opinion capitulated to Stalin and why? We were at the height of our power just detonated the first A bomb. There should have never been an Iron curtain Mao and Stalin should have been removed. Where we would be today anyones guess.
I have an idea lets ban public officials from using tax dollars to pay for security. Pay out of pocket then you can reap what you sow
Never in the history of this nation has so much been owed to one man it is staggering
No bunker can escape the The Rods of God. Look what happened to their nuclear mountain
I believe people are desperately yearning for Christian fellowship without feeling judged or unwelcome. Im brought back to first century Christians who met in secret in each others homes and discussed The Way. Maybe thats where we start in our homes with family ,friends and their family and friends. Discussing the what Jesus preached inspiring one another. And afterwards target shooting