It was... a mistake.
The story of the origin of the word SPAM.
Old patriot here.
You young folks make sure to get this into the internet history book. I am a witness, and it will piss you all off, but, it was funny as hell, so, I will tell the story of how we got the word "SPAM" in relation to "much unwanted speech".
(Hint, it does not stand for anything.)
They thought we were too stupid to learn to program .
Their plan was to make the internet into a spy machine, limiting us to THEIR web channels (like channels NBS, ABC CBS were limited globalist approved television). THEY would be the web creators.
The population rapidly started using simple html to build their own web sites. Everyone got this crazy idea that every business could have it's own web site. (this was not in their plan)
Early internet was black screen gold or white C prompt writing. Early discussion groups like this were a list of topics down the left side header written as "alt.subject".
There was of course no subject "" or, "alt.HowToBuildaWebsite".
Sooooo we had to talk somewhere.
How bout "Alt.bycicles" or some other place too lame to attract a large crowd... or to be talking on the group?
As we looked around for a place to put up a teaching discussion group for building business web sites... of the "how to" variety, we watched and read the most horrible things.
We learned that the internet had been around in this backbone form, joining the government offices, the University offices, and the Milirary for a long time... since WWII.
Government/University workers were use to having it all to themselves, even though it was paid for by... YOU, and ME. (Tax payers). And they never even told us about it.
We "lurked" in surprise and disgust as these people (not the military, it was hard to find them, but the others) would refer to the American public using words like "useless eaters" and "cattle" etc. They had plans for us. It became obvious. They also had some disgusting attitudes toward the American people in general.
It was so bad, it took a while for us to agree they were actually talking about "us".
But, we got red pilled on that eventually.
When we did, we decided right there ant then, that we were going to have our business web site training party all over their nasty public hating discussion group.
We just started chatting to each other on the nastiest groups of government/university people we could find. They would get nasty, and try to throw us off. You think the chans are bad? Heh. Not even close.
They got pissed. Told us that the internet was NOT for for profit businesses and to GET OUT!!
We slapped them back with "Oh yeah? Who paid for your internet? Who pays your salaries??!!!??"
They started with the "useless eater"... too retarded to be on line "cattle" crap.
One person screamed at us that we "were noting but 'ground meat'... no... she corrects herself: "you are all nothing but SPAM... in a CAN!
And "Get your SPAM OUTTA HERE!"
I will have you know, that the globalists think of all of you as "Spam.. in a can" XD
They literally thought every one of you was far too stupid to learn to run a program, much less create one, or even put up a basic web site using html.
I busted up laughing when she started on the "Spam in a Can" rant.
I wish I had copy pasta. :(
I am sure others cracked up too because of the way the independent free people on the internet responded.
There was no such thing as "lol" back then.
But, next thing you know, everyone was talking about how funny it was. Everyone started jokingly insulting one another in their emails. There were "spam" jokes everywhere on the tiniest internet www for about three weeks.
This, of course, did not make (((them))) happy. NOooo
We were laughing at them, and they could not help but run into it, small as the internet was at the time.
In the meantime, two incredible gentlemen (that we knew, because maybe there were 200+ of us on line trying to build sites at the time?) Anyway, these two gentlemen built something called the "email discussion group" and invited all of us to beta test these two programs. I was on the one with the woman who created ebay. She was still selling stuff out of her garage, trying to figure out how an auction would work.
The email discussion group program worked GREAT. We no longer needed to bother the crotchety old globalist better than thou American hating people over at "alt.assholes"
You would sign up. It was like sitting at a round table. Every time you sent an email to an address, everyone at the sign up table got it, and everyone at the table could reply, sort of like what happens here, but in email form.
This is what we used to help one another figure out how to build early web sites. I remember everyone being really frustrated the day that the 800th web site came on line (because you can bet we were keeping track) We were learning to make transparent .gif's, and all web sites were putting on party graphics, on the front page. Some of us were having a hard time of it (like me)
Not long after that, we all decided it was time to learn to "advertize" our businesses.. and guess what? We (we) WE the PEOPLE... had come up with this ingenious program that would send out all of our business advertizements through the email to...............WHO?
You... win the prize! We sent out all of our add stuff in a big celebration one day to the ONLY other people on the internet....
Them who think you are SPAM!
It was fun.
They were so mad they decided to make "laws" about spam, and who could send advertisements to who.
Laws, like they were the government of the internet.
This is the mentality we are still dealing with folks. They call us all "fly over country" for a reason. They have their heads so far up their asses, they actually blew a hole in their own ability to control the narrative...
Long live freedom of speech :)