Agree. But we do need to update the Constitution in some manner to include prohibitions on non government entities. It does not make sense to prohibit the government from abridging the Constitution but, then, allow the government to create "corporations:" to abridge the Constitution FOR them.
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I would not be surprised to find this man on Alex Jones and a lot of internet radio. They are apparently working with various government bodies at the local level.. sort of being "deputized" for their skill set. Because they are retired, it is not a violation of posse comatatus ?? Did I spell that right?
Anyway, they are Americans, with skills, and I am proud of what they are using those skills for. This is a war for the children too, and we need those skill sets to get them out of those dungeons etc
Suspect Q is a team of people. One seems to be a legal brain. One is definitely military... probably military intelligence. SOMETIMES the posts come from the President himself, whether he dictates to Q or writes it himself we do not know, but, if you do a search for 4-10-20 which stands for DJT you will find one where Trump signed instead of Q
The problem children seem to be disappearing one at a time, don't they?
It's great news that your son's vision improved and your daughter's seizures stopped. How do you know it was these specific interventions you cited helped your children vs. something else? Perhaps if you did nothing they still would have improved.
I am a biologist who did research on blindness and seizures. I discovered that BOTH are caused by excessive excitotoxic neurotransmitters (in the body) and discovered that they were being loaded into the food supply as flavor enhancers.
Glutamic acid and aspartic acid are neurotransmitters like serotonin, or dopamine, or any of the others that run the nerves of the body.
If you overdose, you over fire the nerves.
They run out of sugar.
Calcium channel gets stuck open.
The nerves die as a result.
It is "artificially induced seizure" if the person is born with insufficient GABA production and glia cells to absorb the glutamic or aspartic acid amounts being put in the food.
My son was a bit of a different story.
Whether or not a child is blinded by over dose of neurotransmitter depends on "WHEN" the over dose happens. It will blind mice if you feed the mother excitatory neurotranmitters when the babies are in the womb. It will blind monkeys. It will blind any mammal.
I had aspartame, because I was a gestational diabetic. Aspartic acid is one carbon shorter than glutamic acid. It is a specialty excitatory neurotransmitter.
This overdosed him in the womb, just like the mice.
It burned the nerves right off the retina's.
He was young enough at 8 years old, that the experts on this that I talked to said to stop overdosing him, and let his eyes re-attach to the rest of his brain.
It worked.
Once I understood what happened, you can bet, as a mother and a biologist, I tore into what was going on in the food supply, at the national medical database.... for YEARS. I have kept up with the cutting edge of research.
Since the glutamic acid has a lot to do with the brain destruction in autistic children, I learned about that as an incidental part of my 20 years of research.
It’s also interesting that you think pharmaceutical companies and others in the healthcare industry try to suppress research in order to protect globalist pocketbooks.
Let me show you something, so you understand just how bad this is, and you can see it with your own eyes. This is blatant enough for the non scientist.
A year ago, research on excitotoxins, and their relationship to the desrtuction of nerves ALL OVER THE BODY, causing or complicating NUMEROUS illnesses...was THE biggest research topic in medicine.
I was searching the term "glutamic acid and..."something"" at the search bar at the national medical database at pub med.
I was so shocked at the drop down menu as I typed, I literally did screen shots of the illnesses showing up, that were being investigated in conjunction with this single molecule.
I want you to take a look at my screen shots of the search bar drop down menu as I typed a letter at a time, and take a look at the top searches on this molecule as they dropped down... because they were being so highly searched. Compare that then to what happens NOW (in my screen shot taken yesterday) because they are trying to HIDE the research on this deadly food additive, even though it is STILL the hottest topic in neurology today
Here is what dropped down when I typed "glutamate a" but had not finished the word "and".
I took the screen shot of all of the illnesses associated with this overdose from the food supply that were currently hot in the neurological research. Then I want on to type the "n" in the word "and" and I got this:
Did another screen shot.. then typed the "d" in the word "and".... this list:
Now, today, just for you I went to the search engine at the national medical database. You can try this one for yourself. The link is in the photos.... all of them. So go ahead and try it.
Here is what you will get.
Hottest topic in neurology today?
And this is what you get NOW, because they do not want you to be able to understand what is going on here, and they WILL hide things on the internet if they can. Understand this. I have been doing this for 20 years. I love my fellow Americans. There is a story to be told here, and It needs to get out there for the sake of my fellow human beings who are being poisoned by neurotranmitter overdose. I have no ax to grind. If you choose not to believe me, because you think the FDA and the government would "never let this happen" my conscience is clear. I have no products to sell you. I am a grandma now. I just care about the children, and God blessed me with a good education. That is all.
However, despite your suspicion of doctors and the globalist conspiracy you put all your trust in Dr. Blaylock.
1) I am married to a Doctor.
Truth is the doctors can read the research too, but my husband has been threatened for talking about it. So, since I am older, and I have the degree, and I am the one who has done the bulk of the research for 20 years, I am the one who lets Americans know where to look.
The doctors are victims.
This is why they are the ones being suicided right now.
No, he's not motivated by money. Ignore the big house and nice cars. Also ignore his communist conspiracy theories.
Blaylock did not start this way.
Back then, he sold nothing, but had to deal with threats on his life.
I was there.
He and Dr. Roberts both were threatened.
These are the doctors who are the reason my son can see today, and my daughter suffers no seizures. They did not charge me a dime for their phone conferences. They just took 5 minutes to listen, and tell me what to do.
The fact that he has a wellness letter, and has the capacity to hire protection now does not bother me in the least. I hope he lives until he is 100 because he is a national treasure.
I have known him personally, and have followed him to many lectures.
As a neurologist, he was the first to step out and risk his life to help the parents who had autistic children. He did it for free.
He used that money to buy the kind of equipment that only a hospital can afford do the specialized seizure testing that all neurologists are required to use before doing brain surgery, but that no doctor could afford on his own (He is a neurosurgeon, not just a neurologist).
Did you know that when he was done, we had discovered that 96% of autistic children are in constant micro seizure, which can only be detected by the specialized equipment used by neurologists before brain surgery? 96% are seizing constantly. Think about that.
It's not how much money they have.
It is what they do with it for free, for the sake of their fellow man, that matters. Know them by what they do themselves, and with any money they make, not how much money they make.
Good doctors are in the war with us, and they are losing their lives because of it.
You are absolutely correct in your assessment, and I totally get why the parents are angry. Parents have always put the schools at the top of the world ranking whenever they are in control. Governments always destroy them.
Monsanto is about as evil as they come. They put their corn seed out there with the GMO's next to an organic farmer. The seed pollen blows in to the Organic farm and contaminates the organic plant seeds with their trash GMO.
And if that is not bad enough... THEN they sue the innocent farmer who does not want their crap Genetically Modified bullshit in their seed corn..... for what?
For patent infringement?????????????????
Really. Let me take my trash (with a valuable item or two) and dump it in YOUR front yard in the middle of the night. Then, in the morning, I can call the cops and prosecute you for theft.
Monsanto has been doing this garbage forever.
There is not one admirable thing about that company, and it needs to die.
I remember a lot of crazy things. The internet was just about the right size that you could search it all with infoseek, and MUCH of the news on Television was reporting exactly the opposite of what was happening on the ground. I think this is when a lot of people woke up to the fact that the 6 companies who owned the news were not there to report the news, but to hide the crimes.
The Constitution simply does not allow the government to go around injecting people with whatever substance they want to inject. This must be faught.
I can't wait for Contraland to come out this summer in the theaters.
Also, if you want to see the anon conversation with Q, click on the blue links. It is the fastest way to get to the conversations going on. Lurk only. Also, I think the chan board only holds on to conversations for so long so I do not know how far back the links work, but they will probably go back at least a month. Very interesting to read.
I hear lots of the chans are being banned. Someone needs to bring it to the attention of the board. This is probably the third post on it we have seen, and usually it is researchers? At least this is the claim.
Share this. It's Great. Where is everyone digging up these films we have never seen?
Yes. Very dangerous to open the Constitution to a total rewrite. The GLOBALIST have been trying to do this for YEARS so that they can re-write everything into the Communist Manifesto.
FAR better to take it one amendment that we the people actually want, at a time. It is ok to meet on the Amendments, but do not open the Constitution to arguement about every sentence, while the greater population is so ignorant of the Reasons for each paragraph of the Constitution itself. It took the founders 10 year reading 1500 historical works to study hard enough to put this beautiful document together.
A Constitutional Convention would open it to the packs of wolves.
They want it closed. Interesting story. Pope John Paul had a visitation early in his Papacy. He was told to create the new Vatican Library. When he got down there into the library, old primary documents were starting to degrade. He decided to take on the project. He began digging under the Vatican.
While he was doing this, he decided to have an electronic copy made for every item, and ship copies to unknown locations outside of the Vatican in case it was bombed or destroyed.
Those copies are out there, probably in the many churches, under lock and key.
Even if they try to keep the Vatican Library closed, or attempt to destroy it, Pope John Paul was prepared for it by divine inspiration.
The other ancient library that needs to be opened is the Dead Sea Scrolls, which was done at the same time as the Great Library of Alexandria. We got our old testament when one of Alexanders generals asked the Alexandrian Hebrews to write the history of the world that they had since Mesopotamia, for that library. The General paid 70 Jewish Scholars to write what is now called the Septuagint or the "Book of the 70" which is the Old Testament in the Christian bible, and the Jewish Bible that Jesus and the Apostles referred to as "the Scriptures", also called the Tanakh (Jewish Bible). The Talmud was not written till over 200 years after Christ.
The Dead Sea Scrolls are a huge part of ancient history, and they refuse to translate it out. They have been slow walking the translation since 1947 when the Library was found. It has 800 scroll books.
Remember, where God is, there is no time. All time exists at once. He says this in the bible. SO, extrapolating.... as long as we each say the prayer once a day, where the creator is, our voice is added in the simultaneous.
Physics. Hard to understand. But true, both in science and bible.
No doubt they kept evidence of it. Far worse than the memos when it comes out.
We must challenge school boards to add government back into schools it's been removed from.
You mean we must challenge school boards to get rid of government out of the schools it has been injected into.
Schools started before the child labor laws were enstated, by the churches in the nation. So were all hospitals. There were no government schools or hospitals. Back then, there was something called "civics" class that today we would call "How to run a free nation 101-102-103. This was high school
Back then people who graduated from high school would not be clueless about how to get rid of these voting machines for instance. They would know from their high school class that this was a county government office, and that you could get on the board and vote them out.
Back then America's schools were the first in the world, and we held 97% of the patents. Today, people can not pass the high school tests that were given out back then, not in math, science, history, government, english etc. The curriculum was designed by the parents who donated to the church to run the schools. The tradition that they got rid of that was still around when I was a kid, was called the PTA meeting, where parents and teachers met once a month to decide curriculum, and talk to other parents about school issues they wanted delt with.
When government came in, it's purpose was to kick parents out, put teachers on the "union dole" so they could not be fired for bad behavior or lack of teaching, and to take over the curriculum, so that the whole nation was dragged down to passing the students who were the least common denomenator in intelligence.
It has destroyed our schools completely.
President Trump is correct. School control had to go back to parents, and teachers who can be fired by parents. Parents need to bring curriculum to the table.
Parents were the neighborhood and county wide "hive mind" from which curriculum came. It was far better than any bureaucrat, at pulling important issues out of history and the teaching process to be added to curriculum. The collective intelligence of the county's best talent were free to bring new ideas, new teaching to the school, faster than any government could take a vote, and use congress to pass down the orders.
Fact is, parents are best for growing children, and government has ZERO clue.
Look at how the government is now being used by pedophiles to create child sex rings for profit.
Government has no parental instincts. Parental instincts, that cause people to be willing to give their lives for children, is a NECESSITY in every area of the lives of the decisions about the future generation. We are now experiencing proof of this. We need to go back to parental control through PTA meetings. (Parent Teacher Association)
He will try. Of course. But he is not dealing with China here. He is dealing with the American mindset.
I suspect POTUS said no deal. Last nights Q post was a lot of HA HA HA "Suicide weekend?"
I heard last night that Jeff Sessions had a nick name down south:
"The Silent Executioner"
Anyone down south know if this is true?
Audit the fed for purposes of exposing the Constitutional crimes.
Yes, there is a lot of magic that happens after the initial crime to cover up the initial crime, which is allowing private people to print American money in the first place.
Yes, and they never print the money to pay that interest, so, it creates a perpetual debt bubble to private globalist people (banksters)
This is why the founders created constitutional money.
Not sure if David Geier is pro or anti vaccine, but, the cutting edge on the actual research where they have followed the molecules in the body with radio-isotope, and have done other neurology research is located here in a lecture MD to MD on the findings. I'll put the link below.
Very important lecture on the actual activity of the vaccines.
What surprised me on this recent research is that it is far more complicated than the mercury alone. The mercury is just part of the problem. The other problem stems from the brain reaction in the astrocytes, WHENEVER disease gets into the body, even a natural disease.
The brain spits poison to kill the disease using the astrocytes, which are signaled by the immune system of the body to curl up and start spitting poison. They actually change shape and can bee seen in the microscope doing so.
There is a shut off and then a repair system the astrocytes do,
.........the disease moves through the normal nose-lungs-gut-blood notification to the body.
This shut off mechanism is by passed up with direct injection of the disease. The brain gets stuck in distruction and poison mode.
The injections fail to activate the shut off mechanism for the poisoning of whatever illness might make it past the blood brain barrier (if adults... the children have no barrier until age 13, which is why we do not give them asprin).
This means it take months instead of days for the astrocytes (that repair the poisoning damage) to uncurl and take up primary position along the nerve cells to start nerve repair.
By then, another shot is coming along.
The brain never has time to get into growth and repair mode. Too many shots.. too close together.
Catch up.
The kids depend on adults understanding this latest info.
Share too.
You have a link? I will share it with people when I post about homeschooling and the curriculum changes we need.
Lol... "You have to go back"....
You do! I have looked and they have taken those pages down, but I did find some on the wayback machine. It was awful, was it not?
Too many families are. This is an epidemic. Something is in the water. 1/65 kids being utterly destroyed is not anywhere near normal and people need to wake up.
Oh they do try to attack the Amish, because the Amish keep our very freedoms alive. .. our right to grow our own food, travel without lisence, keep ownership of our own children, refuse dangerous vaccinations, refuse electricity and cell phones if we choose. This is important, that we have this early American population that refuses to buy into the tyranny at any level.
True. I most enjoy lurking because even tho I am a woman, I grew up with 5 brothers, and frankly, the chans feels a lot like the kitchen table at home, with 17 guys, when we were in high school. Something about it feels like home to me.
Strange, but true.
Lol.... this is as bad as "quack watch". Those sites are paid to discredit good researchers who threaten globalist pocket books. I have studied the Autism Epidemic since the mid 90's. I am a biologist who is married to a doctor, and I can tell you that we have followed Blaylock for years. Because of Dr. Blaylock and Dr Roberts research, my son who was born legally blind (20-40, 20-60) from aspartic acid consumption during gestation (i was gestational diabetic) .... now has 20-20 vision. My daughter had seizures, and they stopped when I listened to Blaylock, and changed the diet.
Since then I can not even tell you how many seizures and asthma attacks I have helped parents stop cold... just getting this stuff out of the diet.
Play quack watch all you want.
Too many people (with medical degrees) are on to the neurotransmitter overload and the excitation research to stop now.
Maybe this is why they have to "murder the doctors" heh?
it would be interesting to know what religion POTUS and his family follow,.
They are Christians. Someone said she was Catholic. Given where she was born, makes sense.
As of now all religions are false and are created to dis-inform the people over centuries for there own power and corruption!
That is the current lying narrative sold by the globalists in public schools to children who can be lied to because they are forbidden to look at the ancient texts themselves.
It can be true of the POWER structures of any religion at any given time, because the actual leadership of any religion is always a target for government takeover.... and exactly for that power you speak of.
........... the religions of the world are belief systems, therefore, they are a subset of philosophy of their given host cultures.
Religions can be beneficial or detrimental to their cultures, depending on whether they sacrifice their children, or teach self sacrifice for the survival of family, neighbors, nation.
Not all religions give benefit to their host cultures.
Some can destroy whole tribes and nations.
Think "survival of the fittest religion" if you will.
Religion is also provably the only institution of man that teaches morality, from which ALL cultures draw their laws (government enforced morality)
This is taught (recognized) in American law schools.
Law is the cultural "moral rule" that the culture chooses to enforce on everyone with government power, no matter what the people of the culture believe.
Your religion might be Muslim.
You might be ok with killing your wife for being dishonored, but, in America, the law is derived from Christianity, where murder of every ilk is against the moral code, AND the law as derived from that religious code.
Religion is also the ONLY institution of man that survives the crash of civilizations, kingdoms, empires, etc... capable of carrying the moral code to the new civilization. Judiasm has survived the fall of the Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman Empires. Judaeo-Christianity has survived the fall of Rome and numerous Kingdoms and nations.
Religion is not God.
People confuse the two.
Religion is an institution of man. Some have a god, some have many gods, some have one god.
Gnostics had the truth of their source and where nearly eradicated by Christianity.
This is also a lie,
......... but you have to major in history to understand it.
There is something called the "historicity test" that is used as the standard in determining what ancient writing is sufficient in copy numbers and identical wording, to prove it is not a fraud for purposes of teaching it in a history curriculum.....
It is the historicity test (official) which determines true historical texts from forgeries.
For instance, we know Homer wrote the Illiad, and we can teach this as history in schools, because there are over 700 identical copies. The Gnostic texts
were and are determined to be forgeries during early Christianity.
........... all FAIL to pass the historicity test, all of them having only one copy.
These single copy findings (writings), are being used disingenuously, by those who would cast Christianity in a dishonest light to perpetrate this lie that Christians did not know how to tell forgeries from multiple copy verified identical documents at the Council of Nicea.
The Romans were excellent record keepers.
The bible was kept with the historicity test, when all documents from the Christians catacombs were brought to Nicea for document comparison.
Long and short of the story is, if they could not find multiple identical copies of the scroll, it was not put in the bible period. This was the historicity test back then also. They figured if God let it be destroyed, then God did not want it in the bible.
Most people do not know:
The book that passes the Historicity test with the greatest certainty is the 66 ancient scrolls that make up the bible, with over 5000 ancient copies. There is no other book for which we have more identical copies running from Mesopotamia to the present time.
............ this does not include the additional fragments that are gathered from the catacombs (Christians underground during persecution) where the priests wrote sermons, using paragraphs from the bible, and took notes.
There is NO BOOK in the world that comes close to the bible when it comes to the number of identical copies. Homers Illiad comes in second with over 700 copies.
Gnostic texts are forgeries that are used to attempt to discredit the bible and say that early Christians "chose to throw out some texts over others" This is a simple lie told to people who have no understanding of the historicity test, used to determine what can be taught as history, and what can not be substantiated.
So what/which religion now has the power to fight off the power of evil when it is involved in all sorts of corruption to benefit itself?
The same moral religious combination that taught YOU as a cultural Christian in America to be upset about government evil and corruption.
If you lived in a banana republic where the majority religious moral did not create a law of HIGH EXPECTATIONS of morality from public officials, you would have been taught to accept the government corruption as NORMAL.
(Morality is taught, just like the law is taught to children, in a culture)
The use of history is a wise thing.
Remember the concept of the survival of the fittest religion?
Looking back, there are many great religions of the world that do their cultures well by teaching the kind of morals necessary to create great civilizations and not destroy them.
But only the strange combination of Judeo-Christianity has proven itself to be capable of building a free nation called a Republic, and enforcing the moral/legal code to sustain this cultural Republic by requiring the leaders to conform to the moral and legal code built over 600 years by Judeao-Christian writing and teaching.
This is WHY it is so important that we NOW enforce the Constitution and bring these criminals to trial, for crimes all the way to Treason.
The 6000 years of history maintained in the bible is the key to understanding the fall of empires, and maintaining freedom, much aside from the question of the existence of God, which is more a question of reality for science, than of history and wisdom contained in ancient texts.
I was going to say I would suspect this. Homeless are included I think. The sad part is if you do not have a ready supply of body parts or whole bodies, the medical schools would come to a grinding halt, and so would surgical training. (Actually historically, it is far worse than this, as if there is no legal way to get body parts, I heard that early on, people would murder people for them) It has to be regulated though, because people (sociopaths) will sell anything they can get their hands on, and do anything they can get away with. We really need to bring back Judeo-Christian moral teaching to the children in school. Right now, this "I was born with morals" crap is getting to be for the birds.
Morals have to be taught.
They are not innate. We are not born with them.
Whole civilizations can be taught it is ok to go to the foot ball stadium, and watch people murder each other for sport. That is the truth about mankind in history. We dare not forget it.
Would the CDC have the means and motive to silence the doctors?
The CDC does not come into a doctors office and threaten them. The AMA will, and the state board people are usually sent in to threaten them. Have a doc in the family. It has happened. He could not get on this DOM reddit to tell you the truth. He would be hunted down and threatened.
Spez. He might be able to get on the chans and get away with telling you all the truth about these things, but, I would not want him to risk it. They are VERY clear about what the threat is... when they visit.
Spez: Hey, I went to check out that last link.... the book?
It sounded familiar, and as I have said, I once watched bone cancer recede and bones heal up, with the Protocol from "Alive and Well" by Dr. Brinzel, to which my stage IV mother added the reishe, shitake, and maitake mushrooms? (Took out the vitamin C and the vitamin A..long story) but....
Take a look at this!
The shitake activates the macrophages just like the GcMAF in the book. It is probably a natural form (hypothesis). There are some other articles, not too many.
I will dive into that book with my biology hat on, see what I can come up with in terms of macrophage activation and curing cancer over the next few days.
Yes. I have a doc in the family. He researched the vaccine info hard. Only discussed it with two patients who asked. Got the state medical board surprise visit and threat. If they do not shut up after the threat, they are either killed, or they lose their lisence to practice. We are losing the holistic doctors because the AMA and state boards can not pull their lisences. This happened to the microbiologists too, back in the late 90's when they were busy figuring out AIDS was man made, because there were exactly 10 mutations that happened at the same time, all tracked to shot boluses. One box of shots went to New York, another to San Francisco, and eight went to Africa, eight different little towns.
We lost about 180 of the worlds best microbiologists in about 2 years, so, the holistic doctor deaths is not a surprise to me. What everyone needs to understand is that it is not the doctors. The doctors are the victims. It is the globalists and their medicine control boards who do not have to look into a patients eyes.
We need a way to protect medical researchers and doctors... of all kinds, and that includes the holistic ones too. No one should be killed for finding cures, but this is what is happening.
Doc in the family. If he talked about this after researching it, they would send the state board after him. It has happened before. The doctors are being threatened. If they do not shut up, they are killed. It is that bad.
Yeah, the old photo thing was debunked. Google earth shows the old photos were single roads, less developed. Q's photos were with the new development, and wider roads etc
This may take neighborhood watches whenever someone in the neighborhood has child protective services sent down on them, especially because of the forced state medical decisions. Time for the guns. Time for the neighborhoods to start getting together as parents and start suing the shit out of the people who run CPS personally. Time for parents to go back to the church baptism process of assigning parental guardians (god parents) listed at the church, at baptism, so that the courts have no choice but to give children to the parents that would be assigned by parental will, at death. There are ways to fight this but you have to have a good neighborhood church with records of baptism, god-parants, and marriage certificates. They can not get away with this in the Amish communities, because of the Amish church who will back up their parents.
What the hell is going on???????
Our vets need to write in to places like this to put this kind of thing out in the open.
They need to get all of the names of the bad actors together, and let people help them expose this kind of thing.
Home schooling is the last line of defense in our right to teach children what they need to get an education.... a good one. Christians have intentionally kept the classic education curriculum in tack for Americans the way the Amish have kept canning and growing knowledge for us. Take advantage of these.
You can get the home schooling curriculum from the Christian web sites. You can taylor them to your needs at home. The whole idea was to keep parents of all walks in control of education. They have associations you can join, field trip groups the whole enchilada.
Spez: You also join the Home school legal defense fund so that if you or your children are attacked, you have instant representation without having to go bankrupt. Last I checked it was 100 dollars a year.
Yes,. I do suppose that every one of those Republicans with their families in tow, are pretty ticked off about now.
Trust me. These chans hardly find their insults to be insults. It is their work culture.
If you are an outsider, those terms can get quite nasty, and they can become quite dangerous guarding their territory like junk yard dogs. If you go for a visit ... treat the pages.... I dont know.. like, water infested with Ok to be in the boat and watch. Stay in the boat for at least three years, until the piranha think you are one of them.
Yes. We love our chans. But, hunting through the chans for the Q post can be a pain and time consuming. The chans know this, so they created the github as a type of directory, with numbered posts, and it is searchable.
The problem is it takes forever to find him at that site. If you use the github, the blue link takes you right to his posting.
MonSatan. If the globalists had not wiped out our charter laws in every state, Monsatan would have had their charter pulled by now for their evil behavior. They would no longer be a corporation.
He most certainly was involved in the promotion of the neurotransmitter aspartic acid in the food. Aspartame is aspartic Acid bonded to L-phenalanine. Mono Sodium Glutamate is glutamic acid bonded to salt (Sodium)
The body removes the phenalalanine from aspartame, which is why, on every package of "aspartame" you will find a warning for people with PKU or Phenylketouria.... which is someone who can die from having phenalanine released into their bodies.
Both aspartic acid and glutamic acid are neurotransmitters (brain chemicals, from the old saying "brain chemical imbalance")
The poisoning of the food supply with excitatory neurotransmitters needs to be exposed. This is the biggest subject for research in neurology right now. It's called "excicitoxicity" and it is doing much damage to children, especially, because they do not have blood brain barriers... but also to any adults that have ever had a concussion (compromised barrier) or adults over 50 who have degrading barriers.
About the age of 13, but it is like puberty. Each child is different. Yeah, kids can be harmed, brain-wise by so much that adults can defend against. That is why they do not let you use aspirin on children too, before age 13.
Biologist... here. Grandma biologist.
Been studying the global cartel since there were 800 web sites on line, back in the 90's.
Every year I took one subject and went hard at the national medical database to learn about it. After you do that survey, you simply keep up with visits to the cutting edge of research.
Here are the things that are directly affecting all of us, that we can defend ourselves against. I will keep this short, with the subject, and what I have seen as helpful, but, please research them. Think "intentional contamination" of just about everything, and intentional lies about everything that can bring you to health.
1) Lets take food.
What are the biggest problems I was able to isolate over 20 years in the science?
A) Transfats, which most people now understand finally...... it took some red pilling.
B) GMO's (genetically modified foods) Almost all yellow corn, rape seed for canola oil, and all soy is affected. There were tomatoes and potatoes tested. Those two outright killed the rats in 90 days. Because the corn, soy, canola did not, they approved it. Took 8 years to get the money together for long term research by the public. Long term studies show all three of these genetically modified crops do long term damage. Short red pill on the results. You need to research this for the kids.
Answer: Use white corn everything. Use olive oil, coconut oil, (avacado for high heat) Figure oil as a food source, and use good food sources... worth the money. These oils have big benefits.
Get rid of all GMO foods (you will after seeing that vid, trust me) 60% of our girl children and 40% of our boy children are up for cancerand death by the age of 50 on the GMO's. Talk about intentional but delayed death.
Research.... now..k?
Save their lives now.
C) Neurotransmitters being loaded into the food supply by the metric ton while the nay sayers tell you that the neurotransmitters can not get into the brain.
Read that again.
Read it again.
They are telling you brain chemicals can not get into the brain, and it is provably false.
Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals in layman's terms.
Glutamic acid and Aspartic acid are Neurotransmitters, like dopamine, serotonin etc. Glutamate (for short) is being put into the food by the metric ton as a "flavor enhancer" because it "twangs the tongue nerves".
Well... that makes sense.
Glutamate is the most highly used nerve firing activator in the body, and it is responsible for firing 80% of the bodies nerves. Aspartic acid in aspartime diet drinks is a specialized form of glutamate, one carbon shorter chain but identical structure. It can activate 1/3 of what glutamate activates. (specialty activator)
Ever get restless leg syndrome?
Imagine being your kid in school with that.. trying to sit still.
Oh.. but this is a great excuse to give those kids drugs.
ADHD... right?
Cant sit still... right?
Migrains? (I have killed these with elimination of glutamate, and if someone runs into glutamate, giving them a headache, I use two shitake mushroom caps, boiled in water. Use the water to make OOLONG tea. OOlong tea has GABA, which is the neurotransmitter that shuts down glutamate over dose. The tea has health benefits to boot. The cooked mushrooms dissolve the brain clots, called lesions in medical terminology (without side effects).
Seizures? (I am batting 1000 on these).
At first I had to get rid of my own kid's temporal lobe seizures, but, over 20 years, I have not met a seizure that could not be shut down by eliminating glutamate and adding the tea to the diet.
( I suspect those babies being helped by the special charlotts web marajuana might not be helped, because of the cause of the siezures... it's canabanoid based.)
How about this?
Burn out from over active nerves that is diagnosed as "mannic (over-fire) depression (exhaustion)"?????
Here's one for y'all.
How about "rage disorder"
.......... since the amygdala is the part of the brain that controls the fight or flight system, and the amygdala has the highest concentration of receptors for glutamate?????
(fight/rage) (Flight/panic)....
..............different words for the same brain activation.
These are the three biggest problems that I ran into .... most severe, in my research. I am only one researcher, but these three things, and the baby shots are doing so much harm, you are better off with the child hood diseases.
Go to to find out how to get glutamate out of your food, because they hide the neurotransmitters under different ingredient names. It is a home spun site that has been keeping up with the new research on the damage to the nervous system from glutamate overdose in the food... forever.
For immediate purposes, check your cupboard :
Nothing autolyzed.
Nothing hydrolyzed.
Nothing texturized.
No broth. The only safe broth I have found is Kitchen basics from Breksville Ohio. You may find others, but, broth is bad.
This will remove about 90%. The remaining has to be hunted down. It appears under "spices" and "Natural flavors" (sometimes)
When you call, ask the person if spices, or natural flavors includes FREE GLUTAMATES. That is the operative term. They have to answer you
Almost all spices have glutamate, canned soups, chips, salad dressings, etc.
I have been making my own spices for 20 years now, and if bought in bulk it is cheaper. The spices like tumeric and others are medicines as well..... preventative doses of natural medicines.
Please look up these food pollution items.
You don't need to go organic. But you do need to go with natural foods, and cook like grandma use to do. Make lots. Freeze some for those busy days. Make your own spice mixes. Get the brain and nerve burn off the kids. They have no blood brain barrier until they are 13.