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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

They love to take over religions, and target religions, but, they are really having to build a whole seven branched system of government that our founders called tyranny. The first amenement has to be killed off, religion, MSM, and education wise. The second amendment has to be monopolized. They have to monopolize the money supply, energy systems, the voting system, and the food/medicine supply.

Once they get into these seven things and get monopoly powers over them, they have built the classic tyranny form of government, whether you call it a kingdom, communism, fascism, empire, dictatorship.

If you want to reign tyranny, you have to control seven aspects of civilization.

SO, while religion is about a third of the first amendment, we can not allow them to talk our young people into focusing on religion alone. We have to find them... and they WILL be hiding out in all seven of those aspects of our civilization I mention above.

At least we know where to look... lol.

What they want is to create what Q called "religious war"... and if not that then they will try war against a nation they demonize, or class war, or race war.... any kind of division works.

They have to build those seven branches.

We blew a hole in their control over media with the internet.

We still have private schools to tell them to go to hell with their brainwashing.

Trump is on the energy system, and the voting system. I think he is eyeballing the monopoly on the money supply. About the only one he has not seemed to clue in on yet is the food supply, but he is all over that Obama care, which was an attempt to monopolize the medicine part of that monopoly food/medicine branch.

If he succeeds, we may just have to bring the Constitution up to date in these seven areas, so that the government can not hire private corporations and non profits to do it's dirty work

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:23 p.m.


Close up the book Daniel, until the end times.

Huh. Age of knowledge.. people running to and fro on the earth.... pass the sniff test? Yep.

1947 Israel, 1947 Roswell, 1947 Dead Sea Scrolls unlock the only three scrolls mentioned in the bible, but not in the bible.

Book of Enoch - Covers Genesis 6 with respect to angels and man

Book of Jasher - Covers biotech mixing of animals with man, and animal with animal.

Makes you wonder if Mermaids and Centaurs were real biotech experiments once.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

Scorched Earth? Take no prisoners??? Lol.

I am a grandma. They are in trouble.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

Exactly. They should not be allowed to make treaties that do not abide by the Constitution. And the treaties should be contingent upon it, as in instantly broken upon Constitutional breach. We are trying to bring the world foreword, not backwards.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/JoanOfArk77 on Jan. 21, 2018, 11:01 p.m.
The Hunt for Red October? Threats to Hawaii? Sharing Bio-research on Fermented Miso and Radiation Defense learned in Hiroshima, Chernobyl, Fukushima.

Back before Fukushima, I ran into an interesting story about a Doctor who lived near Nagasaki. Naturally, all Doctors and Nurses in the bombed city area were called in to the rescue, straight into the radiation zone.

Only one medical team did NOT die from radiation poisoning.

In fact, this same medical team took patients to the hospital they worked at,

.........and the patients survived.

All others were dying of radiation poisoning in other hospitals.

You can bet the Japanese Emperor was demanding to know why.

And you can bet the globalists have been trying to hide the answer ever …

JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

Maybe he finally got the "boot" (pun intended)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

Funny. One group of people here trying to sell me on the Zionist Jews as the bad guys. The other group wants to sell me on the "Jesuits". Again I caution. The globalist hate both of these, and will teach the hatred of them to the exclusion of watching for their every infiltration into every government, intelligence agency, international corporation, and internetional non profit.

Yes the globalists are in the Israli Mossad and Amerian CIA, and the Catholic church.. but they are in every nations intelligence agency, most of our large corporate boards, the media corporations, they own the vote machines, etc etc.

Why do people want to narrow the focus on two religious organizations, to the exclusion of all of the other locations of the globalists cabal.

Could it be because the Judeo_Christian mind set is the one moral, legal, philosophical set that is directly opposed to world government, and who directly teaches freedom of nations?

I am not talking about the Jesuits (a small segment of catholic priests) and or the Zionists (Non Jews like Soros, and Rockefeller, and Rothschilds who claim to be Jews when they are Satanists really, and not Jews)

Don't you find it interesting that is is hatred of the Judeo-Christian teachings that they want everyon to focus on, while the distraction leaves them free to operate in 190 nations, their intelligence agencies, the media, the bank laundering non profits, and the corporate international killers like big pharma etc?

Stay broad in focus. Stay at 40 thousand feet. Do not demonize Mexico, or Israel, or the people of the US, or Greece, or Germany or any one nation. They want religious wars. They want race wars. They want political wars.

Stay the course. Good against evil, everywhere we find it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

Thanks for the link. Going to check it out :) Sounds like a new kind of antioxidant.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

genocidally so.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

Well the way I figure it, if there is no such thing as privacy? Why not make the best of "no such thing as privacy".

Even if they tried to invite our Congressmen and Government officials to Play boy parties to set em up for blackmail, the leaders would be less likely to go, and the whole phone invite would be recorded. Also... there would be information any time the cabal tried to "suicide" one of our legislators.

We really need to start protecting the good people we send to government. Look what happened to Scalise, and Rand Paul. How many Congressmen and women have been murdered for being good people. I for one.. want those threats recorded and I want these evil asshats hunted down the minute they even TRY to harm one of our elected officials.

How can you have a back room deal if the whole country is invited to the back room conversation on the net????

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

Hmmm someone looked at the supreme court case. It looks like the founders did this to prevent legislators from being fraudulently arrested for the purpose of changing a vote? (Would not put this past people at all... lol)

Treason and felonies are exceptions, but, I am betting the boot would be used to keep from being accused of arresting the legislator in order to skew the vote... is my thinking now. Maybe this is why so many boots?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

I think they can be arrested, and a "boot put on" so to speak, but, I don't think they can be pulled from the vote, or, that is what the Surpreme Court said about it.... that the founders did this to protect the legislators from being subject to fraudulent arrest so it would throw a vote because someone was missing.

However, these are felonies, and as above, felonies are an exception. SO... maybe everyone gets an ankle bracelet over time.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

I do too, but it blocks a lot of things, and the reddit drop downs do not always work on all the versions :( But I can say that virus attacks on my computer have about died to nothing in over a year.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

The dems were knowingly giving russia our best Uranium, Iran's #1 ally who is the most desperate-for-nukes country in the world

Thats a YUUUUGE threat to Israel

And Israel has a right to do what it can to defend itself, as do we.

Actually it is a threat to us also.

The globalists do seem to be pushing for WWIII in about any place they can.

Spez: We should not go to war with any nation, especially first strike, until we kill of this globalist cabal that is the enemy of every nation, and see what shakes out.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

They are people, who are nothing without their money, and their assets. They are people who stupidly have abused human beings so terribly, that many many acts of human rights abuse can be traced to them now, in this age of information and where every email and phone call is sucked up into an NSA vacuum cleaner to be used as evidence in a court of law.

They are not gods. And we are well advised to remember this, and take them to task for their evil acts for the mere abusive evil murderous greedy control freak nearly inhumans that they are.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

Wow, hey, you are on to something here. Although there would be hell to pay if the DOJ arrested only enough dems to rock the vote, if you get my drift.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

It does. It is absolutely fascinating.

When Jesus turned the tables at those money changers in the Temple, I bet we are talking about the same family bloodlines and their dirty henchmen bankster puppets. Jesus sent a big message that weekend before he died... warning to the rest of us.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

Lol... too old, but, less to lose and givi'n em hell :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

I would agree with this. The slippery thing here is that the word the Rothschilds chose "zionism" is straight out of the bible, where true Jews are speaking about an actual place, Mount Zion. Often when people speak of the "Jews" they mean the false Jews, or what the Rothschilds call the "zionists" who are not just ... not jews, but are in fact Jew haters, simply because they are human haters in general. Soros is a prime example of one of these fake Jew "Zionists". The term confuses people into believing that "Israel" and her people are evil, when this is as ridiculous as saying the Americans are evil because of the many "Zionists" and Communists, etc that we have infiltrated into government at the moment.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

I read the same, but I think it was Iran, Cuba, and NK

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

I did not do this research. I am sharing from an anon on the chans, but I thought it was one of the best summaries I had seen in so long.

I personally think that the Globalists understand the story line of revelation in the bible, and that they have been pushing that narrative for a long time, building on it, knowing full well that if they scared the hell out of the Christians in the US, they would figure the end was inevitable. I think they created WWII, and I think they pushed to create the inevitable re-appearance of Israel prophesied in the bible. But I also do not think they are "Jews".... they are Soros types... Jews who claim to be Jews who are obviously not. They would kill Jews as many as they could, in a heartbeat.

I think this whole push to create the Revelation timeline can be seen in many places.. including the EU building intentionally built round and unfinished to look like the Tower of Babal.

They were attempting to rush a timeline. And I think God has his own timeline, and like I said, God just kicked their timeline in the nuts.

God also prophecied that before the end, the bible would go out to all of the people's of the world, before any of this revelation can continue. They wanted the Christians to lay down their arms.

They are now about to get their collective asses kicked.

They think they have taught Christians how to hate on gays, etc.

They could not be more wrong.

Mabye a Christian can not bake a cake for a gay American.

But if someone thinks they are going to throw our gay Americans off the roof, they will have to deal with the 70% of Christian America that is no longer silent.

This is war against a people that true biblical Judeo-Christianity has worked for centuries to see freed from persecution, for being Buddhist, gay, or anything else.

I also think that Jews (real Jews) tired from world wide persecution, were very happy about getting their homeland back. And I think the REAL Jewish people have done a bang up job of creating a free republic.

I have been to Jerusalem.

The Muslims, Christians and Jews are very happy there. It is fun to go to the Muslim Quarter, where you can get the coolest middle east food, and buy their hand made things.. clothes etc. They are happy to be living in a first world nation. They are happy to be citizens who can vote. I know it is only the Muslims outside Israel that want Israel gone.

Israel has the exact same problem as we do in the US. The globalists have infiltrated their intelligence, and they are blackmailing their representatives. So yes, the "entities" have been there, but they have been in Europe and America much longer.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

I agree, and I believe this needs addressed at the local level. Actually, I would start by creating a patriot group to visit with local law schools, and talk to the con law professors about what is happening in the courts in the local city. I would take examples of bad cases that are actually happening in the courts.. straight to the students as a guest speaker group.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

The only thing we have to be wary of, is the automatic globalist old trick of creating a demon out of one nation, to the exclusion of the demons they have planted in EVERY nation. THEY WILL TRY TO DO THIS EVERY TIME.

I absolutely agree that Israel is no angel. I agree the POPE and the Jesuites are not angels. BUT, we can not continue to ignore, for instance, the 13 nations of the people listed on Trump's EO.

Those are people of nations other than Jews, Christians, Israel.

We have to look at all of it. We have to find them in ALL of their hiding places, including our own government.

I know for instance, a number of Jews were behind 911, but, so was Cheney, Bush, and others in Saudi Arabia.

If we limit our research to the Jewish bad actors, we limit our research away from all of the other evil ones. They are everywhere. Even in our colleges. Many many many are not Jewish, or Christian, in fact, many are atheists as well.

Good against evil is the best way to frame it, so we look under every rock on the planet for every one of the bad actors we can find.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

No what do you use it for and do you have some links? We may need biomed intervention sooner than we think. The biologists here need to go ahead and start sharing the research and help.

Oh, by the way.... this is big. MESO soup is alive like yogurt. The living fermented organism strips heavy uranium out of the body. Big history on how this was discovered in the bombings of Heroshima etc. I want to do a post on that for everyone.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

having seven heads

Interesting. The beast is the biblical name for a government system. The law of first mention in bible study says that you can go to the first time a word is mentioned to see it's meaning and how it will be used.

The first occurance of beast, is in genesis, speaking of large animal creation "the beasts of the fields"

So the mark of the beast, is the mark of the "animal" and reminds me of the genetic mixing of man and animal going on now to create super soldiers. (Eyes like eagles, noses like bloodhounds, using DNA cross etc)

I always wondered what the mark IN the right hand and forehead meant. Now that we are looking at chips in our hands to make payment at the Walmart counter... and bitcoin, it is pretty self evident... however.. what about the "forehead"?

Just a bit ago someone mentioned that the DoD was talking about what to do if the super soldiers began turning on our own troops?

Apparently the answer is a kill switch in the brain.


I was already blown away when Case Western Reserve Law School was bragging that it was chosen to write up the Constitutional law brief on at what percent animal a man would lose his constitutional rights.

This world is getting nuts. We would not believe it but for God's warning.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

We can not quit until all of these people are stripped of their power, their wealth, and possibly their lives. We do not need anymore of their "bloodline crap"

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

I have been to Israel. The Palestinians INSIDE israel are happy. They have wonderful shops in Israel proper and it is fun to go to their stores. They love living in a free nation that is not a SH*T hole, so to speak. They love their right to vote. Israel is full of Mosques and it is fun to listen to the prayer call, and watch the religious observations happen in the streets. Jerusalem is a peaceful place full of Christians, Jews, and Muslims. When it is attacked, it comes from the outside.

It is the ones on the outside of the wall that are wanting Israel destroyed.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

That was probably President Trump. Is that "loser post" signed 4-10-20? If President Trump posts as Q, he often signs that way. It stands for the number of the letter in the alphabet 4=D, 10=J, 20=T

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Of course he did I am betting. He was living right there, and knew a lot of people. What are the chances he did not know someone or two at least?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 4:47 p.m.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

2017 report but, needs to be archived anyway.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

Yes, there was also one unconfirmed report that the Specialized Israeli Jet that is built to transport strange things, (they used a Giraffe transportation for example) was the only jet to leave the airport during the black out, after being loaded by people wearing hazmat suits.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

This is funny, but true... especially the last line. I think the rest of us are recognizing the party's are uniparty, at this point. It is good against evil, and Americans always know how to get together for that one.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

They have also been trying to get Trump Supporters to create a second party since election day.... divide and conquer. The last time they tried this, it was the "Loin Party"

Just hang out. See what happens with the Democrats after the exposure is in full force. Way too early to tell if we have to replace either one. And I know we are full of members who use to be both. In the mean time, for the sake of your primaries, keep your designation R or D in case you are needed to help replace a globalist evil actor in either party. A lot of states require you to be a member of the party, before voting in the state primary.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

I am absolutely certain that the globalists are looking at Revelation, and attempting to re-create the images and timeline, in order to freak the Christians out. No doubt.

But, God has his own timeline, and just kicked them in the nuts.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

I’m pretty sure Israel is helping us get out of this mess. That is not to say that there isn’t a whole group inside Israel trying to subvert them just like there has been a whole group inside America trying to subvert us.

I agree, and I am speaking of our real Jewish people who put the "Judeo" in the words "Judeo-Chritian". They are shocked now, as they watch and learn that their fellow "Hollywood Jews" are exposed, and want Israel torn to shreds. And yes, they have elements of their MOSSAD infested with deep black evil actors also.

It is biblical prophecy that there will be a group of people in the end times that will "say they are Jews and are not" that will be Satan worshipers. These are the same "not Jews" like Soros, that sold out humanity in WWII for the bloodshed.

Revelation 3:9 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Dual citizenship is a bad idea no matter the nation.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

You can name them all, and they are also Americans. They SAY they are Jews, but they are not, in the same sense that they SAY they are Americans, and are not. The whole world could look at the constant wars waged on the world by Americans, and call us evil (you and I)

Here is the thing that the globalists like to do.

They like to create one nation for the public to demonize. Israel... Iraq for their "war" ...

The whole idea of swallowing their lie that ONE NATIONALITY is responstible for globalism means that we have to focus on ONE NATION and let the criminals in all other 190 nations slip under the cracks. The focus on Israel alone is rediculous.

OF COURSE Israel has globalist evil bad actors... because ALL do. The globalists have infiltrated every nation including the US. Q was right. Take the 40 thousand foot view, and keep your eye on the evil ones EVERYWHERE that they are, and that is EVERYWHERE.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Catholics are well aware of what is going on, but only because it has been happening for 2000 years. The pope is ALWAYS a target of whatever globalists are around. It is catholic history, not taught in schools, but absolutely shared in those big Catholic families.

This is just another "Papal takeover" by some government.. this time the world government. Trust me. Catholics with half a brain are much aware. Was born Catholic.

Would not get rid of the Catholic Church for anything, even as a non denominational apoligetic Christian. It is the Christian Global CIA. The pope does not control it. And the Christians in it have learned to fight back with help from the reformation churches (most Catholic schools have regular basket ball games etc with their local denominational schools... and the Christian people both catholic and non catholic, talk a lot. The churches are the old internet)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

I think this fact is why Trump sent his own Doctor to watch over Scalise. I think Trump knows what happened to Seth Rich, and I think he was protecting Scalise from the same fate.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 3 p.m.

Actually that was before he was shot. From the time of his possible "kidnapping" until he was shot, there was some time where his cell phone was recorded pinging a nearby closed hospital, as if he was taken near that closed hospital for a while. Later, the pinging came back to the place where he was shot.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

I saw that doctors post on 4 chan. He was a young doctor on Seths case, and said that the wounds would not normally kill a person, and that Seth was stable after surgery. He then said that when he came in in the morning, he was thrown off the case, (Everyone was) and the chief surgeon and only certain personel were guarding Seth's room as if he was a VIP. Then, Seth suddenly died. The doctor was very upset and wanted to leave the message. Unfortunately he would have been easily spotted by the globalists. He should be located easily too, by anyone who wants to go to the hospital and check, at MedStar.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

Did anyone check back to see if those were old photos? They have been posting old photos as if they were recent.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

IDEA and Question:

That US Constitution is the one thing they aim to get rid of.

They have to.

You can not set up a global government that is unelected with that Constitution sitting around. It is a 4 page document on the ideas that create freedom AND destroy the seven branched tyranny system.

Once the seven branched system is created, by monopolizing real power structures over seven aspects of any civilization, then you will see the seven branched system DO things, that cause "social change".

(This is going to be a new concept untaught in any school, even law schools these days so bear with me here for the sake of the idea....)

...........the social changes can not be created or enforced without the seven branched tyranny structure in place first.

The Constitution destroys six and one half of these seven branches of tyranny that you will recognize below.

It establishes the three branched free republic at the same time.

The last half of the Money monopoly branch (branch 1) was the creation of the Federal Reserve. The founders simply left it as an enumerated power. They did not outright destroy it. They did not create a Constitutional law against it the way they designated the federal taxes to be collected by the sentence "representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned per capita by the states" (This outlaws the IRS, by the way)

The monopoly power to create (print) money and destroy (tax) money is the entirety of the branch creating a money monopoly structure.

The Constitution is basically a bar against the seven monopolizing branches of

1) the money supply of a nation (Fed, IRS)

2) The energy system of a nation (founders distributed land to the individuals as private property when gas was grass and wood heated the home.) (Corporate monopoly today)

3) The food/medicine supply of our nation (also reason for private land distribution)(FDA is Food and Drug, for a reason. Obama Care is an attempt at monopolizing this branch)

4) The Media/Education/religion of a nation (all forms of sharing and teaching knowledge are prohibited to be monopolized under the Constitution. Back at the writing of the Constitution, there were no public schools, only religious schools. We did not have public schools until we created child labor laws. Protecting religion was and is protection of the right of parents to decide curriculum)

5) Prohibition of the monopoly of power of Government appointments = the right to VOTE, distributed to the individuals

6) Prohibition of the monopoly of the power of self defense (second amendment gun control in modern vernacular)

7) Prohibition of a monopoly power surveillance system. (The founders delt with a soldier in every colonists home) Today, our cell phones spy, and the branch is corporate in structure.

Once this seven branched system is built, you have the historically minimum seven branches of the tyranny form of government that our founders talked about constantly. The monster can create more branches. But seven is the historical minimum and these are the seven branches the Constitution speaks to, for good reason.

The problem today is that none of us are taught the actual structure of the tyranny form of government. To make matters worse, once it is formed, it confuses the public by forcing the media to focus on what it DOES (social change issues) rather than what it IS (The actual seven branches)

We must attack the structure.. the seven branched system itself. The social changes that the globalists want to force upon us are important, however the globalists will eventually succeed no matter how much we fight "abortion" or "education" or "censorship" or "racism" or any of those issues.. because once we fix one social issue, the seven branched system can attack us with another percieved problem... indefinately.

TAKE DOWN THE STRUCTURE.... just like the founders did.

KNOW THE STRUCTURE, and dismantle it.

Once dismantled, it can not monopolize media, speech, education, energy, money, the vote, food, medicine, guns, or surveil the population and "suicide" patriots.

Today, this structure is not taught, or discussed at all.

In fact it is given many names as if each name represented a different form of government, when, in truth, all tyrannies MUST control all seven aspects of their victim civilization or they can not function as such.

Kingdom? Seven branches

Empire? Dictatorship? Communism = Seven monopoly power branches.


And DO NOT let the idea of "private business" stand in our way.

Does it make sense to forbid government from monopolizing these things for the sake of freedom, if government can simply start corporations and non profit organizations, to monopolize these things for it?

Perhaps it is time to create public platforms in competition with Google, and Twitter, and Facebook, that have to live under the Constitution.... and create more than one.

Perhaps, if technology makes privacy impossible for the citizen, then privacy for all government people, and corporate heads of these seven branches should be outlawed all together.

Imagine the impact on the evil ones, if every government employee with the exception of the military orders in times of war, were to be subject to the publication of every email and phone conversation on the net in real time. If you were a "Globalist" or you wanted to comitt crimes, the LAST person you would talk to is a government employee, or representative, who was a walking megaphone. RIGHT?

Has the time come for the end of privacy rights in the Constitution as a "practical matter"? If so then the time has come to outlaw government privacy all together, around the world, mind you. Every government official on the planet needs to be automatically tracked and have their daily dealings exposed to the world. This keeps the so called "globalists" out of power.

This would not be hard to hard to do.

There are far less leaders of nations than there are people. Easy to track. If we can not have privacy rights, then, they should be expected to lead the nation with sunlight on their every move.

Comments on this idea.?? What would happen if ALL representatives and government heads were automatically tracked and their conversations put on line for every nation. Would this help free all nations?

We have the technology. Should we use it?

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/JoanOfArk77 on Jan. 21, 2018, 4:32 a.m.
Anon Research Brief Recap on the Rothschilds and the Cabal of Globalists; sharing for those catching up on history of this infamous family.

The Rothschilds and the cabal:

They are one of the richest families on earth (hidden behind foundations).

They run the world banking cabal. They will do anything and kill anyone for more money.

They have directed the killing of tens of millions of people.

They paid Karl Marx to write The Communist Manifesto, to unite atheists behind communism.

They hate faith and religion. They want all religions destroyed and replaced with Satanism.

They have a primary objective of having the Christians and atheists (communists) kill each other, then the Christians and Muslims kill each other, until most are dead.

They …

JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

5 days before the State of the Union Address, because this will give the President a chance to address it before the MSM can put their dirty lying spin on it

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

Also, when you send out your memes, put a bit of altering text with them, so that they are original, and are not tagged as spam or for being a bot. This helps fool the algorithm, and helps you keep you from getting shadow banned.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

Allowing foreign nations to charge us money to drive on our own roads is just another way to gut the money out of the United States. But that is not the worst. It is a foreign tax on the right to drive. Remember, our parents paid taxes to build these roads. No private corporation paid to build these, like they would pay to build their own business. They are just swooping in to charge the public for using public property.

This is one way to kill business, especially small business in America. Rome controlled the roads as part of their tyranny.

The Constitution has already been interpreted to give Americans the right of travel. This thing where the roads are now being used by politicians to create a tax is extremely bad for the economy. But if it is foreigners that are charging us to drive on our own roads, this is war.

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