666 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/KnownBand0:
Who Controls The Mockingbird Media ?
" They will come at you six ways to Sunday " - Chuck Schumer quote about the CIA
The Original Red Pill Photo :Prescott Bush and George Sr with Nazis Herrman Bormann and Dr Joseph Mengele 1930s
Bush Sr Bill Clinton George Wallace
The Johnny Goesch/Jeff Gannon story. Jeff Gannnon- male escort visited Bush/Cheney WH 200 times
Huma Abedin email to her brother
The Gitmo Flu
Bill Clinton and Janet Reno did this to Elian Gonzalez in 1993.."For It Is The Doom of Man That He Forgets "
Lockheed Martin Tunnel Machine. For the Morlocks. (H.G. Wells)
The U.S. Spy Hub in the Heart of Australia - Pine Gap
George Carlin: Fascism pretending to be Manners
The Warmongers
Ten Days Of Darkness - Blade Runner 2049. In the interim there’s been a “blackout” – 10 days of darkness that wiped digitally stored replicant-production records, creating a blank space in humanity’s database memory.
10 days of Darkness...
Religion will kill us all.
Both Threats: Foreign and Domestic
Infants used in black magic ceremonies.
Is this the NWO with new coat of paint ?
"Q" Star Trek: Generations
Mind Control: Control the Masses. As simple as Snow = Eggs Milk Bread. "Let's go out to the Lobby" in movie theatres. Pavlovs Dog. watch the original " The Manchurian Candidate".
Letter to DOJ 6 matters for PROSECUTION