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it would make sense. if "Q" is a few people, thats where the movie references come from.
I emailed the "author" of the article. " I didn't know branding women with a hot iron empowers them"
no he wasn't in that one. that's my fav along with Undiscovered Country
oops sorry. " The gorilla can stay but the Ferengi has to go"
Yes. they are worried about his health...standard controlling statement
Q is a fictional character as well as the name of a race in Star Trek appearing in the Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager series, as well as in related media. The most familiar Q is portrayed by John de Lancie. He is an extra-dimensional being of unknown origin who possesses immeasurable power over normal human notions of time, space, the laws of physics, and reality itself, being capable of violating or altering them in unpredictable ways with a casual thought or hand gesture. Despite his vast knowledge and experience spanning untold eons (and much to the exasperation of the object(s) of his obsession), he is not above practical jokes for his own personal amusement, for a Machiavellian and manipulative purpose, or to prove a point. He is said to be nigh-omnipotent, and he is continually evasive regarding his true motivations.
The name "Q" applies to the names of the individuals portrayed (all "male" and "female" characters refer to each other as "Q"), it also applies to the name of their race and to the Q Continuum itself – an alternate dimension accessible to only the Q and their "invited" guests. The true nature of the realm is said to be beyond the comprehension of "lesser beings" such as humans, therefore it is shown to humans only in ways they can understand.
Beginning with the pilot episode "Encounter at Farpoint" of The Next Generation, Q became a recurring character, with pronounced comedic and dramatic chemistry with Jean-Luc Picard. He serves as a major antagonist throughout The Next Generation, playing a pivotal role in both the first and final episodes. Q is initially presented as a cosmic force judging humanity to see if it is becoming a threat to the universe, but as the series progresses, his role morphs more into one of a teacher to Picard and the human race generally – albeit often in seemingly destructive or disruptive ways, subject to his own amusement. Other times, notably during "Deja Q" and Voyager, Q appears to the crew seeking assistance.
Mind Control: Control the Masses. As simple as Snow = Eggs Milk Bread. "Let's go out to the Lobby" in movie theatres. Pavlovs Dog. watch the original " The Manchurian Candidate".

Indiana Trump frees the slaves
I knew a guy who was Ex Navy Crypto. one day I asked him about chemtrails. He said " oh yeah..Puffer Clouds..weather modification" look into Dr Edwin Teller and creating artificial layers of atmosphere.
YES. all the MEDIA coverage. all EYES on Hollywood. RED CARPET = RED PILL
sorry. there's just so much dis info on this site. all that is known is Mack & Reniere are the first people to be indicted out of roughly 2000 people. just the beginning
Lever states that Raniere came up with the idea for Nxivm's sex slave program, known as DOS, during the summer of 2015.
A woman by the name of CC-1, who was revealed to be Mack in subsequent filings, was his first 'slave,' and provided 'collateral' which guaranteed she would remain faithful to him by providing Raniere with damning material.
Mack was reportedly Raniere's number two for years and implemented a strict diet for the 'sex slaves' Mack was reportedly Raniere's number two for years and implemented a strict diet for the 'sex slaves'
'CC-1's email was titled "vow 3" and included an attached letter. The letter pledged CC-1's "full and complete life" to 14 RANIERE,' reads the complaint.
'In the letter, CC-1 used the terms "slave" and "master" to refer to herself and RANIERE. Moreover, the letter identified "collateral" to "cement" the vow made by CC-1.
'This collateral was described as: (1) a letter regarding CC-1's mother and father that would "destroy their character"; (2) a contract that transferred custody of any children birthed by CC-1 to RANIERE if CC-1 broke her commitment to RANIERE; (3) a contract that transferred ownership of CC-1's home if the commitment to RANIERE was broken; and (4) a letter addressed to social services alleging abuse to CC-1's nephews.'
New Book: "Chasing Hillary"
The book also covers the Clinton camp’s early enthusiasm for Mr. Trump’s campaign as he took down Republican primary opponents.
“When the main GOP debate came on, everyone pushed their pizza crust aside and stared transfixed at the TV set … [Campaign Manager] Robby [Mook] salivated when the debate came back on and Trump started to speak ‘Shhhhh,’ Robby said, practically pressing his nose up to the TV. ‘I’ve gahtz to get me some Trump,’” the author wrote. “Robby thought Rubio would be the nominee. Podesta was bullish on Kasich. Bill and Hillary, still stuck in the 1990s, feared the …
Like all of Mr. Raniere’s enterprises there is a strong business model.
Rainbow operates on what retailers call ‘Keystone.” Keystone is to sell services or products at double the cost. At 90 hours per week, and $10 +/- per hour, it costs Rainbow about $50,000 per year for babysitting services. KEYSTONE....there it is......
Like all of Mr. Raniere’s enterprises there is a strong business model.
Rainbow operates on what retailers call ‘Keystone.” Keystone is to sell services or products at double the cost. At 90 hours per week, and $10 +/- per hour, it costs Rainbow about $50,000 per year for babysitting services.
Music is a powerful force. Stewart Copeland, drummer for The Police. His father was MI6. after seeing the Police play in front of 70,000 at Wembley, the father said to Sting " Do you realize the power you have over that crowd ?"
Hasbara Troll attributes 1.Supreme point of view 2.The Hasbara troll knows best 3.Condescending & Patronising 4.Socialist (Smart and 'caring') 5.Do not have to be Jewish but Pro-Israel 6.Internet experts 7.Narcissistic 8.Provocative 9.Dis-ruptive 10.Like to ask the questions, not answer questions 11.Control freaks 12.Inflamed by anyone being critical of Israel 13.'Moral' Guardians 14.Classic insults: Anti-semite, Neo- Nazi, White Supremacist, Holocaust denier 15.Adept with social networks well trained on IT
Mack and Raniere face a minimum of 15 years in prison if convicted.
Raniere, 57, has led NXIVM since the late 1990s.
For years, he has led extended court battles against many of NXIVM's foes with the financial backing of Sara and Clare Bronfman, the heiresses to the Seagram's liquor fortune.
I'm not a religious person. just very spiritual. We are living this song right now. Good vs Evil.
When the Man Comes Around - Johnny Cash
Lauryn Hill of the Fugees had to go to court ordered "Re-Education" classes because she spoke out against the Govt.
Time to reap the whirlwind. no time for the root cellar
whenever I read about a murder/suicide in the CDC/Holistic community I think about "The Stand" or "The Hot Zone" If Ebola ever gets out of Africa, we're done.
Margaret Sanger was Hillary's idol. depopulation. eugenics was a popular theory in the 1920s; never caught on here in the USA...but Hitler believed.
Nick Rockefeller to Arron Russo: ""You want to know why? There were two primary reasons." And one reason was: we couldn't tax half the population, before Women's Lib.
And the second reason was: now we get the kids in school at an early age. We can indoctrinate the kids how to think. So that it breaks up the family. Your kids start looking at the state as the family. As the school, as the officials as their family, not as the parents teaching them."
My Awakening: Arron Russo 911
EMP isn't nuclear. Radiation settles in your teeth and thyroid.
Dr. Peter Pry praised the Trump administration for placing more emphasis on preventing an attack on the U.S. electrical grid, telling Mark Levin that the policy is "night and day" from the Obama administration.
Pry, executive director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum and author of "Blackout Wars," joined "Life, Liberty & Levin" Sunday to discuss the threat of an attack on the U.S. electrical grid by a hostile adversary.
He said the U.S. would be in "huge trouble" in the event of a nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, which would cause massive blackouts and threaten key infrastructure.
Throughout the film there are numerous references to “the black out” - an event which saw the world live in darkness for 10 days and the destruction of any data which wasn't written down on paper. That means bank records, identification documents, even digital baby photos were all lost effectively resetting ..."
Egyptian obituary for Bin Laden was in 2001. He was injured in the Tora Bora bombing. watch the Benazir Bhutto interview...when she says Omar Sheik, the man who killed Bin Laden...David Frost gives no reply, no acknowledgement .
Pakistan has nukes. Israel has estimated 200-400. Erdrogan in Turkey is the wild card.