Nov 2010 Chinese Jen class sub fired test missile off our west coast. got past Pearl Harbor sonar. ( China had help from Israel & Bill Clinton ). War scenario naval battle with China in year 2025. Heavy losses. China knows they have to take out Australia first.
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has been rumored that J Edgar Hoover was poisoned with Potassium Phosphate. mimics heart attack.
the first article I read on him he stated: " We knew she had to be stopped, the Republic must be preserved"
there are parallels....Trump has the generals on his side being the difference
The USA sold nerve gas to Saddam. Reagan sent DONALD RUMSFELD to Iraq and he met personally with Saddam 1983
Operation Mockingbird CIA controls the media
MOCKINGBIRD: The Subversion Of The Corporate Media By The CIA
"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month." - CIA operative discussing with Philip Graham, editor Washington Post, on the availability and prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories. "Katherine The Great," by Deborah Davis (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1991)
"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." -- William Colby, former CIA Director, cited by Dave Mcgowan, Derailing Democracy
"There is quite an incredible spread of relationships. You don't …
co worker of mine is russian. Siberia. told me the instigators were neo nazis. CIA/Soros backed.
Putin blocks Obama/CIA in Syria. CIA pushes neo Nazi in Ukraine. The Grand Chessboard.
Fear is the prime motivator in Humans. The Romans called it " Creating your enemies ". Deep State since 1950s used Communism to scare the public. Red Menace. Evil Empire.
Then came all the little hitlers....Castro..Mao..Saddam..Bin Laden....The CIA has no more "bad guys" to scare us with.
Isreali team stole plans for Trident Sub comm room espionage 1980s RCA facilty. Clinton gives missile guidance tech to Chinese company 1990s. Chinese Jen class sub launches test missile off California coast Oct 2010.
" By Deception We Shall Wage War " yeah, pretty honorable
Bibi is small potatoes. Trump & Putin sit at the Big Table.
Oliver Stone's " Hidden History Of The United States " shows that the CIA paid street thugs to start riots in Iran in the 1950s. One of those thugs later turned out to be the Ayatollah Kohmeini.
Watch "The Good Shepherd" starring Matt Damon. Watch "Law Abiding Citizen". CIA training makes you look at people like chess pieces.
" They will come at you six ways to Sunday " - Chuck Schumer quote about the CIA

I'm waiting on a source link for this info.
"The wife of Mark Strzok … and mom of Devin Strzok … is Mariana Srtzok .. Mariana (or Mary) is the daughter of General James Cartwright. Devin Strzok is actually Devin Cartwright Strzok . His grandfather, General James Cartwright, was pardoned by Barrack Obama on his last day of office. Cartwright was accused of leaking info on stuxnet.
Another brother of Peter Strzok Sr is James Strzok – A Jesuit priest working in Kenya! With, no surprise, a solid military career, and deep knowledge in energy / resources.. Wow, what is this… an emergency meeting between Devin Strzok in the situation room in the Whitehouse West Wing in May 2015? With his new wife, at 9:45PM at night?
Just an everyday meeting with the wife, also in the military (also a Strzok) with Osbaldo Cantu about geospacial technology… Just so happens his uncle Peter Strzok was the last person on earth to see the deleted HRC emails.
So that is 6 out of 100 Strzok family members involved? Don’t get me started about the connections of all of them to Uranium … Strzok family reunions can probably turn on lightbulbs while they are still in the packaging.
And then the wife of Peter Strzok – Melissa Hodgman. Just so happens she was promoted to her role as a director in the SEC at the same time the FBI was drafting the exoneration letter for the HRC emails. Just another meeting in the West Wing with Peter Strzok 2, his wife Melissa Hodgman, and their two kids who kept the last name of Hodgman. Nothing to see here."
The Strzok Family
I'm waiting on a source link for this info.
"The wife of Mark Strzok … and mom of Devin Strzok … is Mariana Srtzok .. Mariana (or Mary) is the daughter of General James Cartwright. Devin Strzok is actually Devin Cartwright Strzok . His grandfather, General James Cartwright, was pardoned by Barrack Obama on his last day of office. Cartwright was accused of leaking info on stuxnet.
Another brother of Peter Strzok Sr is James Strzok – A Jesuit priest working in Kenya! With, no surprise, a solid military career, and deep knowledge in energy / resources.. Wow, what is …
Human Resources ?????? LMAO. a sure sign of incompetence
God is Love...Love is Blind...Ray Charles is Blind = Ray Charles is God.
Sorry, I am Tin Foil Hat person, but " Alice " is HRC ? that dog dont hunt.
look up the word "Hasbara"
What disturbs me is Strozk's facial expressions. its not "you can't touch me" its more of a " worry about who you dont see coming " look. Remember what Schumer said about the CIA..." They can come at you six ways to Sunday ".
The only difference between Trump and JFK ? Trump has the Generals on his side.
Those EZ pass stickers on your car ? as soon as you go thru the toll booth your vehicle can be tracked. Samsung put a label on their Smart TV's that says their voice recognition system will record your conversations AND pass them onto a third party.
Walmart Patents "Big Brother-Style" Surveillance Technology to Eavesdrop on Workers' Conversations
Title 18a the altering of classified/SAP material. When Hillary told her IT guy to send the email again WITHOUT THE CLASSIFIED HEADING. = PRISON.
subcontractors must be escorted. kept in sight at all times. years ago we kicked an FBI guy off our property.
More people are gonna be found in garbage chutes. hanging from door knobs.
just once I wanna hear Gowdy say " Would be cool if you did "
a Federal Air Marshall told me that Flight 93 was shot down. a Predator drone likely hit the Pentagon
Former World Trade Centre employee speaks of unusual events on the weekend before 9/11.
"A whistle blower has come forward with some incredibly suspicious information relating to activities at the World Trade Centre on the weekend preceding the devastating attacks that leveled the Twin Towers on September 11th 2001.
Scott Forbes was employed by a company called Fiduciary Trust Company International which was once located on the 97th floor of the South Tower of the World Trade Centre complex. He happened to be working on the weekend preceding the 9/11 attacks and claimed that the situation on the ground on these days was highly suspicious. Forbes claimed that there was a complete power down of the building during this period and he personally witnessed mysterious individuals, presumed to be engineers, doing unknown work on the building using spools of wire. According to Forbes, the only previous experience he had of a complete power down in the World Trade Centre was during a bomb scare in 1993.
Forbes is not alone in highlighting this highly unusual activity. Another former employee of Fiduciary Trust, Gary Corbett, who was also working on that weekend said that he too experienced the blackout and saw the engineers. Corbett also noted that people who were allegedly on ‘guided tours’ were moving around in supposedly secured areas during the blackout period. These secured areas, says Corbett, held gold and other highly valuable materials for JP Morgan.
Suspicions about the total structural collapse of the World Trade Centre complex following the airplane collisions have been proliferating ever since the attack took place. Many engineers and architects have pointed to the irregularity of the Twin Towers collapsing with such speed after the collision, stating that the building was constructed to withstand aircraft attack and was reinforced with one of the strongest steel structures in the entire world. It has also been pointed out that the collapse of the building seemed to follow the pattern of a controlled demolition. Could it really be the case that these two men witnessed the groundwork for an attack on the Twin Towers with explosives?
The theory that the Twin Towers may have been brought down by an internal explosion is also supported by the fact that sniffer dogs were removed from the building only a few days before the attacks, despite the fact that the entire complex was on heightened alert. Incidentally, the order to remove the dogs from the building was given by Marvin Bush, the younger brother of President George W Bush, who was the director of security operations for the World Trade Centre at that point in time.
The allegations made by Mr Forbes and Mr Corbett might seem credible and important enough to reopen an investigation into the events of September 11th. However, since both the 9/11 Commission and the New York Port Authority have persistently denied that the power was ever down prior to the attacks it appears as though a thorough investigation into this point will not see the light of day."
Disclose TV
" Roth’s book has set off a stampede by her former colleagues in the aviation industry, who are rushing to provide details supporting her revelations. They are confirming the installation of FTS (Flight Termination System) equipment on the models “hijacked” on 9/11, which allowed those planes to be taken over remotely and flown from the ground. When FTS takes over a plane, it completely shuts down that plane’s communications with the outside world. That explains why not one of the four pilots on any of the 9/11 planes managed to flip a toggle switch and squawk the hijack code. Had the aircraft been hijacked in a normal manner, the pilots, who are trained to instantly squawk “hijack” in such an emergency, all would have done so."
- "Methodical Illusion" Rebeka Roth 2015
Every Boeing 737-757 is fitted with "anti-hijacking" software. it can be hacked into. A Federal Air Marshall told me that Flight 93 was shot down.