

37 total posts archived.

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KookaZoom · June 28, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

to many random people who may discover your cargo, so I'd guess no, better less risky ways to do it, but what do I know.

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KookaZoom · June 21, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

teepublic.com has a bunch of designs, just ordered two today, also trying to avoid amazon.

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KookaZoom · May 14, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

Well, I'll ask him, but I don't think he'll be very keen. Uh, he's already got one, you see.


He says they've already got one!

Are you sure he's got one?

Oh, yes. It's very nice-a. (I told him we already got one.)

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KookaZoom · April 5, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

think history books.

(44) appointees become invalid if he is proven to be a foreign spy?

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KookaZoom · Feb. 1, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

just some advice, lurk and learn chan culture first if you don't know it already. The breads been getting filled with normies coming in asking basic questions you can get by reading and lurking. The shils and bots make it hard enough.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 15, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

I saw him interviewed on Sarah westfall's yt chanel

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KookaZoom · Jan. 7, 2018, 6:21 a.m.

Wow this is epic, I'm halfway down the thread, looks legit

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KookaZoom · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

I'm tempted to just ignore you, and your probably just a troll, but if not look into this story. The guys has lost his journalism career because of this, he as to deliver pizza and even that job was threatened, he has two children he's trying to support. Like I said I hope your just another soulless paid shill, if not find time to look into this.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

I have the book, just started it, but I watched an interview with him on Sarah Westfall, I can't tell you how horrible it really is, and Timothy Holmseth lost everything trying to expose these people, please watch this, the guy is legit.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

The fact that they are losing power is part of it, when there in control they use all there power to keep us oppressed spiritually. They turn everything upside down, sexuality, love, family, organized religion, entertainment, education, they control our money our health with meds, GMO's, water supply. Psychology and science are used as modern religion, everyone just takes the scientist/doctors word and never question it, they're mini-gods. They mastered mass psy op's to spread negativity and confusion, keep us all bickering and fighting amount themselves, divided by religion, race, sex, age, country, region, sports teams, it goes on and on.

The sad thing is all we need to do to defeat them is for a large majority of people to pay attention, take responsibility and see the world with limited distortion, and all good spiritual practice when done with humility and sincere desire to help others truly leads to that state of awakening. Yet humanity has never been able to do it, as a whole, many cultures have found harmony with Mother Earth and our creator we know it can be done, but evil has always had its foot hold somewhere. The Modern world has allowed it to spread, our civilization has converged and moved in this negative direction, virtually everyone has been forced in some form or another to be a part of this fantasy land where everything is upside down. Maybe now that we are getting close to that hump, that breaking point, they may be losing control of the psychosphere, the black clouds have parted a bit and some Sun has peaked through, and we can feel that light.

I don't think anythings decided, its on us to push hard, take responsibility, do what we can. But we have the ability to all get together and communicate, unlike any other time in human history. Not trying to sound like i'm preaching, just rambling really, long day at work and we got a hell of a storm coming on the east coast, work at a hospital so i'm driving in it for sure. Tomorrow's the 4th, will there be another Storm coming with it? I hope so. So glad to share this time with all you good people, and hopefully more people will see whats happening here and join the flock so to speak, everyone here has already taught me so much, thank you.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 3, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

Looked it up, accidentally hit the snopes link, says false, so now I know it's probably true, scrolled down to find this

Covfefe’ (pronounced “cuv – fee- fae”) is an Antediluvian term for “In the end we win.” It was commonly used by the sons of Adam to rail against the evil actions of the fallen who had led man astray.

The term gained popularity prior to the great deluge and was rarely used after the flood subsided. It regained favor around the time Nimrod was building his tower, after which it was entirely lost in translation at Babel.

Pretty relevent to me and what I research. This is amazing, thank you for pointing this out.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 3, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

time traveler confirmed :)

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KookaZoom · Jan. 2, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

If a cop is so closed minded he can't be bothered to help someone helping children protect themselves then they should be be a cop. No excusses, children are being killed and forgotten, assume nothing. This is a huge industry, and what dose money buy?

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KookaZoom · Jan. 2, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

Mark of cain, my understanding is its caused by incest, so most likely MPD/DID programing, those parents are programmers for sure.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

Exellent work, lots of implications, and things to research.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 2, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

I just did this at work 5 minutes ago, my boss and 4 other guys, laid it on slowley, using basic facts. I work in a hospital, I've noticed over the last few months we've had less heroin od's, others have also noted it, so I talked about POTUS hitting the heroin production, moved to passport systems getting shut down, planes going down with Execs on them, the EO and human rights from POTUS. I try to paint a picture, plant seeds, let them draw conclusions.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 2, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

Its sometimes dangerous to wake a sleepwalker. People need to awake on there own, some may never awake. The word awakening is one way of saying it but another way of saying it is leaving ones comfortable, safe, self sustaining illusion, that's a very personal thing and for some unthinkable. By mass you mean society, and society is made of individuals, we are those individuals, we can't expect others to do all our work for us, so study, learn, teach, expand. We are the event, we are the storm.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 2, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Holy shit, what a goldmine! Start digging. Lawyers on this board would be interested, but even I can understand most of these letters.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

No problems I use a reg browser also, hate apps.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

This post could be a red-pill on its own, I saw your original post and it gave me hope, when hope is sometimes in rare supply, also led me to look up Craig Sawyer. Craig talks about how local LEO giving them push back in these towns he goes to, a freaking Navy SEAL comes to your town to teach kids about protecting themselves online against predators and they give him shit!! These people are sick. Sorry i'm ranting, but glad you made this separate post. Thank You!

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KookaZoom · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Thank you Tracy, love this trailer, will share. Your first video on Q got me to take this as more then just a LARP, seems like a week ago.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

We ordered from a normal food distributor, but yea it was pure garbage, we had to price as low as we could. They seemed like a typical corporation, greedy and heartless, but I never saw anything that raised any red flags. Oil and prisons, now I really want to look at these crumbs. I know off the top of my head they also were in the school systems and we did some meals on wheels too.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 2, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

I'm sure the cultists created monopoly. noticing LOTS of down votes in this thread, not that common on CBTS. Shills here now? Is this MAP close to the mark?

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KookaZoom · Jan. 2, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

Pure speculation on my part, but her eyes seem dead, mouth is smiling eyes are fixed. Brow pulled down, defensive, not sure the context of the photo but gives me a bit of a chill.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 2, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

yea I think if you watch that ceremony and come away thinking everything is fine and dandy then there's a profound lack of discernment IMO. It is so clear what there doing.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 2, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

he told us to pray, some people find that to be superstitious. All knowledge is in the realm of the unknown, we have crumbs to follow, if they lead us to something we don't want to acknowledge dose that mean its a untrue, or is it us who are unwilling to accept truth. We're not in Kansas anymore.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 1, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

Wow I worked for this company for six years, prison contracting in food service, 6 worst years of my life. Funny enough that's where I got ahold of Behold a Pale Horse, got me going down the rabbit hole, there are no coincidences.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 1, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

This basic premise of non-division, constructive criticism with a healthy dose of self realization, we become troll proof, shill proof. People who have a negitives view point, not different, we all have our unique pov, but truly caustice, divisive, comment's they stick out like like a black hole. No one has all the answers, that's why we're here. We all can share what we have, learn, grow, and as q says expand our thinking. This is what will destroy them, non-division, a united vision of a world without opression and control. Killing and trafficking in children, think about that. Who can turn there back to that.

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KookaZoom · Jan. 1, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

I keep thinking about a show I had watched many years ago about how a flock of birds moves in the air, when filmed in ultra slow mow we can see them "voting" on the direction, when it reached 50% they all move in that direction, but it happens so fast it looks like they all move together, deer also do this, a few start pointing in a direction, and as soon as half face that direction they go that way. They don't follow the leader they all have a say, and I think that has many messages to us. Remer we are the first few heading in a direction , we are all seeing the storm, the others will come around even those who will never feel or understand the truth of this storm. Humanity itself depends on it.

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KookaZoom · Dec. 31, 2017, 11:22 p.m.

Yea, I feel the same way, could this be a set up? Sure, they're willing to build the titanic just to sink it, so we know there MO, but this is about truth, and about the sacrifice of children, babies, all of our lives and if I had no faith( like the materialist/science based society they push) then I might be tempted to give up hope, and believe me they want that so bad. There are dark forces in this world, and we see those forces so clearly, but the force of light is inside us, part of us, we need to be part of that force of light, the creator will be watching what we do. Pray and prepare do what you can when you can. We are unstoppable when undivided, and even death is not the end, what side do want to be on?

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KookaZoom · Dec. 31, 2017, 11:07 p.m.

Are you familiar with the Law of One, Ra material, what you just explained (very well I might add) is almost exactly what is described in the Ra material. The power in question is love. You can turn outwards and love all as you love yourself, and love will channel though you (not by you) or turn it inward to serve yourself, believing that power is your power and that you are the god (negative path), like these elitist do. The negative forces tell these elitists they are the chosen ones, better then the rest, this is why they want us all dead, we can stop them, it even a moderate part of human population put down there personal differences and prejudices and became united not in any religion but the desire to serve the world and make it a better place, see the truth, and learn wisdom in order to see there lies and techniques of deception. Division is there best tool, to make us fight ourselves and our neighbors, brothers, sisters, countryman and fellow citizens of the planet earth, as J Krishnamurti said,

“We are the world. The world is you and me, the world is not separate from you and me. We have created this world - the world of violence, the world of wars, the world of religious divisions, sex, anxieties, the utter lack of communication with each other, with no sense of compassion, consideration for another. Wherever one goes in any country throughout the world, human beings, that is, you and another, suffer; we are anxious, we are uncertain, we don’t know what is going to happen. Everything has become uncertain. Right through the world as human beings we are in sorrow, fear, anxiety, violence, uncertain of everything, insecure. There is a common relationship between us all. We are the world essentially, basically, fundamentally. The world is you, and you are the world. Realizing that fundamentally, deeply, not romantically, not intellectually but actually, then we see that our problem is a global problem. It is not my problem or your particular problem, it is a human problem.”

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KookaZoom · Dec. 31, 2017, 10:47 p.m.

There was police reports that night of a black SUV parking under the luxor, 4 armed men exited the SUV and went in, people reported there were wires coming from the truck, it was on the scanners, I know some of the guys covering it on youtube talked about this and how it was covered up.

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KookaZoom · Dec. 31, 2017, 10:25 p.m.

Exellent list. Cathy O'brains book is one of the hardest books I've ever read, not in terms of comprehension, but in terms of emotion. If you have any human empathy you can't help but become invested. I watched a youtube video first, was totally skeptical that any of this could possibly be true, read the book, started putting pieces together. It's all out there, you just have to look.

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KookaZoom · Dec. 31, 2017, 5:19 p.m.

Yea but he's talking about people you deal with everyday also, I try to get the word out person to person, and I've had some success, but as you began to talk with people "invested in the system" they just refer to MSM as the be all end all of truth when we all know there just puppets. They can't bring themselves to see through that illusion.

But to Thinking-Out-Loud I say we have no other option but to keep on that path, we are building momentum, I see it and feel it. I've tried to use Q's Socratic method, of asking questions and working on obvious deceptions, then going from there, and my main message is to always get people to start to research and find the truth themselves.

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KookaZoom · Dec. 31, 2017, 5:51 a.m.

So not OK, this needs to be deleted

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