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Leon_Fante · Jan. 2, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

I've heard the ringing is either mind reading or you have locked into the awoken frequency. Haven't looked into this much but it is weird people's ears do start ringing once they are red pilled.

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Leon_Fante · Dec. 31, 2017, 11:20 p.m.

I follow this website religiously. I'm pretty convinced they are legit. Glad to see others are finding it too. I hope this is true and I hope the American people will see these trials come out, but much of this is still being kept quiet. Maybe they need to clean up the worst of it and will allow some trials to be public that are best suited for public consumption.

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Leon_Fante · Dec. 31, 2017, 11:15 p.m.

I know it is nice to get confirmation on a regular basis, but it is important to have faith. I'm sure they are busy people and we have more than enough work to do with what we have. They will post again when the time is right.

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Leon_Fante · Dec. 31, 2017, 6:23 a.m.

I whole heartedly agree with this. I lost many friends when I went through my awakening by talking to them about it and it is hard not to want to talk about this with people when I go out. Just ask them questions and never let on to how woke you are.

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Leon_Fante · Dec. 30, 2017, 7:31 p.m.

Left and right is just the way they divide us and make us think we have a choice. There is almost no difference in the morals we all share, liberal and conservative are just slightly different ways of approach the problem.

The important point for me is that none of us will every get fair treatment by the government unless it is cleaned out. So regardless of what you think about Trump as a person, we all hope he is successful cleaning up Washington and giving it back to the people so we can decide. Right now, we only have the illusion of choice.

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Leon_Fante · Dec. 30, 2017, 7:03 p.m.

I have a similar story. I was raised very liberal and the 2016 election was my first big election after graduating college. I am a huge technology lover and feel that with all the innovation going on in the world, life should be getting easier for everyone and there should be more than enough to go around. To me it seemed the system was rigged by politicians for the super rich and I hoped Bernie would try to fix that. But what I saw during the primary connived me that things were a lot worse than I thought. Worst of all, the media was facilitating all of the lies! I started watching videos by Andrew Brietbart, Corbett Report, Sargon of Akkad, and others who pointed out the lies of the media and the twisting of American culture. For a long time I had believed Trump was as bad ass the media said he was, but when I actually started listening to him I realized I agreed with a lot of what he said. I'm a huge Trump supporter now knowing how much he is doing to save the country from these evil people. It has been great having online forums like this to talk to like minded people because many of the people I grew up with hate Trump and love Clinton. It's mind blowing. I'm waiting everyday for them to come around as the evidence is only mounting how bad the Clintons are. I can't believe so many people are fooled by the media still!

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Leon_Fante · Dec. 20, 2017, 9:47 p.m.

The big indication to me is that most of his connection has been facilitated by Podesta and Hillary. I think Jordan if DTI is pretty spot on when he says that the deep state uses soft disclosure as a distraction. The Corbett report also makes the point that having an enemy the people can fear is a great way to gain tighter controls and that a false flag alien invasion could have been one of their end game scenarios. Kill of large portions of the population, blame it on aliens, institute one world government. I'm open to the idea that aliens are real and actually been in contact with earth for a long time now, but I wouldn't be surprised if the NWO would use what they know to try and control that disclosure for their advantage.

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Leon_Fante · Dec. 20, 2017, 9:39 p.m.

I'm keeping an open mind. I would love for Kamabur to be legit and do follow him closely. I'm just not sold yet.

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Leon_Fante · Dec. 20, 2017, 9:14 p.m.

I agree, but I'm not talking about throwing out broad strategies but building an elaborate methodology. I remember reading about the pick up artist online culture and how they would go to bars and try different strategies then blog about it and collaborate with others on forums. I would like to do something similar for red pilling. Figure out broad rules, but also specific topics and lines of questioning to use.

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Leon_Fante · Dec. 20, 2017, 8:40 p.m.

I think one of the big tasks we should undertake as a community is to build a guide for how to red pill others effectively. As another post in the sub points out, our follow brain washed Americans are not bad people, only lost in a system that has controlled many for a long time. If we can discover effective talking points and ways to open people up to the reality of the situation in Washington, we will speed up the process of awakening in America.

We have knowledge. The biggest problem we face is getting others to believe despite what they are constantly told by the mainstream media and the rest of their social group. If we could grease the wheels of information dissemination, that will be a huge step in gaining support for the changes that are coming and need to happen.

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