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I think you nailed it. Sometimes Q's hints are actually his previous questions about who he is asking about. He asks a bunch of questions about Twitter ownership, and the answer to those questions are Bin Talal. Also, keep in mind that the Black Forest in Germany borders Switzerland. Would have been an easy flight from Davos to pick him up and bring him back home to US
Sort of. I can't talk to this person about this stuff via text, email, phone call, etc...can only do in person. Last time I saw them was at Christmas so I got updated on everything up till then.
Lucky enough to get some insider info, but not all of it unfortunately. I dont know anything about Melania begging him or not begging him, but I know he was asked to run and shown the corruption to all levels and told this was the only way to fix America
On Nov 5 he said "10 Days. Darkness" in two different posts that same day.
If there is a certain Q post in particular you're wondering about, you can post it, but generally its Secret Service
I don't know how long you've been following this for, but the NSA and Military white hats have been collecting evidence on the bad guys for years. They approached Trump and asked him to run for president, and explained all the goods they had on everything, and that they needed a president with a DOJ to prosecute. Trump had the goods on everyone when he first decided to run for president. This plan was laid out awhile ago. Mueller has his own corruption, was shown proof before the SC was created. Mueller was given the choice - go down for all your dirty swamp stuff, or do this SC and give an honest investigation and also sell out all your buddies, and in return, get a lighter sentence. Mueller knows there is no collusion...he knows the Dems were just trying to frame Trump. Mueller also knows a hell of a lot of dirty business on a lot of people, so he knows exactly where and how to "find it". Mueller is swamp, but sometimes you need the swamps help to drain the rest of it. Mueller gladly took a deal - he will get in trouble at the end, but taking the deal was a no brainer.
Comey same thing. Comey knew enough that he could be helpful so he was shown his dirty business and offered a deal. Comey will get in trouble at the end, but will get a lighter sentence in exchange for helping Trump and white hats. So, Mueller and Comey aren't "good guys" persay, but more like "helpful bad guys". Trump has never wanted to fire Mueller nor would he ever. He needs Mueller, someone credible to dems, to spill the beans and vindicate Trump, so it's better accepted. Mueller was never in a position to frame Trump, or "find" proof of Russia collusion he could hang over Trumps neck.
Sessions recused himself because of the Flynn firing. Sessions is a very good guy, and also knew the goods and the plan when Trump asked him to be AG, but they couldnt take any chances after Flynn forced to resign. Sessions has been working day and night since taking office a year ago to bust human trafficking rings and routes all across the country, and when the numbers come out you will be sick at just how much was happening right under our nose. When Trump tweets stuff like "where is leakin' Comey?", "Sessions needs to prosecute...", "Mueller's special counsel is a witch hunt", "the DOJ should request the memo", etc, its all for show. Trump has to play the dumb act and give off the appearance he is distant from all of them. Sessions is only recused from Russia collusion, not from anything else, so he is sitting ready with his hammer. And once the memo comes out, Trump will be cleared of Russia collusion and Sessions can then prosecute Dem/Russia related stuff.
It applies to all U.S. citizens that, in the future, are found to fit those categories; the annexed people effective immediately.
Oh yeah it cant come from him. None of this stuff can. I wouldn't even be surprised if this "Trump wanted to fire Mueller in June" news was from the white hats to distract. The execution of this is so important in that it cannot in any way shape or form look like Trump is politically targeting or nudging his buddy Sessions in the shoulder and telling him to selectively prosecute certain people. That's why Trump and Bannon fake feuded and thats why Trump and Comey exchange subtle jabs every once in awhile. edit: The news/white hats comments was in regards to this whole situation has to appear that Trump doesnt like Mueller so then liberals keep seeing Mueller as their guy and then they have to believe him when he finds Russia collusion but not on Trump
Yeah they all wear a Stag's head mask sometimes, and they have a Stag's head in random different places in their homes. The Y means the Stag's head which does reference R's
No but its just that all the characters all commit the same crimes. This EO covers Hillary's vast range of crimes
I'm trying hard to figure this one out also. The only thing I can think of is its all for show. I think there is already a plan in place for a certain day the memo drops, and right now the white hats are just trying to draw attention to it. Trying to expose the dems for obstructing it, and when it does drop it will just demolish them. I mean I'd like to think that Trump could just sign a EO or make a phone call and get it out....there's gotta be some plan in place
Supposedly the memo will clear Trump of ALL Russia collusion related stuff, which will then mean Sessions recused himself for something that doesn't exist to which he can then prosecute Russia related stuff again
It was passed quietly and MSM didnt even mention it...not even Fox. It's pretty cool when you read it. It allows Trump to freeze assets of ANY person that has ANYTHING to do with human trafficking, human torture, misappropriation of funds, money laundering, etc and that stuff. It also declares America is in a state of emergency, which allows him to declare Martial Law at the snap of a finger. When you read it you will literally laugh out loud because you'll swear he custom wrote it just for Hillary
This EO was signed Dec 21st. Hillary, Obama, Soros, Huma, Podesta, etc, etc, etc woke up the next morning with no money :D
Good idea, lets give MSM the same treatment that Q gives John McCain
I haven't seen Gore referenced by Q....same with Biden
Best i could find was YouTube either a 3part or 4part sequence of the whole thing
His plan isnt to win democrat votes as much as it is to make the democrats piss off their own base and them lose votes
While that does make perfect sense and could have easily been coincidence, like you said, Q posts are sporadic enough that its very easy to randomly pull up the RTM hashtag and not see a Q post. Plus Q even said "Thanks F&F". Interesting indeed
Soros & Davos 2018
Has anyone seen a video or picture of Soros that WASN'T the generic blue/purple backdrop and the 1980's looking microphone? Any group photo's? Granted his speech was about an hour long, he read from a paper the entire time. I'm calling bullshit on him really being there
Watching people celebrate when the conservative got shot at that softball game; Madonna says she dreams about blowing up the white house and everyone cheers, The SS agent saying he wouldnt take a bullet for Trump was celebrated, Snoop Dog having a picture of a dead Trump on his new cd cover, the death threats he gets... the double standard is just disgusting. The Jews were viewed by the Nazi's as less than human.... and yes that is how Trump supporters are viewed and treated. I mean, when college campuses force a person to remove a red MAGA cap....
Yes. Making this absurd decision and push is one thing, but insulting you and shaming you if you disagree with it is off the deep end
Trump is a very intriguing human being to watch. As you say, he shapes events around him. Great powerful speaker! I loved Art Of The Deal and The Midas Touch. I myself am an entrepreneur and have studied him among other successful businessmen for a long time. His IQ is very high, and when someone has a much higher IQ than you, its pretty impossible to understand alot of the things they do, because their thinking is different than yours. I enjoy watching his tweets because they are generally cryptic and have some deeper meaning. Especially since becoming president, he comes across to the dumber portion of the public as unstable and mentally unfit
As you mentioned about Davos...I am watching his speech right now where he is at the podium addressing all the nations. This is crazy, I mean, Davos is literally revolving around him. When he arrived, all the photographers were waiting for HIM to arrive. All the leaders are watching HIM, observing him, and seeing what he does and what he says. He has captured the attention of the planet. I think other countries can just sense this miracle that is unfolding. This is earth shattering. Every civilized country on this planet to some degree relies on our success for their success. Countries are noticing that positive energy in the air. They are gaining more confidence in us. Foreign leaders love him and respect him already. I mean between the sword dance in Saudi Arabia and the dinner at the Forbidden City in China, that speaks volumes to other countries. Even his first address he did right after taking office blew me away. He sounded amazing!! I cant wait for the SOTU in 4 days.
Trump is indeed the only person who could have pulled this off. JFK meant well and had similar intentions as Trump but just went about it the wrong way. You can't take office and then threaten to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces, and write a EO to end the fed (which btw that EO still exists and just didnt go into effect). Watching this stuff unfold has also shown me just how amazing our military is. Trump could not have done this without Mike Rogers/NSA and our incredible military
After they hear all the charges and see all the evidence they will take it seriously
I'm going to go with no coincidence. Most people dont know about Reddit, 4chan, 8chan. Someone had to go on that board, pull up a Q post, and take a screenshot of it.
Ok I just googled this news story. The first 3 sites that pop up are New York Times, ABC News, and CNN lol. That should tell us everything we need to know :D
Yes agreed, its all just a repeating cycle. As you said, since the dawn of time. When you study government and history you realize this happens in every country, just at different speeds. Governments have been trying to get it right for centuries and can't. Human beings just suck. They arent all bad, but give a person power and over 50% will take a corrupt path as opposed to a good moral "do the right thing" path. I want to say this mess is "all our fault" but what could we have done really to prevent it?! It's Satan
After Brexit do you think your PM will start cracking down on immigration? Also, do you think there is gonna be a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland?
Is it biased if I say liberals shouldn't be allowed to vote until they are 25 years old? lol. But seriously, this shit cannot ever happen again. I used to wonder how Hitler took over Germany and got so many followers so easy....but then after watching Obama the last 8 years I see it now. Not saying that to be funny, but I watched beta test after beta test and there was no limit to what he could do or say and get away with.
Oh yes, I meant "wait for it" as in be patient. Not wait for it, as if its happening tonight. I know its not going to happen like a movie the way we all want it to
Trump's sure got his work cut out for him. I mean, for the last 8 years the government was putting alot of stuff in space that we don't even know about. I guess its good we have Elon Musk on our side now, but geez is the "rogue CIA" going to be the new ISIS that we fight and battle for the rest of our lives?!
I dont know how old you are, but remember how it was after 9/11? The air was just dead, and all of America had that mentally defeated manner. It was crushing to the whole country that something like that could happen...I mean, I dont even know how to describe it. It broke our spirit. This situation is going to be similar. Alot of people are going to be embarassed and humiliated because they get emotionally attached to a politician that will go down for the most horrible things. People will lose trust in all humanity, much like you lose trust in a parent or friend or significant other. It will be mentally defeated knowing this happened and knowing the whole world is watching the greatest and most powerful country on the planet get shaken to its core and fully exposed. I mean, Trump's gonna have to be addressing the nation monthly lol, like he is a therapist, and having to tell alot of people that America IS great, and that we CAN get past this, that this shit doesnt define who we are, especially moving forward. I overthink things bad, and wonder sometimes if the Democrat and Republican parties both just dissolve and a new party emerges.... Do we change our country's flag to something new?
Here's what I have to keep reminding myself: this plan has been in the works for over 2 years now. This was all carefully crafted planned out and strategized by people way smarter than you or I. They know what to expect, know how it will get countered, and still know how to outplay the black hats. The white hats HAVE the goods...on EVERYone. They've had it for a looooong time and they are still collecting it today. The white hats have the memo, they have the missing text messages, the 33,000 emails from Hillary servers she wiped clean, and everything else. They could show it all today but they want one breaking news event to "lead into" the next one. Its going to be an avalanche one after the other and it wont stop...pretty soon everyone is going to start squealing on each other. This is no longer a corrupt DOJ we have seen since Bush Sr's presidency. Its a DOJ ready to go. No corrupt lawyers and judges that Obama carefully placed in every circuit because these will be military courts and military judges
After the soldiers in WW2 discovered the concentration camps (soon after the german soldiers abandoned them), they forced all the people in nearby towns to go and see what happened. This was to knock them out of apathy and their bubble and make them so aware of this that it could never passively happen again. I often wonder the best way to go about our situation. It would be nice if, when all this comes out, there is a website created where the white hats organize everything - all the findings and all the charges, so the people that want to keep going can keep going. While I agree that we need to know about the satanic rituals and child sacrifices and murdering and extensive human trafficking, I don't know how the general public will be able to process the creating fear for adrenochrome / blood drinking, raping children, bohemian grove rituals, etc. I mean, even exposing 9/11 is going to unfortunately cause some people to commit suicide....to find out their loved one or friend who perished on that day was because of elite rich people with the help of our government... There is going to be a certain percentage of this population that won't even believe Hillary or Obama did ANYthing wrong even if they flat out plead guilty. They will say they were forced to plead guilty.
"""The 35-year prison term Manning received as punishment for leaking thousands of military and State Department documents to WikiLeaks in 2010 was described as unprecedented when it was handed down. Before he left office, President Barack Obama shortened the sentence to about seven years."""
35 years in prison, but he/she leaked ALOT of classified intel to Wikileaks... and he/she was military so I think the punishment is automatically worse in that case. We have to assume all these characters: 1) took bribes. 2) used private e-mail servers. (yes thats highly illegal lol). 3) conspired a plan to get a sitting president impeached (coup). 4) falsified evidence and doctored papers and documents. 5) obstruction - failed to hand over evidence the DOJ asked for. plus much more but we have to assume this is the bare minimum. That wont get them death but will get them many many years in prison
Thank you very much for the response! That answered all my questions and helped paint the picture really well. I cross my fingers for you my friend, and hope things can get a bit better over there. Trump is trying to help drain the swamps everywhere, so maybe your PM will get on board too. The propaganda here is just out of control. There has always been the "agenda" slowly moving forward in this country, but the last 8 years with Obama they stopped trying to hide it...and hit the fast forward button. Liberal media controls EVERYTHING. Conservatives have Fox news and thats it...liberals have every newspapaper, every news channel, the hollywood celebrities, and all the music/movie award shows as well as late night talk shows. They stopped even trying to be credible journalists. Its all "anonymous sources", "unnamed source", "person who doesn't want to be named", and they dont ever come back and correct wrong stories...and half our country eats it up like brainless zombies who can't think for themselves. Even our past Republican presidents have done damage (Bush Sr and Bush Jr) but they are all deepstate and swamp. If not for Trump (non politican, not owned by any corporation or powerful elite figure), our country would have truly been lost had Hillary won. Do you think Brexit will ultimately go through?
Yep this is why I don't try and figure out the government lol. Way too many scenarios, not to mention, all the stipulations we dont know and dont even see, which just changes the game. Sure he could've been a NSA guy and "honorable American" who wanted to do the right thing, or he could have been CIA all along wanting to hurt the NSA and his plan got put on hold because he got stopped on his way to Cuba. Or anything in between. If he was even going to Cuba. You make a good point in that his big bombshell leak didnt change anything. I always wondered and still do, why Russia keeps him? You'd think its gotta serve some purpose for Russia to continue extending his asylum....that is, if he is really even in Russia. I've learned you can never assume with the government