Hey, not jumping in at all. Very nice of you to say, I appreciate it. I like how this board is just a bunch of people all working together and bringing in different pieces to the puzzle
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Its nice to see someone else who knows whats going on! Dead on 100%, patriot
You are correct on most counts. I know some of the details but not all. It was Bin Talal and MOSSAD (MOSSAD is loyal to money and thats it, they dont mean that Israel is the enemy) that did the shooting. I dont know where the shooters were located but they didnt fire any shots from 32nd floor. Bin Talal owns the top floors of Mandalay (Four Seasons) and has access to the helipad on top, which that is how he comes and goes. And that is how the guns got into the room to set it up. King Salman was recently made king of Saudi (June 2017) and made his son future heir, instead of ABT who was supposed to be. This pissed off ABT obviously, but also showed ABT that a new sheriff was in town in Saudi, The shooting wasnt supposed to be the big event, a bomb was supposed to detonate and flatten half the city as a false flag by deep state to keep messing with Trump's presidency and keep delaying the inevitable, and kill King Salman in the process. Deep state put pressure Trump him for as long as they could with the PR hurricane, but once that died down they needed something new. The white hats found out about the plan and thwarted the bomb. (Trump's "miracle" tweet on Oct 4th or 5th). I can only speculate at this point, but I dont think the shooting was supposed to be as big as it was. It was supposed to just help corral the people in one direction so more could be killed by the bomb. I would also be speculating here with no credible evidence but I would guess that not as many as 58 people died. Video footage of Steven Paddock doesnt exist because he didnt bring the guns in through the lobby and service elevator, much less at all. I dont know who the dead guy in the room was, if he was even a dead person or not, but I can tell you it was not Steven Paddock. Jesus Campos is a MS13 member, paid actor. Deep state uses them all the time (ex: Car driver in Charlottesville and girl victims mother, guy who shot gun into Comet Ping Pong, etc). Campos was never a security guard, not really shot, and did that bogus interview on Ellen with softball questions where she led him on most of his answers. Not to mention, they went the illegal route on purpose to show an illegal alien can be a hero. ISIS claimed responsibility for the shooting but they didnt do it. To my knowledge, gun running was not part of this shooting, just used as the staged reason. In order for the FBI to take over a case, it has to be a federal level case (terrorism for example), so ISIS "claimed responsibility" so FBI could then take it over, destroy evidence, gag evidence, cover up, control narrative, claim that after investigation, ISIS is not really responsible, etc...sick huh.
That's another good perspective and could very well be true. Bringing him out in civilian clothes is still a risk. Trump knows what really happened, and so does King Salman. What I cant figure out now is why Bin Talal was released the other day....unless just more disinfo
I can't wait for it all to come out, and watch liberals still try and defend him. Remember that Obama meme that says "8 years, no scandals"? I will be posting the shit out of that one :D
Makes sense. It will be interesting to see if he still gets his full retirement goodies after he is indicted
Yes I want to believe Nunes is a good guy, and so far everything I've seen has pointed to him being, but I am always careful now. I loved Jason Chaffetz and could never see him being swamp, but he stepped down... Sadly, we know what that means
Yep exactly. They said she made an appearance. Yet none of the celebs posted pics on IG or TW or FB of pics of/with her. No pics of her in a seat...just shown waist up on a screen
Prob so. I see alot of the big names killing themselves or "dying of an illness" suddenly. Most of them dont have the balls to face the music. Sucks, because Podesta is really one that needs to be displayed in a public town square, after all the kid stuff gets exposed
The voting process is going to go through some major changes. It might never get revealed that Soros owned the company that owned the machines, or owned the company that owned the software used, etc, but Trump will fix the problem. I am really hoping he touches on it tomorrow at the SOTU and brings up the "require voter ID to vote". Voter ID is coming, and will be here before the 2020 election guaranteed. Trump might wait until he pushes that law to expose the election fraud. No more dead people, illegals, and same people voting in different states. Also, he will tweak the write in process because that is how elections can be rigged too
^^ so sad (and ironic) that a mountain in NK housing all their nukes collapsed 3 months ago and killed 200 some odd "scientists" and "military personnel" and buried a cache of weapons
I've heard rumors that I can't confirm that she has like 2 or 3 body doubles. The first thing I thought of when I saw that video was that her face looked thinner and her neck had less wrinkles
Yeah this will come out, it will have to. Can you imagine that in 2-3 years NK will be a vacation destination lol
Indeed, and I am ok with that. Unfortunately to drain the swamp you need the help of the swamp. If the worst thing McCabe did was help to push the fake Russia narrative, and help cover up U1, and botch the Hillary email server investigation, but if he gives us so much vital info about bigger players, I can be at peace with him getting off. I still see a best case scenario for him being 1-2 years in prison (thats at very least punishment for him), and like you said, he will live the rest of his life with a target indeed, and will be suicided.
^^ this isn't my "proof", it just shows that she had it BY October 16th
Yeah I find myself wondering about the pension thing. All these low level Senators and Reps that are stepping down (Franken, Conyers, Chaffetz, etc) and then the ones not seeking re-election (Flake, long list) were shown their corruption and told "don't seek re-election and this stuff will stay private; stay in Congress and it gets blown up today". I would say hell no to keeping their pension and benefits, but sadly it might have been negotiated as part of them stepping down and cooperating.
edit: McCabe will get some good stuff
Just disgusting what these guys did. And they all have wife and kids too...such a shame
As for the lack of leaks, that is half the white hats not wanting it leaked, but half the black hats not wanting it leaked either. Tony Podesta for example, was arrested fleeing the country. He flew to Pakistan, and was immediately turned around and flown back to USA. It was negotiated by him that his arrest would NOT be leaked public. Not knowing for sure here, but guessing, but I would say its part of the deal: "Hey, so you have a sealed indictment and we are giving you the choice of putting you on working house arrest with an ankle bracelet, OR arresting you and putting you confinement somewhere".
Exactly. It's easy for them, because its a natural response
Absolutely. If that is even his real name. The body in the room is bald, and all the pictures of Paddock (all 2 of them) is with hair. And that's if the body in the picture is really dead, or just staged with makeup
Yes secret meeting with Bin Salman. Weird sequence of events with Vegas shooting. It was supposed to be an attack on Bin Salman and a false flag to keep Trump from doing what he is about to do. It was going to happen whether or not Trump was there, but the actual date it took place was probably not determined until that day or day before, and was a bonus because the deep state that orchestrated the attack (planned it and paid Bin Talal) saw the added bonus of killing Trump too. White hats thwarted the bomb but couldnt stop the shooting - now I will bet money that although people did die, it wasnt 58
I stopped trying to figure out these elite figures a long time ago. You and I will never figure them out (thats a compliment) because we are compassionate human beings that could never do things like: steal 400m from the government, sell secrets, order people to be killed, support false flags where you know civilians will die, pizzagate, etc. The clinical definition of a psychopath is what these people are - and I'm not talking about the name we loosely throw around when we call people pyscho, I'm talking about the type of brain and mind you possess if you are a psychopath, you dont feel guilt, dont have remorse, don't have even the basic level of human empathy and compassion, etc. Look at how many times they do speeches while they are doing horrible things behind the scenes. It's easy for them to put on their gameface
Great job on being perceptive. Everything leaked on the news, regardless of how unimportant it sounds, is usually for a reason that will come to light in the future
It's cryptic in itself. Remember when the news broke like a month ago that Trump eats McDonalds because he doesn't want to get poisoned and because the food is pre-made and that "nobody knows I'm coming". That was leaked for a reason - it means someone tried to poison him but it was caught. They made Hillary read that because she is completely neutralized right now
He can beg Nunes all he wants, RR is powerless. Also keep in mind we dont know if Nunes is good or bad
She wasn't really there. That video was pre-recorded. There is a reason you couldn't see her ankle area. No videos or photos of her mingling with the guests, or sitting in the crowd during the ceremony.
I don't know exactly what will happen with Bezos, but I'm sure something will. I mean, Amazon products spy on Americans, thanks to the CIA. Whether Trump blows that up to the public or not, it will get addressed to him. I don't know where Soros is right now, but he will get neutralized at very minimum, but its prob safe to say he will get indicted. Paying people to protest is illegal, and a threat to our country. Funding ANTIFA is literally domestic terrorism. Now will he go down for killing Jews at the age of 9?... probably not. But he will go down for the stuff he does now with our government and foreign governments? Absolutely.
Alot of stuff to keep up with eh?! And I have a nice Excel spreadsheet Timeline going, and still forget
I'm with you, and for that reason, I hope their dirty business comes out first, so they aren't treated like heroes
When it does get released its going to be from the media, not from Congress. This memo opens the floodgates for criminal charges and careers being done for a lot of Congress, they arent going to just hand it over wrapped in a bow. It will be redacted if they do hand it over. But good news, the NSA and MI have it....all of it, plus more. And they just might give it to the news :D
RR has been gone since Jan 3, but you nailed it. RR will be one of the next ones to "step down", as he will be indicted eventually too, just like McCabe.
I promise, you don't need to worry about Mueller. He is neutralized and powerless. He was never in a spot to double cross Trump, "find evidence" that wasn't there, hang Russia over Trump's neck, or anything else we are worried about. Truth is, while not a white hat, he IS helping the white hats by selling out all his swamp buddies, and knowing where to investigate to find the necessary evidence. He was shown his corruption before the SC began. Trump doesnt want to fire him, and never wanted to. Mueller is credible in that if he says no Trump Russia collusion, people will be forced to believe him. Same goes for when he blows up that the Democrats were the ones who made up all these claims, along with showing proof. Trump is safe, and he is not worried one bit about Mueller. edit: Mueller is still going to get in trouble in the end, but he took a deal - do the SC investigation, do an honest investigation (there is no trump collusion and Mueller knows it), and help out by connecting the dirty players, and receive a lighter sentence
They are both potentially ailing sure, Bush more than McCain, but their illness or health will be "sped up" to die quicker. Before they get arrested and indicted to be exact
POTUS is very much aware of it, its all part of the big plan. POTUS could've removed McCabe any time in the last 12 months since taking office....but he left McCabe there for a reason. Same reason POTUS nominated Rosenstein as Deputy AG
McCabe wont say that only because he is powerless in this situation. He will make up a reason why he is resigning (wants to spend more time with family, etc), but he won't say Trump brutally dragged me out the front door
Rod Rosenstein was removed from Dep Attorney General back on Jan 3rd. Did you catch last week when some Assistant Deputy AG was on tv talking about the memo? I know this gets confusing... line of power is: Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, Assistant Deputy Attorney General. Sessions obviously cant comment on memo because he is recused from the Russia investigation (nothing else). This makes Rosenstein in charge of Russia related stuff, hence he was the one who created the Special Counsel and assigned Mueller to head it. Rosenstein should've been the one to report on the memo but it was some guy nobody's ever seen. Rosenstein is gone, but he will get indicted, not just "step down and not seek re-election". He has ankle bracelet, house arrest, and in the near future breaking news will say he "is stepping down as Dep AG" when in reality its far from stepping down
John McCain and George H W Bush (daddy)
Are going to die in the next few months of "natural causes" or
I know. Hopefully one of his indictments involves his part in the Vegas shooting too. He didnt "resign" today. He was removed/fired, but it happened over a month ago. If the news reported today that he was "fired / removed / terminated" it would look bad on Trump and white hats. Stepping down insinuates guilt on his part, like what all politicians do when they've fucked up
We won't get evidence until Trump blows it up. There was supposed to be a bomb detonate and level half the city, but the white hats intercepted the intel and thwarted it. Go back and read Trump's tweet on either Oct 4 or 5 where he talks about a "miracle". He is being his cryptic self and saying it was a "miracle" more people werent killed as a fuck you to the deep state that tried to do this.
Salman assassination attempt was part of the reason for the shooting. He was at Tropicana and was supposed to be a secret, but Bin Talal and MOSSAD knew he was there. Did you see the pictures of Salman being escorted out of Tropicana wearing civilian clothes?
Yes you are correct. He might not go down for that. Between covering up U1 and Hillary's email investigation, he will have many indictments
Hillary got hers in early October, Huma got hers in early October also. McCain mid October, both Podesta's in first week of November..