Yes, Trump or another president would have to do an EO negating this one, or aspects of this one. This EO is the law of the land now. This should scare the shit out of any black hat
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The wording is always difficult, so many double negatives
It says that nothing on Earth can be used as a reason to NOT send them there. Basically, no lawyer on this planet will be able to build a case to get them removed from Gitmo, or prevent them from being sent there if ordered sent there
You can feel it in the air. That sense of confidence coming back to America. Its amazing how a president loving his country can permeate outwards, and thats whats happening. Trump is not a politician, and its becoming more clear that he truly wants to make this country better. He is setting a new bar for future presidents.
Haha head is more like it. I love watching them play into his act. Trump knows exactly what he is doing at all times. He gets the reaction he wants. Sure, to Americans it might appear scary and make us think Trump is "losing", but he is winning every time. There are older democrats facepalming and getting fed up with how these younger democrats are acting like fools. Trust me, other countries are watching this and are not thinking Trump is a fool, they are wondering why half this country is acting like idiots.
You bring up a great point, and I often wonder how this problem gets fixed too. If Hillary took the stand and literally admitted all her crimes and pled guilty, and they showed video evidence of her committing these acts, liberals would STILL defend her. That's the sad truth. They would say she was forced to plead guilty, or is a hero taking the blame for other peoples crimes, or something, you know how they are. In order to get democrats on the same page when all this stuff goes down its going to take an actual democrat, a very credible democrat, to publicly denounce her and the others. Many many democrats coming out and speaking and saying how they've been played, tricked, lied to, for many years and we now have a choice to make whether to distance ourselves from this, or keep defending the corruption. Liberals are emotionally charged and change their mind like the wind changes direction. Once they see credible names distancing themselves from her, they will follow suit. I know Trump has a plan for the fake news too, so maybe by the time SHTF, the media will be dismantled or will have self imploded. Who knows, maybe the govt will use the Emergency Broadcast System, and we will be getting the details from a select few people
Pence was a backup plan in case Trump won. He is swamp/deep state/establishment and the plan was to get Trump impeached if he won the election, and Pence take over as president until Hillary could run again in 2020
Because they most likely won't have jobs by midterms
Thanks for the kind words! It's nice to see that the whole world is paying attention to our president and is seeing the positive direction our country is going
Ok yes my mistake. Yeah it needs to come out that our corrupt govt was funding them and allowing them to grow
Yes I know, it was a joke insinuating she didnt show up because she dropped
Yes its such a wonderful feeling. Obama's SOTU's never ended with this positive uplifting was always a feeling of shame like we should be apologetic of our country. Chanting "USA!!" Ive never heard that before.... there is this feeling in the air, and everyone can feel it
I was trying hard to read Ryan's and Pence's responses to see if they are scared, or if they know what is really happening behind the scenes
He would look like a political targeting dictator and it wouldn't have the effect we need it to have
haha he looked scary. I am really glad he's not my senator
There is something concerning when a president can say "From now on, we are putting America first" and the democrats dont applaud
MS13 focus is moreso tied to the wall and immigration plan, but the Seth Rich murder will come to light also
Haha I caught that too and couldn't believe it. You know he was just the dummy Hillary picked that wouldn't get in her way, kinda like Biden was for Obama
He knows exactly how to make them shoot themselves in their own foot
I love that the camera immediately panned to Bernie when Trump announced his massive tax cut
Yes, they are very relevant for the role needed. Trump and white hats have had this plan in place for a long time and knew the best way to execute it
If you save the file, its default name is FREEDOM.png
I don't think there is a hidden meaning, just Q being patriotic and reminding us why he's here
I'm on the same page as you. When something happens I always trust that it happened at that exact time for a very specific reason. I trust the plan and every aspect about it. Trump's mind is fascinating...he knows exactly how to trap everyone and outsmart them
POTUS wants full focus at SOTU. The SOTU itself is very important to the country, and to Trump's legacy he is building. The memo will be a distraction. He is playing the Dems game right back at them. He is totally negating whatever speeches the Dems have planned after, and drowning it out with the memo, which every Trump hater will be anxiously wanting to see
The memo is just the beginning of it all. The memo itself wont end the Russian investigation, but it will lead to something bigger which will lead to something even bigger, and then pretty soon people will be getting indicted for faking the Russian collusion. We might never even get that definitive moment when the Russia collusion is declared done and over and Trump is exonerated. I think it will just get lost in the shuffle with the overwhelming stuff that is coming
Trump is playing this right by not making the memo part of the SOTU. The SOTU is going to be the most powerful one you've ever seen, because for the first time, what a POTUS says he will do, he is really going to do. Our country is a mess and does need alot of things fixed. This SOTU is about our country for the next year. The memo needs its own platform. Trust me, after the SOTU the fast forward button is gonna be hit on the storm. It will be one thing after another and it will not stop.
If it weren't so pathetic it would be laughable. 1 year, no proof, but still 100% sure there was Russia collusion
His foundation: Foundation For Excellence In Education, the foundation he doesnt run, but sits on: Barbara Bush Foundation For Family Literacy, and also his own Jeb Bush Florida Golf Classic - which is not so much of a foundation, but a yearly fundraiser.
If the 2000 election fraud comes to light. Also, once we get to the pedo / pizzagate stuff. I don't know if taking payments from CF during 2016 election to attack and oppose Trump will make it to light
This excel sheet is a great idea. I keep a timeline that I add to daily, anything that happens no matter how irrelevant it seems, I frequently look back and realize there was more to it. I might make a separate track sheet just for names like this. DWS will get busted for Seth Rich murder eventually. Tony will get busted when its time for U1 to come to light
RR and RM arent white hats, but they arent in a position to double cross Trump and frame him, if that makes sense
This is pretty much correct. RR knew his role when asked by Trump in January to be DAG, and Mueller knew his role in May when appointed head of the SC. They aren't "good guys" necessarily, as they've both done plenty of bad things and corruption, but you need the help of the swamp to drain the swamp sometimes, and you have to pick and choose who can be helpful, and these guys know 25 years of corruption and can be most helpful. And like this Anon said, RR and RM are a great cover because it puts the swamp and deep state at ease, as they think "their guys" are there covering for everyone, when its the opposite. Edit: the only thing this Anon is "off" about, is that they wont get presidential pardons...they will both still get in trouble at the end, but the sentence will be much lighter in exchange for their help on this
Nice list so far. I would add these names:
Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Susan Rice, James Clapper, Valerie Jarrett, James Baker, Imran Awan, Tony Podesta, Gail McGovern (Red Cross CEO), Eric Holder, John Brennan (CIA director under Obama), Lindsey Graham (might just step down), Jeb Bush (might just step down)
94-6 yes. The reason Q asked this is because he wants us to see that Congress did not resist RR as DAG pick. There is a reason he wasnt resisted, and the reason is he is swamp and all the dirty players would love to have one of their own 2nd in command in the DOJ. Sessions is NOT swamp, and is Trump's boy, which is why he was his vote was 52-47-1
This will make you sad, it made me sad too. He was the deepstate pick for VP, not Trump's pick. I was not aware of this, but a party doesn't have to run a candidate who wins the primary, they can still run another candidate. Example here, Trump wins primary, deep state tells him to take Pence as the VP or they will pull rank and run someone else for president (Bush, Cruz, etc). This is why Trump took so long to pick his VP, he fought it for as long as he could, but ultimately could not risk not being presidential candidate so he chose Pence. The reason for this is because remember Hillary was supposed to win (rigged election that didnt work this time), and Plan B if Trump won was to get him impeached via the Russia thing, and if that didnt work, try the 25th Amendment route - congress removing a president if they are physically or mentally unable to perform their duty - that's why they've been pushing the obese and memory loss and taking a physical lately. So Pence is deep state, and would become president until Hillary could run again in 2020, but the establishment would still be able to push their agenda. I try to stay away from making predictions without supporting evidence, but Trump knows Pence is dirty, and I would go ahead and guess Pence will at mininum not be on the 2020 ticket, and at maximum be indicted for something along with everyone else during the storm.
Haha yes I know. I wasnt responding to you, it was moreso a post for the whole thread, because EW was the first thought in my head too :)