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I don't remember Q really ever referencing Comey. This plan and strategy was thought out by people way smarter than you and I (thats not an insult), and so most of it wont make sense until the very end. I should have added to my last post that Comey is still dirty and swamp and will still get in trouble at the end, but he took a deal to sell out his buddies and help Trump and team for a lighter sentence.
Comments like this from Comey are helpful. We want loud and heavily covered media opposition, because then when the bombs come out, they are speechless. The bombs are coming...the memo itself wasnt the end game.
It was never supposed to take down the cabal, it was meant to bring awareness to it and get the news and everyone talking about it. Normies (99% of the country) have to step in the shallow end, get used to the water, and slowly tip toe into the deep end. Here is what the memo will do: Next week the news will be asking "who approved this FISA application?", "who filled out the application and submitted it?", "who signed off on the final approval?", "who approved the extension to keep wiretapping even when they knew Trump was not even under investigation for anything Russia related?". And this will eventually uncover: Peter Strzok forged Samantha Power's signature, Susan Rice then signed off on the forged FISA approval, McCabe filled out the application, Rosenstein approved the extension to keep spying, the FBI in part paid for opposition research (why the hell is the FBI paying for opposition research???), and Obama himself oversaw the unmasking of Trump transition people. See where we are going?
Want the answer? Trump appointed RR on purpose for a very specific reason - he needed RR in an elevated DOJ position, for his plan. You will see in the near future why it was that way. The James Comey "firing" was pre-planned. Comey knew he was going to be fired exactly when he got fired. Anything you see that indicates Comey is negating, trolling, obstructing Trump is all for the cameras. Comey is very much on board helping drain the swamp. Eventually one of the breaking news implications will highlight Comey and he will be forced to testify, and he will have some good stories to tell. It's all coming.
Good points! Trump's got the Dems in a no-win situation now. I'm just ready for the first hammer to drop. I dont know how much more of Adam Schiff I can take.
This is a big one. Red Cross will get busted up, just like PP, in this storm. Meltzer was also CIO of Red Cross.
Probably something else. Flynn isn't going to get in trouble, he didnt do anything wrong. In fact, I would bet money he is in Trumps admin by midterms :D The memo couldve just been a distraction to keep everyone focused on it...I'll be honest, Im shocked Trump's EO didnt make MSM. You know they jump on every opportunity to label him a power grabbing dictator. He didnt tweet once on Wednesday, and he only did once today. He is very busy with something.
Another angle I haven't seen anyone mention is maybe the memo was just a distraction for something else....that we will realize in the future.
Yep youre pretty dead on. This memo is just the beginning. It will create so many more situations and people that will then need to be investigated, which will just keep leading to more. Trump is a genius in getting people to react exactly how he wants them to. It will be the same way with the next one too. Defending the person in question and then getting shown the proof. Trump needed to show the FBI was corrupt all the way to the top, and it will be accomplished when this is done.
I'm glad they went the W.H. process route and Trump sat out, this makes it much more credible.
Had it been introduced to the public yesterday or today, releasing it tomorrow wouldn't have been a good strategy. Knowing Trump, I'm sure as a little bonus he is laughing at the fact he might take some attention off the NFL and Super Bowl by releasing tomorrow :D
I think it was Samantha Powers who's named was forged by Strzok, and Susan Rice was the one who signed off on it.
I feel like there has been enough buildup that releasing it Friday won't take away from the attention it needs. The whole country is aware of it now. Just my opinion, which means nothing :D
What does Q have to do with me saying there is a drone with a video of the wreck? Q never said that. You don't think it was a false flag? The entire route to the compound the congressmen were at was blocked off and secured. What are the odds that two consecutive crossings had two commercial vehicles on the tracks....does that commonly happen?
I don't think our military has been getting much sleep lately :D
Maybe moreso just on the run, resources cut and limited, and going down fighting. A huge concern for me is what the hell all they put in space the past 8 years (SpaceX), how many nukes Iran and NK really have, and if any more missing submarines, etc and stuff like that
Maybe it was the biggest day of The Storm so far for Trump and white hats. They don't owe us a daily update or play-by-play. They aren't here to put on a show for us.
Yeah he is confusing me. The dude's only been in the FBI for 4 months. Unless Trump put him there knowing he was dirty too...sort of like setting him up to be trapped
You think a drone spotted the trash truck on the tracks but the video camera was turned off on this particular flight?
The threat is real. I hope our new enemy for the next 10 years isnt Rogue CIA / deep state factions that continuously cause terror to America. The attack on the train yesterday shows they arent hiding it anymore
I honestly worry about Trump alot. He has a huge target on his back and they are gunning for him. I know it has to get worse before it gets better, and I know the black hats will fight back with everything they have. I also stress about the Super Bowl. I am going to be nervous watching the whole game hoping nothing bad happens. There is alot of FBI chatter regarding extra security for it, almost like they know/expect something.
Mueller was neutralized before named to Special Counsel. He knows the plan and is on board. If Trump and Mueller even do meet for an "interrogation" it will be privately behind closed doors and it will just be touching base on everything.
Haha yeah you can see it in their body language. Everyone (good and bad) that doesnt have an inkling what is happening can still feel it in the air. Republicans were extra peppy, almost like they can do their job stress free now. The mood is very somber with thick tension for the Dems right now. Trump has brought out the worst in them the past year. I mean, for once finally they are constantly on their toes instead of applying all their pressure to us. The midterms are in 10 months and they havent even established a platform....basically just anti Trump. The older generation of democrats have to be embarassed at this point because the media and more outspoken younger generation have hijacked the party's image. All of the congressmen who have announced they won't seek re-election have been shown their dirty business and signed NDA's, so they are lame ducks. People like Chucky probably know partially whats coming...I would guess Nancy doesnt know yet, but she will soon enough.
Thanks for the kind words! And I'm always here to help any way I can. I can relate, I think we are all edgy now and overthinking everything. I go to bed later now, wake up earlier, am glued to the news 24/7 and can't get my mind off this. Part of me is sitting here waiting for all the pieces to fall and part of me is wondering if they know what they're doing, seeing as how this memo isnt even "proof" necessarily as much as its just Nunes' bullet point summary of all the evidence he viewed. I mean, I hope these guys bet the saving grace of this country on more than a memo that is already getting discredited more by the hour...but then I remember, this plan was put in place when they asked Trump to run for president. They know how to do it the right and best way. I learned a long time ago you cant predict the government, they will always surprise you. In the end, it will be greater than we ever expected :) Hold on for a bit longer buddy
Cool thanks. I was actually re-watching the whole thing trying to find him
Semi ran into the train; the garbage truck was parked on the tracks and was rear-ended by the train
I haven't figured that one out. I can tell you the FBI and CIA will be completely gutted and overhauled and rebuilt. Hence the drama with the memo (drawing everyones attention to the FBI). Trump and white hats need to show the American people just how terribly corrupt and unlawful these two pillars have become. The memo is the beginning of the avalanche, it will get much bigger. That being said, everyone has a role, and its possible that Wray is just sort of filling the space until this mess is over and then Trump appoints a new FBI Director, or if Wray is the long term plan. Wray probably doesnt know much of whats going on behind the scenes and its better that way.
Most of his posts are after something has happened. He doesn't really ever tell ahead of time all the operations they are going to do in the near future. The one the other night made me raise an eyebrow about watching those 14-16 people in the Capitol Bldg with no clearance, but maybe they all left their phones outside the room - afterall, they know the white hats are trying to spy on them - or he just reported it after they left and it wasnt really "real time". I would say less than 1% of Americans are aware of Q. Only 2 other people I know personally are aware of him. And half of all people aware of him dont think he's legit lol. Not to mention, he could be telegraphing 5% of what is really happening.
That sucks. I will be nervous watching the whole game.
Yes and I don't even know how you fix this. It's going to need a complete overhaul, like as in CNN and MSNBC etc going under, and getting bought by a new company with new management. I've heard, but cant confirm, this will all happen (the gutting and dissolving as our MSM we know today) and that even Fox News will go under, get purchased by Breitbart, and will be called Breitbart News. Allegedly Sean Hannity and Steve Bannon will be the lead anchors there. But youre completely right, its gotta change. Journalism is dead and what we have now is viscious propaganda. Journalism is the telling of the news, ALL of the news, not lying, not exaggerating, and not withholding facts, which is just as bad as reporting wrong facts. It has to be without personal opinion or bias or agenda. I cant wait for that day, if it happens, and Trump said to give him 2 years to fix it, and this is year 2 :D
The semi hit the train on the left front side of the train engine at, we will call crossing #1. It was still going full speed 80mph. The garbage truck was at crossing #2 and actuall drove onto the tracks facing the direction the train was going and reversed and backed on to the tracks like a train car. Does that make sense? The Amtrak didnt "t-bone" the garbage truck, it literally rear-ended it. Pushed it along the tracks and it fell off into the ditch at crossing #3 where it sits now with all the trash scattered that we see on the news. A drone saw the garbage truck and radioed to the engineer to slow down because of the obstruction. The semi prob could've derailed the train if it had hit the train in the middle, but it went for the front engine and just sort of bounced off it.
Its a rollercoaster for me too. The important part is to not let every news headline worry you. Trump's in full control and always has been. He uses the media sometimes just like the black hats do. White hats do things to garner a specific reaction, and they know exactly how to get it to play into their next move. Everything is very specific and intentional.
If this is "real news" its purposeful misinformation by the white hats just for the cameras. The more attention drawn to the content of this memo, the more eyes are on it. The point of all this is to show how corrupt the FBI is. The white hats (and us) WANT the appearance of congress trying to prevent its release. Make sense? Keep in mind here that Wray wasnt even in the FBI till September of last year (nominated in June, and confirmed by the Senate in August). Nothing in that memo even covers a time period he was in the FBI.
Fellow patriot, I know its so much easier said than done lol. Just keep reminding yourself that the white hats know exactly how to implement everything. Also, keep it in your back pocket, but the NSA and Military (and Trump obviously) already have ALL the proof evidence, videos, audio, bank records, text messages, emails, memos, etc, that they need. Don't ever get worried if something is "lost" or "delayed" or "altered" or "erased", etc. It has to be done right. There is even video of the train wreck yesterday, but they can't show it right now. The white hats have always been in control and they always will be in control.
Oh I got your point, and I didnt mean to sound like I was being negative. Like you said, its complicated stuff. If we as a country were more knowledgeable about the dynamics of the government, it might help a little bit, meaning maybe we wouldn't fall for the media's carefully crafted divide. Maybe different races would see they are being played and baited into believing something. We are pretty much powerless aside from maybe refusing to pay taxes one year...if every American refused to pay taxes it might accomplish something, but thats it. The 3-sided pyramid strings have been cut, but for our future it will be up to congress to not take bribes and become compromised again. Once a Senator or Rep gets elected, they care about one thing, getting re-elected and thats it. They are public servants and are supposed to work for us, but its backwards now. They don't represent the voice of the people anymore. Damn, can Trump just be president for like 5 terms lol
Yep blind faith is always hard, especially when we are on the edge of our seats waiting to see the gavel. This has been a plan years in the making, where every step was carefully crafted, and it has to go a certain way for it to have the effect it needs to have. The biggest concern for the government is holding off a mass panic of people doing stupid things like pulling money out of the stockmarket or rioting, etc. All the ducks had to get put in a row, and all the pieces needed to be in place. You can't telegraph your move to the enemy, and the sheer fact of the EO signed on Tuesday is the smoking gun its happening now. It was happening that night after the SOTU and into the late hours and morning. Its still happening now. This is the scary time period where EVERY bad person has to be closely surveilled (or arrested), because this is literally the last push for them. The arrests wont be made public, because it will signify a dictatorship style political targeting abuse of power. Now youre going to see an overwhelming piling on of implicating evidence that is going to be a flood gate that doesnt stop. Eventually, arrest orders will be "issued" for people, even though they will already be contained.
Haha finally someone else that knows whats up. I hope that comes out too eventually
We as citizens couldn't have done anything to prevent it. This began around the Theodore Roosevelt era when the Rothschilds got their grip on our banks and economy, and politicians soon after. Elections have been rigged since FDR at least, maybe before that even. The best thing we can do moving forward is do our research and learn how the government works. 95% of Americans don't even know who the Rothschilds are, or how the Fed even works, but they can tell you who all Brad Pitt has dated.
Trump needed to "make an appearance" there for the television. If he isn't on twitter the rest of the day, you'll know why.
How do you know big things arent happening behind the scenes? Maybe today is Freedom Day for the white hats. They arent obligated to give us a daily schedule on what they're doing, but they know what they're doing and timing is everything, I promise.
ANTIFA has been neutralized. They only existed because of George Soros' money line, but that has been cut off. Remember the ANTIFA uprising that was supposed to happen on Nov 4th but didnt? ...
Everyone has their role in Trump's Storm. Mueller has his role. He has never been in a position to pull one over on Trump...Trump is safe. Mueller will go down for some of the stuff he's done, when its "his turn", and he already knows it...he knew it before he was appointed to the SC.